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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:27 am    Post subject: HOW TO KILL THE SWIFT MESSENGER- Reply with quote

My stomach is sick because these have been our thoughts!



©Richard Roberts

Rather than letting the facts speak for themselves, "lawyering" the truth is the main characteristic of Nihilism, there being no absolute truth, nor, need I add, good or evil. Thus the end justifies the means, and if another hundred million have to be killed in this century in order to bring about the SOC-COM Utopia, so what?!

On Rush Limbaugh’s show (8/23/04) John O’Neill wondered aloud why an American political party (the Dems) would select for their candidate someone who had so vehemently trashed America. After all, Kerry comes as highly damaged goods because of his post-Vietnam antics; so one would expect the powers that be not to have encouraged him to run for office in the first place. Moreover, since his voting record since becoming a Senator is the most radical of all Senators, seemingly that would also count against him. By the time of the Democrat convention, therefore, one would have expected the rug to have been pulled out from under him. The media agenda then became to sell Kerry to the American public as a traditional liberal This has largely been done by a media makeover similar to that done for another arch radical, Hillary Clinton.

But why run Kerry in the first place? I have been harping on the Baran-Wallerstein theory that SOC-COMS will utilize Islamo-fascism to destroy America, and in Kerry’s laissez-faire, reliance on the U.N. approach, lies the answer as to why he was selected to fill the role of Manchurian Candidate. He may have thought he was five miles up the Mekong Delta listening to Cambodians celebrate Christmas(not Tet! Have you ever heard a Cambodian choir sing "Silent Night"?), but in reality Kerry was at a meeting of the Ladies Garden Club in Spring Lake, N.J. That’s what a really good brainwashing can do for you.

But seriously folks, if you recall in The Naked Communist that one of the goals was to takeover a major political party(and don’t quote the Greens to me), in Kerry we have the realization of that goal. Moreover, he will not go abroad to intercede, as he has stated. Thus, terrorism will be given a free hand to bring America to the SOC-COM bargaining table, where those of us still alive will lose our freedoms, and the U.S. its autonomy. Ironic, is it not, that the Patriot Act, that seeks to protect us against the terrorists who would take our freedoms, is attacked as costing us our freedoms by terrorist-enablers.

Those in on the agenda, however, seem to be blowing their cover, perhaps out of a feeling that they can come out of the closet once Kerry wins the election. Chris Matthews, who worked for that Commie-enabler Carter, certainly threw all pretense of impartiality to the winds when he attacked Malkin in order to try to defuse the Swift Boat truth.

Discussing John O’Neill"s Unfit for Command, Robert Novak wrote, " It is a passionate but meticulously researched account of how Mr. Kerry went to war, what he did in the war, and how he conducted himself after the war. The very serious charges by former comrades deserve answers but so far have produced only ad hominen counter attacks."

From the O"Neill excepts that I have read, it is clear that Kerry sought to remake himself in the image of another JFK, and sought out Swift Boat service as a parallel to PT boats.

Naturally, since this was not being done in the service of his country, but as a means to the end of service to himself, he found the quickest way to butt out. Like Clinton, another sociopath who succeeded in fooling a gullible nation, according to David Limbaugh, Kerry is "a pathological, unconscionable liar whose penchant for dishonesty in Vietnam was only exceeded by his brutal, unmitigated slander of his fellow soldiers when he rushed stateside to lobby against them. . . ." In effect Kerry will have to rely on lawyering the truth to torpedo the SwiftBoatVets because he cannot debate them, because he cannot rebut them. Ann Coulter puts the question of who’s telling the truth in the proper perspective: "For starters, 254 swiftboat veterans say Kerry is a fraud; 14 say he is a hero. Partisan considerations aside, which would be more difficult to do: Get 14 liars to keep a secret, or get 254 liars to do so? . . . But we’re talking about 35-year-old memories here; 254 memories to 14 memories is what we used to call ‘evidence.’"

So in the spirit of "Thou shalt not debate," Joe Sandler, the DNC’s lawyer, sent out letters to TV stations carrying the SBV’s ad threatening that "your station is responsible for false and libelous charges made by this sponsor" [SBVs] Marc Elias, the Kerry-Edwards General Counsel, joined in the threats to silence the stations. But in reality, the "false and libelous charges" are those being made by these same Kerry lawyers. For example: 1) SBVs "is a sham organization." They are, however, a registered 527 organization, and they did not¾ like the Kerry 527s ¾ incorporate, meaning that they accept personal liability for their words and actions. 2) "The advertisement contains statements by men who purport to have served on Senator Kerry’s Swift Boat in Viet Nam. . .they pretend to have served with Senator Kerry. . . ." None of the men in the SBV ad say that they were on Kerry’s boat. Rather, they served with him in Coastal Group 11, and 16 of the 23 surviving officers now call Kerry unfit to be President.

Then this week Kerry filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission over the two Swiftie TV ads. Kohn, Kerry’s Jewish granddad, would really empathize with Kerry’s chutzpah, considering the $75 million already spent by Democrat 527s to attack Bush. Earlier in the year, Bush had asked the FEC to close the 527 "soft money" loophole, thinking it was a clear violation of McCain-Feingold. In effect, the FEC’s failure to take action against unlimited 527 soft money, unilaterally disarmed the Bush administration. Now comes Kerry crying that Bush’s Swifties have cut him to the quick, and tell them to cut it out, Daddy. But the Swifties say "nay" in The Wallstreet Journal Friday August 27: "We're Not GOP Shills: President Bush can't stop us from telling the truth about John Kerry. We formed Swift Boat Veterans For Truth for one purpose: to present to the American public our conclusion that John Kerry is not fit to be commander in chief. We are organized as a ‘527 group’ with Adm. Roy Hoffmann at the helm, our leader today as he was some 35 years ago when we served under him in Coastal Squadron One in Vietnam. Our membership is transparent and shown on our Web site, www.swiftvets.com, currently including more than 250 Swiftees. We have 17 of the 23 officers who served with Mr. Kerry, most of his chain of command, and most sailors. We have more than 60 winners of real Purple Hearts. . . The Swift boat veterans who joined our group come in all political flavors: independents, Republicans, Democrats and other more subtle variations. Had another person been the presidential candidate of the Democrats, our group never would have formed. Had Mr. Kerry been the Republican candidate, each of us would still be here. We do not take direction from the White House or the president's re-election committee, and our efforts would continue even if President Bush were to ask us directly to stop. . . .

". . . once Mr. Kerry decided to apply for the commander in chief's job with a war-hero résumé, we felt compelled to come forward to explain why he is ‘unfit for command.’ . . .

"How many different ways will John Kerry devise to ask President Bush to condemn our ads and squash our book? Why, Mr. Kerry, are our charges as a 527 group unacceptable to you, while the pronouncements from 527 groups favorable to you are considered acceptable, regardless of stridency and veracity? And we do not have a George Soros, willing to drop millions into our modest group. We control our message. To date, we have received $2 million from 30,000 Americans who have donated an average of around $64. Mr. Kerry, we ask you not to repeat the same mistake you made when you returned from war: Please stop maligning your fellow veterans. Dealing with us should be easy. Just answer our charges. Produce your Vietnam journal and notes, and execute Standard Form 180 so the American people can see your complete military record--not just the few forms you put on your website or show to campaign biographers."

So the Swifties are saying, "Full speed ahead, and damn the Media torpedoes!"

A very big piece of the Leftist funding for 527 attack ads against Bush comes from Kerry’s own wife through the Tides Foundation. But consider this scenario. Laura Bush is heir to billions, and funds a multitude of right-wing organizations. In December of last year she attends a SwiftBoat rally, and onstage takes a call from W., to the delight of the gathering. Would such conduct on the part of the President’s wife not constitute a violation of restrictions on 527s to the effect that they may not collude with political parties, and vice versa? Of course. And would the Swiftboatvets not have to cease and desist? Of course.

Then how to explain, except by a stacked deck against the President of the media and the FEC, conspiring to assure his defeat, the hullabaloo seeking to tie Bush to two Swiftie ads, while all the while the FEC and the media never mention Tereza’s appearance at a MoveOn.org rally last December, where she spoke and took a call onstage from JFK. Not only was there that illegal association of Kerry with that 527, but also Kerry’s wife has given the Tides Foundation more than $4.3 million through various Heinz endowments, some of which has been channeled to MoveOn.org, because Tides permits donors to anonymously contribute to Leftist causes by making out a check with instructions as to where the money is to be forwarded by Tides. Peaceful Tomorrows is one spin-off which used the same women to blame Bush for 9/11.

Tides also established the Iraq Peace Fund, and the Peace strategies Fund to back the anti-war(read terrorist-enabling) movement. Most of these organizations reveal the fingerprints of Kerry’s old pro-Communist buddy, Ramsey Clark, who has said he would represent Osama. Clark’s International Action Center spawned the anti-Bush rallies of ANSWER. When ANSWER was exposed as a Communist front, United for Peace and Justice was born. Moreover, the Tides Foundation has donated to the Ruckus Society, which disrupted Seattle during the 1999 World Trade Organization conference. The Director of Online Communications for the Kerry campaign is none other than Zack Exley, who was a workshop facilitator for the Ruckus Society. So we are faced with the prospect of the candidate’s wife disrupting the republican Convention by proxy.

Thus, the irony of the Manchurian Candidate, remaking himself with the help of his handmaidens in the media as SUPERWARHERO, flying around in a plane adorned with a giant American flag, while portraying Bush as a wuss. Bush is batting a thousand in preventing another 9/11; yet Kerry says he can do "better." Yes, indeed he can, but for the Communist cause. At the Paris Peace talks on Vietnam, to which he was invited by Madam Binh, Kerry represented the Cong, submitting their two-step resolution for ending the war: Withdrawal of American troops, and payment of reparations. But the Swifties know who Kerry is, and he cannot debate them for the truth is on his side.

At Tereza’s December MoveOn.org event, the San Francisco Chronicle quoted some effusive remarks in praise of her: "She is the best thing that the Democrats have going for them. She is as intelligent as Hillary, and much more likeable and warm.. I found her speech to be quite good." Tereza passed out "Asses of Evil" pins emblazoned with pictures of Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft, while MoveOn gave out "Condolezza Rice Crispie Bars." So Kerry and his wife get a pass on this, thanks to the See-No-Evil FEC and the media, while you and I are whipped into a lather by media high dudgeon over Swifties who the media says, don’t you know, are lackeys of Bush. Meanwhile, laughing themselves silly at the gullibility of the public, and the ease with which they are stealing the election, Leftist 527s have declared that they have raised an additional $75 million for ads attacking Bush in crucial battleground states.

Can someone please get this article to the Bush administration before it is too late. They need to run ads showing the Bush=Hitler MoveOn.org ads, and then show Tereza speaking at MoveOn.org. Let the public see for themselves the monster the FEC has created, and how Heinz/Soros and Ramsey Clark are exploiting it.

{emphasis mine}
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 4:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very interesting stuff. Send it to:

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No doubt this is all true. The scariest part about it is that almost 1/2 of American citizens seem to not care. That terrifies me.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:44 pm    Post subject: ????what will Bush or Cheney say Reply with quote

Will it still be "he served with honor"???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
the strange mr aj
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:58 pm    Post subject: Re: HOW TO KILL THE SWIFT MESSENGER- Reply with quote

2ndamendsis wrote:
Rather than letting the facts speak for themselves, "lawyering" the truth is the main characteristic of Nihilism, there being no absolute truth, nor, need I add, good or evil. Thus the end justifies the means, and if another hundred million have to be killed in this century in order to bring about the SOC-COM Utopia, so what?!

What really pains the left is that the Hundred Million now fight back - hard.

-- FDL
"Millions For Defense, Not One Cent For Tribute" - Thomas Jefferson on paying ransom to Muslim corsairs (pirates).
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