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SOS...Need Help replying to an Editor...(UPDATE, pg 5)
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:25 pm    Post subject: SOS...Need Help replying to an Editor...(UPDATE, pg 5) Reply with quote

Hi folks...

Yesterday I read my local newspaper and found a HUGE
editorial written against the Swiftvets, titled: Swift boat veterans
for lies and slander. I will post the link to that farther down the

I sat down and typed up a letter to the editor. I actually had to
pare it down because there is a word limit, and even then it was
too long.

Well, I emailed my letter last night and received a response from
the editor this morning. I will post all three of these documents
and would appreciate any suggestions on how I can most effectively
respond to the editor's email.

1. The link to the original editorial:

2. Here is my letter to the editor:


Mr. Patrick,

I am both astounded and appalled by your diatribe against the Swift Boat Veterans.

You called these men liars, but have you researched the claims by the Swiftvets? Have you read the book, Unfit for Command by John O’Neill? Have you even investigated the SWIFTVETS.COM website? Have you read the shameful book written by John Kerry in 1971, titled The New Soldier? Or is your attack on them based on collected fragments of information spit out by fellow journalists with your bias?

It amazes me that even in little towns like ours, the liberal media is afforded an uncontested* platform to spew forth its rhetoric. In your nearly half page rant you parrot so many others with the ever-incessant claim that the Bush campaign is somehow behind these men and their ads! The ads have not been “funded by a wealthy Texas donor with ties to Bush”. Yes, Mr. Perry made an initial contribution within the 527 guidelines, but primarily the funding has been the small $5, $10, and $25 contributions from people like me. These are people, who don’t just mindlessly follow the mainstream media for their information about the candidates. These are people who research, and read and become informed before they vote. In fact last week, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, received over $300,000 in donations from Democrats, Republicans and Independents averaging $65 a contribution. I dare say Mr. Patrick that none of the multiple 527 ads produced to defame George Bush can claim such sweeping grass roots support as this one group of veterans!

Over 250 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth submitted sworn affidavits. Exactly what was said in these affidavits that you claim are “lies”. Please be specific, as I have not heard anyone dispute their allegations with facts, only attacks. Each man has made a sworn statement regarding what he saw in Vietnam, and Sen. John F. Kerry has not addressed a single one. Not one.

Kerry could quickly prove who is telling the truth and who isn't by the filling out and signing the military release form (Form 180) and settling the issue once and for all, and show to everyone that these Swiftvets are the ”liars” you say they are. Instead, Kerry and his campaign accused Bush of being behind it all, and complained to the FEC that these ads were “unfair”, and tried to get them removed from the airwaves! If you have the right to use half a page of the Jessamine Journal to air your opinion, don’t these Veterans have the same right to free speech?

In the last three paragraphs of your editorial, you attempted to shift the onus away from the real offender to the ‘shadowy GOP strategy’ theory. You smoothly quote from Wm. Greider’s book and then proceed to try to show the reader that these ads by the Swift Boat Veterans have only been a ploy of the Republican Party to divert attention away from negative reports regarding Bush policy. Please Mr. Patrick, that’s absolutely absurd! There is nothing that George Bush has done, or failed to do, that has not been more than adequately reported on by every self-important journalist out there! How stupid do you think people are?
I suggest that the stories these ads tell, “took on a life of their own”, as you said, because they are real. If they have hurt Kerry in the polls he has only himself to blame. HE chose to draw attention to his service in Vietnam, rather than focusing on his record in the Senate. What kind of a person would make the centerpiece of his presidential campaign four months of proud service in a war that he is best known for opposing?

Sue xxxxxx

* uncontested: you limit the word count in letters of response

3. Here is the editor's emailed response:

Just so you'll know that we aren't one-sided here at this newspaper, I
have an attorney writing a column next week to defend the Swift Boat
Veterans for Truth, and several letters to the editor in response to my

However, not every letter can be the length of a column. If they were,
we could only run one or two a week and it would take months to get
them all in. Therefore, I must ask that you pare your letter down to
300 words or allow me to do it.

I find it absurd that you think the Journal is an "uncontested" voice
of liberalism when we run a conservative columnist, Leland Conway,
every week of the world, plus columns from KyRepublicans.com and the
Family Foundation, and yet I write a column about once or twice a
month. If our editorial page is slanted, it's slanted in the OTHER

The real problem the Swiftvets have with John Kerry is that he opposed
the war in Vietnam. Why don't they concentrate on that? That's a
legitimate beef. But making up false accusations — which have for the
most part been disproven in almost every instance — is, as John McCain
said, "dishonest and dishonorable." The sources I cited in my column
defending Kerry, with one exception, were not journalists, but other
veterans, conservative Republicans, prisoners of war, Green Berets,
admirals, etc.

Please don't accuse me of being biased and close-minded when you have
obviously closed your mind to every objective analysis of this
situation and choose to believe only the discredited propaganda of a
political group and a book written by a right-wing extremist looney
tune whom respectable Republican politician has distanced themselves

And yes, I did thoroughly study the Swiftvets Web site, watched
interviews with John O'Neill and Tom Oliphant, read Douglas Brinkley's
biography, read the Vietnam section of the John Kerry biography written
by a group of Boston Globe reporters who have been following his career
for 30 years, read countless OBJECTIVE newspaper articles that included
thorough analysis of the claims and counterclaims by veterans who were
there. I did my homework because I am a careful, thorough journalist.
When something doesn't smell right, I investigate it. I did so in this
case and found that these claims are false. I'm sorry if I didn't make
my case well enough to convince you.

Randy Patrick

Shocked Have I closed my mind to objective analysis? Where has this "objective analysis" occured? Folks, please advise. Thanks for your time!

BY jrsdad. Edited, 9/4 by Sue


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Last edited by SooZQ on Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 07 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stick the main points. Rather than attack the editor, attack his main points.

Something like this.

I find it amazing that the <insert paper name here> can claim the Swiftvets are liars. Apparently they have done very little research. The Swiftvets claimed that John Kerry's "Christmas in Cambodia" story was false. Both the Kerry campaign and his biographer, Douglas Brinkley, have now admitted it was false. The Swiftvets have claimed that John Kerry's first Purple Heart was not warranted because there was no enemy fire and the wound was self-inflicted. The Kerry campaign has now admitted that is true. The Swiftvets have claimed that Kerry's story of his Bronze Star falsely claimed that all the boats fled the scene. The Kerry campaign has now admitted that was false as well and that Kerry's boat was the only one that left the scene.

How many more admissions of guilt will it take before you admit you are wrong? And when will Senator Kerry sign Form 180 so all his military records can be reviewed by the media and the Swiftvets' claims can be properly vetted?
USN OST-6 68-74
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just sent him this.

Mr. Patrick

America’s News Media – Not Reporting for Duty!
By Tom Mortensen
29 August 2004

The News Media in this country is in full cry to slander 2.5 million Vietnam Veterans again. Those in the News Media did it 35 years ago to advance the burgeoning career of a slanderer and they’re doing it again to advance the presidential candidacy of the same slanderer. They are leading our republic into the trash bin of history to further the political ambitions of this slanderer and have failed to “Report for Duty” to serve the American people.

I read and hear the whining of the News Media that they’re tired of talking about the assertions of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. If that’s the case, they’re tired of the truth and as morally bankrupt as John F. Kerry.

Not a single assertion made by Swiftvets has been disproved. Several of the assertions have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and quietly acknowledged by the Kerry Campaign with no News Media reaction to the fraud he perpetrated on his fellow officers, the U.S. Navy, and the American people.

1. Kerry was not in command of PCF-94 in January of 1969 and his attempt to steal the valor Lt. Edward Peck failed with a quiet withdrawal of documents from the Kerry Website. The News Media has failed to “Report for Duty”.

2. The Kerry Campaign has agreed that Kerry lied and perjured himself to influence US foreign policy in testimony before the Senate in 1986 when he claimed he was 5 miles inside Cambodia on Christmas Eve 1968 and yet the News Media has failed to “Report for Duty”.

3. The “No Man Left Behind” speech at the Democratic National Convention last month has been debunked. The Kerry Campaign has quietly admitted it was Kerry that fled the scene on 13 Mar 1969 leaving Rassman behind. The News Media has failed to “Report for Duty”.

4. The Kerry Campaign has quietly admitted that Kerry received a Purple Heart for purported combat action on 02 December 1969 as a result of a minor unintentionally self-inflicted wound. There was no Combat after Action Report filed. Kerry’s appeal for the award was rejected by his Commanding Officer. There is no Combat Casualty Report for the incident. The News Media has failed to “Report for Duty”.

Starting on 06 May 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has repeatedly called for the complete release of Mr. Kerry’s service records and war diaries. The News Media called upon President Bush to release his Texas Air National Guard Records in March. He complied. The News Media has failed to “Report for Duty” and call on Senator Kerry to release his service records and war diaries which Kerry has employed as his sole qualification to be our Commander in Chief.

The News Media, the so-called Fourth Estate, the conscience of our republic, is complicit in a massive fraud and cover-up the scale of which the American people has not seen since Watergate and still they fail to “Report for Duty”.

The failure of the News Media to “Report for Duty” has been a plague eating at the heart and soul of our republic for 35 years.

A Pox on America’s News Media until it “Reports for Duty”!

Mr. Mortensen (aka RiverRat), is a retired Chief Financial Officer in the investment management industry and served in the U.S. Navy from September 1965 to November 1969. He extended his Navy enlistment and volunteered for Mobile Riverine duty in Vietnam. He served as a Boat Captain and Patrol Officer in US Navy Task Forces CTF 117 and 116 from November of 1968 until November of 1969. He served our republic in River Division 92, Nov of 68 to March of 69, and was a Plankowner (founding member) in River Division 595/153 serving there from March 69 to November 69. He was awarded a Silver Star, a Navy Commendation Medal w/ Combat “V”, and a Purple Heart as well as several unit citations including 3 Presidential Unit Citations. He also has a piece of self-inflicted “friendly fire” shrapnel in his stomach for which he was too embarrassed, apparently unlike Senator Kerry, to request a Purple Heart. He may be reached at velero108@comcast.net
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Instead, Kerry and his campaign accused Bush of being behind it all, and complained to the FEC that these ads were “unfair”, and tried to get them removed from the airwaves!

Just a technique, but perhaps "bullet point" the Kerry response thus far...

As to this...

But making up false accusations — which have for the
most part been disproven in almost every instance

This gentleman is in serious need of an introduction to the blogosphere...
where the "New Media" is in the process of actually INFORMING the American populace.

Last edited by Me#1You#10 on Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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You GottaBeKidding
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One teeny correction. Check the number of people who signed affadavits. I'm thinking that number is 60 or so. The 250+ is people who signed the letter to Mr. Kerry.

That man did not do his homework. Anyone who claims that the allegations have been disproved didn't do homework.
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one more captins mast

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:48 pm    Post subject: The print press. Reply with quote

Many small town and reginal news less papers are owned by

big co.'s and in some cases famlies and or one guy.

They hire these local people to run them and send the

words they print from headqts. and the local guy has

only the choice print or be fired. Find out where the

head of the snake is and buy a share of stock, if it is

public and show up a the stock holders meeting and

ask the same questions, if priviate, buy another

paper and tell the buss people near by, that if they add

with them, you will not buy from them. It works.
the strange mr aj
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:11 pm    Post subject: Re: SOS...Need Help replying to an Editor... Reply with quote

SooZQ wrote:
Hi folks...

Yesterday I read my local newspaper and found a HUGE
editorial written against the Swiftvets, titled: Swift boat veterans
for lies and slander. I will post the link to that farther down the

Makes your blood boil, doesn't it? First, others here can
give you writing points better than I, so I will let them
do that. I will offer one suggestion. Give it a day before
sending your response (unless you are on a deadline).
I'm lucky. We have the mainstream newspaper (liberal
bias) that heavily edits articles submitted. We also have
another "hometown" type paper that admittedly has a
conservative slant. Before Sept. 11, I would have
considered my voting record democrat. When the
protestors started acting up about Iraq (here and elsewhere)
I was furious, so I wrote an article and submitted it with
a request that they not edit content. They refused. I
cancelled my subscript. with a letter stating why. I then wrote to the
"hometown" paper. They published the entire article (long)
without ony changes other than a few typos. I subscribed to
that paper with a letter stating why. I haven't read
the article from your paper but wonder if one of the
sources they cite is "factcheck.org" which seems to be really
popular with lazy people. Resubmit your article (drawing
from the talking points on this forum of experienced vets). Your
goal is not an argument but a rebuttal to the one you feel is
slanted (counter his/her talking points/facts with your own).
I could not help but mention the inconsistencies
and missing documents that Kerry has made available on
his website; for instance, "one" document makes
the lone statement: "awards you the purple heart for injuries
received on 2 December 1968". All of his other PDF documents
focus on the PH received after this date. His Chronology begins
January 1969, not before. The 2 Dec 68 events are not listed in
spot report nor casualty reports. Furthermore, the Fitness
Reports show a reporting period of 8 Nov 1968 to 6 Dec 1968
but nothing refers to his injuries of Dec 2. In fact, it states see
attached addendum (missing) and states "the short period Ltjg
Kerry was attached to Coastal Division 14 prevents further
evaluation". The next Fitness Report covers 6 Dec 1968 to
13 Dec 1968 and makes no mention of PH #1 nor injuries
received Dec 2. The next Fitness Report is signed dated
Dec 18, 1969.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a jerk! Couldn't that article be actionable for libel since he comes right out and calls SBVT liars and accuses them of slander when the things they have said have panned out as true? Someone ought to jump on him for using that paper as a device to call people liars when he can't prove it. THAT is not acceptable. What is this jerks e-mail address? I'd love to light him up. Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for specific suggestions or corrections. That sentence with the 250 signing the afidavit came from someone on this board. Guess I need to do more research on the numbers. Embarassed

Keep your suggestions coming...I know it's a lot of reading and appreciate your help!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is my letter to your editor.

Dear Mr. Eldridge,

You quoted Mark Twain that a lie could make it halfway around the world before the truth gets on its boots. I congratulate you on your trip to the moon and beyond for certainly your lies have carried you at least that far by now.

I counted at least fifteen outright lies in your editorial regarding the Swift boat veterans. I stopped counting at 12 distinct distortions the truth by taking statements out of context.

Your understanding of the concept of military service is obviously as limited as your ability to recognize the truth.
Your most outrageous lie is regarding all of the men who served on Kerry's boat were on stage with him at the DNC. Steve Guardner was not there. He was Kerry's gunner.

Another bending of context is that Jane Fonda and appeared at some of the same rallies. Actually they were on the speakers panel of many events. Being on the speakers panel is very distinct from being at the same location. Ms. Fonda was the major financial contributor to Kerry's group Vietname Veterans Against the War.

The trouble with lying Mr. Eldridge, or even bending the truth is that eventually the truth does "get its boots on". These "boots" of truth will end up squarely on your backside and the damage to your posterior will be substantially less than that done to your character.

My suggestion is that if you want to write fiction keep it off the editorial page.


We must challenge these guys whenever they appear.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What's his e-mail? I didn't see it on the site with the "article".
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He used the words objective analysis and Boston Globe in the same sentence.

That's funny. Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, That struck me funny too. To me so much of the editorial had a 'cookie cutter' quality to it. Scratch a liberal and all the same stuff shoots out. Rolling Eyes

email address... news@jessaminejournal.com

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If I might interject into this love fest Wink

Perhaps it may be too late in this case, but, IMHO, cool, pointed, factual rebuttal is the best response to dis or mis-information.

Hyperbole only serves to harden their position...and your own arteries Wink
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes,1/10...That what I want to do. Please interject more! Make suggestions for pointed response. I need help with objectivity here, help getting some distance for a "cool, pointed, factual rebutal"!

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