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Australians Riot-25 hurt in race-fuelled attacks

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Joined: 19 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:53 pm    Post subject: Australians Riot-25 hurt in race-fuelled attacks Reply with quote

25 hurt in race-fuelled attacks
From: AAP
December 12, 2005

Helpless ... a man of Middle Eastern appearance is attacked. MORE than 20 people have been injured and 16 arrested as race-fuelled violence spread through Sydney's beachside suburbs overnight.

A series of apparent revenge attacks - including two stabbings - happened after yesterday's unrest at Cronulla where more than 5000 people had massed.
New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma today said police were in control of the situation, after officers and an ambulance crew were earlier assaulted during the peak of racial tension.

Drunken mobs within the crowd at Cronulla yelled racist chants, chased down and bashed people of Middle Eastern appearance in an extended show of violence.

As the unrest spread overnight, a total of 25 people - including two ambulance officers - had been injured, about 40 cars vandalised and an Australian flag burned.

Police said 16 people were arrested across Sydney and charged with 42 offences.

Mr Iemma today described the behaviour as "stomach turning" and said it would not be tolerated.
"I saw yesterday people trying to hide behind the Australian flag, well they are cowards whose behaviour will not be tolerated," Mr Iemma said.

"That was the most disgraceful, disgusting behaviour that I've ever seen."

Mr Iemma said he planned to bring together community leaders for discussions about how to prevent further violence.

Police had the resources and the equipment to deal with the violent scenes, he said.

Police were forced to use capsicum spray and batons in their battle to subdue the Cronulla rioters, who pelted officers with bottles and stomped on patrol cars.

Later, a 23-year-old man was injured and more than 40 cars smashed with baseball bats in an apparent revenge attack at Maroubra, in Sydney's east.

A group of about 60 men of Middle Eastern appearance and armed with baseball bats smashed the windows of parked cars about 9pm (AEDT).

The group then clashed with local gang, the Bra Boys, outside the Maroubra Bay Hotel.

A 23-year-old Maroubra man was taken to Prince of Wales hospital after he was stabbed with a sharp implement, believed to be a stick or nail, in the hip.

Later, a second 23-year-old man was stabbed in the back by a group of males, described as being of Middle Eastern appearance, at a golf club at Woolooware, in Sydney's south.

He was taken to hospital in a serious condition.

Riot police were also called to Brighton-le-Sands, in Sydney's south, overnight to control a group of about 200 brawling youths who had reportedly thrown projectiles at police.

Twelve people were arrested at Cronulla. They will face Sutherland Local Court at a date to be fixed.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's starting to spread... They can no longer say it's an 'American' thing...
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:25 pm    Post subject: Gun Control Reply with quote

Makes me wonder what part, if any, their strict gun control policy might have played in this.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MrJapan wrote:
It's starting to spread... They can no longer say it's an 'American' thing...

Let's hope that the proponents of "it" get to spend some time in jail contemplating just what "it" is.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll have to ask my Auzzie friend over here about it... He leans left.... I think he would be considered a moderate left back in the states... he actually can do a good debate.. AND... he listens to what others have to say!
I'll see if he can give me an idea of the situation over there...

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote



LENGTH: 644 words



Arrests are the right response to the weekend Sydney riot

IF any among the drunken mob that rampaged under the Australian flag during Sunday's riot at Cronulla in suburban Sydney think they were defending the Australian way of life, they should think again. It is not the Australian way to fight police for control of the streets. It is not the Australian way to hunt for victims and to beat anybody who comes to hand, because they look like they might be a member of a targeted ethnic group. After half a century of welcoming millions of migrants from all over the world, the Cronulla riot is a stain on our national standard, and all it stands for. Australian patriots are tolerant. They respect the right of all to practise their religions, and live their lives as they choose, as long as they respect our laws and understand that, as they are accepted, so they must accept everybody else. To love Australia is to love its tolerance and ability to absorb and adapt to other cultures. And the law exists to deal with everybody, whatever their place of birth, who will use or incite violence because they do not like the way other Australians live. This is the lesson Sunday's rioters, and anybody who admires, or who aspires to emulate them, must learn. And the police must pursue and the courts prosecute as many as have a case to answer to ensure that they do.

But there is also no doubting that Sunday's riot was catalysed by events, and many more allegations, involving the behaviour of other thugs who do not understand the Australian way. These are young men who act out their sense of confusion by acting aggressively, especially to women. We have seen the awful outcome of this sort of behaviour with rapes committed by young men whose violence and misogyny has no place in Australia. The excuse for Sunday's riot was an assault, assumed to be by men of Middle Eastern appearance, against lifesavers the previous weekend. But talk-back radio is abuzz with claims that youths from Middle Eastern backgrounds regularly harass women at the beach. It seems certain some do, and it is up to their community leaders to convince them they must stop. And if they fail, it is up to the police to ensure all Australians are able to go wherever they like and do whatever they like within the law, free from the threat of intimidation and assault -- including at the beach.

But nor should we allow an entire ethnic group to be demonised by the behaviour of unrepresentative thugs. This riot was driven by specific circumstances and encouraged by racist political parasites who attract attention for their foolish ideas of race-based politics by encouraging violence. And it is far from the first stoush between youth tribes that Sydney's beaches have seen. Down the decades there have been disputes between followers of different fashions, and between groups from different parts of the city. The implications of these disputes should not be exaggerated. They are often just extreme versions of the sentiment expressed in graffiti at all sorts of Australian beaches, which announces they are for 'locals only' -- a warning designed to exclude everybody, of all creeds and colours, who does not live within walking distance from that particular stretch of surf. But while this riot does not demonstrate Australia is an ethnically divided society, this is no reason to ignore its lessons. At times on Sunday the police appeared to have lost control of the streets to a drunken mob -- yet another mark against the failing Government of Premier Morris Iemma. For all his tough talk, there were not enough police to protect ordinary Australians from a baying mob at Cronulla on Sunday. This must not happen again. There are many more weekends to come this summer and Mr Iemma is obliged to ensure they are all free of mob violence at Cronulla, and every other beach in the state.


Sunday, December 4

* Lifesaver allegedly assaulted at North Cronulla after heated exchange with three Middle Eastern youths

Wednesday, December 7

* Eighteen-year-old Bankstown concreter arrested over lifesaver bashing. Scheduled to appear in court on January 19

* Brawl develops near site of Sunday bashing, after three 'Aussies' argue with Lebanese teens

* Email and text message campaign starts, urging 'every Aussie in the shire (to) get down to North Cronulla to support Leb and wog-bashing day'.

Friday, December 9

* Premier Morris Iemma appeals for calm at Cronulla, vowing a police crackdown on rioters. Locals turn on premier, demanding an end to racially motivated attacks

Saturday, December 10

* Police discover text message urging Middle Eastern gangs to start trouble in the eastern suburbs instead of Cronulla

Sunday, December 11

* Midday: 5000 descend on Cronulla beach, with violence peaking at 4.20pm with a brawl at North Cronulla

* 8.30pm: Carloads of Middle Eastern youths smash cars and attack police in Maroubra

* 10pm: More arrests as trouble spreads to Brighton-Le-Sands

* 10.25pm: Man stabbed at Woolooware, near Cronulla

* 11pm: Police arrest some of those involved in earlier Cronulla riot Yesterday

* Text message urges 'all Arabs' to gather at Cronulla this Sunday

Sixteen men have been arrested and charged with 41 offences. Most have been bailed to appear in court early next year

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seconds that led to a day of savagery - RACE RIOT: HOW IT ERUPTED THE DAILY TELEGRAPH December 13, 2005 Tuesday




1:30pm - A youth of Middle Eastern descent is chased from a park next to the beach across the road to Northies Hotel by a group of caucasians.

He is assaulted before running into the pub

2:30pm - Scuffles break out outside the hotel on Prince St between groups of Middle Eastern and caucasian males. Police caged trucks called and ambulance officers treat youths for lacerations and intoxification

3pm - Brawl breaks out at train station after word spread that a Lebanese gang was arriving.

A mob of caucasians jump onto train and begin searching for anyone of Middle Eastern descent.

They find two males and bash them inside a carriage until police intervene

4:20pm - Brawl breaks out in the car park of North Cronulla Surf Club. Six males injured.

4:35pm - Ambulance crew attacked in Bourke Rd, Nth Cronulla. The paramedics had been treating five injured Middle Eastern people but as they went to depart, the crowd turned on them, pelting the vehicle with bottles and rocks

10pm onwards - Police roadblock assembled on major roads leading into Cronulla to deter car loads of Middle Eastern males arriving


5:57pm - Group of eight Middle Eastern males armed with axes and hammers attempt to hold up the Albert Corner Store on Wills Rd. Three men arrested in possession of bats and clubs.

10:44pm - A caucasian male is stabbed in the back and legs by up to 10 Middle Eastern offenders in the golf course car park. Police found the blade of a large knife still lodged in the man's back when they arrived


12am - Police request assistance to disperse a crowd of 30 to 40 people gathered at the round-about on Captain Cook Drive


9pm - Between 100-150 Middle Eastern males gathered on Maroubra Parade armed with crowbars, baseball bats and golf clubs. The group set about randomly smashing car windows and one vehicle was torched by a molotov cocktail. Police officers pelted with glass bottles and bricks as they arrived

9:10pm - Five Middle Eastern males pull up in a red Triple S Pulsar at Fitzgerald Avenue and smash the windscreen and of a car near the 7-Eleven store, screaming: "This place is ours."

11pm - Reports of rioting in Maroubra go unacknowledged by police media


2am - Malicious damage report in Arden St. A Middle Eastern male reportedly got out of a white Pajero and smashed the rear window of the informant's car

6am - Residents in Denning St find parked cars vandalised with their windscreens, windows and headlights smashed


9:47pm - A group of 50 Middle Eastern males abusing people in a car park on the corner of General Holmes Drive and Bestic St

10pm - Police attacked by a group of 20 Middle Eastern males during a foot pursuit on Duke St.

One male taken into custody by police

10:15pm - Middle Eastern youths climb onto the roof of the RSL club in Bay St, steal the Australian flag and set fire to it

10:33pm - A shopping trolley hurled at police among other projectiles as officers clash with an angry mob on Bay St, near Moat Ave.


10:22pm - A group of up to 50 Middle Eastern males moved on by police from car park of 7-Eleven store

12:20am - Up to a dozen Middle Eastern males surrounding a white sedan, threatening to smash it with baseball bats and golf clubs


11:35pm - Police urged to keep a lookout for 30 to 40 carloads of youths heading to Maroubra

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Joined: 17 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MrJapan wrote:
I'll have to ask my Auzzie friend over here about it... He leans left.... I think he would be considered a moderate left back in the states... he actually can do a good debate.. AND... he listens to what others have to say!
I'll see if he can give me an idea of the situation over there...


One of the most vulnerable places on earth.

Yes,with the population of southern California,85% size of USA,no guns(special license for rifles-hunting),skeleton military,inability to protect this large continent from a cultural invasion,good paying jobs,social/medical programs,'sweet' super annuation(privatized retirement),accentuated with left-wing media/universities; this could very well be the hot-bed of muslim conflict in the coming years.

I've logged about 25 trips down under over the last 35 years each time taking note of the anti-american(usually under 40) attitudes coming from the media,press,family and students.
Tin Can Gunline Vietnam
2nd generation Navy
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is in the genetics folks. Remember the early settlers of the land Down Under were criminals sentenced to a Penal Colony for crimes against the Crown.

Cool Cool Cool
Retired AF E-8

Independent that leans right of center.
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I B Squidly
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How ungracious! Before the Revolution the Old Baily shipped its offal to the American colonies. Few of the rest of us can claim to represent the creme de la creme of european society (not that that's a bad thing).

-Wlm Shakespeare
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