Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Respond to MoveOn PAC’s Ad Campaign

Monday, August 16 2004 @ 09:00 AM PDT

For Immediate Release

Monday, August 16, 2004

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Respond to MoveOn PAC’s Ad Campaign

The following statement by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth concerns a new ad campaign announced today by MoveOn PAC.

“We find it odd that MoveOn PAC would question the right of a group of veterans to voice an opinion on a legitimate issue-an issue first raised by John Kerry-and now the centerpiece of his campaign,” said Rear Admiral Roy Hoffmann, U.S. Navy (Ret.), founder and chairman of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (www.swiftvets.com). “The 300-plus veterans who make up the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have every right to participate in a public debate concerning the controversy surrounding John Kerry’s military service record. We were there. We served alongside John Kerry and we know the history of his service. We will not be silenced.”


