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Media Covers Protestors but Not Vietnam Vet Rally

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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:17 pm    Post subject: Media Covers Protestors but Not Vietnam Vet Rally Reply with quote

I was outraged that the recent Rally in Washington wasn't covered by
the media other than perhaps a comment but yet the same media has,
does, and will continue to cover protestors. I, individually, know that the
media (whether it be print or air) is twisted to the left. They won't
admit it (and we know why), but, never-the-less, it is true. The proof
of that is right in front of the America people, yet too many can't or
won't see it. Vietnam Vets are pro-America and their rally gets pretty
much ignored. Protestors (and the useful idiots that tag along with them)
are socialist and communist backed groups, yet they get extraordinary
coverage. The media focuses on everything bad in Iraq (just as they
did in Vietnam) and ignores the good (just as they did in Vietnam).
Socialists are representatives of our government, voted in by Americans
who didn't and don't do their homework. They unwittingly or not cast
votes for Democrats--and several independents--who are members of
the Congressional Progressive Caucus. These Representatives have
adopted and are working toward implementation of a platform developed
and pursued by the Democratic Socialists of American (DSA), one of the
most influential Socialist groups in America.

Let's take a look at these groups (some have been around since Vietnam
but their identity has been changed to protect the guilty). The problem is
the same now as when our Vets returned home from 'Nam. These
groups backed Kerry then and they back Kerry now...The American
people were duped...we can't let this happen again.

On August 29, thousands of demonstrators marched for six hours
through New York City protesting President George W. Bush and
delegates to Republican National Convention. The protesters carried
simulated coffins draped with the American flag through the streets
of Manhattan. The Times editorial page on 8/30 said the demonstrators
represented the political sentiments of many city residents. The group
organizing the march is called United for Peace and Justice (UPJ), and
its “national coordinator” is Leslie Cagan. News reports say little else
about the protest organizers. UPJ is the second largest anti-war umbrella
group to emerge since 9/11. Like ANSWER, it seems to be a reaction to
the events of 9/11. But actually its origins can be traced back to old
Soviet-style “agitprop” front groups created during the Cold War. UPJ
has over 800 local and national groups in the United States, with
worldwide affiliates on every continent. Founded in October 2002 by a
veteran communist Leslie Cagan, UPJ has claimed responsibility for
hundreds of national and global protests, including the two largest in the
U.S., on February 15, 2003 and March 22, 2003. The New York Times has
called Leslie Cagan "one of the grandes dames of the country’s
progressive movement," a woman whose "organizational skills are
prodigious." Cagan has been active in New York City politics. She was
a field director for the 1989 campaign of David Dinkins, who was elected
mayor. But the Times neglected to mention her long-standing ties to the
Communist movement. Cagan is a longtime revolutionary activist. She
has spent the past thirty years mobilizing what must be counted as
millions of protesters at demonstrations and rallies around the world that
denounce American foreign and military policies—the litany of alleged
crimes “against humanity.” Cagan has been an apologist for Fidel Castro.
She was a member of the Venceremos Brigade, which has organized
visits to Cuba for over thirty years. During her seven years as director of
the Cuba Information Project, she led demonstrations demanding that the
U.S. end its economic embargo against Castro. "In the winter of
1969-70," Cagan has recalled, "I spent over two months with the First
Venceremos Brigade in Cuba. Just ten years into their revolution, the
Cubans had taken control of their history." In 1982 she organized a giant
anti-nuclear rally in Central Park. During the Gulf War, Cagan helped
shape opposition to U.S. military efforts to free Kuwait, using her activist
skills to coordinate grassroots protest through the National Campaign for
Peace in the Middle East. In 1991, when the Communist Party of the
United States (CPUSA) broke into two factions over the politically correct
attitude toward the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cagan, along with
Angela Davis, co-founded a revolutionary splinter group, the Committees
of Correspondence (COC), which supported Mikhail Gorbachev against
those who supported the coup against him. Leaders of COC also included
writer Noam Chomsky and folksinger Pete Seeger. As leader of the UPJ,
she employs Leninist and Castro-style revolutionary tactics consistent
with “Fifth Column” political assaults against the United States. Cagan is
one of the most experienced and best organized architects of the war
against the war on terror.

A New York City policeman was he was knocked off his motorcycle and
stomped on during an illegal march sponsored by the “Poor Peoples
Economic Human Rights Campaign” (PPEHRC ). The violence occurred
as several thousand protesters neared the end of their march from the
United Nations building to Madison Square Garden, site of the G.O.P.
convention. The so-called “March for Our Lives” claims to represent the
victims of Republican economic policy. March organizers planned to
present “evidence” of U.S. economic rights violations to the U.N. The key
march organizer is the Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU) from
north Philadelphia, whose motto is “You Only Get What You’re Organized
to Take.” KWRU’s executive director is Cheri Honkala, co-chair of the
parent National Welfare Rights Union, a 1960s era protest group. Honkala
is also a member of the national council of the Labor Party, a 501(c)(4)
lobby group formed in 1996 by Tony Mazzocchi, now deceased, who
hoped to create a labor union-based political party.
On August 31 anarchist groups who rally around the banner A-31 Action
planned to “make history” on the streets of mid-town Manhattan. The
National Organization for Women (NOW) hosted a rally in Central Park
called “Code Red: Stop the Bush Agenda.” The organizations lending their
names to the network are a motley bunch. They include the New York
City branch of the 100 year old Socialist Party USA; and activists of the
School of Americas Watch, which monitors Latin America-oriented U.S.
military training programs. New groups include the Chicago-based Voices
in the Wilderness (founded in 1996 with the announced intent to violate
Justice Department sanctions imposed on the Saddam Hussein regime in
Iraq) and pacifists of the Portland, Oregon-based Mourning Project. The
most serious and prominent organization is the War Resisters League, a
pacifist group founded in 1923. During World War II hundreds of its
members were arrested for refusing to fight. Several hundred persons
associated with it were among those arrested, reports the New York
The largest anti-war front group today is ANSWER—it first appeared 2001.
But ANSWER is no spontaneous grassroots civic group; it is a direct
off-shoot of the Workers World Party (WWP), which was organized long
ago, in 1959. WWP was formed because five members of the Socialist
Workers Party, itself a Trotskyite splinter group, left the party over
differences they considered fundamental. The five protested the “rightist”
slant of the older group, according to their statement issued in the first
edition of their newspaper, Workers World: We were the proletariat left
wing of the Socialist Workers Party. We have now split with that party,
which has gone further and further to the right in recent years, so that we
can openly fight for orthodox Trotskyism, which is the authentic Marxism-
Leninism of today. Under long-time leader Sam Marcy (1911-1998) WWP
supported Soviet suppression of the Hungarian Revolution, opposed
Mikhail Gorbachev, and sided with the enemies of Boris Yeltsin (“the most
outspoken reactionary leader of the bourgeois counterrevolution.”)
Deirdre Griswold (born 1936), the party’s 1980 presidential candidate, is
an ANSWER leader and the current editor of Workers World (circulation:
6,000). Griswold succeeded her father, Vincent Copeland, as the
newspaper’s editor. He was a WWP co-founder and in the late 1960s a
leader of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam.
The MOBE, as it was called, organized the 1968 March on Washington that
drew 500,000 protesters and helped topple Lyndon Johnson. The party
supported the Viet Cong and North Vietnam, urging activists in an April 8,
1972 letter to demonstrate in support of a Viet Cong offensive in South
Vietnam. On May 2, 1975, the Workers World headline read, “Vietnam
Belongs to the Workers!” Today, under Griswold’s direction, it lauds
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein as victims of American
oppression. WWP’s Trotskyite ideology has changed little over the years:
Capitalism is the problem; immediate world revolution is the solution.
Even in the current dark times for WWP socialists, Cuba and North Korea
are beacons of hope. In the early 1970s WWP helped organize trips to
both countries through front groups like the American Servicemen’s Union
and the Venceremos Brigade. WWP attempts to tie the peace movement
to Communist dictators. For instance, at protest rallies in 2003 and 2004,
WWP linked the anti-war cause to the defense of North Korea. Deirdre
Griswold traveled to North Korea in April 2002 to celebrate the 90th
anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung. There she denounced
the “notorious antiterrorist war” of the Bush Administration and called
for “the Korean peninsula [to] be reunified without fail under the wise
leadership of the respected leader Kim Jong-il.” Brian Becker, a party
leader and vice-chairman of another WWP front, the Committee of the
International Liaison for Unification and Peace in Korea (CILRECO),
visited Pyongyang in March 2002 with a similar message. He accused the
United States of a genocidal war on Korean civilians. The International
Action Center then set up a Korean War Crimes Tribunal in New York.
Currently, Becker is the “national coordinator” for the ANSWER Coalition.
Recently, WWP conducted a series of “war crimes trials” of the U.S. in
Mexico, Japan, India, Denmark and Belgium. A final tribunal is scheduled
for Istanbul, Turkey in March 2005. As reported in Workers World (May
20, 2004), the trial “verdicts” have convicted the U.S. of human rights
violations against Iraqi civilians and violation of the Geneva Convention,
and earned it the admonition “that the occupation of Palestine,
Afghanistan and all other colonized areas are illegal and should be
brought to an end immediately.”

A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now To Stop War and End Racism) and International
Action Center (IAC) International ANSWER is the most prominent group
that has emerged since September 11 to mobilize opposition to the war
on terror. The ANSWER steering committee is led by Ramsey Clark, U.S.
Attorney General during the Johnson Administration. Clark currently
heads the International Action Center (IAC) an old-fashioned front group
for ANSWER, and observers say he fell under the influence of the World
Workers Party in the early 1990s. Clark has offered to assist WWP and
ANSWER on various occasions. Other members of the steering
committee are the Korea Truth Commission and pro-Castro Pastors for
Peace. The Muslim Student Association and the Free Palestine Alliance are
also on the steering committee. They provide logistical, financial and
ideological support for America’s enemies in the terrorist network,
including Hamas. ANSWER’s political agenda is anti-Semitic as well as
anti-American. “Chosen People: It’s Payback Time” read the placards of
marchers at a Free Palestine Rally sponsored by ANSWER in April 2002.
Other rallies supported by ANSWER have turned away Jewish speakers
and encouraged demonstrations against Israel. Ramsey Clark has even
provided legal counsel for anti-Israel activists, including PLO leaders. In
1987 he defended Nazi concentration camp guard Karl Linnas when the
federal government attempted to deport him. Clark lost that case,
complaining about the need to prosecute Nazis “forty years after some
god-awful crime they’re alleged to have committed.” Clark has a long
record of service as a spokesman for the nation’s largest anti-war and
anti-Bush activist group. He has condemned the “war crimes” of U.S.
presidents as far back to Harry Truman (who appointed his own father,
Tom Clark, attorney general, in 1945, and to the U.S. Supreme Court, in
1949). In 2001 Clark attempted to represent Slobodan Miloslevic in his
war crimes trial at the World Court in the Hague. He also volunteered to
represent Saddam Hussein. In an open letter to U.N. Secretary General
Kofi Annan (January 29, 2004), Clark outlined how he and ANSWER
judged the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan and Iraq:“The claim that either
Afghanistan or Iraq declared war on the U.S. is absurd. The U.S. chose to
attack both nations, from one end to the other, violating their sovereignty
and changing their ‘regimes,’ summarily executing thousands of men,
women and children in the process. At least 40, 000 defenseless people in
Iraq have been killed by U.S. violence since the latest aggression began
in earnest in March 2003 … The U.S. is guilty of pure aggression, arbitrary
repression and false portrayal of the nature and purpose of its violence…
The United Nations must recognize and declare the U.S. attack and
occupation of Iraq to be the war of aggression it is.” ANSWER and Clark
want President Bush impeached and prosecuted for war crimes: “There
must be strict accountability by U.S. leaders and others for crimes they
have committed against Iraq and Afghanistan and compensation by the
U.S. government for the damage its aggression has inflicted.” Clark’s
group, the International Action Center (IAC), received $62,000 in 2002
from the People’s Rights Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity, according to
IRS records. The Fund claimed 2002 revenues of $447,045 and assets of
$61,458. Its president is Kathleen Durkin; its attorney is William Sacks.
Interestingly, Clark’s IAC, the People’s Rights Fund, and the ANSWER
coalition all share the same New York City address: 39 W. 14th Street.
Following the Republican convention ANSWER plans further “national
actions,” including marches for immigrant and workers rights in Los
Angeles and Washington in October. The year of protest will culminate
with a Counter-Inaugural in Washington, DC on January 20, 2005, which
organizers say will occur no matter who is elected. Besides Clark, other
prominent members of ANSWER coalition include the Green Party USA,
New Communist Party of the Netherlands, The International Family and
Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the National Lawyers Guild and the
president of the World Union of Freethinkers. The apparent diversity is
deceptive; all get at least partial funding from the same sources like the
Peoples Rights Fund (PRF). The slogans and signs at ANSWER rallies—“No
Blood For Oil,” “U.S. Out of the Middle East,” No Justice, No Peace,” and,
most disingenuous of all, “Peace is Patriotic”—are its stock-in-trade. The
failed Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich even unveiled
his proposal for a “Department of Peace” at an ANSWER rally. But the
goals of the organizations that work with ANSWER have little to do with
peace and much to do with ideology. For instance, Ray LeForest of the
Haiti Support Network (HSN) opened a March 20, 2004 rally in New York
with an oblique reference to peace, “I thank you for bringing your bodies
to defend peace.” But he immediately got to the point: “I'm here to stand
with the Palestinian people, and to condemn the occupation of Iraq.” The
Haiti Support Network website claims “to raise material and political
support for the National Popular Assembly (APN) in Haiti.” But that’s code
for attacking U.S. policies, which APN, a leftist party, considers
threatening. HSN is less an advocacy group for Haiti than it is a front for
other leftist causes that want support from something that purports to
represent Haitians. HSN’s website is full of references to “Justice for
Mumia Abu-Jamal,” the convicted police killer, and pleas to end American
oppressive policies. “Open letters” are another time-honored tactic of
activists to draw attention to their cause. In 2004 they were a clarion call
to remove George Bush from the presidency. ANSWER issued one on
March 29, 2004 signed by 244 Arab and Muslim NGOs to unify the globe
against the Bush Administration: In the United States, we Arab-Americans
and Muslims, have been maliciously targeted, stripped of our fights, and
positioned outside the constitutional framework of this country. A new
COINTELPRO has been unleashed against our homes and living rooms, as
our fathers, mothers, sons and daughters are plucked away and thrown
into unknown prison cells. Thus, in a continuum of history, we stand with
African Americans, Japanese Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and
all others in the painful struggle for justice. From them all, we take our
cue for they are our predecessors and our partners in this long march.

The group Code Pink dress primly in pink and carry pink umbrellas when
they stage their protests. But looks deceive. The group is an off-shoot of
ties formed in the mid-1980s when Medea met Leslie. Medea Benjamin,
then a project coordinator for the pro-Sandinista Institute for Food and
Development Policy (also known as Food First) met Leslie Cagan, then
coordinating marches against the Contras. Benjamin and Cagan moved
on to other protests. Benjamin founded the group Global Exchange, which
focused on the free trade protests that culminated in the 1999 anti-
globalization riots in Seattle. In 2000 she was the Green Party’s candidate
for the U.S. Senate in California. She helped set up Code Pink in
November 2002. Cagan focused on support for Castro’s Cuba, David
Dinkins’ mayoral campaign, and joined the board of the Astrea National
Lesbian Action Foundation. She now coordinates the United for Peace and
Justice march against George Bush. Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans
was on the board of Rainforest Action Network (RAN), whose co-founder
Mike Roselle is involved with Earth First!, Greenpeace and the Ruckus
Society. Code Pink coordinator Steve Kretzmann is also an organizer for
the Ruckus Society, the activist training school. There are a reported 100
Code Pink chapters worldwide that have been on the frontlines since the
start of the war in Iraq. Their mission is to incorporate the larger
women’s movement into peace protests.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good post. This is a point I have been making over and over again. I will repeat it untill most people understand.
This is an old story in America and has been discussed many times in the past.
Here is a classic exposure of the left "Masters of Deceit" by J. Edgar Hoover, published in 1958.
Link here: http://www.zpub.com/notes/masters.html
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilence" - Thomas Jefferson
"An armed society is a polite society" - Thomas Jefferson
"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it won't be needed until someone tries to take it away." -- Thomas Jefferson
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Karl Marx laid the theoretical basis for communism. Vladimir Lenin developed the revolutionary methodology to bring it into reality. Here is his primary theory as to what it takes to bring about a revolution:

Excerpt from "What is to be done?" V.I. Lenin, 1902

"I assert: (1) that no revolutionary movement can endure without a stable organisation of leaders maintaining continuity; (2) that the broader the popular mass drawn spontaneously into the struggle, which forms the basis of the movement and participates in it, the more urgent the need for such an organisation, and the more solid this organisation must be (for it is much easier for all sorts of demagogues to side-track the more backward sections of the masses); (3) that such an organisation must consist chiefly of people professionally engaged in revolutionary activity; (4) that in an autocratic state, the more we confine the membership of such an organisation to people who are professionally engaged in revolutionary activity and who have been professionally trained in the art of combating the political police, the more difficult will it be to unearth the organisation; and (5) the greater will be the number of people from the working class and from the other social classes who will be able to join the movement and perform active work in it."

Link to full document: http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/index.htm

We all need to recognize the enemy we are fighting.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilence" - Thomas Jefferson
"An armed society is a polite society" - Thomas Jefferson
"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it won't be needed until someone tries to take it away." -- Thomas Jefferson
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moving this topic to main forum

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Those are great posts. Kerry is no different than the groups he energizes with his high and mighty rhetoric. He is and would be simply no different than the advantaged Soviet nomenclatura.
US Army Security Agency
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't made up my mind about Kerry yet. He is either a "Useful Idiot" or he is one of the "Party Cadre". I'm leaning to the second, although he is an idiot. Wink
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilence" - Thomas Jefferson
"An armed society is a polite society" - Thomas Jefferson
"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it won't be needed until someone tries to take it away." -- Thomas Jefferson
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:59 am    Post subject: Kerry and Ketchup's philosophy Reply with quote

I'm posting this follow up to the first (above) because if you
have read that article, these names will mean something
to you.

Article Link at end of post; excerpt follows:

"At the end of the day, politics reflect a philosophy. Kerry's philosophy,
as well as his wife's, is very clear: Both have supported issues and
causes that are at best socialist and at worst anti-American.
In 1970, Kerry told the Harvard Crimson: "I'm an internationalist. I'd
like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive
of the United Nations." Though less direct, his current campaign speeches
carry the same message. Kerry's wife's foundations provided $4.3 million
to the Tides Foundation, a "portal" operation through which money flows
to a variety of leftist groups, including Ramsey Clark's International
Action Center, which is the force behind International, which sponsored
the major anti-war (and anti-Bush) rallies before the invasion of Iraq.
When ANSWER was outed as a Communist organization, United for Peace
and Justice, headed by longtime Communist Party member Leslie Cagan,
was created as a "moderate" alternative.

If America is ready to abandon its founding principles and move into the
global socialist community, then John and Teresa are ready to lead the


also see:
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