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Have we been betrayed again?
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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Location: Dublin, CA

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:16 am    Post subject: Re: It's enough to make ya...well you know Reply with quote

Wuzthere2 wrote:
If there's one thing that always happens after a visit here...ya help heal an old swiftees soul. The support is appreciated many times over!!

First of all I want to salute you and the others who had the courage to come forward and bring this to light. You once again are serving this country proudly.

The polititians will go back and forth debating the virtues of hard money, soft money, 527s, pacs and so forth. It will ultimatly be decided by the courts in my opinion on the basis of free speech.

If it was up to the main stream media this would have been completly swept under the rug. It has not been because of many individuals that have a great deal of honor and integrity.

Over 250 Swift Boat Veterans came together to take a stand and shine the light of truth on what really happened during Senator Kerry's war record.

Again I salute you.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wuz. I want to offer my personal opinion for what it is worth. I think the swift vet movement is an answer to alot of peoples' prayers. It is my personal belief that enough repentence has been done in this nation, so that God has answered these prayers by raising up the swift vets and giving them the courage to be sucessful. I truely believe this to be true, things were looking mighty dark before you guys came along. But by the grace of God we will all prevail. Thank you each and every founder. You have my continued prayers.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The ads by the Swiftees are undoubtedly the most brilliant ads in political history. Look at the bang for the buck,you know why? The truth is a powerful thing it still manages to get out no matter what, And the Swiftees just told the TRUTH! Kerry is a traitor and deserves much more than he is getting. But take pride in what you have done. You have helped to set this traitor on a path of at least political ruin and saved your country from him. A Kerry presidency would be disastrous, He may not get what he deserves but you have educated many people and I deeply thank you for that, At least he wont be president
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Joined: 19 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

By definition, nearly one-third the country hates you swift vets. Just because you have the balls to stand up and not let a dishonorable man rise to the position of CinC.

If the radical, liberal wackos hate ya, ya must be doing something right!

Many, many more of us are very proud of you and owe you a very big thank-you!
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Abbey November
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Wuzthere2, they liked the Sink Kerry Swiftly draft bumper sticker in Ft Lauderdale. I think you'll be seeing a few around there when they get produced.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:38 am    Post subject: Re: Have we been betrayed again? Reply with quote

Wuzthere2 wrote:
Holding a finger up to test the breeze lately and it was hit by some slime. Would like to know what the prevailing wisdom is regarding the Bush McCain alliance against the 527s.

That's the LM (leftwing 'mainstream') complaint, that if only Booosh would shut you guys down. But he's got nothing to do with it. It's attributing something to him which is false, like Matthews berating Malkin for something she didn't believe and would never say (and he blamed her for NOT saying it, too).

I think McCain completely stepped over the line in his criticism of the Swift Vets. It was uncalled for and only suggested he was afraid people would revisit his own questionable past, not to mention his own policy indecisions. Bush has served very admirably as President and Commander in Chief. He's no dunce, as the LM used to tag Reagan (even though they had to disparage him as 'teflon', because it never stuck - obviously). But he does seem to watch the polls as any pol of the past. And I don't see what poll would lead him to lump the Swift Vets in with the 527s that he'd like to see gone, the ones that wasted their 65 million, just to date. I think it's a mistake not to speak up for this issue, as just another concerned American who is stunned by new revelations and old memories of what Kerry did and about which he boasted in campaign after campaign, up to this very run for the Presidency. It makes the President look a little bit, weak, to be blunt. I think he should be free to say what everyone is saying on this issue.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:40 am    Post subject: Re: Thanks for the feedback Reply with quote

Wuzthere2 wrote:
It just seems here in Florida i sense some growing resentment towards the swift sailors. It's very reminiscent of my return here in 1970. Not a comfortable feeling!

By exposing the fraud that Kerry helped perpetuate on his return from Vietnam,
those that blindly embraced 'it' in name of Peace are going to have a little soul
searching to do and coming to grips that they have been wrong about such a
passionate thing will be a hard thing for many to do.

So when or if the b**tards start getting to you on their road to enlightenment,
check in here where you will always find friends.

I salute you for your brave service then and now.
US Army 65-69
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey y'all,
McCain /Bush will just fix it so the donations are limited and they have to show where the money came from.... so we would know if Jane Fonda or Hillary were contributing....
there is no Bush 527. you'll notice while there are several 527's agiainst Bush, there is only 1 against Kerry (the vets) and the [Democrats] blame Bush for.it.... the only thing the swiftvets have come out against Kerry for is related to Vietnam and his military record - if it were just republican people against Kerry it would have been much easier and more provable to attack his senate lack of record.

Bush really can't come out and tell the swiftvets to stop (and why should he do what Kerry says?).... that would be the President of the US tellling a group they don't have 1st ammendment rights.... and (as one attorney said on tv) if for some reason the swiftvets stopped, the [Democrats] would use that to say it really was a BUsh group. either way the [Democrats] would use it against Bush.... I am amazed again at how Bush just stays quiet and lets the [Democrats] rant and rave.... Kerry looked like one of my kids (yrs ago) throwing a tantrum.... I expected him to stomp his foot at any moment (the day he went on tv yelling it was a Bush smear campaign); Bush did that after the 2000 election - just stayed out of the press and quiet while gore ranted and raved.... the dems do that so well!

Moderator note: Please refrain from derogatory names towards either Political party. SBVT have supporters from all parties and all walks of life. This is not a Political cause, it's a deeply held personal conviction encompassing people of all parties.

Thank you.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:26 am    Post subject: Re: It's enough to make ya...well you know Reply with quote

Wuzthere2 wrote:
If there's one thing that always happens after a visit here...ya help heal an old swiftees soul. The support is appreciated many times over!!

America dishonored our Vets thanks to a liberal media with too few
news channels and congressmen more interested in the political
wind than their integrity. Never again! Not while I can do anything
about it. My family served in that war. I watched before and after
the likes of John Kerry and what he helped create. What the Swiftees
are doing now is really twofold. They are challenging someone for the
sake of America at great emotional expense. Thank God they have
retained their courage and have found their voice. Second, and perhaps
more important, Swiftees are giving the American people a chance to
say "They are sorry" - the American people desperately need and want
to hear your story otherwise your book would not be flying off the
shelves. The Swiftees are giving pride back to the men and women Kerry
and those of his idealogy took away by making the American people
believe them over you. I am so very proud of all of you and thank you
for not giving up on America. Our soldiers serving now and their families
need you and your bravery. You are their balance to the antiwar crowd,
hollywood, and protestors with errant idealogy. Your story has to be
told. The media may or may not listen, but the American people will.
The media and antiwar protestors turned the American people against
our soldiers once before; they can not be allowed to do it again.
Because of the Swiftees web sites are being put on line daily. Voices
too long silenced are coming alive again.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:35 am    Post subject: Bush-McCain "strategery" Reply with quote

This is my first post. Thanks from someone who was repulsed by the anti-war movement during the Viet Nam war and who is delighted to finally see the worm turn on one of that phoney movement's leaders. The wheels of justice do indeed grind slowly.
Kerry's and Bush's attack on 537 groups is even more tactically brilliant than one might think. Early in the '04 campaign the GOP asked the FEC to rein in Move-On.org and all the other left-wing groups because they were expressly violating McCain-Feingold limits on the size of contributions.
The FEC wimped out.
Now that the Bush-haters are responding like vampires caught in the sunlight cast by the SBVT, they don't like McCain Feingold.
I heard McCain suggest tonight that he and Bush were going to sue to get the FEC to enforce the law. Conveniently, if the law were enforced, SBVT would come out fine because of its huge base of small financial supporters. Soros and company would be stopped in their tracks.
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Rear Admiral

Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:39 am    Post subject: Re: Have we been betrayed again? Reply with quote

Wuzthere2 wrote:
Holding a finger up to test the breeze lately and it was hit by some slime. Would like to know what the prevailing wisdom is regarding the Bush McCain alliance against the 527s.

The 527 stuff is all just for political junkies....the deal is the 527s are here, they will ride out this election cycle....the Irony is that McCain's solution screwed up the system far worse than it was ever before....its Ironic...but its what is.

Everyone knows that Swift-Vets are actual people who started on a shoe string budget.

As far as being liked....the Swift Vets are loved. The Kids born long after the war are seeing the truth...after getting the Spin for years and years.

Swift Vets are loved far beyond the media and those who have controlled the news flow for so many years can even understand.

The only thing Swift-vets need to do now is hunker down....get ready to keep the message going while Convention finishes, and the debates start up.

The Swift-vets are up to cruising speed, its time for solid and continued Navigation now.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:44 am    Post subject: Bush-Mccain and the 527s Reply with quote

Hey Swiftees and fellow Vets. Don't be discouraged by Mccain and Bush not openly supporting the Swift Vets. Like others have said, if they were to do so, the liberal media would instantly turn John Kerry into more of a martyr than he has already made himself out to be. Insteresting that a man who is a self proclaimed "war hero" and a wanna-be "tough commander-in-chief' is SUCH A CRY-BABY!! Anyway, just keep doing what you are doing... The Kerry campaign is so arrogant they think if they keep attacking the Swift Boat Vets, they will eventually marginalize the group. This time though, THEY MESSED WITH THE WRONG GUYS. the more Kerry and Dems talk about Vietnam, the WORSE they look, and the further Kerry falls in the polls. Not even his friends at the New York times and the rest of the liberal, pro-Kerry media can save him now.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

McCain told Greta from ON The Record that the idea will be to have the 527s operate under the same donation constraints as PACs, political parties, and candidate organizations.

That is fair. Until that time McCain is probably upset that his campaign finance reform had such a huge loophole. 87% of this loophole cash has been used against Republicans 87%.

Don't worry guys. I am sure that underneath it all you are loved, loved by everyone who generally speaks against 527s.
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Appreciate all the kind words and thoughts on this. It just seems here in Florida i sense some growing resentment towards the swift sailors. It's very reminiscent of my return here in 1970. Not a comfortable feeling!

You men are heroes! I'm honored to be able to communicate with you.

You most certainly are doing a thankless job. You entered this fight with nothing to gain, but the advancement of the truth. You are making a huge difference in how America percieves Kerry, and those are the wages of your efforts. As your group has rightly stated, you are not doing this to get Bush elected, and so should not expect a show of gratitude from him or his supporters. In fact, as have you have noticed, you are getting it from both sides. Take it as an encouraging sign. If you weren't making a difference, you wouldn't be noticed enough to hear criticism from either.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jataylor11 wrote:
McCain told Greta from ON The Record that the idea will be to have the 527s operate under the same donation constraints as PACs, political parties, and candidate organizations.

That is fair. Until that time McCain is probably upset that his campaign finance reform had such a huge loophole. 87% of this loophole cash has been used against Republicans 87%.

Don't worry guys. I am sure that underneath it all you are loved, loved by everyone who generally speaks against 527s.

Three pages into this thread and finally somebody posted the gist of what
GWB and McCain stated. And I thought we knew something about 527's. Very Happy
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