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Chronwatch.com Discredits Boston Globe & Michael Kranish

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Rear Admiral

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:10 am    Post subject: Chronwatch.com Discredits Boston Globe & Michael Kranish Reply with quote

Chronwatch.com Discredits Boston Globe & Michael Kranish!

Boston Globe's Michael Kranish Complains to ChronWatch
Written by the ChronWatch Founder, Jim Sparkman
Thursday, August 19, 2004

ChronWatch received a call yesterday from Boston Globe reporter Michael Kranish, who has been in the news recently in stories that link him to the Kerry campaign. Naturally, a reporter for a major newspaper tries to avoid such connections that raise such serious questions of journalistic ethics.

Kranish complained to ChronWatch that an article by Sam Wells contained information about Kranish that he said was untrue. Specifically, Kranish vehemently denied Wells's comment that he was a paid campaign worker for the Kerry campaign. We at ChronWatch have no reason to believe otherwise, and we have removed that quote from the Wells's article.

However, there is ample reason for eyebrows to be raised over other connections between Kranish and the Kerry campaign. The story starts on a note that the Boston Globe itself promoted. A team of the newspaper's reporters wrote an in-depth profile of Kerry for the Globe. The reporters then expanded that into a full-length biography of Kerry. The Globe and the publisher then touted the book as written by ''Boston Globe reporters who know him best.'' Oh, well, you can write a biography about a guy without developing a bias, I suppose. We’ll let that one pass.

Then came the item written by Kranish for the Globe claiming that one of the members of the ''Swift Boat Veterans for Truth'' had repudiated his anti-Kerry statement. But the Swifties did not back down, and they posted an affidavit from the veteran claiming that the Kranish story was a lie. The Globe stuck by its story. This is getting confusing.

Then Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report got into the act by reporting that Kranish had written the introduction to a Kerry campaign book, ''Our Plan for America: Stronger at Home, Respected in the World.'' The Globe acknowledges this, but claims that the project was in no way connected to the Kerry campaign. Sure! It seems it was listed at the publisher’s bookstore, Public Affairs, as the official Kerry-Edwards campaign book. Getting more confused?

Little Green Footballs.com, a popular blog site, then reported that Amazon.com showed on its site that Kranish was the author of the book. As of now, however, the listing at both Public Affairs and Amazon.com has been sanitized to remove all mention of Kranish. Little Green Footballs noted on August 8 that Barnes & Noble still had the Kranish accreditation as the author. A check today of the B&N site shows that Kranish has also been purged from that book chain’s write-up.

Would you believe that the Globe, Kranish, and the Kerry campaign all claim that Kranish was not involved? We are asked to believe that the publisher, Public Affairs, just got all mixed up in its credits while producing the dust jacket cover, shown below:


Now I am as confused as the Kerry campaign. How about you?.
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Son Of The Godfather

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now THAT'S comedy!
"Which candidate would enemies of the United States prefer to see in the White House?"
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Rear Admiral

Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

it would be funny if they were not peddling advocacy and bias as News. Creating Stories that Sell is a job for Marketing Geeks, not for supposed Journalists
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