Grateful Seaman Recruit
Joined: 27 Oct 2004 Posts: 12
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:48 pm Post subject: SwiftVets MOST effective group!! |
Maybe the SwiftVets and POWs didn't have Soros' billions or Moore's access to movie theaters, but you sure outmaneuvered all of the libs to win the war!! Congratulations!
This item was reported on Special Report with Brit Hume:
"A new poll in 12 key battleground states shows that when it comes to which interest groups and their ads were most effective this campaign, the anti-Kerry group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth leads the pack.
"The poll, conducted by the firm Fabrizio, McLaughlin and Associates (search), shows that 72 percent of voters were aware of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, compared with only 49 percent who knew about the anti-Bush group MoveOn.Org."
"In addition, far more voters say the Swift Boat Veterans had the most impact, than say that about any other group.
"What's more, 39 percent of Bush voters say the anti-Kerry group had the most impact, while less than half that number of Kerry voters said that about the anti-Bush group.",2933,137608,00.html