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Kerry campaign uses copyrighted picture
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Joined: 02 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="kyleparr"]Then sue him. I will stipulate to the copyright thing. I do not give a @*$!. There was no harm intended.[/quote]


One must have been damaged to bring a suit to court. The POINT of the matter is that it goes to character. Kerry is a lawyer, and you can bet that his campaign staff has a small army of lawyers at their disposal, and they know better.
The fact that they didn't bother to ask (they knew what the answer would be, perhaps?) provides crystal-clear evidence (again) that Kerry is an unethical and dishonest as the day is long.

Cheney's alleged "conflict of interest" was investigated. They found... Zip.
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Joined: 04 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:38 pm    Post subject: Kerry Campaign pulls add Reply with quote

With all the anger over the political add from veterans and the public....Kerry's campaign is pulling it....
Way to go guys.
Texas Paper Wants Kerry Apology for Use of Photos

Published: June 04, 2004

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) The Corpus Christi (Texas) Caller-Times is asking Democrat John Kerry to apologize for what it says was the unauthorized use in a Kerry campaign commercial of photos copyrighted by the newspaper.

Editor Libby Averyt said Thursday that the ad, which is not running in Texas, appeared to use photos from "South Texas Heroes," a book on veterans published by the newspaper.

"No request was made to the Caller-Times for any of the photos," Averyt said.

A Kerry spokesman said Thursday that the appropriate apologies have been made.

The Spanish-language commercial began airing May 28 in six states -- Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Florida, Colorado and Ohio -- as part of Kerry's push to attract Hispanic voters.

It describes Kerry as a Vietnam veteran and Democrat who "knows that in Washington, the World War II Memorial is a monument to soldiers with names such as Garcia, Chavez and Ortiz." It shows photos of Kerry in Vietnam, artist's renderings of the World War II monument and photos of Hispanic veterans, while listing last names.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A Kerry spokesman said Thursday that the appropriate apologies have been made.

Wow. An apology. That shows character.

BrianC - As for the Cheney thing, people are calling for a probe NOW because of conflicting reports from the Pentagon and the VP's ofice about Hallibuton no-bid contracts and emails the seem to indicate the VP's office involvement. This was disclosed last week.

So, he was not cleared of anything.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The campaign apologized.
True charactor would have been shown in
A. Not using the photograph at all.
B. At the very least....seeking permission to use it.
Charactor is not manifest in doing bad things and then apologizing for them when you get caught.
Charactor is knowing the difference between right and wrong in advance and acting on that position.
Kerry had NO right to use a photo and allow people to think that all in that photo stood behind him. It was wrong.
He should have known it before instead of waiting for someone else to tell him it was wrong.
That kind of behavoir is without moral compass.
Kerry's best slogan...
"Whatever you believe in....I do to."
Now I am off to order me some flip flops.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am assuming that the people here do not care how dishonorable and dishonest the current administration is. Is that true? Are you willing to be lied to, have your sons and brothers killed in combat, and have your tax dollars stolen in order to pay Kerry back for things he said 30 something years ago?

I am really trying to figure out what your blind loyalty to Bush is about. Guess what, you can speak badly about both.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My kids used to do this all the time.....If they got caught doing something bad....they would always try to point the finger somewhere else.
I thought this thread was about Kerry's moral compass.
I know it is hard to stay on subject......Ritilen might help!
You never commented actually on my post.
Don't you think that charactor is actually knowing that something is wrong before you do it?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I stipulated earlier that he used the picture. I have no problem with it since his camp apologized. If the paper wishes to try and collect damages, let them.

My point is that I wish the problems I see in the world were as small as using an unauthorized picture. I find it odd that people will completly ignore real crimes in favor of forwarding their agenda.

I am not defending Kerry's character. I am pointing out that there are MUCH bigger issues with the current Administration. I started a new thread to disucss the topic of hating Kerry versus loving Bush.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your more respectful post.
When dialogue begins this way...a conversation can then be had.
When you keep things civil, your opinion is valued at a higher level.
I will agree that GW is not perfect.
This thread is about Kerry and his charactor.
I am still waiting for your answer to my question though.
How do you define charactor?
You post here asking all of us to look seriously at our current president and yet you seem to support a man as the alternative who has no ability to make a decision and has no moral compass himself.
As to asking our boys to die for the fight for freedom.....Absolutely.
I raised all my children to understand that freedom is not free and my youngest and only son will complete Marine boot camp in 6 days.
I support him 100%. I believe that terrorism is the biggest issue in this campaigne and I believe that GW is the appropriate Commander and Chief to lead my son in that war.
My fear with Kerry is that he will be manipulated by what ever direction the wind blows and my son will pay that price.
I truly believe that when you are dealing with a bully...you can only turn your cheek so many times..(see Clinton administration), then you have to come out swinging.
America is an awesome country. It's roots are deeply embedded in the lives of all veterans lost in order to protect our brave and wonderful heritage.
It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that if you come here and attack our most coveted resource you will be held in contempt by many Americans all over this country.
And as much as I dislike Kerry...I have to believe that if he saw what some have done here....he would be equally sickened.
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Joined: 24 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

all I have seen on this sight is copyrighted pictures. You big losers. Get a life
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How are we fighting for freedom? Do you think Iraq ia going to be a stable country? Whose freedom were we fighting for? This is NOT WWII, but another debacle in the making. NOONE wants us there. NOONE!

As a result of Bush's leadership, we are perceived as the bullies of the world. Terrorists are being grown everywhere instead of a few isolated countries. Our country is GREATLY divided. Our civil rights are being wiped away.

What qualifications does Bush have to be Commander-in-Chief? He has proven less than competent at doing anything but making Veterans cheer while he shows up in Bahgdad. We are LOSING!! Rumsfeld accepts no reposibility while soldiers humiliate and torture prisoners. Now, I come here and listen to people complain about the accusations from Vietnam.

Let me tell you, from an outside perspective, the behavior in Iraq is NOT real supportive of claims of innocence. Also, the chain of command is running from responsibility like a bunch of cowards. Six enlisted guys DID NOT come up with that plan. that was a directive.

I will pray for your son. I hope he serves safely. In Iraq, we are NOT wanted there. The terrorists look just like the civilians. Now you have insurgents and terrorists. Sound familiar? Abusing prisoners. Sound familiar? Don't know who trhe enemy is. Sound familiar? No exit strategy. Sound familiar.

I am not a huge Kerry fan, but Bush had his chance and has made a HUGE mess of things.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kyle....your statements are most broad.
"No One"
I want us there.
The Iraqis want us there.
This is not as simple as you want to make it .
There is an important mission in the middle east.
As I recall, it was Al Qaeda in Iraq that beheaded an American citizen.
As I recall, it was a Sarin bomb found in Iraq just recently....Do you think that Saddam only made one? Thats like finding a shoe on Mars and not coming to the conclusion that someone was actually there to leave it. I will take my chances with President Bush thank you.
(by the way....your anger and bitterness is showing again a bit in the above post....loses some of it's effect when that happens.) Smile
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Joined: 04 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PS....I am gonna say out loud what many do not want to hear....
If you or Saint of any of the other disruptive youngsters don't think that you could be taken hostage on your way to Starbucks, have your head severed and a video of that put on the internet right here in the good Ole USA you are deadly wrong.
14 months ago, we lost our Godson in Iraq.
He and I had a conversation before he left.
He was not going to Iraq to find WMD's.
He was not going there to do anything more than to try and ensure that this battle would not come to the streets of America again.
I for one sleep a little better at night knowing that my enemies truly believe that if they mess with Home soil here in America....They will be hunted down like the animals they are.
I like that they are on the run.
I don't want to negotiate or play touchy feely with them.
I want to sleep at night and enjoy being an American.
I am most thankful that my son cares enough about his freedom and mine and yours....that he would endure 13 weeks of absolute hell...be paid less than the poverty line....and for what.....cause he thinks it is fun....I doubt that!
He does it for you and me.
All of these fine people here have done it for you and me.....
What have they gotten in return from you.
Kyle....Do you want your generation to be represented by comments that have been made here? Do you want your generation to lead in this way?
This country is almost yours to take the reigns of.......
How will you define yourself?
Will it be by morf and saints rules or will you set the bar higher.....
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So, you are going to solve the middle east - ok

Israel is a great example of the use of force to combat terror. Going real well.

As for Iraq, I question whether the Iraqi's want us there. They seem to be shooting at us and telling us to leave more than my family and the summer picinic. I think they want us GONE.

I am not condoning the beheading, but I think you are ignoring that it was in response to the Abu Gharib prison incidents. It was not for nothing. From what i can gather our soldiers killed at least one of theirs in custody. Why no tears about that? Are you saying an American life is worth more than an Iraqi life?

We know Saddam made chemical weapons. He claimed to have destroyed them. Bush claimed he was still in the business, even though intelligence reports and UN inspectors flatly disputed the claims. Who is looking like they were telling the truth now?

As for the Sarin bomb, it was an artillery shell. Here is a piece about it. Pretty interesting.

Here is another one that echos the claims Bush made of 500 tons of the stuff. That is 1,000,000 pounds. They found 3 liters in a dud shell. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/17/international/middleeast/17CND-SARI.html?ex=1086580800&en=546cc88113b28313&ei=5070

We, from what I can gather need need a third-party. Not a Ralph Nader third-party, but a REAL third party. The policies we have are NOT working. the people in office are NOT honest. they are corporate run liars.

I need something different, and so do the majority of the American people - that voted for Gore, as I recall. Smile

I actually voted for Bush, which is why I am so angry.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Our civil rights are being wiped away.

Please list all the civil rights you no longer have, Kyle.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 5:23 pm    Post subject: Sue him? Reply with quote

kyleparr: Nobody wants to sue over the picture, I'm sure. The publicity was to simply make the point that only 2 of the 19 others in that picture support Kerry. That fact alone totally redeems this site and the Swift Boat Vets For Truth: the people who started it don't think Kerry was a good leader for many reasons, and is not fit to be CIC. I think that having only 2 men in that picture support him says it all - the point has been made, and made well. Semper Fi!
Walt Jones (USMC, '65 - '69) It says much about the person who defends a man with no honor.
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