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War Dog

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am not sure if that is completely the case. The majority of the people were killed under the REPUBLICAN NIXON ADMINSTRATION! And we all know how honest that group was.

How is it that you leave out that fact??? How is it? This is what is called distorting the facts.

kyleparr, the stats I posted are fact, and more US Military members were KIA, WIA and MIA after TET in 1968 than before. The numbers do not lie, you can do your homework and research this just like I did, and you will find out the same results. It matters not who was President, nor which political party was in power, because the stats are the truth.

It has been well documented and published by numerous news sources, media outlets, magazines and websites in the past month or so, reporting that the North Vietnamese high ranking military and government officials, and the same in the old USSR have public ally stated that the North Vietnamese government was ready to sue for peace after their defeat in TET. What kept them from doing so among other reasons was the activities of the anti-war movement, groups and media back in the USA. The anti-war movement began in 66, and was very instrumental in convincing the majority of the American people that the war was wrong, we were losing, we were taking too many casualties, the government which consisted of both Republican and Democratic Presidents, Administrations and Democratic controlled sessions of Congress was wrong, responsible for the war, and all the casualties.

The North Vietnamese Government knew if they just hung in there, that the sentiment of the American people would turn against the war, the government, the President, his Administration and the US Military. This happened, it’s a fact, it’s true, and it’s well documented in our history. Hell, even the very people that were in the anti-war movement, media and groups have admitted that their activities, words, deeds and actions were directly responsible for turning the American people against the very people that I mentioned above, and it was also their actions that stopped the Vietnam War and convinced the US to sue for peace, and turn tail and run from and abandon South Vietnam.

Maybe one day, you’ll see the truth, but I seriously doubt it. It’s so much easier to drink that Democratic/Liberal kool-aid and blindly accept and believe what you are told, than to actually do some research, and thinking for yourself.

Of course, becuase you are SOOO dedicated to Ronald Reagan, I will quote him here.

Facts are stupid things. - Ronald Reagan

So it all makes sense now.

Again, you parrot the stupid, idiotic party line of the Democrats and Liberals. What you forget or choose to forget is that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, as well as the thousands of Vietnam Veteran and other veterans sites on the internet that are against John F. Kerry and pro-Bush are in fact made up of a mixture of Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, conservatives, liberals, greenies, and other political parties. The majority of the people not only on this board, but the sites mentioned above see the truth about John F. Kerry.

As for your condemnation of President Reagan, you prove to the members of this board, what they basically knew all along, that the majority of Democrats and Liberals are so filled with hate that it clouds their thinking and overrides even common sense and basic decency. That they will resort to lies, distortions, false accusations, propaganda, name calling, insults, slanderous comments, and be very cruel in their comments and statements, just because they feel that is the way to put their party back in power, and win this election. Well, the American people in the last year have begun to finally wake up to this, and more and more Americans from all parties are now supporting President Bush simply because they are sick and tired of the activities, words, deeds and actions of the Democratic Party in this nation.

But keep on dreaming and wishing/hoping for that preverbal shining star to grant you that which you desire so much. Keep slinging that mud against that wall in the vain attempt and hope that one of those piles of BS will eventually stick. The only one that you and the Democratic Party are convincing is themselves, and those already drinking that old kool-aid!

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kyle -

Let me leave out the flowery language and get to the point.

It doesn't matter what you believe or what nonsense you put in these posts.

WE, for a wide variety of reasons, have decided that Kerry would not make either a good President or C-in-C. Therefore, we are not voting for him.

So go back to ** and tell them they can stop bothering. They won't find any Kool-Aid drinkers HERE.
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Well it is obvious that you can't see what the purprose of swiftvets.com is.....the purpose of this website is STOP John "F" Kerry from being president. You are not going to change anyone minds or ideals on this website. You might want to keep to those websites that do. Although we are willing to let you put your opinion forth (which to my understanding from some of you the democrat sights will bann you if your opinion is not for John Kerry) but we DO NOT believe that propganda you are spilling. Most of us have the common sense the good Lord gave us and are using it. We have our core belief's and you are not going to change them nor sway us in anyway. Most of us our conservative and that means our core value does not waiver...you are obviously thinking that you are talking to people who are like John Kerry....who will change their opinion and their values as easily as the wind changes direction...you are wrong. We have our core values which will always stay the same. We have a strong belief in God, Country and Honor and we know that those three mean. John Kerry hasn't a clue to any of them, especially honor. I can not image ever being mad enough at this great country who I have had the honor to serve to throw my medals or any of my military pass away. I am proud to be a vet and it is not something that I need to keep bringing up to have people take notice of me. Maybe you should try some of the most conservative websites to find the real truth and not the so-called truth the liberal media plays out. There is a reason we believe the way we do and it is becuase we listen, learn and read more than just the liberal media. I read the opinions of those who do not believe as I do...I am open minded enough to do that...but it will still not change my mind. You are a typical liberal....you spill hatred when those do not agree with you and cut them off and do not want to listen to reason. We will give you the respect because you served but we do not have to give you the time of day. Most of us just laugh when we read how you do not see the bigger picture as to what is the most important! Keep your mind small and you will never see the potential for what the people of this great country can do. I am proud to be an American.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Once again, I am un-American if I do not believe that John Kerry was responsible for the majority of the soldiers killed in Vietnam. Also, I am a really mean, insensitive guy becuase I bring up a valid quote from a President that was both good and bad for America.

I am not the one brainwashed or without common sense. John Kerry and the anti-war movement did not kill over half of the soldiers in Vietnam, as is contended previously in this thread, no matter how many times you say it with the flag wrapped around you.

Also, no matter what you say, Reagan broke the law with Iran-Contra, he supported death squads in El Salvador, armed the Mujahadin and Iraq, and said a lot of dumb things, like the quote above. He died. He is not the second coming of Christ. therefore, I am not going to pile on the Ronald Reagan was the greatest President ever bandwagon.

Lastly, noone here is allowed to be a Democrat or and Independent unless they hate Kerry and love Bush. BTW, this eliminates Independents and Democrats.

My contention is that you cannot slam Kerry without promoting George Bush. No matter how many names you call me, I am not a leftist, a Islamofascist, a commie, a Marxist, a socialist, or anything else. I am an American that disagrees with you.

I forgot, that is not allowed in Bush's new America. My mistake. I will retreat to my "Free Speech Zone" now.
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War Dog

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Once again, I am un-American if I do not believe that John Kerry was responsible for the majority of the soldiers killed in Vietnam. Also, I am a really mean, insensitive guy becuase I bring up a valid quote from a President that was both good and bad for America.

‘Once again’, you are falling back on that old parroted line of the Democrats and Liberals that if anybody says anything that criticizes you, then they are questioning your patriotism and calling you ‘un-American’! No one has called you ‘un-American’ or questioned your patriotism, and by saying so, you have proven my point about you. If you think you are a ‘really mean, insensitive guy’, that is you opinion, but, okay, if you say so! Your attacks on former President Reagan is bad timing and in poor taste since the man isn’t even in the ground yet. But, that’s okay, we’re used to it from Democrats and Liberals.

[/quote]I am not the one brainwashed or without common sense. John Kerry and the anti-war movement did not kill over half of the soldiers in Vietnam, as is contended previously in this thread, no matter how many times you say it with the flag wrapped around you. [/quote]

Again with the parroted lines! The facts are there, they do not lie. And what I posted was posted without ‘wrapping the flag around’ me. I simply stated the truth, the facts that have been published and documented. But, then again, as usual of Democrats and Liberals, you practice the ‘MO’ that they have come to envelope, i.e., ‘Lie, Deny, Change Subject, Attack’. You have learned well.

Also, no matter what you say, Reagan broke the law with Iran-Contra, he supported death squads in El Salvador, armed the Mujahadin and Iraq, and said a lot of dumb things, like the quote above. He died. He is not the second coming of Christ. therefore, I am not going to pile on the Ronald Reagan was the greatest President ever bandwagon.

Oh, we’re back to the ‘really mean, insensitive guy’ thing again! Your lack of sensitivity knows no bounds!

Lastly, noone here is allowed to be a Democrat or and Independent unless they hate Kerry and love Bush. BTW, this eliminates Independents and Democrats.

Everyone is welcome here, and your views are just as important as anyone else. However, you continue to post comments and opinions that have nothing to do whatsoever with the original reason for this board, i.e., debate and discussion as to the reasons why John F. Kerry is or isn’t qualified or should or shouldn’t be the next President of the US and CIC. And for your information, more and more Democrats and Independents are coming over to the Bush side every day. Also, there are many Republicans that are not for Bush, and fully disagree with him and his policies.

My contention is that you cannot slam Kerry without promoting George Bush. No matter how many names you call me, I am not a leftist, a Islamofascist, a commie, a Marxist, a socialist, or anything else. I am an American that disagrees with you.

There are numerous threads on this board that do in fact ‘slam’ Kerry without promoting George Bush. As for you being the names mentioned above, only you know the truth of that subject, but you sure do act like them with your posts. And you do have the right to disagree with anybody here, and also the right to be wrong!

I forgot, that is not allowed in Bush's new America. My mistake. I will retreat to my "Free Speech Zone" now.

No one has curtailed your ‘Free Speech’ here or anywhere else. You are free to say whatever you want to say, post whatever you want to post here on this board provided that you follow the rules, and stay within the bounds of those rules. However, the Administrator of this site, and the two Moderators have the right to edit and/or delete what you say if you do not follow the rules.
"When people are in trouble, they call the cops.

When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit."
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been called all of those names and more, and you know it.

My patriotism has been questioned MANY times on this board.

My contention is that Bush is SOOO bad that anyone is better for our country. He is a homophobic, religious zealot that is in the pockets of corporations.

Reagan did support death squads. He did finance the Mujahadin and consequently Bin Laden, he did support Iraq, and he did break the law in Iran-Contra. The conservative movement holds him up as their icon, with people wanting to put him on money. Well, they should at least acknowledge that he did some BAD stuff.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kyleparr wrote:
My patriotism has been questioned MANY times on this board.

I'm not questioning your patriotism, I'm questioning your ability to distinguish fantasy from reality.

There's more than one way to resolve cognitive dissonance, kid.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So, are you contending that Reagan DIDN'T do those things? Is that the reality?

None of your reponses go to the core questions. You just allude to the fact I am crazy. Another page from the Republican slam book.

"Facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kyleparr wrote:
I have been called all of those names and more, and you know it.

My patriotism has been questioned MANY times on this board.

My contention is that Bush is SOOO bad that anyone is better for our country. He is a homophobic, religious zealot that is in the pockets of corporations.

Reagan did support death squads. He did finance the Mujahadin and consequently Bin Laden, he did support Iraq, and he did break the law in Iran-Contra. The conservative movement holds him up as their icon, with people wanting to put him on money. Well, they should at least acknowledge that he did some BAD stuff.

You're wrong Kyle, you're dodging! Your beliefs and politics have been questioned...not your patriotism. Please post quotes from the forum in this thread that you believe accuse you of being unpatriotic. I, for one, haven't seen any.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

John Kerry and the anti-war movement did not kill over half of the soldiers in Vietnam

No Kyle, they didn't personally go over and kill them. They did, however, cause the war to be drug out to a stalemate by showing Vo Ngyuen Giap that America really didn't have the will to fight. That has been shown over and over from Vietnam to Somalia. Inflict some casualties and America has had the policy of running.

Not any more.

I fear if Kerry ever got into office, that tuck tail and run policy would return.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am not going to run through all of the threads to cut and paste areas where people called me names. It is not worth it. I have been called names and had my patriotism questioned. You are welcome to pour through messages and find out.

BTW, my favorite is Islamofascist.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kyleparr wrote:
I am not going to run through all of the threads to cut and paste areas where people called me names. It is not worth it. I have been called names and had my patriotism questioned. You are welcome to pour through messages and find out.

BTW, my favorite is Islamofascist.

Well, then you should stop whining and and we'll move on.

Islamofascist Apologist? Yah, that's possible! Wink But it doesn't question your patriotism, just your sanity! Laughing Laughing
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just pointing out that noone ever disputed the things I said. Just sidetracked the discussion. I was hoping for a response on the actual topic. Smile
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kyleparr wrote:
Just pointing out that noone ever disputed the things I said. Just sidetracked the discussion. I was hoping for a response on the actual topic. Smile

Do you understand silence in the face of unsubstantiated rhetoric?
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think Iran Contra and the administrations role is greatly substantiated. I think it cannot be excused or explained, which is why there is silence.

There is NOTHING in the Clinton administration that even came close to Iran-Contra.
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