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So now extremists are calling Republicans their "mexica
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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:48 pm    Post subject: So now extremists are calling Republicans their "mexica Reply with quote

How vile is this going to get? I got this on a pro-Bush board, from someone that jumped in today and posted it. I can't believe they are committing political suicide like this. The diatribe below is truly amazing. The originator on another board will not post the link where he got this from, but I imagine it is from Michael Moore.
An open letter to the Red-State victors:
With hard work and superb organization, you have triumphed over John Kerry and the forces of Blue-state paternalism. Congratulations. The multinational corporations that hold you in bondage remain free to profit off your sweat nearly tax free, while their overpaid senior execs continue to pay a pittance in personal income tax.
Your agricultural universities will continue issuing Ph.D.s in football, and bogus Protestant Evangelical and Fundamentalist theology, and how to jerk off a bull safely. Your children will learn to borrow enough money to erect chicken houses so that they, like you, can take custody -- not possession, but custody -- of Tyson's chicks, feed them, rear them, assume losses from those that fail to thrive, and in the end earn just enough money to service their endless debt, and realize a profit of perhaps $12K a year. Your bank thanks you; Tyson thanks you; George W. Bush thanks you; and I thank you.

You can continue sending your sons to die in Iraq on a fool's errand. When you bury them, you can console yourselves with Bush's platitudes about their heroic mission to defend America from weapons of mass destruction.

You can savor the deficit spending that stimulates commerce today, but will cripple the US economy in ten or fifteen years' time when the bills come due with interest. Perhaps a Democrat will be in office at that time, who can be blamed for W's delayed economic fiasco.

You can continue believing, as Republican Party brainwashing has persuaded you, that we, your neighbors, are your enemies. You can believe that we have no morals; that we pimp out our teenage daughters for Internet porn; that we eat babies; that we are all gay; that we are cowards on the battlefield; and that we want to run your lives and give you AIDS.

Here's a clue: we are not your enemies; we are your countrymen. Your enemies are the greedy multinationals that the Republican Party bends over backwards to accommodate. Incidentally, most of them are based in Blue states, as are their Republican owners and major shareholders.

Here in the Blue States, Democrats and Republicans alike generate the lion's share of America's wealth, although it is you Reds who provide the lion's share of the stoop labor. You are our Mexicans, so to speak. We could not have accomplished the economic miracle that is America without your willing capitulation to a system that lies to you and ####s you over at every turn.

Look at economic output and educational achievement on a state-by-state basis: it's painfully evident that we Blues are immensely more productive and better educated than you Reds. We have lots more money. We live longer. We eat better. We work less. We #### more. We do cocaine and smoke fine Canadian buds, not the homebrew crank and cheap Mexican headache reefer you guys are stuck with. We drink French wine and Stoli martinis, not Budweiser. Our children rarely bother us: we've got them on Ritalin and Prozac. Our teeth are straighter and whiter, our necks longer, and our fingernails cleaner. And many of us are the Republican elite who have just punked you.

It's good to be a Blue, regardless of which party you join.

Understandably, you resent us, so you've fabricated an imaginary measure of superiority: Christian "values." Yet you talk about values the way a pre-teen girl talks about "love" in fan letters to Ashton Kutcher. You recycle quasi-religious platitudes and received slogans. You know nothing of moral theology, a rigorous philosophical pursuit that hardly exists outside the Catholic Church and its elite universities. You make of the Bible what you will; you attend prayer meetings with other semi-literates, where you reinforce each other's sloppy understandings of the text, and combine them with half-digested bits of old-timey Hallmark-card "wisdom." And when you spout gibberish, you call it "speaking in tongues." You actually fancy that you're saints, you silly, narcissistic creatures.

Nevertheless, you are fellow Americans. The Blue Republican elite encouraged you to vote for George W Bush, because they quite simply own him, and they know that his administration will make policies that help them, even if hurt you. We Blue Democrats voted for John Kerry because we believed he would minister to your needs better than Bush. A President Kerry would have shared some of our wealth with you, assured your health care, raised the minimum wage, and checked the rapacious greed of the multinationals that hold you in thrall.

President Kerry would have helped us to help you, which is all that we ask. It pains us to see you in wage slavery. It pains us to see you so ignorant and uneducated, and so eager to place yourselves in bondage. Yes, we live better; but we wish you to live better too, even if it means sacrifice on our part.

What we wanted for you would have been far better than that which you, in your ignorant pride, demanded for yourselves. Oh, you defeated us all right, but only to your detriment.

We Blues will come out of the Bush era no worse for wear, although you Reds will come out very much diminished, deeper in debt, and less able to improve your circumstances by your own powers. But because you wish to be flattered more than helped, you will be grateful for your ass ####ing from the Blue-state Republican elite that is laughing behind your backs today.

We did not wish it so. We honestly did want to help.

On 2 November, you thanked us by electing a shrewd, manipulative handmaiden to corporate America who panders to you while ruthlessly exploiting your ignorance and weakness for the benefit of his patrons in the national plutocracy. There is nothing we can do about that. You won fair and square.

We should let you rot. We should secede and leave you to fend for yourselves. Then you will see firsthand just how dependent you are. We are sick of fighting for you by fighting against you. Perhaps, when you see how dreary your lives have become without us, you will finally develop the spine to fight for your basic, human rights. And then we will gladly confront the plutocracy alongside you. We need your help to defeat the Blue Republicans, who, I assure you, are just as decadent as we are, though often richer.

But until you finally learn to respect yourselves, we can't respect you, and we therefore can't be bothered to give a rat's ass about you.

So let us secede, Blue America and Red America. We can handle the Blue state Republicans, so long as we don't have a lot of ignorant Red state lemmings frustrating our efforts and screwing themselves in the bargain. Secession will enable us both to live as we have chosen without the other's interference. We will prosper, and you will get a clue.

But do stay in touch after the borders slam shut. When you finally tire of living on the modern, corporate plantations of Cargill, Tyson, ConAgra and Smithfield; when you tire of shopping at Wal-Mart and sending your daughters to sling hash at Denny's in hopes that they'll meet the nicer sort of truck driver; when you tire of sneaking into Blue America as illegal white-trash wetbacks eager for casual work dusting our parlors; and when, like men, you finally rise up in rebellion against this immoral usury -- then, and only then, let us talk.

We'll gladly get your backs. But first you must grow the brains and the balls needed to profit from our help.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah! The wretched cries of a defeated Elistist. Yes, they are sick, delusional, ignorant, and totally contemptuous of anyone who doesn't agree with them. And there are a lot of them! This country has some serious house-cleaning to do.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah, yes:

"We are not your enemy, we are your countrymen."

"You are our Mexicans, so to speak."

Let's see, was that a snide put-down or perhaps just an expression of welcoming diversity?
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


(Reaching for a gun. Enough, I am bored; I think I will just put a stop to their brain diarrhea.)

Enough enough enough.

You know, my son went to West Point. He was valedictorian of his high school class, at barely 17. My daughter graduated from college in 3 years so she could become a surgery/level 5 trauma nurse, and is serving in Iraq, along with my moronic valedictorian red state son. My other son has told me he will be joing the Marine Corp after he graduates college in May.

I don't need them to "have my back", but thanks. My back feels pretty well covered. And also thanks for the info on what drugs and booze they are killing their brains with, that was enlightening.

There is also nothing wrong with waitressing, truck driving or any other honest labor.

But there is something very wrong in looking down on people. I hope God forgives them.
The last refuge of scoundrels is not patriotism; it is finicky liberal humanitarianism.--Martin Paretz
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps we need to frame this garbage and keep it around - just to remind ourselves that this was the hard base of sKerry's support, who incidentally thought this was the enlightened brand of idealogy with which to govern America. (Now does anyone wonder why these loonies didn't want to hear the Swiftboat truths?)
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A part of me wants to Edit this right out of the Forums. Their vile, disgusting, pathit and quite ignorant comments do not need to be here (or anywhere for that matter).
However. for this one time I will let it stand as an example of the ignorance of the Left and how deeply their hatred of anyone who does not cowtow to their line of thinking runs.
Talk about a problem with bigotry in some of these people. Anyone who does not hold what they consider the "proper job", the "proper religion", the "proper education", to be lower than their highly educated and enlightened selves to be unworthy of them. I have news for the losers though, they are the unenlightened, uneducated (I don't care what the piece of parchment they hld states), they are the ones twisting religion to be something bad, they are the ones who need to take a long hard look into the mirror as well as their souls to see where Americas problems lay.
U.S. Army 1983-1995, 11C1P/11H2P NBTDT
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's the "source" of this "letter" and I'm not all that convinced it's not one MAJOR con-job designed to rally the moonbats to this lunacy. If it is, it appears to be working Wink

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We'll gladly get your backs.


I bet Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahh, another screed from the "tolerant" half of our society Rolling Eyes

Misery doesn't love company..... misery DEMANDS it. Shocked
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I came back to this forum to copy and paste this *open letter*. Like an *open sewer*, Whatever its origin, let it serve as a reminder of who they are. To all: Make sure this is ciculated wide and far, and keep it for 2008, in case any feel it is too much trouble to vote, donate, or volunteer.

Thank you, God, for showing them the back of your hand on November 2nd. Help us to be worthy of the victory.
The last refuge of scoundrels is not patriotism; it is finicky liberal humanitarianism.--Martin Paretz
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rb325th wrote:
A part of me wants to Edit this right out of the Forums. Their vile, disgusting, pathit and quite ignorant comments do not need to be here (or anywhere for that matter).
However. for this one time I will let it stand as an example of the ignorance of the Left and how deeply their hatred of anyone who does not cowtow to their line of thinking runs.
Talk about a problem with bigotry in some of these people. ...

Thanks, Admin. I deliberated for awhile about sharing it, but I too, think everyone should know about this. I was trying to 'extend the olive branch' to a Dem that I once thought was rational. Her reply was - "We are not your friends - there is a civil war brewing, and it is going to be ugly."

Wow, I'm just flabbergasted... I knew there were extremists, but if this kind of stuff keeps up, the party of 'tolerance' will cease to exist. I'm soooo dissappointed with the way they are acting. There are a lot of great Democrats out there, but they will not stay with this party if they keep acting like this.

(BTW, Me#1 - how the heck did you find that so fast! Your 'internet abilities' continue to amaze me!) Laughing
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

According to The Register, that was submitted by "Commandante Camembert" (The Big Cheese???) from the newly formed organization "The New Democrat Outreach Program."

I honestly believe that it's supposed to be satire.

The funny thing is, one blogger thinks it holds a grain of truth:

We Blues will come out of the Bush era no worse for wear, although you Reds will come out very much diminished, deeper in debt, and less able to improve your circumstances by your own powers. But because you wish to be flattered more than helped, you will be grateful for your ass ******* from the Blue-state Republican elite that is laughing behind your backs today.

Now, considering the job Michael Moore, George Soros, Terry McAuliffe, et al. have done on the Democratic Party, I'd say he's projecting. Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

GiveMeFreedom wrote:

(BTW, Me#1 - how the heck did you find that so fast! Your 'internet abilities' continue to amaze me!) Laughing


It simply requires that you have the stomach to visit websites unmentionable... Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We Blue Democrats voted for John Kerry because we believed he would minister to your needs better than Bush.

What control freaks.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rb325th wrote:
A part of me wants to Edit this right out of the Forums. Their vile, disgusting, pathit and quite ignorant comments do not need to be here (or anywhere for that matter).
However. for this one time I will let it stand as an example of the ignorance of the Left and how deeply their hatred of anyone who does not cowtow to their line of thinking runs.
Talk about a problem with bigotry in some of these people. Anyone who does not hold what they consider the "proper job", the "proper religion", the "proper education", to be lower than their highly educated and enlightened selves to be unworthy of them. I have news for the losers though, they are the unenlightened, uneducated (I don't care what the piece of parchment they hld states), they are the ones twisting religion to be something bad, they are the ones who need to take a long hard look into the mirror as well as their souls to see where Americas problems lay.

Oh so true and well said. And lets not forget when Cher donated money to the DNC she had the gual to suggest they get rid of Joe Lockhart (not for a good reason, like being a royal troublemaker) BUT because he is FAT....she said this just does not look good. Plastic, silicone, cosmetic surgery, hair dying fake.......These people need a reality check. Money, jobs, prestige, looks, in their place are good things, it is not these things that are the evil. It is the evil that is in these peoples heart that they speak with their evil vile tongues. I agree that they need to take a long hard look at their own souls and stop criticizing and judging everyone else.
I would rather look like not much with a soul, heart, brain, and compassion with intelliegence, than look like all that and a bag of empty chips. Mad
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