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bjohnson Seaman Recruit
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 49
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:56 pm Post subject: The fact that SwiftVet web site is still here... |
The fact that SwiftVet web site is still here shows me that Senator Kerry is, for whatever reasons, missing a golden opportunity to prove to the nation his leadership abilities and negotiation skills. Instead of showing his leadership abilities by initiating a sincere effort to put the facts on the table and find some common ground to reconcile things with his former group of soldiers, the men he fought side by side with, Kerry continues to think that belligerence and character attacks are the means to a solution for this controversy.
The Swift Boat Vets could be lying about Kerry for all I know. However, I intuitively think they are being up-front about Kerry and are willing to go to this trouble to protect the country from...John Kerry's reality distortion field which they evidently perceive to be a dangerous thing for the country. Again, Kerry's tit-for-tat response to Swift Vets so far does not reflect the kind of diplomatic polish, in my opinion, that I'd expect from a strong world leader. Although I'd otherwise be willing to turn my head from Kerry's dirty laundry (and everybody has dirty laundry) because he is a war hero, his reaction to Swift Vets so far is really what I'd expect from a spoiled brat in an adult body -- but certainly not from the President of the USA.
Thank You |
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Scott Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 24 May 2004 Posts: 1603 Location: Massachusetts
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:01 pm Post subject: |
I agree completely; Kerry's response to the Swiftvets' accusations has been politically incompetent. He's proving right now that he lacks the judgement to be an effective leader.
I recommend you keep browsing around here; there's a lot more "bad judgement" on Kerry's part to be found. _________________ Bye bye, Boston Straggler! |
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sdonions PO3
Joined: 21 Jul 2004 Posts: 294
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:06 pm Post subject: |
And that is a home run. He is acting like a Democratic Elitist and if he is unwilling to show the diplomacy when dealing with citizens of this country, what is he going to do with the world (besides giving the UN free reign of the US.) |
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good_show Seaman Recruit
Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 20
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:07 pm Post subject: |
Just give Kerry a day or two and he will change is mind. Watch for him to apologize for his antiwar rhetoric before he doesn't apologize for his antiwar rhetoric.  _________________ "Kerry is a Ghenghis Khan man." |
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neverforget Vice Admiral
Joined: 18 Jul 2004 Posts: 875
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:10 pm Post subject: |
I'm sorry, I agree with some of what you've written and its main thrust, I do not believe he is a "war hero" for the following reasons:
1. Most, if not all, true heroes do not toot their own horn;
2. If you read "Unfit For Command" it is very clear that his actions did not rise to the level of "war hero;"
3. Again, reading the book and reading the self-aggrandizing stuff in his "war diaries" that he supplied to Brinkley for "Tour of Duty" cannot be reconciled.
He cannot reconcile with those who do not want him to be president, because he would have to drop out of the race, resign from the Senate, and apologize to all those who served with him---ever---and to those who served in any of our military forces---ever--and never---ever---seek public office again.
That's my personal belief and I am speaking for no one but myself. |
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jataylor11 Vice Admiral
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 856 Location: Woodbridge, Virginia
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:13 pm Post subject: |
Excellent point --- how will a President Kerry reconcile and improve Amercia's relationship with our "allies" who are mad at us if he can't reconcile his relationship with 250 SwiftBoat Vets????  |
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notjfk Seaman Recruit
Joined: 15 Aug 2004 Posts: 37
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:21 pm Post subject: |
I still don't understand why there is not more being raised about his inabliity to be President - or a Senator - from the CONSTITUTION! He gave "aid or comfort" to an enemy during a time of war (when he met with the leaders of the VC during the war, as their chief ally in the US. Why is this not being raised? _________________ -Vietnam Vets For Truth -T-Shirts, etc. |
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stylin19 Lt.Jg.
Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 122
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:35 pm Post subject: |
Why doesn't Sen. Kerry make his own corrections/retractions ?
His CAMPAIGN puts out the word about:
- Not in Cambodia
- PH #1 is now self-incflicted
I'll answer my own question: Sen. Kerry is gutless.
I'm guessing there is an "ad" in there somewhere.
Hiding behind his campaign spokespeople. _________________ U.S.M.C. - 1969-1971
RVN- 1970-1971 |
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ord33 Rear Admiral
Joined: 11 Aug 2004 Posts: 670 Location: Ohio
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:44 pm Post subject: |
I wonder what level of security clearance Sen. Kerry would get today (knowing of the FBI investigations, meeting with leaders in Paris, etc.) if he were a civilian, and not running for president? |
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Belisaurius Seaman Recruit
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 38 Location: Bronx NY
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:55 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | I still don't understand why there is not more being raised about his inabliity to be President - or a Senator - from the CONSTITUTION! He gave "aid or comfort" to an enemy during a time of war (when he met with the leaders of the VC during the war, as their chief ally in the US. Why is this not being raised/ |
Because we never formally declared war, so legally, he couldn't be charged giving "aid or comfort" to an enemy. I could be misreading the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
Don't worry though, he'll get his comeuppance for what he has done.[/list] _________________ "I am Johnny Kerry and I approved this message before I didn't approve this message and after I decided it was just another smear" |
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Fabius Cunctator Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 84 Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:03 pm Post subject: |
stylin19 wrote: | Why doesn't Sen. Kerry make his own corrections/retractions ?
His CAMPAIGN puts out the word about:
- Not in Cambodia
- PH #1 is now self-incflicted
I'll answer my own question: Sen. Kerry is gutless.
I'm guessing there is an "ad" in there somewhere.
Hiding behind his campaign spokespeople. |
You got that right. I just can't understand how he can think he could fill the Oval Office, the way he hides, behind his lawyers, behind his various spokesmouths in his campaign, behind Teresa's skirts, etc. We all know what it's like to be a leader, whether commissioned officer or NCO. There are times when you have to stand alone and take a decision (not a poll). People may get killed, but there is a mission there to accomplish. Or as one of my infantry instructors used to say 30 years ago at TBS, "what now, Lieutenant???"
But, that's two proven lies in his persona......and a few weeks ago, we didn't even have that.
Got to keep the pressure on; no stopping til victory....
Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
USMCR – 1974 to the present.
"Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum; qui victoriam cupit, milites inbuat diligenter; qui secundos optat eventus, dimicet arte, non casu. Nemo provocare, nemo audet offendere quem intellegit superiorem esse, si pugnet." - F. Vegetii Renati Epitoma Rei Militaris, AD 380 |
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Dingbat Ensign
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 50 Location: Eastern NC (as far east as you can get)
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:11 pm Post subject: |
Re Quote: | Or as one of my infantry instructors used to say 30 years ago at TBS, "what now, Lieutenant???" |
Dang, I had forgotten that pearl heard so many times at the Ft Benning School for Wayward Boys. Thanks for the memories! Steve _________________ Kerry...Hanoi Jane...Murtha: same-same
1/101st ABN Song Be 3/82d ABN Phu Bai. |
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fortdixlover Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 12 May 2004 Posts: 1476
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:20 pm Post subject: Re: The fact that SwiftVet web site is still here... |
jataylor11 wrote: | Excellent point --- how will a President Kerry reconcile and improve Amercia's relationship with our "allies" who are mad at us if he can't reconcile his relationship with 250 SwiftBoat Vets????  |
This is a fantastic point.
bjohnson wrote: | The fact that SwiftVet web site is still here shows me that Senator Kerry is, for whatever reasons, missing a golden opportunity to prove to the nation his leadership abilities and negotiation skills. Instead of showing his leadership abilities by initiating a sincere effort to put the facts on the table and find some common ground to reconcile things with his former group of soldiers, the men he fought side by side with, Kerry continues to think that belligerence and character attacks are the means to a solution for this controversy. |
Paraphrasing NRO's Rich Lowry, a Civil War is now underway between Kerry and the SwiftVets.
And Kerry isn't exactly a General Grant or a General Lee.
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napnip Ensign
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 63
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:44 pm Post subject: |
Just for the sake of argument, let's for a moment say that Kerry is right and the SBVfT accusations are completely false and without merit. (I don't believe that, but just for a moment let's have that hypothetical situation.)
That still doesn't change the fact that a group of veterans are upset with Kerry, and instead of using gentle words to try and make things right with them, Kerry immediately lashes out. Even if Kerry were in the right, he, being a presidential candidate, should use better judgement and try to minimize the damage, not to mention the hard feelings towards him.
If I were a politician and had a group of people pissed off at me, even if I were right and they were wrong, I would still try to come to some sort of agreement with them and find some common ground. I would try to sooth them and reassure them that I was not their enemy.
But has Kerry done this? No. He's resorted to lashing out.
But as it is, IMHO, the SBVfT are competely right and truthful in their accusations against Kerry. Kerry indeed is a traitorous piece of garbage who will stab his own military brothers in the back if he thinks it will further his political career.
I have no idea if Kerry will see my post, though no doubt he has his lackeys monitoring these boards. My message for Kerry is this:
Mr. Kerry, you are the lowest form of slime. Hell, you give slime a bad name. You have no shame, no honor, no decency, no moral values whatsoever. And those are your good points.
I would vote for a rotting piece of roadkill before I'd vote for John Kerry. _________________ "[John Galt] raised his hand and over the desolate earth he traced in space the sign of the dollar." - Atlas Shrugged |
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ASPB Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 1680
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:49 pm Post subject: |
Email it to him!  _________________
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB |
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