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Can Kerry run on his record?

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:44 pm    Post subject: Can Kerry run on his record? Reply with quote

I would be willing to listen to John Kerry if he would get away from the subject of Vietnam and President Bush's record of service in the Texas Air National Guard. I for one applaud the Pesident and his refusal to address the so-called contreversy. He knows and understands that all the DNC is doing is trying to divert the attention away from reality. If John Kerry was able to stand on his record of public service, they would talk about his record instead of trying to say that the President is not worthy to be the commander-in-Chief.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:24 am    Post subject: Getting Away from the Normal Hot Button Issues Reply with quote

Getting away from the normal hot button issues.

1. Energy - neither candidate has really addressed the core energy issues -
-ANWR and drilling off of California or Tampa is crap. That is evasion

-"Fuel cells in ten years" - That is science fiction

We are going to have to go to real engineering - okay, I'm a nuke - my bias. We are going to have to push hybrid, and automotive data bus, and clean diesel type engines - and look at cutting crude oil with other feed stocks (ethanol, biomass, synthane and syngas, etc.)

2. Stem Cell Research - Some people consider stem cell research a form of abortion - but a subset of them also consider organ transplantation as a step on the road to euthanasia (of the donor) - and 55% of Americans refuse to donate organs from loved ones.

My grand mom was a diabetic, all of my dad's sibs were diabetics, about half of my first cousins are diabetics- and the $$$$ of diabetes will break medicare and the VA!!.

Besides - MY GOD sez stem cell research is not abortion and MY GOD also sez organ donation is not euthanasia.

3. Off Shoring of skilled manufacturing, technical, professional, and scientific jobs. We are killing the flock of geese that laid America's century plus of golden eggs. Giving those geese to the PRC and India - heck, paying them to take the geese -- and sell us the eggs at a high mark up.

Nuthin. Nobody has said nuthin. This Guard versus SWift - and who served in Alabama and Kerry insulted us. I think skating out of the Guard and claiming to be an ACE is also insulting.

And calling me an atheist because of my position on stem cell research is a lie, an insult, and fighting words.

Noblesse oblige versus noblesse entitle. What a sorry choice.

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Arty Guy

Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 1:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A. Kerry has no record of accomplishment in the Senate. He does have a voting record.

B. Like his current public statements, much of his voting record is all over the map. However, I think it was ADA that rated him as more liberal than Ted Kennedy based on voting records.

C. Record? What record? About the only thing he has succeeded at is marrying wealthy women. Sure would like to see the pre nup with Teresa.
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 1:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As if Kerry's inability to keep faith with his own brothers isn't bad enough, Kerry's record on defense, military personnel and intelligence spending is absolutely terrifying.

Even AFTER attack after attack on our interests overseas, he proposed and voted for cuts in intelligence spending.

He asked, "Why is our intelligence budget still growing, even though the Cold War is over?"

Think about that one - this is a person who clearly has NO CLUE!
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The following article was submitted to me for publication on my website, and is being posted with permission to use.

Kerry's Record of "Commitment"
by Col. Bob Pappas, USMC, Ret.

"I will not have my commitment to defend this country questioned by those
who refused to serve when they could have, and who misled America into
Iraq," were Kerry's words at a recent midnight rally in Ohio; Oh?! Okay, the
President doesn't have to say a word, 2.5 million Vietnam Veterans will.

For too many years Kerry's lapdogs protected him whenever he was challenged,
but they have never had to face the collective wrath of those who he

If commitment is defined in part by ones voting record, then the list below
sheds light into some of the dark corners of Kerry's twenty years in the
Senate, a record that he undoubtedly wishes would go away. This writer
challenges Senator Kerry's "commitment" to defend this country with Kerry's
own votes.

Senator John Kerry voted to kill:

-The Army's Bradley Fighting Vehicle;
-The Army M-1 Abrams Tank;
-The Army Patriot anti Missile system;
-The Air Force B-1 bomber;
-The Air Force B-2 bomber;
-"Block 60" F-16 aircraft for the Air Force;
-The Air Force F117 Stealth Fighter:
-The Air Force F-15 Strike Eagle;
-The Navy's Aegis Fleet protection anti-air and missile system;
-The Navy and Marine F/A-18;
-The Navy's P-3 Orion upgrade;

-Every Aircraft carrier laid down from 1988; and,
-87 billion dollars for US forces to continue the anti terrorist mission in
Iraq, including body armor to protect them in the process.

Kerry's "anti-terrorist" voting record shows he voted to kill or at the
least diminish the activities of every clandestine agency of the U.S.
Government by voting to cut:

-The CIA by 80%;
-The FBI by 60%;
-The National Security Agency by 80%; but,

-Kerry did vote to increase funding of the UN by 800% .

There is more, but the objective reader should get the point. It is notable
that virtually all the weapons listed are presently in use or were used by
US Forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the War on Terror. Any
shortcomings of the CIA, FBI and NSA, as they pertained to "911,"
unmistakably point to Kerry's manifest "commitment."

Whether or not Kerry likes it, he will be "crushed" because his betrayal of
Americans fighting in Vietnam arguably contributed to the untimely demise of
16,000 (while he was betraying them in favor of Hanoi's communist
totalitarian regime) who were fighting there to advance the cause of Freedom
as well as to contain the spread of Communism as it was first spelled out as
US Policy by President Truman.

Even in this present War on Terror, Kerry publicly maligns the sacrifice of
those who have given their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq by characterizing
those fallen heroes as "wasted," not unlike his comments on April 23rd, 1971
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" But the
central, penetrating question: Is the War on Terror, is the struggle for
National Survival, is protecting Americans a mistake? Evidently Kerry thinks
so when it's convenient; but then he asserts that he would win the War on
Terror. Which is it? Are they wasted, or will we win? Ah, but we dare not
question his "commitment."

Kerry has publicly excoriated the President for waging the War against
terrorists wherever they may be, and that includes Iraq; this despite the
fact that he voted to give the President the authority to do precisely what
he did. Now, Kerry loudly proclaims that the President has failed, and
declares that he (Kerry) would fight a, let's give them a break, "more
sensitive war." Again, Kerry shows his "commitment" by offering comfort to
the Nation's enemies.

Is "GW" perfect? Hardly! Teddy Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" aptly
describes the situation:

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong
man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The
credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred
by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes
short again and again, because there is no effort without error and
shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great
enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who
at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the
worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place
shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor

Has the President made mistakes? Of course he has, but he, as the "Man in
the Arena," struggles on with a winning strategy, despite political
torpedoes from the "left" at home that undermines the War effort among
friends and foes. He is imbued with a vision of Freedom, and "spine of
tempered steel," while his opponent flip flops and spins with every change
in the winds of fortune or opposition; "commitment?" One of them has
commitment all right, but it is not John Forbes Kerry.

Kerry's historical conduct in hindsight, is now so transparent, so unworthy
of dignity, so scurrilous and so treasonous that instead of being a major
party's candidate for the Presidency, he should be serving time in
Leavenworth. Here's why: Article III, Section 3. of the US Constitution
states: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying
war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and

But ah, "freedom of speech" is Kerry's "get out of jail card." And so, one
of the two major parties has chosen to soil itself by selecting Kerry who
cannot, and will not win. (Aside: Why does one see Bill's and Hillary's
fingerprints all over this? Does one think they might be in on this "dirty
little secret?" Of course they are. They want Kerry to lose so Hillary can
run in 2008.)

Despite his ignominious rhetoric at the 1971 Senate Hearings, neither he nor
his "Fellow Traveling" neo Marxists will succeed in painting honorable and
patriotic Americans as barbarians, cutting off heads and limbs, of blowing
up bodies, and of behaving worse than Genghis Khan. Kerry did not speak for
servicemen and women then, does not speak for them now; and America will
purge him and his despicable words from its memory when it overwhelmingly
rejects him on November 2nd.

Kerry's political aspirations animate his behavior, and that began before he
went to Vietnam; yes, he has "commitment" all right---to himself. His
treasonous support of the Communist Regime in Hanoi has yielded him a place
of honor in that totalitarian nation's "War Remnants Museum." And, despite
"their" best efforts to deflect it, "Benedict Arnold" Kerry will bear that
stigma until the lights on earth go out.

Finally, as one who believes in forgiveness, should one forgive him? Yes,
but he has to ask.

Semper Fidelis

Comments should be sent to: mailto:cheetah@gulf1.com

In answer to the question: He can run on his record, but anyone with an ounce of good sense would not vote for him, because of his record.
Veteran, Mother, and Grandmother of 8
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GM Strong
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mr. Kerry cannot run on his record, as he is too busy running from it. He has been AWOL form the Senate for almost 2 years. (Did I say AWOL, what about it Senator??)
8th Army Korea 68-69
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Joined: 07 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PigBoatAndy wrote:
3. Off Shoring of skilled manufacturing, technical, professional, and scientific jobs. We are killing the flock of geese that laid America's century plus of golden eggs. Giving those geese to the PRC and India - heck, paying them to take the geese -- and sell us the eggs at a high mark up.

Been that way since 1945 and the Marshall Plan! We reconstructed the industrial capabilities of our enemies' war ravaged lands (at our nation's expense), while allowing our own to fall into disrepair. Steel industry, autos, "High Tech"... name one.

I'm a (former) certified NDT type: nuke-grade tubing, oil well tubing. That job was disappearing in '77. Nothing was as corrosive to US industry as apathy and inaction regarding the ever-increasing greed of the various "socialist" orgainizations like AFL/CIO, Teamsters, UAW, USW et al. US Industry gave up on its' own: "Who is John Galt." It has already happened. We're now in "catch-up" mode. If the UN and the rest of the world realize their goals, we'll be third-world in an (historical) eyeblink. Worst part is: we've got only ourselves to blame. Eggs, basket and all... ~given~ to "those who -need- it." We'll be shooting eachother over cans of beans soon if it continues. WWIV is engaged... has been for YEARS now. We can't afford to lose, and DinkiDow JF'n K is Guaranteed to not only to expedite that loss but also to speed the "worldification" the UN, NATO and the rest of the jealous world would impose on US.

Oops... apologies for the rant, but I'm posting it anyhoo. you hit a hot button, Andy. Wink

...all that, and I'm registered as a Dem!?!? sheesh. I gotta get more sleep. Or more scotch!
Dr E--

"The flames kindled on the fourth of July, seventeen hundred and seventy six, have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism." -- Thomas Jefferson
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