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Vietnam boomerang - Mark Steyn, The Jerusalem Post

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Master Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:16 pm    Post subject: Vietnam boomerang - Mark Steyn, The Jerusalem Post Reply with quote

Vietnam boomerang

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That was a hoot....great post and great article...

I hope every forum member reads it..
101st Airborne Div.
Vietnam 67-68


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One of the better lines from the above article

>>"I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty," the Dems and the media saw it as an ingenious way of screwing Bush; but every normal person viewing that night saw only a strange man with nothing to say about anything that's happened since the early Seventies.

How true, first thing I thought.
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Master Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like this part .

After all, as everyone from John Edwards to Bill Clinton has assured us, being a Swift boat commander for four months is the indispensable qualification for being president. When Hillary runs in 2008, no doubt she'll be leaning heavily on her four months running a Swift boat up and down the Shatt al-Arab.

But hang on, most of these fellows in the anti-Kerry ad – the ones talking about how he can't be trusted, etc. – are also Swift boat commanders? If being a Swiftee is the most important thing in American life, why are all these "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" any less entitled to be heard than John Kerry?

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Master Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is why Kerry could not run on what he has done as a senator.

John Kerry fails that test. If you wanted to pick a candidate on the wrong side of every major defense and foreign policy question of the last two decades, you'd be hard put to find anyone with as comprehensively poor judgment as Kerry: tot up his votes and statements on everything from Grenada to the Gulf War, Saddam to the Sandinistas, the Cold War to missile defense to every major weapons system of the Eighties and Nineties. He called them all wrong
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I only hope more people start getting their info on the internet. Our "news papers certainly don't give us this kinda stuff.
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Master Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

has anyone ever used www.crayon.net .It lets't you make your own newspaper ?
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:17 pm    Post subject: Vietnam Boomerang Reply with quote

There was a good editorial in the Wall St. Journal of Tuesday Aug. 24,2004.of the same title. The highlight box says "His 'war crimes' libel returns to haunt John Kerry".

In the body of the article they say "In any case, anyone who spends five minutes reading the Swift Boat Veterans' book ("Unfit for Command") will quickly realize that their attack has nothing to do with Mr. Bush. This is all about Mr. Kerry and what the veterans beleive was his blood libel against their service when he told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the spring of 1971 that all American soldiers had commited war crimes as a matter of official policy. "Crimes commited on a day t-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command" were among his incendiary words."

I have the whole article on Adobe Reader and will be happy to send it to anyone that wants to see it.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:18 pm    Post subject: Re: Vietnam boomerang Reply with quote

kmudd wrote:
Vietnam boomerang


bottom line of article (literally)

Or as Country Joe and the Fish would put it: And it's one, two, three, what is he fighting for?

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Master Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:28 pm    Post subject: Re: Vietnam boomerang Reply with quote

jwb7605 wrote:
kmudd wrote:
Vietnam boomerang


bottom line of article (literally)

Or as Country Joe and the Fish would put it: And it's one, two, three, what is he fighting for?


Kerry is fighting for Kerry and for personal power.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Required reading! Excellent article...
God Bless Our Veterans Of The USA! Thank you for your service!
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Fabius Cunctator
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:57 pm    Post subject: Re: Vietnam boomerang Reply with quote

kmudd wrote:
Vietnam boomerang


I have passed this link on to friends, family, acquaintances, current and former work colleagues with the attached message:

"It's pretty sad when you have to go outside of the US to get some honest coverage of this affair. It further confirms to me and others - vets and active/reserve military - that our so-called mainstream media is just another "527" for Kerry. Even the Fox News Network has been betrayiing its supposed balance and fairness in its coverage, with rare exceptions - Sean Hannity, Brit Hume.

Instead of hiding behind Tuh-ray-zah's skirts, his lawyers and assorted spokesmouths, if he REALLY wanted to put an end to all of this, Kerry would sign his Form 180 and release ALL of his military records. Recall that Bush was assaulted for months about the supposed discrepancies in his National Guard service and the press made demands for him to release all of his records. So, he did - he took all the criticism like a man, instead of whining and wetting his bed like the new JFK has been doing. But, rather than releasing his records as his own surrogates had demanded of Bush, Kerry seeks to kill the messengers, threatening to sue them, filing with the FEC, threatening to sue TV stations carrying the commercials, looking for dirt on the 250-odd former shipmates of his from Vietnam -everything but confronting the truth. Is this the kind of Commander in Chief we want? Last time I checked, there was a First Amendment guaranteeing freedom for this type of speech - a freedom these veterans fought and bled for. And they are the ones to whom Kerry would deny this fundamental American right?????? But I guess it only works if you agree with the Left - otherwise, it is hate speech. Now, THIS is what a Senator is doing - if he were president, it would be the IRS and other agencies trying to destroy these guys. Scary stuff!!! And this, in the United States of America!!!! Did my father's generation fight and defeat Nazi totalitarianism in World War II so we could come to this????

Kerry thought he would skate into the White House on only four months of service in Vietnam. Recall that HE is the one who made it the centerpiece of his campaign; therefore it became fair game for the opposition. He apparently staged and filmed events for this very moment in his life. Now that he has been caught in three lies (the best one yet being his own testimony on the Senate floor of having the memory of being in Cambodia during Christmas of 1968 SEARED, SEARED IN HIS MEMORY, [not sauteed, I guess] when Nixon was president [he hadn't taken office YET], he wants to run away from it. What a fine courageous example he puts forth. What a profile of courage there, JFK!!! He has an undistinguished record in the Senate - what significant piece of legislation passed over the last 20 years carries his name? Even members of the Clinton White House said he wasn't a player.... So, I guess you could blame him for running away from such a record.

As those who know me well know, I did not serve in Vietnam; I did enter the Marine Corps in 1974 - a very tough year for all of our armed forces. Serving my first year in the Washington, D.C. area where I had gone to college - an already familiar environment, I was still subjected to the same type of baby-killer, rapist thug abuse, cursing and spitting, similar to what our guys coming back from Vietnam had put up with, thanks to Kerry, Fonda & Company, and I too have not forgotten this. I guess my "problem" was, rather than get a wig like many military guys in DC did during that time to conceal their military affiliation during a tough time, I proudly displayed my "high and tight" (and still do!), and didn't give a rip about these anti-war slimeballs. Well, these jerks haven't gone away - they've become the very Establishment they formerly cursed and they're now wearing suits and still slandering our vets. As a result, I too have joined the Swiftboat Vets for Truth forum, and am putting my money where my beliefs lie, and will do my utmost to prevent this fake, fraud and hypocrite from entering the Oval Office in anything but the capacity of a janitor.

Now, people have already asked me, why bring up something which happened 35 years ago? Well, people, THIS IS important. After 8 years of Clinton's antics, honor, dignity, honesty and integrity DO matter in the Oval Office. IT'S ABOUT CHARACTER. In my service, I saw up close from the Pentagon from 1995 on what bumbling and inaction did - it led to Sept 11, unfortunately. We are now at war, although many refuse to acknowledge it. We cannot afford rerun of the 1990's Clinton frat party. It's a pity that the Dimwit party has stooped so low to its lowest common denominator, when there are still a few good Democrats left, who would have been honorable opponents in the presidential race. Joe Liebermann and Zell Miller, Evan Bayh readily come to mind. Well, the party trashed Pennsylvania governor Casey years ago at their convention, and there's no telling what they would have done to these gentlemen. In fact, in essence, men such as Senator Miller and former Mayor of New York, Ed Koch, have been driven from that party and support Bush. The current crop of morons and jerks running the show, starting from Terry 'the Punk' McAuliffe, Cueball Carville, and others do not inspire a lot of confidence with their infantile or sophomoric idiocies and antics, therefore they must be put out of business. Perhaps when responsible adults retake control of the Democratic Party, I may some day in another lifetime begin to consider them as a political alternative. Until that day comes,


BTW - to those who don't know, I am NOT a Republican, but registered as a Libertarian."

Rather than continue running things in newspapers, if we are lucky enough to get that far, each one of us has a circle of influence - family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues past and present, whom we can influence on such important matters. We can pass this word on to them, they, in turn, can pass the word to THEIR circle of influence, and so on..... If even half of our circle of influence agrees and passes this word on, and it goes four or five levels beyond, then we have reached a lot of people.

It's up to us to pass the word.....

Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
USMCR – 1974 to the present.

"Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum; qui victoriam cupit, milites inbuat diligenter; qui secundos optat eventus, dimicet arte, non casu. Nemo provocare, nemo audet offendere quem intellegit superiorem esse, si pugnet." - F. Vegetii Renati Epitoma Rei Militaris, AD 380
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm waiting for the next big shoe to drop: Kerry's participation in a meeting of VVAW in Kansas City in November, 19971, where the executive committee of VVAW, of which he was a part, discussed assassinating several U.S. Senators. Kerry has denied for years that he was at that meeting, until he was confronted with FBI surveillance reports that put him in the meeting. Then he backed off and had an attack of amnesia. (Another "seared" Cambodia moment?)

I doubt many people know about this scandal and will have a hard time believing it even after presented with the uncontroverted facts.

Here's a pretty good account of the story, beyond what you can read in Unfit for Command: http://www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnkerry.com/kerry_kan_plot1.htm.

Even though Kerry voted against the murders, he should be held accountable for not informing the police immediately. What a sick and sad irony that he should have been elected for 20 years to the highest legislative body of the country. And there are Americans who would reward this traitor, this coward, with the highest office in the free world? How can any current Senator sit in the same room with this man?

Imagine if the Old Media had the same facts, but instead of Kerry it was Bush? They keep playing the old saw now about Guard meetings W allegedly missed; what if Bush had been discovered plotting with others to kill U.S. Senators? We'd hear no end of it.

The Kansas City meeting underscores how Kerry lies at every turn (until caught, as here with the FBI records), and how totally devoid of conscience and a moral compass he is. I hope this shameless, criminal episode makes its way into a SBVT ad. It certainly tops that "scandal" over GWB's youthful drunk driving charge the Dems popped on him in the last week of the last campaign.

I expect we'll get a 3-fer this year: Kerry's ignominious defeat, the demise of the Democratic Party to permanent minority status, and mass rejection of all the Old Media. Adios, amigos!

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