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Kerry is an embarassment
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dhedges53 wrote:
Hey, Green for Brains;

58,000 good, decent, patriotic, young Americans gave the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. They died for NOTHING for good little bundhists like you. Just like 750 good, decent, patriotic, young Americans have sacrificed themselves for Republikan hate-mongering morons like you (but at least your portfolio is doing well). I know the families of those soldiers would like to thank you, so much. You and others of your ilk have saved us from all those Iraqi terrorists.

And a little Vietnamese for you. Chinga su madre.

OK, I give up. I've reminded you at least twice that calling people names just because they disagree with you means you have nothing constructive to contribute. I see you still don't get it. You should relax a little, maybe read a book(assuming you can read), bone up on your propaganda, and really make a point without calling anybody one single infantile name. Give it try! I think you'll find it different, you may even start to feel like a real grown-up.
"If he believes his 1971 indictment of his country and his fellow veterans was true, then he couldn't possibly be proud of his Vietnam service."
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dhedges53 wrote:
Hey, Green for Brains;

58,000 good, decent, patriotic, young Americans gave the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. They died for NOTHING for good little bundhists like you. Just like 750 good, decent, patriotic, young Americans have sacrificed themselves for Republikan hate-mongering morons like you (but at least your portfolio is doing well). I know the families of those soldiers would like to thank you, so much. You and others of your ilk have saved us from all those Iraqi terrorists.

And a little Vietnamese for you. Chinga su madre.

Maybe you think that. I think they died attempting to maintain liberty for millions of others. Not nothing in my book.

Oh, and since you want some Vietnamese? Diu Ma Yu (excuse the misspelling and lack of accents). Or how about some Thai? Ee Hee-ya.
Would you prefer a bit of Hmong? Koj puas muaj raug?
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sparky wrote:
Well, Sparky. Learn Vietnamese and go do the research. I did. Sounds to me like you are only interested in the history that matches your bias.

Awww, I actually thought you had a few links. Sorry if I don't take your word for it. Very Happy

The Vietnamese haven't put their archives on line. You have to make a trip. You know, that thing called research.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wait a second, you're the one who made the ridiculous assertion that the Vietnamese government is claiming that US atrocities weren't widespread. It's your job to show us this isn't just something you heard in Freeperland.

Even I know that the Vietnamese government wouldn't say that. That would be like Swift Boat Veterans for Truth saying those events were widespread. Extremists will lie about whatever suits their agenda, be they VC or SBVT's.

I did find that the Vietnamese government claims the following anyway:

During the US war in Vietnam, known as the Vietnam War, nearly 3 million Vietnamese were killed, with about 300,000 still unaccounted for to date; more than 4 million injured. According to the US Department of Defense figures, from 1961 to 1971, up to 72 million litters of defoliants, consisting of 45 millions of Agent Orange, were sprayed over Vietnam, causing loss of 43 million cubic meters of merchandise wood. 26 years after the war ended, more than 2 million Vietnamese remain dioxin-affected.

Last edited by sparky on Wed May 12, 2004 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And dhedges53, don't let them drag you down into a flame war. It's exactly what they want: to avoid a substantive discussion of the issues. And when it comes to vile and juvenile name-calling, they're probably better and more experienced.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 6:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sparky wrote:

Even I know that the Vietnamese government wouldn't say that.

Guess you should make the trip and find out. I've noticed how many things you "know" that have no root in any actual evidence except for your own bias.

Btw, a comment made by a Vietnamese General in 1991:

"At every turn the Americans beat us. Where we thought we were strong, they were stronger. Where we thought we were fast, they were faster. We were beaten, so we took the only path we could. We surrendered. And then they allowed us to win the war."

Same General, later on in the same evening.

"The worst thing that ever happened to Vietnam was the departure of the Americans. Our winning caused more death and dispair in our country than all the years of war had."

No links. That was at a dinner party that this particular General (a highly decorated member of the North Vietnamese Army in his younger days) addressed. Amazing what you can learn if you actually get out and see the places you are discussing.

The Vietnamese are the most industrious of the peoples of SE Asia. If it wasn't for the Communists, it is likely that they would be well ahead of Thailand, Malaysia and maybe even Singapore. Instead, they are well behind. Their client states, Cambodia and Laos, languish in decay, poverty and corruption. In Thailand, there are mountain tribes, the Dega, who have settled after being forced from Vietnam and Laos by the attempts at genocide by the Vietnamese.

You don't know anything about what the Vietnamese would do or wouldn't do. You don't know what is important to them, or what their culture is like. You don't know who they are as a people, and how they view the world. Your world view is not theirs.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


You seem to know a lot about the Vietnamese culture, I'll grant you that. However, the war was wrong and 58.000 young men, who served honourably and paid the ultimate sacrifice, died for NOTHING in your war of "liberation?" Did I understand that correctly? You have got to be kidding me. I guess we're rewriting history again. I've been to Thailand and Cambodia but never Vietnam. My draft lottery number in 1972 was 9. When I went for my preinduction physical, I was told to be ready to go in January, 1973. Nixon put a 3-month moratorium on the draft in January, and in March he extended the moratorium until the draft law expired in June. Just like George W. Bush, I would have done almost anything to stay out of Vietnam. Just like Bush, I was looking into joining another branch of the service like the Navy or the Coast Guard. The difference between Bush and Kerry is that Kerry served in Vietnam with honor. My brother worked with Bush in Midland Texas when Bush owned Harkin Oil. On a flight from Midland to Houston, while Bush was slamming down his Scotch and water, he told my brother that he had begged Bush sr. to get him out of the draft. Just like my father (also a WWII vet) told me, Bush sr. told junior to forget any help getting out of the draft. Bush sr. did help his son get into the Texas Air National Guard. I can't prove any of this to you, so take it as it's offered. You guys may have some valid points about Kerry, but I can't believe you would vote for that draft-dodger (with a history of substance abuse problems) over a man who, whether he wanted to or not, ended up serving in Vietnam with honor just to make a political point. I pray that none of the brave soldiers in Iraq can access this sad site. I know I can't convince anyone on this site because 95% of you are loyal Republicans. Non-partisan site? My ass.

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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dhedges53 wrote:
You guys may have some valid points about Kerry, but I can't believe you would vote for that draft-dodger (with a history of substance abuse problems) over a man who, whether he wanted to or not, ended up serving in Vietnam with honor just to make a political point.

I would vote for Ralph Nader before I would vote for our current Benedict Arnold. Senator Kerry turned his back on his brothers. Not once, but multiple times. He commited acts that I consider crimes, crimes against the United States and her fighting men. Even his supporters here have no answers for his meeting with the enemy, for his actions (or lack of it) regarding that VVAW meeting. In my opinion, John F. Kerry committed treason, and should have been tried as a traitor.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The war in Vietnam was wrong! Bush Sr., Jr., and Ronald Reagan all said that this country would never get involved in a war by and for the politicians, like Vietnam. And all 3 presidents stated "Vietnam" by name. These are your parties people saying this. A lot of people who were around witnessing the body bags coming home in the early 70s would have said anything to get us out of Vietnam. I know you are not one of them. I know that if you were president, we would be in Vietnam to "liberate" your South Vietnamese buddies. And instead of 58,000 Americans who died for NOTHING, there would be 580,000 Americans who died for nothing. So, John Kerry's treasonous activity you refer to was coming home from a nightmare, and attempting to stop that nightmare from continuing? I guess I finally understand where you are coming from and who you are. If you had been my commanding officer there would have been new meaning to the word FRAG. But in my opinion (which I know is worth nothing to you) and what is really sad, you are assassinating the character of an honourable man who had different ideas than yours on the outcome of the Vietnam war. And you disagree with people who became disenchanted with the political war in
Vietnam. And you are doing it for one reason. Your Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'reilly, FOX Republican news network Republican politics. What is even sadder is that if the shoe were on the other foot, maybe I would be doing the same thing. I hate that about myself but thats what politics in this country has evolved into, but, like John Kerry, I hated seeing those body bags coming off the planes every single day when I watched Walter Cronkite. Never have you Republicans and my Democrats ever been so far apart dispensing the venom of partisanism as today. I'm glad I came to this site, it's been an eye opener. Good Luck

You'd vote for Ralph Nader? Yea, right.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Greenhate says:
Guess you should make the trip and find out. I've noticed how many things you "know" that have no root in any actual evidence except for your own bias.

Btw, a comment made by a Vietnamese General in 1991:

"At every turn the Americans beat us. Where we thought we were strong, they were stronger. Where we thought we were fast, they were faster. We were beaten, so we took the only path we could. We surrendered. And then they allowed us to win the war."

Same General, later on in the same evening.

Nah, it's just easier to ask you where in the hell you heard this. There are quite a few things that are untrue on the Internet, you know.

Until you provide a link, I'll just realize that it's more of your propaganda and that you were probably making it up anyway. The burden is on you to demonstrate where you got that goofy tidbit.

Fact is, I think you're a bit embarassed to post where you got it because you know it's not a credible source anyway.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Sparky lived in Denver, I would be buying him a beer this Afternoon! Keep up the well-informed debate against the hate-mongering rhetoric, Sparky.

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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


You guys may have some valid points about Kerry, but I can't believe you would vote for that draft-dodger

Just curious, did you vote for Clinton?
"If he believes his 1971 indictment of his country and his fellow veterans was true, then he couldn't possibly be proud of his Vietnam service."
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, thanks hedges. Even after a few beers it would be a piece of cake to hold these hounds at bay.

And no, I didn't vote for the draft-dodging Bush in the last election.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since you ask, I will absolutely give you my presidential voting record since 1972. But I think it is only fair that, since you asked me who I voted for, that you give the history of who you have voted for since the first time you voted for the Presidency. Every Republican, like you, maintains that this is a non-partisan site. Put your money where your mouth is, and then I will list how I have voted in every election.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't need it. Just Clinton, since you were talking about draft dodgers.
"If he believes his 1971 indictment of his country and his fellow veterans was true, then he couldn't possibly be proud of his Vietnam service."
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