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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:22 pm    Post subject: VVAR AND MAGRUDER Reply with quote

John Hughes - Honorary Chairman
C Co., 3rd Marine Reg., 3rd Marine Div.
Recipient - Purple Heart
Two tours of duty - Vietnam

Leonard Magruder - Founder/President
Former professor of psychology, Suffolk College, N.Y.
Member: National Asssociation of Scholars

PLEASE NOTE: If this arrives chopped up, there is a correct copy, top left,
at v-v-a-r.org. Vietnam vet contact: General Carl Schneider (ret.) -Korea,
Vietnam - [Deleted by Admin].


Leonard Magruder, President of Vietnam Veterans for Academic Reform, said
today that the lies told by presidential candidate John Kerry about his Vietnam
service, exposed by Swift Boat veterans in spite of massive attempts by the
media to keep them hidden from the American people, are only the tip of the
iceburg. Last week he paraded a sign for two hours in front of the news building
of "The Lawrence Journal-World" as reporters and editors walking by totally
ignored the press release he offered them. The sign read, "Stop the Media
Cover-up for Kerry."The issue is that polls by 28 Vietnam vet organizations from all
over the country sent to V.V.A.R. show that Vietnam vets are 80% opposed to
Kerry as Commander-in-Chief, primarily because of lies Kerry told about them in
his '71 testimony to Congress and their doubts that he could handle the
terrorists.. No group favored Kerry.
Other lies that the media is covering up include Kerry's statement that he
was not in Kansas City when assassination was discussed by his group,Vietnam
Veterans Against the War, the lie about being in Cambodia, and the lie that he
volunteered immediately for service when in fact he first tried to get out of
service through a deferment to go to Paris to study.

The Swift Boat veterans were only able to get their message out after taking
bold and expensive measures by taking out ads, seen in limited areas whereas
national media should have covered the story from the beginning.
Here is a chronological account of the cover-up of both the Swift Boat vets
Conference in Washington and the V.V.A.R. polls.
Our charge of repeated cover-up of our poll, reported to the media beginning
two months ago, was strongly reinforced when Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
announced that 220 out of 229 Swift boat Vietnam veterans contacted (96%) had
signed an open letter to Kerry challenging his fitness to serve as
Commander-in-Chief. NBC, ABC, and the Associated Press all refused to report to the American
people on the conference. Dan Rather mentioned it briefly on CBS Evening News
but dismissed it as “allied with the Bush campaign.”
Another confirmation of the V.V.A.R. data came from Talon News in a press
release titled, “Veterans Deserting Kerry.” “After months of touting his
military record and his combat heroism, the Massassachusetts Democrat is losing the
veteran vote to President Bush. A CBS poll released Wednesday showed veterans
prefer Bush over Kerry by a whopping 13 points. 54 to 41. Not surprisingly,
coverage of the stunning poll result has been slim to none. Said Buch-Cheney
spokesman Scott Stanzel, "It’s buried in every poll that I have seen"...Kerry’s
fellow Vietnam veterans were not surveyed independently. But anecdotal evidence
suggests that most veterans of that era still harbor deep resentments against
Kerry because of anti-war protests where he trashed his comrades in arms as
war criminals and was involved in projects with Jane Fonda. If the presidential
challenger doesn’t top Bush in the veterans catagory by the end of the
Democratic Convention, it’s sure to be a huge political embarrassment.”

“A new poll by the national organization Rasmussen Reports, taken after the
Democratic Convention, shows that Bush holds a 23% lead among veterans, but
those with no military service favor Kerry by 10 points.”
This has very frightening implications. Those with knowledge about war
strongly prefer Bush over Kerry as Commander-in-Chief. An honest national media
would investigate this finding and tell the American people why these veterans
believe this. It also means that the much larger group of those with no military
experience to judge the matter believe that Kerry would be better. In their
ignorance of what makes a good Commander-in-Chief, because the media is covering
up what veterans have to say, they could make Kerry , the less able of the
two men, Commander-in-Chief. This would place the country in much greater
danger that it would be in under Bush. The media, blindfolding America to further
its campaign for Kerry, is leading America directly into harms way. If the
media, and the univerity for that matter, do not start getting serious about the
crisis, we are going to lose the war on terrorism.

The psychology by which the media cannot allow the public to find out that
the majority of Vietnam veterans oppose Kerry is elementary. Most Vietnam vets
agree they fought for the freedom of the South Vietnamese against Communist
aggression from the North. The media, the campus, and those like Kerry and Fonda
fell for Hanoi’s propaganda that it was an imperialistic, immoral war of
aggression by the U.S. against those in South Vietnam attempting to unify their
country. And they are apparently willing to risk the nation rather than admit
they are wrong. (For an expose of the Big Lie of the anti-war movement, see
"Kerry Too Naive- Part 1" at

Here is what Vietnam Vets for the Truth, who are sponsoring a protest in
Washington, D.C. against Kerry on Sept. 12 (Kerry Lied...While Good Men Died) ,
are saying about him, probably reflecting the way most Vietnam vets feel:

"Contrary to most media reports, Vietnam veterans are overwhelmingly opposed
to Kerry. He lied to the American people and the U.S. Senate when he told our
mothers and fathers , our wives and our children that we had raped ,
tortured, murdered, and ravaged the countryside of Vietnam. It was a pack of lies, but
much of America was disenchanted with the war, and America listened to and
believed Kerry as he used the Vietnam War to launch his political career.
Kerry is not the centrist, moderate, strong-on-defense candidate he
represents himself to be, and voters need to know those facts. On Sept. 12 we will tell
the true story of how the fine young men and women who fought in Vietnam came
home to insults instead of parades, because they listened to Kerry's lies,
when they should have welcomed them home with gratitude. Kerry gave aid and
comfort to the enemy when he returned to the US:

1) He joined the radical left of the anti-war movement and worked with Jane
Fonda., as advocates of our enemy.
2) He launched his political career with false testimony to Congress in 1971
calling American soldiers in Vietnam "..a generation of monsters."
3) He said he was ashamed of his Vietnam service and dishonored his
decorations by throwing them over a fence labeled "Trash" at a Washington D.C. protest.
4) He met with our enemy's negotiator in Paris in 1970 in violation of U.S.
law while hostilities were gong on , returned to the U.S. and publicly
advocated the enemy's proposal of unilateral U.S. withdrawal before negotiating the
return of our POW's.
5) Kerry's false 1971 testimony was used on American POW's to pressure them
to confess to war crimes.
6) Kerry's picture is prominently displayed in Communist Vietnam's War Museum
in gratitude for his help in their victory over the U.S.
7. In June 2004, a few months ago, the official Communist newspaper accused
the U.S. of a pattern of inhumane war crimes, citing the Iraq perisoner abuse
scandal and Kerry's 71 testimony.
8. 21 of the 22 officers Naval officers who served with Kerry consider him
unfit for office."

This election will definitely hinge on whether the media will allow these
issues to surface, or are they again, as they did in the case of the Tet
Offensive in 1968 , going to rob the American people of the ability to make critical
judgments about their most vital security interests in a time of war?
Go as far back as you wish, you will find nothing to commend Kerry as
Commander-in-Chief, although some mention the fact that he has fired weapons in
battle against the enemy. This is something tens of thousands of Americans did in
Vietnam, without expecting that this made them qualified to become President.
The whole theme of Kerry's campaign, that firing a weapon in battle, or even
pulling someone out of the water, possibly under fire, qualifies him to be
Commander-in-Chief , is a very limited argument. Learning to combat the enemy in
a jet fighter, and flying them, can be just as scary.

Craig Gordon of Newsday’s Washington Bureau wrote in an article on Kerry on
Feb. 21, 2004, “Kerry’s speech in 1971 is considered by many to be one of the
peace movement’s defining moments. It helped galvanize the protests and turn
popular opinion against the war.”
Kerry has made a few statements recently about this ’71 testimony, but he
misrepresents it. The '71 charges were not “highly documented”; they are
totally unsubstantiated. He didn’t “help people understand what was going on”; he
helped to publicize lies. He didn’t “honor” the service of vets; he charged
them and their officers with daily atrocities.
Here are excerpts from what was said by every veteran interviewed for our
film "How The Campus Lied About Vietnam," showing how the impact of statements
by Kerry and other war protestors impacted the returned veteran.

Veteran A: Now that hurt me a lot. They yelled at us, “Nixon’s hired guns."
Does one need a college education to do that?
Veteran B: All they cared about was themselves, and those who served in
Vietnam they didn’t give jack---- about and that stinks. When a country turns its
mind and body against a veteran who fought a war for that country, that stinks.
Veteran C: When I returned I could only keep going if I forgot my Vietnam
service, shut it out of my life. But I don’t feel that way any more. I have every
reason to be proud of what I did in Vietnam.
Veteran D: Humiliating, insulting, degrading. It hurt, what the protestors
Veteran E: They protested the fact that the American soldier was in Vietnam,
but when we came back they treated us like dirt - they didn’t care.
Veteran F: When we came home we wanted to fit back into society as soon as
possible. But it didn’t work out that way. They kept saying, “you must be one
of those baby killers, one of the psychopathic killers of Vietnam.” When you
start living with something like that you start telling people you were not over
in Vietnam, just out of the country.
Veteran G: They were idots...we came home alone, straight into the jaws of
insensitive idiots. The peace movement was very diverse, from Vietnam Veterans
Against the War to mother and fathers who couldn’t understand.
Veteran H: Because of them we were portrayed as people that we were not, as
“baby killers” and all of that. If they could make those returning feel they
had done something wrong it added credibility to their arguments. It was a tack
taken so they would not have to go.
Veteran I: Oh boy, do I remember that, spitting at us at the airport and
saying we were rapists, that we raped babies, and they left a mark on us making
people think that we were no good.
Veteran J: When we got back we were blacklisted as very uncomfortable
reminders to those people who opposed the war, and many of them felt the arrogant
need to isolate many of those who tried to come home and re-penetrate those peer
groups-they were ordered to the closet. It was especially difficult for
disabled veterans, who were told their sacrifice was a stupid and unnessary act of

We will send a copy of this film to any Vietnam vet group that will try to
get it on Public Access TV. 40 minutes long, that leaves 20 minutes for a live
discussion by vets about Kerry. Although an amateur film, it was shown once
here in Lawrence and went O.K..Anyone able to do that please let us know.

This data is reported from all over the country. Any group could just as well
have preferred Kerry, but so far no group has. Although most groups are
small, the fact that all point in the same direction, and very strongly at that,
suggests that what this collection is telling us is very significant
statistically, and it looks like our estimate now is that 80% of all Vietnam vets oppose
Kerry. Where you have a number of small poll results, it is acceptable to add
them all together into a larger, more significant sample. While we have no way
of verifying this data, we have been in contact with most of these people for
some time and trust them.
When the opinions of Vietnam vets are added to all other vets in national
polls you will see the gap narrowing, but still significantly in favor of Bush.
So what this is telling us is that Vietnam vets have some special reason for
opposing Kerry, certain to be a very important reason, one the media should be
reporting to the public. But isn't.
(For updates go to Latest Presidential Poll at v-v-a-r.org. This poll is
ongoing. Please send us your data )

§ 6 Vietnam vets this weekend at HS reunion, all oppose Kerry - Dan Haney -
602nd Air Commando Sq. A1 pilot ‘67
§ Out of 45 Vietnam veterans... all say pooh on JFK...100% - powmiavets
§ Our heli-vets pol shows 160 against and 6 for Kerry - Ron Leonard-25th
Aviation Battalion
§ I know about 650 Vietnam vets and their attitude toward about Kerry is 100%
negative - Dan Decker, TSgt.USAF (ret.)
§ I know thousands of vets .I would say the opinion is about 98% against
Kerry - Tony Cartlidge-Vietnam Combat Marine- 1968
§ Of 27 Vietnam Veterans I know, including myself, not one is willing to vote
for John Kerry. - Charles Banto - USMC 1958-1974 -2 tours in Vietnam
§ 100,000 e-mails, almost all veterans, around 100 to 1 against Kerry - Don
Bendell, Special Forces, Vietnam, 1968-69, noted author
§ Out of 25 guys 90% against Kerry - Mike- mleonardos
§ 240 vets, mostly Vietnam, 85% against Kerry -Tony Newcomb, Cpt.U.S.Army
§ Of the more than 2500 veterans of all ranks who responded , 59 took umbrage
with what I had to say (against Kerry) - Mark A. Smith, former POW, Vietnam.
§ An ongoing poll, with names and comments at 11thcavnam.com is running 16
for Bush, 4 for Kerry. (80% for Bush.)
§ 12 Vietnam vets, all of whom are against John Kerry. -Vietnam vet, Tom
§ A summary of individual votes sent in to V.V.A.R. is running 12 for Bush, 3
for Kerry
§ I’d make the numbers 80 to 20 against Kerry - Philip Topps, Cpt. Inf.(ret),
1st Inf. Div. 69-70
§ 100 against Kerry - 0 for him - Storrs Warinner- 67-68
§ 17th Annual Reunion - out of 55 vets all against Kerry - Bob Griffin -
101st Abn. Div. Vietnam 1968-69
§ 99 for Bush - 1 for Kerry - Don Martin., USA, combat aviation
§ Vets - union factory workers- 170 for Bush - 73 for kerry -Tony Newcomb,
Veterans Leadership program
§ All the vets I know, 50 or so, have no use for Kerry -John Morrill- Vietnam
§ 200 on the net for Bush, 1 for Kerry - [Deleted by Admin]
§ members, 151 for Bush, 6 for Kerry - Kenneth Roberts
§ All the vets I know, probably 50, have no use for Kerry - John Morrill -
Vietnam veteran
§ Every vet we know is opposed to Kerry - Chuck and Mary Schantag, P.O.W.
§ Rangers are 100% against Kerry -noatlmus44 - President
§ Every veteran I’ve talked to is against Kerry - General Carl Schnieder
(ret.), Air Force -Korea and Vietnam.
§ I am anti-Kerry, as are most of my friends who are Vietnam veterans - Stud
§ I share the distrust I hear from my veteran colleagues - Peter McHugh, CW4
USA -67-68,71-72
§ I would say 90% of the military here (power plant) are against Kerry -

In times of crisis the media elites, arrogant, as Bernard Goldberg showed,
act as a counter-government, believing they know what is best for the countrry.
And they have decided that Kerry is best for the country, precisely because
he “spoke out against the war,” that is, endorsed their own leftist version of
the war.
But we don't want the media playing games like this with our lives, with the
lives of our families and our children, with our country. Osama bin Laden is
serious when he talks about the "the American Hiroshima". We demand the media
start telling the truth about John Kerry, asking the hard questions.
We salute what the Swift Boat veterans have done. And we agree with Bob Dole
that Kerry should apologize.He should apologize for all those in the anti-war
movement who like him fell for leftist propaganda to defeat the sacrifices of
the Amercian soldier to bring freedom to South Vietnam.

Isn't it obvious that Vietnam veterans would very much like to see one of
their own become President? Isn't it also obvious that if 80% are against one of
their own becoming president that they must know of a very good reason ? In
trying to warn America to reject Kerry are they not making a second sacrifice
for the sake of their country? But the media, which betrayed their sacrifices in
Vietnam, is betraying them a second time, not allowing them to be heard. This
is a true American tragedy in the making.

"Therefore",said Mr. Magruder, "I will continue my campaign against the
media. I will take my sign to Topeka and parade it at the newspaper there. If that
fails, I will take it to Kansas City. If that fails I will just keep going,
to Washington and Congress. Somebody is going to put this story on the
newswire, that 80% of Vietnam vets would not trust Kerry as Commander-in-Chief, and
the nation is going to want to know why."

Mr. Magruder, President of Vietnam Veterans for Academic Reform is available
for phone interviews [Deleted by Admin]. Last semester he was interviewed on
stations in Vermont, Florida, North Carolina, and California (Geoff Metcalf
National Radio.) While Mr. Magruder does not speak for Vietnam veterans, not being
one, he is knowledgeable about “the war on the homefront,” having been a
professor on various campuses during the Vietnam era. As a psychologist who did
volunteer work with returned veterans, he is well familiar with the damage done
by statements such as those made by Kerry about their service.

Copy, distribute, link up with us.

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Thank you

Board of Advisors - National
Mr. Richard Kitson - President, Vietnam Veterans of America - Suffolk Chapter
(New York)
Mr. Dennis Garbosky - founder, Vietnam War Historical Society (New York)
Mr. Ray Gallagher - past Commander, American Legion - Toronto (Canada)
Col. Stanley Horton - former Director, V.V.Leadership- Houston (Texas)
Mr. John Lowe - Commander, Native American Veterans Association (Kansas)
Mr. Stephen Markley - former Director, V.V.Leadership - Minnesota (Kansas)
Dr. William Beausay - Academic Consultant - psychology (Ohio)
Annette R. Hall -Co-author, "I Served" and Executive Producer of the
documentry, "Silent Victory" (Washington).
Mr. Steve Hawkins - President, Committee on the Crisis in Education (Kansas)
Mr. William Street - history - Vietnam War (Hawaii)
Mr. Dan M. Steinruck - Virginia State Director for Point Man Ministries
Dr. Richard G. Stevens - Professor of Political Science Emeritus -Institute
of World Politics (Washington, D.C.)
Mr. Bernie Russo - President, VVA Chapter #484, Editor, VVA Newspaper- Conn.
Edition (Connecticut)
Mr. Joseph P. Larson - Consultant - Computer Science (Kansas)
Mr. Bill Laurie - Academic Consultant - History of Vietnam War (Arizona)
Rev. Lloyd Snodgrass - Academic Consultant -Theology (Kansas)
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