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Real_Patriot Seaman Recruit
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 19
Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:30 pm Post subject: Media Reaction to Swift Boat campaign |
Smear Boat Veterans for Bush
The "Swift boat" veterans attacking John Kerry's war record are led by veteran right-wing operatives using the same vicious techniques they used against John McCain four years ago.
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By Joe Conason
May 4, 2004 | The latest conservative outfit to fire an angry broadside against John Kerry's heroic war record is "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth," which today launches a campaign to brand the Democrat "unfit to serve as commander in chief." Billing itself as representing the "other 97 percent of veterans" from Kerry's Navy unit who don't support his presidential candidacy, the group insists that all presidential candidates must be "totally honest and forthcoming" about their military service.
These "swift boat vets" claim still to be furious about Kerry's 1971 Senate testimony against the war in which he spoke about atrocities in Indochina's "free fire zones." More than three decades later, facing the complicated truth about Vietnam remains difficult. But this group's political connections make clear that its agenda is to target the election of 2004.
Behind the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are veteran corporate media consultant and Texas Republican activist Merrie Spaeth, who is listed as the group's media contact; eternal Kerry antagonist and Dallas attorney John E. O'Neill, law partner of Spaeth's late husband, Tex Lezar; and retired Rear Adm. Roy Hoffman, a cigar-chomping former Vietnam commander once described as "the classic body-count guy" who "wanted hooches destroyed and people killed."
Spaeth told Salon that O'Neill first approached her last winter to discuss his "concerns about Sen. Kerry." O'Neill has been assailing Kerry since 1971, when the former Navy officer was selected for the role by Charles Colson, Richard Nixon's dirty-tricks aide. Spaeth heard O'Neill out, but told him, she says, that he "sounded like a crazed extremist" and should "button his lip" and avoid speaking with the press. But since Kerry clinched the Democratic nomination, Spaeth has changed her mind and decided to donate her public relations services on a "pro bono" basis to O'Neill's latest anti-Kerry effort. "About three weeks ago, four weeks ago," she said, the group's leaders "met in my office for about 12 hours" to prepare for their Washington debut.
Although not as well known as Karen Hughes, Spaeth is among the most experienced and best connected Republican communications executives. During the Reagan administration she served as director of the White House Office of Media Liaison, where she specialized in promoting "news" items that boosted President Reagan to TV stations around the country. While living in Washington she met and married Lezar, a Reagan Justice Department lawyer who ran for lieutenant governor of Texas in 1994 with George W. Bush, then the party's candidate for governor. (Lezar lost; Bush won.)
Through Lezar, who died of a heart attack last January, she met O'Neill, his law partner in Clements, O'Neill, Pierce, Wilson & Fulkerson, a Dallas firm. (It also includes Margaret Wilson, the former counsel to Gov. Bush who followed him to Washington, where she served for a time as a deputy counsel in the Department of Commerce.)
Spaeth's partisanship runs still deeper, as does her history of handling difficult P.R. cases for Republicans. In 1998, for example, she coached Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel, to prepare him for his testimony urging the impeachment of President Clinton before the House Judiciary Committee. She even reviewed videotapes of his previous television appearances to give him pointers about his delivery and demeanor. The man responsible for arranging her advice to Starr was another old friend of her late husband's, Theodore Olson, who was counsel to the right-wing American Spectator when it acted as a front for the dirty-tricks campaign against Clinton known as the Arkansas Project; he is now the solicitor general in the Bush Justice Department. (Olson also happens to be the godfather of Spaeth's daughter.)
In 2000, Spaeth participated in the most subterranean episode of the Republican primary contest when a shadowy group billed as "Republicans for Clean Air" produced television ads falsely attacking the environmental record of Sen. John McCain in California, New York and Ohio. While the identity of those funding the supposedly "independent" ads was carefully hidden, reporters soon learned that Republicans for Clean Air was simply Sam Wyly -- a big Bush contributor and beneficiary of Bush administration decisions in Texas -- and his brother, Charles, another Bush "Pioneer" contributor. (One of the Wyly family's private capital funds, Maverick Capital of Dallas, had been awarded a state contract to invest $90 million for the University of Texas endowment.)
When the secret emerged, spokeswoman Spaeth caught the flak for the Wylys, an experience she recalled to me as "horrible" and "awful." Her job was to assure reporters that there had been no illegal coordination between the Bush campaign and the Wyly brothers in arranging the McCain-trashing message. Not everyone believed her explanation, including the Arizona senator.
The veteran group's founder, Rear Adm. Roy Hoffmann, first gained notoriety in Vietnam as a strutting, cigar-chewing Navy captain. But it was O'Neill, by now a familiar figure on the Kerry-bashing circuit, who came to Spaeth for assistance.
Until now, Hoffmann has been best known as the commanding officer whose obsession with body counts and "scorekeeping" may have provoked the February 1969 massacre of Vietnamese civilians at Thanh Phong by a unit led by Bob Kerrey -- the Medal of Honor winner who lost a leg in Nam, became a U.S. senator from Nebraska and now sits on the 9/11 commission.
After journalist Gregory Vistica exposed the Thanh Phong massacre and the surrounding circumstances in the New York Times magazine three years ago, conservative columnist Christopher Caldwell took particular note of the cameo role played by Kerrey's C.O., who had warned his men not to return from missions without enough kills. "One of the myths due to die as a result of Vistica's article is that which holds the war could have been won sensibly and cleanly if the 'suits' back in Washington had merely left the military men to their own devices," Caldwell wrote. "In this light, one of the great merits of Vistica's article is its portrait of the Kurtz-like psychopath who commanded Kerrey's Navy task force, Capt. Roy Hoffmann."
Arguments about the war in Vietnam seem destined to continue forever. For now, however, the lingering bitterness and ambiguity of those days provide smear material against an antiwar war hero with five medals on behalf of a privileged Guardsman with a dubious duty record. The president's Texas allies -- whose animus against his Democratic challenger dates back to the Nixon era -- are now deploying the same techniques and personnel they used to attack McCain's integrity four years ago. Bush's "independent" supporters would apparently rather talk about the Vietnam quagmire than about his deadly incompetence in Iraq. |
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Real_Patriot Seaman Recruit
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 19
Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:31 pm Post subject: |
FOX exposed anti-Kerry vets' flip-flopping
As part of ongoing efforts to undermine Senator John Kerry's war record, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group founded to discredit Kerry's record during and after his service in Vietnam, held its first news conference on May 4. Also on that day, Media Matters for America released a report on the group's founder, John O'Neill -- also one of Kerry's strongest critics; the report documents O'Neill's participation in Republican efforts to smear Kerry dating back to the Nixon administration. The scrutiny that cable networks directed toward Kerry's critics throughout the day varied significantly; FOX News Channel provided in-depth coverage, including revealing that some of Kerry's present-day critics have, in the past, actually praised Kerry for his Vietnam service.
In many of the May 4 cable news reports, the partisan political backgrounds of the Swift Boat Vets were mentioned. CNN's afternoon news program, Live From..., described the group only as "Vietnam vets who formed a special purpose political action committee" and did not note O'Neill's or any other member's political affiliation. Later in the day, CNN senior political correspondent Candy Crowley reported on Inside Politics: "[T]he Kerry campaign points out there are Republicans here." Crowley also noted that the group's spokeswoman "is a Texas Republican who has contributed to the Bush campaign." On CNN's Crossfire, co-host James Carville also pointed to the Swift Boat Vets' Republican ties, as reported in Salon.com by Joe Conason in a May 4 article.
On MSNBC's Scarborough Country, host Joe Scarborough mentioned criticism of O'Neill's "dirty tricks" for the Nixon administration and asked if O'Neill was doing it again for the Bush campaign. MSNBC's Lester Holt Live showed a clip of Michael Meehan, Kerry presidential campaign adviser, criticizing the Swift Boat Veterans for their partisan attacks on Kerry and noting that a number of Kerry's crewmembers in Vietnam have praised his service. An afternoon report on MSNBC's daily news show, MSNBC Live, noted only that the Kerry campaign is "of course putting up veterans who disagree" with Kerry's critics. The broadcast omitted any information on individual members of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, whom the program identified as "a group of former Navy swift boat commanders and personnel many of whom served with Kerry in Vietnam."
FOX News Channel pushed harder on the credibility of some of the group's members. On several shows throughout the afternoon and evening, including Special Report with Brit Hume, FOX News Channel chief political correspondent Carl Cameron provided substantial background on some key Kerry critics. Cameron reported that the veterans held a news conference "essentially to trash [Kerry]" and that much of their criticism "dramatically conflicts with the public record." Cameron stated, "Senator Kerry has released most of his military records and for the most part, they are a glowing detail of his military service." Not only does their criticism conflict with what The New York Times described in an April 22 article as Kerry's "uniformly positive" evaluations included in his military records, but, as Cameron also reported, their criticism is inconsistent with statements previously made by many of the Swift Boat Vets themselves. Cameron reported that in 1968, Kerry critic Grant W. Hibbard,[1] a lieutenant commander in Vietnam during Kerry's tour:
... described Kerry in various favorable ways, as quote, "One of the top few in his willingness to seek and accept responsibility." Captain George Elliot, who served in Vietnam at the same time Kerry did, condemns Kerry now for touting his service in a war that Kerry later protested. ... But in '96, Elliot and other critics of today, praised him for going after the enemy.
Beyond pointing out the inconsistent statements by some of Kerry's critics, Cameron also reported that Democrats say that "many of them ... have become Republicans ... who have supported the Bush campaigns in Texas, have been close friends of the Bush family both in politics and business." Cameron stated on Special Report with Brit Hume, "The GOP says it's not involved with the veterans criticizing Kerry, but many of them are Republicans who have contributed to and backed various Bush campaigns and causes over the decades."
On FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes, co-host Alan Colmes challenged the credibility of the Swift Boat Vets. Colmes noted that Swift Boat Vets leader O'Neill did not serve in Vietnam with Kerry; rather, as O'Neill told Colmes, "I actually took his boat over, but about two months after he [Kerry] left." Colmes also draws attention to the flip-flopping nature of the comments made about Kerry by several group members. Colmes questioned O'Neill who appeared on the show:
Here is what Grant Hubbard [sic], who's now part of your group, here's what he had to say back then about John Kerry. And he signed -- let's put it up on the screen -- a report on Kerry. He said on initiative, one of the top few. Cooperation, one of the top few. Personal behavior, one of the top few. Why would he say that then and now be supporting you now?
Colmes further probed:
Let me show you the report of George Elliott, who also graded John Kerry in Vietnam. Here's what was said. Here's what he said. "In a combat environment often requiring independent, decisive action, Lieutenant Junior Grade Kerry was unsurpassed. LTJG Kerry emerges as the acknowledged leader in his peer group. His bearing and appearance are above reproach." That's a report of officer fitness from 1969 by George Elliott, who also graded Kerry. How do you account for that? Do you want to claim that everybody now is saying what you're saying? It's clearly not true.
Colmes went on to say to O'Neill, "You haven't explained to me how the very people who you claim are supporting you now had these superlative things to say about John Kerry back in the day when he was serving in Vietnam. I don't understand the discrepancy. Maybe you could explain it."
O'Neill answered by saying, "Sure. They were hardly superlative. If you look at John Kerry rated ... as a member of a group, you'll find that virtually everybody in the group got the same ones. Commander Hibbard, related generally, graded John Kerry as not observed. So you take that two or three items and ignored the not observed item on there."
Colmes replied, "[E]verything he did observe him on he was superlative."
O'Neill responded: "Yes, and mostly it was not observed." |
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Ex-Military Capitalist Seaman Recruit
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 7
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:15 am Post subject: Kerry is a coward |
Us little people are getting the picture.
He got a boo-boo, and got out. Four months.
Then went anti-war, and lied about everything.
Including his medals thrown "over the fence."
He got a purple Heart for a small piece of something, extracted from his skin, and used the three-purple-hearts-and-your-out technicality.
He is a coward.
Four months. What a wuss. _________________ John Kerry got a bandaid for his boo-boo, and put himself in for a Purple Heart. |
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JasonBinPNW Ensign
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 58 Location: Vancouver (not BC), Washington (Not DC)
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:49 am Post subject: |
That would explain exactly 3 of the not quite 200(?) signatures. Keep going. I'm just waiting for you to call the rest of them "sheep" or "ignorant followers" or something. _________________ Semper Fi!
Proud member of "The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" |
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reasonable Seaman Recruit
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 18 Location: Massachusetts
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 1:13 am Post subject: |
What a pantload - Conason launching a broadside against the participants instead of reporting on the event itself. He calls Rear Adm. Roy Hoffman "the classic body-count guy" who "wanted hooches destroyed and people killed." I don't know where that came from, but I rather doubt that 19 out of 23 of Hoffman's superiors shared that opinion.
Kerry brought this upon himself 33 years ago. |
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SOnioins Seaman Recruit
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 10
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 1:41 am Post subject: |
Really should not be suprising that Conason did not report this but used it to further his liberal veiws. I watched the press conference late that evening and heard the liberal media attacking these vets.
One question....How is this group any different than the MoveOn.org people.
I applaude all the Swift Vets in standing up for what you believe in. |
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Spirit Seaman Recruit
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 8
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:21 am Post subject: A DECLARATION OF WAR |
http://www.spiritoftruth.org/swiftvets.htm _________________ God bless,
J. Adams
"It is a fact that in the entire Vietnam War we did not lose one major battle. We lost the war at home and at home John Kerry was the field general."
- Bob Elder, Swift Boat Veteran For Truth |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 6:12 am Post subject: |
What a disgrace that hundreds of people who served well and honorably in the same area and at the same time as John F'n Kerry were the recipients of such smear tactics in our media when they took their turns at the mike and told their stories.
If hundreds of former National Guardsmen from George Bush's former units popped up and said he was unfit to lead, how much differently would Dan Blather have covered that story? How much more respectable air time would it have gotten?
I was a young teenager when the Vietnam war was winding down - I was too young to stand up for these men and women when they came home to the filthy propaganda and lies thrown on their service.
John Kerry was a leader of the movement that made it socially acceptable to look upon Vietnam soldiers as sub-human, crazed drug addicts who committed mayhem as a matter of course.
I was too young, back then, but I am damn sure old enough and smart enough to stand with them, now. Letting this opportunistic turncoat win the election will stab a generation of soldiers in the back all over again.
We must NOT let this happen! _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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sparky Former Member
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 546
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 4:52 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | If hundreds of former National Guardsmen from George Bush's former units popped up and said he was unfit to lead, how much differently would Dan Blather have covered that story? How much more respectable air time would it have gotten? |
It would have been the story of the decade since we can't find even one person who says he served with Bush in Alabama when the Bush campaign says Bush was there. The funny thing is, if Bush had Kerry's Band of Brothers with him on the campaign trail, he'd be a shoe-in for a second term. But he ain't got no Band of Brothers, does he? Having a bunch of political celebrities from the Champaigne Unit of the Texas Air National Guard wouldn't work very well.
Quote: | John Kerry was a leader of the movement that made it socially acceptable to look upon Vietnam soldiers as sub-human, crazed drug addicts who committed mayhem as a matter of course. |
I hate to break it to you, but nowadays it's conservatives perpetuating that stereotype. If John Kerry isn't being called a "baby killer" by some rightwing kook, John McCain is whispered by Bush supporters to have been brainwashed by the N. Vietnamese and programmed to become president so he can turn the US communist. This, in addition to general accusations that he's nuts from his experiences in N. Vietnam.
http://www.politicsforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6809 for just one conservative calling Kerry a baby killer. I can find more...in one conference elsewhere that I participate in, one conservative just calls him "the baby killer" as much as he calls him "Kerry."
It would have been easier for Kerry to take the Bush route and just not show up after getting in the Guard and burning up a cool million in taxpayers money to train as a fighter pilot. At least nobody would be calling him a "baby killer" if he had. |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:05 pm Post subject: |
You're looking pretty desperate there.
I've never done that, but if I were to call John Kerry a "baby killer," it would be to mock his past statements about the atrocities that he committed.
When did he commit these war crimes, if he wasn't a renegage Rambo, off on his own?
Apparently, he left the company of his fellow Swifties quite often and went out on patrols all alone - because no one else in those units he served with seems to remember ANYTHING the same way that Kerry does. _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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sparky Former Member
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 546
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:37 pm Post subject: |
Desperate? Nah. Just irritated with Kerry opponents who tried to smear him for serving in Vietnam. While you haven't called Kerry a "baby killer" you have expressed concern for vets who are stereotyped. Therefore you should be outraged by conservatives who have smeared Kerry and McCain similarly. Nobody is tarnishing the competency and sanity of Vietnam vets nowadays except conservatives on a political search and destroy mission.
But you aren't all that concerned about these instances. Why is that? In fact, you seem to be defending those conservatives who have done this to McCain and Kerry both.
It's just politics, I guess.
As for credible vets who actually knew Kerry and were actually on his crew, their stories match up just fine, thank you very much. |
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Hen3 Seaman Recruit
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 6 Location: Northwest Ohio
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:46 pm Post subject: Fox New/AP/THE FEDERALIST |
Here are some tidbits from the media this week.
Fox News Hannity & Colmes interview from the other side of the fence, you tell me which is more compelling:
Quote: |
HANNITY: And Mr. O'Neill, he now joins us from Washington.
Mr. O'Neill, you say he's unfit for office. Why do you say that?
JOHN O'NEILL, SWIFT BOAT VETERANS FOR TRUTH: Yes, thank you very much, Mr. Hannity. It wasn't simply me. We presented a letter today that was signed by every former commanding officer of John Kerry in Vietnam.
It was signed by 17 of the 23 officers that served with him during his very short career there. And signed by over, at this point, over 200 of the swift boat people that served in the little unit with him.
HANNITY: Did you say every commander that he had in Vietnam?
O'NEILL: Yes. Except for Admiral Zimwolt, who died, who is shown in his advertisements giving him the award. His son signed for Admiral Zimwolt, condemning John Kerry for his conduct.
The reason we think he's unfit, in short, is first he lied then and now by claiming that there were war crimes being committed systematically in our unit and others.
And second, he's wildly exaggerated his actual experience in Vietnam.
HANNITY: Well, let's talk about the first part of it. And you even said in your piece of the "Wall Street Journal," that you accused him of lying then. You urged him to come forward with affidavits to back up his claim that atrocities were committed. Now he himself has even admitted he violated the Geneva Convention, and he did accuse his fellow soldiers of heinous crimes against humanity. And you're saying he was lying.
O'NEILL: Exactly right. He actually published a book that he won't allow to be reprinted.
HANNITY: I just got a copy of it, by the way. I have a copy.
O'NEILL: He's trying desperately to stop people from seeing this book, which is -- he published in 1972 called "The New Soldier." That was a complete lie. I was in our unit.
We lost any number of people who actually died because we restrained fire and because we went in with loudspeakers instead of guns.
HANNITY: Let me ask you this. I think this is an important point, John. Because he keeps traveling with a band of brothers. Just about every commercial now that comes out, he keeps bringing up the Vietnam War.
We have the medals controversy: were they ribbons; were they medals; were they his; were they somebody else's?
But you're saying that the vast majority of people that served with him, in spite of what we keep hearing about this band of brothers group, you're saying the vast majority that served with him, that all of his commanders are all now joining you in speaking out against him?
O'NEILL: Yes, sir. This letter was circulated for the first time on Tuesday. Over 194 swift boat people have already signed it. Almost everybody that -- there is a famous picture of him with 18 officers at Antoi. Out of that picture, something like 13 have signed it, and an additional four not in the picture.
Of the people that have responded to the letter, 200-and-some signed it and 19 have rejected it.
Colmes takes over at that point.
Now the AP news scandal, leftmedia business as usual.
As posted at http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1129682/posts
Quote: |
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 | Kristinn
Posted on 05/04/2004 6:47:21 PM PDT by kristinn
The Associated Press has spiked reporting on the press conference this morning in Washington, D.C. by John O'Neill and Swift Boat Veterans for Truth where they accused fellow Vietnam veteran and Swift boat unit member Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), the presumed Democratic party nominee for president, of being "unfit to be commander in chief."
The stunning revelation was confirmed by the AP's Washington bureau this evening. A spokeswoman for the AP stated that the wire service had sent a reporter to cover the press conference. However, she said the AP decided against running a news article about it because, "It does not further the anti-Kerry Vietnam veteran story any."
Call these numbers tomorrow, not tonight because you'll just get the night staff. The decision makers work the day shift. I've already called both bureaus this evening.
The phone number for the AP's Washington, D.C. bureau is (202) 776-9400.
The phone number for the AP's New York City headquarters is (212) 621-1500. Ask to speak to the president of AP as that is who the D.C. bureau chief anwers to.
Once again AP shows that it is not interested in providing any sort of balanced reporting.
As sent via email in THE FEDERALIST DIGEST ( http://Federalist.com) which is great reading if you are tired of the mainstream media softpedaling liberals' shortcomings.
Quote: |
From the JFK DEMO-lition derby...
This week witnessed more rough waters for the JFK of PT Boat fame
-- scratch that -- the JFK of Swift Boat infamy. On Tuesday, two
dozen fellow swift-boat Vietnam veterans held a press conference
to question the veracity of John Kerry's war record, his career
as an anti-war, anti-veteran protester following his three month
swift-boat tour, and his fitness to become commander-in-chief.
The group of retired naval officers, "Swift Boat Veterans for
Truth," is composed of some 200 swift-boat veterans -- many of
whom served with or commanded John Kerry, including 12 of the
17 officers appearing in a photo alongside Kerry 35 years ago.
They charge that Kerry "grossly and knowingly distorted the
conduct of the American soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen
of that war" and "withheld and/or distorted material facts"
about his own Vietnam War conduct. They challenge Kerry:
"Your conduct is such as to raise substantive concerns as to
your honesty and your ability to serve, as you currently seek,
as Commander-in-Chief of the military services." They conclude,
"Kerry is unfit for office."
Kerry himself tried to preempt the group's letter when he
approached one of the authors, Retired Rear Adm. Roy Hoffman,
and offered to have disparaging 'misrepresentations' of Hoffman's
military service corrected in a recently published biography of
the senator. (That seems like the sort of thing Kerry would
have wanted corrected before the book was published, not when
the victim of his libel is threatening his presidential bid.)
Additionally, the physician who treated Kerry's first combat wound
came forward this week, recalling Kerry as the man who even then
claimed he'd be "the next JFK from Massachusetts." Louis Letson,
now a retired medical doctor, recalled the encounter in which
Kerry attributed the superficial wound to incoming enemy fire --
although other crew members said Kerry likely injured himself with
a ricocheted fragment from a mortar round fired into nearby rocks.
Dr. Letson remembered the metal fragment as barely having broken
the skin and easily removed with forceps; in fact, he covered
the wound with a Band-Aid.
Also weighing in was retired Lt. Commander Grant Hibbard, who
commanded Kerry's swift-boat unit. Hibbard questions whether the
aforementioned scratch was worthy of a Purple Heart -- and he
questions how Kerry got it. "The briefing from some members of
that crew the morning after revealed that they had not received
enemy fire," Hibbard said. "and yet Lieutenant Kerry informed
me of a wound, he showed me a scratch on his arm and a piece of
shrapnel in his hand that appeared to be from one of our own M-79s.
It was later reported to me that Lieutenant Kerry had fired an
M-79 and it had exploded off the adjacent shoreline. I do not
recall being advised of any medical treatment and probably said
something like, 'Forget it.' He later received a Purple Heart for
that scratch, and I don't know how." The group has pushed Kerry to
allow the Navy to release his complete medical and service records.
Contrast Kerry's behavior, please, with our current fighting forces
on the front lines. Kerry served just over a scant four months
in Vietnam, bugging out back home as soon as his three Purple
Hearts permitted. Many of our troops are staying in combat roles,
although recently wounded, and some are re-enlisting in order to
remain in the fight. Perhaps the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
are correct in alleging that Kerry is not fit to command warriors
like these. Perhaps there's more to Kerry's military record than
meets the eye.
For his part, Kerry ignored the charges and instead launched a
$25-million ad buy, especially targeting "battleground states"
considered close enough to fall either way. Bad timing -- but,
then again, Kerry's poll numbers have risen on those occasions
when he's been out of the public eye.
I don't like the man, Kerry's a major phony and a gold digger. He is an example of many of the worst aspects of America and he feeds off the degeneration of our great country under the unrelenting liberal assault.
Henry _________________ I believe John F. (F for Fraud) Kerry to be a liar. |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:08 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Kerry himself tried to preempt the group's letter when he
approached one of the authors, Retired Rear Adm. Roy Hoffman,
and offered to have disparaging 'misrepresentations' of Hoffman's
military service corrected in a recently published biography of
the senator. (That seems like the sort of thing Kerry would
have wanted corrected before the book was published, not when
the victim of his libel is threatening his presidential bid.)
Ain't that the truth, Henry???? The book had already been out... how long? It was supposed to be a "campaign biography," and it's ended up being a source of shame.
Strange timing, wasn't it? This phone call was one of the most damning pieces of information that came out of that press conference.
You publish a book full of lies, misrepresentations of your own service and criticisms of the officers appointed over you... and then you call to see if there can't be some changes made in the second edition?
And the ironic thing is that Kerry brought all of this on himself - if he'd have just shut up about Vietnam...
Instead, it seems that every place he visits reminds him in some way of Vietnam. He has to get that in there, everywhere he goes.
People aren't really all that interested in what happened that long ago until it starts coming out that you've made way more of it than really happened. People don't like posers.
And people REALLY don't like his gung-ho sailor/anti-war agitator/war-hero changes of costume to suit the political atmosphere. _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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Louielouie Seaman Recruit
Joined: 08 May 2004 Posts: 3
Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 9:06 pm Post subject: |
No doubt. He's the one who brought the whole issue of Vietnam up in the first place. |
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Sandy Bottom Seaman Recruit
Joined: 10 May 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:05 pm Post subject: |
This is classic media reaction that misses the point entirley. When the truth doesn't suit their purpose, they focus on the person(s) bringing the truth. Merry Spaeth's role was to help get some publicity for this group of more than 200 men who voluntarily came forward after 35 years because John Kerry lied about us. The fact of the matter is that John Kerry lied under oath to Congress about we in Swift Boat units did in Viet Nam and went on Meet the Press and did it again to a nationwide audience. I could care less about the medals - if he chose to throw them away, so be it. But to accuse his own shipmates plus hundreds of thousands of men and women of unspeakable war crimes with no basis in fact is unforgiveable. He should either come forth with the facts to back up his made up stories or apologise and tell the world that he lied. |
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