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Advice from a friend

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Seaman Apprentice

Joined: 14 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:09 pm    Post subject: Advice from a friend Reply with quote

Upfront disclosure: I'd be voting against John Kerry without the SBVTs issues, even tho my libertarian political views generally cause me to dislike both party's candidates and to frequently refrain from voting at all. 9/11 was a wake-up call for me and caused me to subordinate my domestic concerns to foreign policy-- I want Islamic jihadists to believe we have a "cowboy" as Commander in Chief. Nuff said about all that.

At first, when the Swift vets "stuff" was first wafting through the blogosphere, I dismissed it as probably a few lone nuts blathering attacks on Kerry's service, attacks which could seriously backfire and harm Bush. While backfire is still a concern of mine, I have, in the last week, done a complete turn-about in my assessment of the bulk of the Swiftees claims and their overall credibility.

I'd like to share what made the difference for me, and suggest what should be Swiftee focus now, including in upcoming ads.

First, Xmas in Cambodia really made me sit up and take notice. The man simply and utterly lied about an event that was "seared, seared" into his memory. (How many Nam vets who spent only one Xmas there, do not recall how they spent that day away from family?) He used this lie for political advantage, as recently as '86. The Swiftees got him there, and it gives them a big boost in credibility.

Second, he will not fill out that form -- is it a Form 180? -- and release all of his service records. Why? Ask that, in ads. If those records do not comport with the stories he is telling about his various medals and war activities, do we not have a right to know that? If they do comport, then what has he to fear. Put him on the defensive: "Senator, will you sign Form 180?

That all said, I remain very nervouse about broad attacks on his courage and honorable service. That has the potential to really, really turn off the public. Further, there are quotes "out there" from SBVTs that ratify Kerry as having honorbaly served in general.

But the public "gets it" when politicians refuse to disclose their relevant information. They don't like it. Keep hammering at that, as well as the ever-evolving retrenchments about Cambodia, during Xmas and otherwise.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mona, thanks for your post. I feel exactly the same way.

Cambodia is blatant lie. Atrocities as common occurrence are blatant lies.

Not signing a form that would corroborate your side of the story and could put a fork in your accusers is a very suspicious position to take.

These issues should be pounded. Remember James Carville for Bill Clinton. "The worst economy in fifty years" and "it's the economy stupid" ?

We need to take one out their playbook. Have Kerry testifying he was 5 miles inland on Xmas and now saying maybe not. Then keep asking him to sign the form followed by "What is John Kerry afraid of - maybe the truth".
The war against terrorism is not that Americans might die rather that we would alter our way of living. If we get to a point where we choose not to go out because of fear, our economy will sink and in the end so will our nation. Vote Bush.
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 07 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Amen to this!

Nothing can be more damaging to Kerry at this point, but to publically challenge him to release all his military records, and point out that he PROMISED that he would.

If he doesn't, he looks like he's hiding something, and if he does, well, then the truth comes out. We can't lose either way.

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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ben thank you for your reply.

As I read this board I see many discussing what to do to further the SBVT message, and talk about organizing at the grassroots and getting local media attention. Good, but also possibly dangerous.

By both professional training and my own PR activities on behalf of several causes, I know what to avoid doing with the media. No doubt John O'Neill does as well. But others whose hearts are merely in the right place could unwittingly set back the cause, keeping in mind that they are dealing with a mostly hostile media who will seldom cut them any slack.

I fret about the times I've seen Kerry called a "coward" here. He may be, but words and attacks like that should not be part of SBVT PR tools. It is an opinion, and not a matter of fact, and does not put Kerry on the defensive; rather, it can be used by a an unfriendly media to make the SBTVs look like mean-spirited jackasses.

What would work is something along these lines: "There is a strong question that John Kerry set off a grenade and inadvertently wounded himself for his Purple Heart. His service records would likely shed light on that, but he refuses to release all of them." Or: "We know Kerry's commander refused to recommend him for a Purple Heart, yet he got it. Did he recommend himself? John Kerry's service records would likely shed light on that question, but he refuses to release them." He refuses to release them, over and over and over again.

That Kerry is hiding something, that he has relevant documents in these disputes which he won't make available, that is something even the most hardcore pro-Kerry journalist is going to feel torn about not reporting. Journalists do not like it when politicians withhold stuff.

SBVTs should avoid characterizing Kerry, as a coward or anything else, and focus on FACTS, where they are disputed, and that Kerry has service records that would almost certainly speak to these disputes. (Prolly best to also avoid factual disputes that would not be addressed by Kerry's records.) That, and SBVTs can continue to drive home that Xmas-in-Cambodia is already one issue where SBVT credibility has been shown.

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Joined: 10 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good advice, Mona.

We are working on maintaining our focus and improving our outreach without inhibiting the exchange of information that is so vital to our cause.
Your thoughts are appreciated.
"If he believes his 1971 indictment of his country and his fellow veterans was true, then he couldn't possibly be proud of his Vietnam service."
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree-Great advice!
Mr. Kerry continues to hang himself with his falsehoods. We need NOT call him LIAR and COWARD.
We do need to write our local 'letters to the editor' and merely ask questions about Mr. Kerry's statements and his 'seeming' refusal to substantiate and/or back up his stories and statements with PROOF.
Ron Bourne
Proud to be former Marine Northern I Corps Jan 68-Feb69
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