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A Call For Regime Change in Mexico!!
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:17 am    Post subject: A Call For Regime Change in Mexico!! Reply with quote

Conquer Mexico
Posted: February 4, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Joseph Farah

© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

A top-ranking Mexican official last week virtually declared war on the United States.

Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said in a radio interview that an international strategy would be used if other attempts to reverse Arizona's Proposition 200 fail.

In other words, the equivalent of the U.S. secretary of state is advocating meddling in the internal affairs not only of our country, but one of our 50 independent, sovereign states.

On Nov. 2, the good people of Arizona voted decisively for the measure to prohibit illegal aliens from receiving public benefits and voting in elections.

"We are seeking all the legal opportunities that exist, first using the legal capacities of the United States itself and ... if that does not work, bringing it to international tribunals," Derbez said.

Mexican officials have repeatedly complained about Proposition 200, which went into effect last week. The statewide measure denies most taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens and requires state workers to report applicants for such benefits who may not be eligible. It also requires anyone registering to vote in the state to show proof of citizenship and bring a government-issued ID to the polling place.

Following the election, the successful measure was challenged in the courts and the challenges failed.

The people spoke. And Proposition 200 is the law of the land in the state of Arizona.

But the Mexican government has never believed in the will of the people or the rule of law.

So, I suggest maybe it's time to conquer Mexico. We're so intent on freeing 26 million Iraqis from a corrupt, barbaric tyranny. What about 100 million Mexicans? Don't they deserve a government of the people, by the people and for the people? How about truly free elections south of the border?

Maybe it's time to free Mexico. And worse, Mexico is proving to be a more serious national security threat to the United States than Saddam Hussein's Iraq was.

Mexico is authorizing an invasion of our country. It's an invasion designed to change the very character of our country.

That seems to be the point behind Mexico's strategy of casting off its undesirables, dumping them into the United States where we are supposed to care for them and treat them like citizens. Mexico encourages illegal immigration into the United States as a calculated economic safety valve. We take care of its unemployment problem and much of the money generated by the illegal aliens who enter the United States winds up back in circulation in Mexico. It's quite a racket. You can hardly blame the Mexican government for wanting to keep a good thing going.

It's audacious.

Imagine you're a U.S. citizen entering Mexico illegally. Once there, you demand free medical care and English-speaking nurses and doctors. You also want free education for your child – in English. You also say you expect classes on American culture in the Mexican school system. You demand the right to vote in Mexican elections and you insist on bilingual ballots. Since, as an English speaker, you find it difficult to find regular work, you sign up for welfare. Next, of course, you demand a Mexican driver's license.

What do you think would become of you as a U.S. citizen if you tried this in Mexico?

That's right. You would wind up in jail, deported or dead.

But, that doesn't stop the Mexican government, at the highest levels, from making such outrageous demands on you.

The Mexican government is demanding you accommodate its citizens – 20 million to 30 million strong – in this fashion.

And there should be no limit to the influx or Mexican illegals, they say. Any attempts to shut off the spigots of appeasement will be met with legal challenges that represent the gravest threats to American sovereignty in international courtrooms.

It shouldn't surprise us, of course, that foreign government officials would try to bleed the American taxpayer in every way possible. It does remain unsettling, however, that so many U.S. government officials stand alongside the Mexican politicians in abusing us, taking advantage of our good nature and not recognizing when the American people have had enough.

Have you had enough?

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Snipers target border agents
By Jerry Seper
Published February 3, 2005

Snipers working as "lookouts" for drug traffickers and illegal-alien smugglers are targeting U.S. Border Patrol agents from vantage points across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Within the past week, agents assigned to the Douglas station in Arizona's southeastern corner -- one of the nation's busiest illegal-entry points -- have been fired at on at least six occasions, according to federal authorities, and although none of the officers was injured, several reported near-misses.

One agent's vehicle was hit twice as he moved to avoid gunfire. Another sniper fired both at an agent and at a surveillance camera, which was hit by four bullets but was not seriously damaged.

Since Oct. 1, agents assigned to the Tucson sector, which includes the border stations at Douglas, Naco and Nogales in the highest alien- and drug-trafficking corridor in the country, have been assaulted 80 times, nine involving shootings. Responsible for a 260-mile section of the Arizona-Mexico border, the Tucson agents are being assaulted at a rate of two every three days in that period, more than doubling last year's total.

"The continuing increase in the number of assaults being directed at our agents is of great concern," said Border Patrol spokesman Andy Adame in Tucson. "We believe the vast majority of these assaults are directly tied to alien and drug smugglers based in Mexico.

"Although the border is more secure today than it was even a year ago, we acknowledge that more agents, equipment and technology are needed immediately to bring control and to reduce the number of violent assaults against our agents," Mr. Adame said.

The rise in assaults comes as the Bush administration reportedly has decided not to hire the 2,000 new Border Patrol agents that were authorized for each of the next five years in the recently passed intelligence-overhaul bill. Most of them would have been assigned to the Tucson sector.

Instead, President Bush is expected to seek an increase of only about 200 agents for the new fiscal year, according to law-enforcement authorities and others.

Passed by Congress and signed into law by Mr. Bush in December, the intelligence-overhaul bill authorizes 10,000 new Border Patrol agents in five years as part of Congress' response to the September 11 attacks and to a report by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, which found deep institutional failings and missed opportunities by U.S. authorities in stopping the al Qaeda terrorists who crashed jetliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, who left office this week, and Undersecretary Asa Hutchinson, who leaves March 1, have confirmed separately that Mr. Bush will not seek funding for the 2,000 agents this year. Both said budget concerns precluded hiring the additional agents.

That decision has riled Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who told reporters last week he was "disappointed," because the reduction appeared to be contrary to what the president had promised.

In a letter, Mr. Sensenbrenner asked Mr. Bush to fully fund the authorized increases. The letter was signed by all five House Republican leaders on the intelligence bill: Mr. Sensenbrenner and Reps. Henry J. Hyde of Illinois, chairman of the House International Relations Committee; Duncan Hunter of California, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee; Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, chairman of the House intelligence committee; and David Dreier of California, chairman of the House Rules Committee.

Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican and chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, said he was "not surprised" by the funding decision, but was "disappointed."

"It's equivalent to denying a crime-ridden city more officers for protection. It simply makes no sense," Mr. Tancredo said, adding that the State Department issued a traveler's warning for the northern part of Mexico just last week, citing deteriorating security conditions -- including killings and kidnappings -- along the U.S.-Mexico border.

White House officials have said Mr. Bush's 2006 fiscal budget, due Monday, will "provide increased resources" for continued border-security initiatives, although they declined to elaborate.

Meanwhile, Border Patrol agents in the Tucson sector said snipers fire at the agents using cover on the Mexican side of the border, then disappear into the desert -- knowing that they are not going to be pursued.

Mr. Adame said one agent on patrol on Jan. 26 near the U.S.-Mexico boundary fence adjacent to Douglas International Airport observed several people standing behind the fence and identified them as "lookouts" for alien or drug smugglers. He said as the agent approached, he saw a muzzle flash and heard a bullet as it "whizzed by."

The agent, he said, moved to safety, and as other agents responded to the scene, the unidentified men disappeared farther into Mexico.

Mr. Adame said another agent on patrol Friday, also near the Douglas airport, moved to safety after hearing gunshots coming from Mexico. No one was spotted, he said, although an examination of the agent's vehicle revealed that it had been hit twice, once in the rear driver's side tire and another through the front bumper and into the motor.

No one has been arrested in the shootings.

Copyright © 2005 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It might be time to employ some good old fashioned military counter-sniper fire. Wink Wink

Beware of the lollipop of mediocrity! Lick it once and you'll suck forever.

If guns kill people, then I can blame misspelled words on my pencil.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wonder if we have some of those Neutron Bombs left over so we can still tap the oil fields after we remove them from office permanently?

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Retired AF E-8

Independent that leans right of center.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

THis is why Mexico needs a regime change. Its a socialist system ruled by a group of elite families.

Mexico Refuses to Take Its Convicts
Calif. Taxpayers Spent $4 Billion on Foreigners In Prison
(Dec 26, 2004)

~ By Jill Stewart
Forgive me if I missed the media coverage of the international dustup between California State Senator Gloria Romero of Los Angeles and the Mexican government the other day. The media downplays stories it perceives as “blaming the victim,” particularly on the hands-off topic of illegal immigration.

Liberal Democrat Romero has gone against the tide before. Now she’s rattling cages over the 28,672 foreigners in California prisons who cost taxpayers a staggering sum to feed and house, one-half of whom are illegal aliens from Mexico.

It's exceedingly rare to hear the term "illegal aliens” in the bustling Sacramento Capitol. In an example of what George Orwell called newspeak, California politicians believe that if they don't publicly name this contributing cause of our ongoing fiscal crisis, it will vanish.

It's not just silly pols who keep mum. The widely respected Chief Legislative Analyst Elizabeth Hill rarely notes any cost to California taxpayers due to illegal immigrants. It's too difficult, too politically hot.

So while these largely non-taxpaying residents heavily use taxpayer-financed services and infrastructure, from our jammed roads to our overwhelmed courts, hardly anyone says anything.

Chuckles John Stoos, aide to Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock, the fiscal watchdog from Thousand Oaks, "Oh yes, it will definitely go away if we don't study it. Works for me!"

This avoidance behavior got a workout at Romero’s prison system hearing in Los Angeles recently. Polite but clearly worried diplomats representing the local consulates of Canada, Germany, and Sweden all testified, even though each of those countries has few prisoners in California prisons.

Nevertheless, they were present to help fix a badly flawed country-to-country prison transfer program that the Schwarzenegger Administration hopes can one day send as many as 6,400 eligible prisoners home---mostly back to Mexico. Each one costs taxpayers $31,000 to feed and house, every single year that they remain in California.

Most diplomats who testified said they want to more quickly transfer convicted people home so that, as Canadian diplomat Myra Pastyr-Lupul said, such prisoners can “take advantage of our programs to … reintegrate into Canadian society.“

Need I say that the behavior of the Canadians, Swedes and Germans stood in stark contrast to that of the Mexicans? In a bizarre bit of public theater that reminded me of my year in Czechoslovakia in 1991, where I observed bumbling ex-Communist officials firsthand, the Mexican government boycotted Romero's hearing, offering up one of the lamest official fibs I’ve ever heard.

Romero explained to the audience that Mexican officials never responded to Romero’s invitation to testify at the hearing---odd behavior in and of itself. That morning, Romero’s aide had telephoned the Mexican consulate, down the road in L.A., to find out when they would arrive at the hearing.

As Romero noted for the record, Mexican officials responded that “because of budgetary concerns, they could not fly the appropriate consulate [official] from Mexico”---so nobody was coming. Said Romero: “I am very disappointed at their failure to participate … to first of all give me even the courtesy of a phone call that they were not showing up.“

The peeved Romero went on to explain that in her invitation to the Mexican consulate, “We stressed that a local consulate official was sufficient.”

I’ll admit, I audibly guffawed over the bit about how Mexico, the country, can’t afford an airline ticket to Los Angeles.

I checked, just in case something had happened to airline prices in the Known Universe. But nope, a roundtrip from Mexico City to L.A. is still a bargain.

Mexican diplomats live very well, and the Mexican consulate in Los Angeles is a classy joint, reflecting its ample funding from the home office. Let's just say that the federal government of Mexico can well afford a trip, indeed a very lavish trip, to Los Angeles. Not that Romero needed a diplomat from Mexico City anyway.

For years, the Mexican government has done nothing but doubletalk on illegal immigration. On the prisoner issue, Mexico very strictly limits the transfer of criminals from prisons in California and other states---yet the Mexican government absurdly insists it has no such limits. Pathetic. According to the California Board of Prison Terms “all other nations accept all of their prisoners for transfer.” All of them. Except for Mexico.

Thus in 2003, Mexico took back only 109 prisoners from the entire United States. Yet 17,500 of California’s prisoners alone are Mexican nationals, including some 14,000 illegal aliens. Moreover, Mexico flatly refuses to take back any prisoner who has managed to lurk in the U.S. for longer than five years. Just because.

U.S. and California officials are so sick of Mexico’s behavior that proposals are afoot to tweak the various complex treaties between the U.S., Mexico, Canada and Europe, in order to force Mexico to play ball.

It’s not as if wholesale prisoner transfers will occur. Under international treaties, prisoners must volunteer to go home. But at a savings to taxpayers of $31,000 per foreigner per year, we‘ll take any volunteers we can get.

During five years of the do-nothing Gray Davis Administration, by my calculations, California taxpayers spent $4 billion dollars housing and feeding foreign convicts---roughly half of them illegal aliens from Mexico. So under Davis we spent $2 billion just on Mexican illegal aliens in prison, and that bill is metastasizing as we speak, with no end in sight. You'd agree that kind of dough would pay for scads of road-building in our decaying cities, tons of school textbooks, and a plethora of tax rebates to rev up California's economy.

In newspapers the day after this bizarre Dec. 16 public hearing, I found no coverage of the international dustup between Sen. Romero and Mexico. Maybe I missed it. But I fear the worst: there was little or no media coverage.

The California media are complicit, along with Sacramento politicians, in often keeping mum about illegal immigration and its cost to California taxpayers. Reporting on a story that news reporters see as "blaming the victim" makes California journalists very uncomfortable.

Media queasiness has effectively shut the public out of this debate, allowing the discussion to be dominated by the hard-left and hard-right.

The hard-left, typified by certain blowhard members of the Latino Caucus in our legislature, in 2003 absurdly demanded driver's licenses for illegal aliens with no restrictions or background checks. The hard-right, typified by strident anti-immigrant groups in Washington, D.C., demands such ridiculous things as a mass military on our border.

If the middle got any real chance to speak, we’d talk about how the solution won’t be found in Washington or Sacramento, but in Mexico City, with the Mexican legislature and President Fox or, far more likely, his successor.

Mexicans come here illegally because Mexico's economy is designed to create very few jobs, as well as to severely repress the creation of a middle class, which remains small. It’s a purposefully sick system which Mexico’s elected leaders and rich ruling families have protected for decades. No Mexican leader, including the grossly disappointing President Fox, has shown the stomach for altering a socialist, throwback economic structure best left in the 1930's.

Equally damaging, the rule of law in Mexico is so weak that few financial lenders will jump in to help create a major entrepreneurial class in Mexico---the best way for the nation to escape Third World status.

Lenders have little confidence that if they back a Mexican company that wants to expand, or if they underwrite a plan to develop commercial property in Mexico, their investment won't be stolen by corrupt mafia types in some courtroom fiasco overseen by a corrupt judge. That’s what happens when the rule of law is a joke---as it is in Mexico’s courtrooms.

Mexico will remain Third World while China surges forward, as long as corrupt judges run the legal system and socialism rules the legislature.

The rich ruling families and legislature clearly prefer that Mexico not develop itself, but instead rely on cash from California immigrants who send billions of dollars to home to Mexico each year (making U.S.-earned cash the second- or third-largest income source for Mexico, after its oil revenues.)

This “crutch economy" is a terrible thing, ensuring massive poverty even as elected leaders in California and Washington coddle Fox and Mexico’s powerful ruling families.

Fox has turned out to be horribly weak---a buckler and flip-flopper unable to motivate any serious change. Why do I never, ever, read about these crucial issues in California media? Oh, that’s right, it’s blaming the victim.

As long as Mexico's ruling class ducks the responsibilities of the modern world---even shirking such simple if unpleasant tasks as attending a hearing into how to fix prison transfer policies---Mexico will remain its own tragic victim.

But apparently, nobody told Romero that silence is the rule among elected Sacramento politicians regarding the costs of illegal immigration. That December day in L.A., she publicly criticized the Mexican government, presented data on the staggering $500 million to $800 million a year paid by California taxpayers to house foreign prisoners, and basically opened a can of worms.

Somebody, please give this woman an award.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank God some people have some common sense..
Although I whole heartedly agree that changing the face of the Middle East is in our national security's interest, the borders will be the deciding issue in the next Presidential election.. It's about time we say to Mexico, you are the problem, NOT us! We will pass any law we want to, keep out of our business and clean up your own house! Mad

The Mexican Govt should look at how they can fix THEIR country and stop messing with us.. The responsibility lies with them to give their citizens a better life so they don't need or won't want to come to the USA.. Our govt should be more forceful with Mexico. Clean up the corruption, give Mexicans decent jobs and the problem will dissappear.. Why should they have to deal with the convicts, they look at it as our problem..

There is a movement that is getting stronger to take border security into our own hands. They call themselves the Minutemen Project.. If the govt won't do it, the people will... It is getting more and more ugly out there. There are snipers trying to pick off out border patrols and the illegals are becoming increasingly more violent..


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Criticizing Bush's handling of migration, hundreds volunteer to stand watch in Arizona.

DENVER, CO — Fed up with illegal immigration and eager to send a message to federal lawmakers, hundreds of volunteers from across the nation will spend the month of April patrolling the Arizona-Mexico border, helping to apprehend migrants coming into the U.S.

"This is a direct challenge to President Bush," said Chris Simcox, an organizer of what's being called the Minuteman Project. "You have continued to ignore this problem. Our state officials, senators and congressmen will do nothing. So this is a last-ditch effort to roll up our sleeves and do it ourselves."


Volunteer border patrols —An article in Section A on Wednesday about volunteers planning to patrol the Arizona-Mexico border for illegal immigrants said the Tombstone Tumbleweed, a weekly newspaper, was in Tumbleweed, Ariz. The newspaper is in Tombstone, Ariz.

Arizona is the nation's busiest gateway for illegal immigrants, with about 580,000 arrests last year — more than in California, Texas and New Mexico combined. Most of the activity occurs in the southeast part of the state near Tucson. Last year, Arizona received $10 million in federal aid and hundreds of additional border and customs agents. Many immigrants now choose to go through New Mexico, but traffic in Arizona remains high.

Simcox — the founder of Civil Homeland Defense, which runs its own border patrols — said 416 people from 41 states had volunteered to take up positions between the Arizona towns of Naco and Douglas and around Coronado National Forest. A rally is planned for April 1, when organizers expect 2,000 people to park their cars along the border, forming a gantlet to repel illegals.

"We have a no-contact policy. We are acting only as eyes and ears," said Simcox, who also runs the Tombstone Tumbleweed, a weekly newspaper in Tumbleweed, Ariz. "We work within the law. We spot and find illegal immigrants and report them to the Border Patrol."

The Minuteman Project was launched in October by James Gilchrist, a retired accountant from Aliso Viejo, Calif.

"We want to bring national awareness to the illegal alien crisis," he said. "For years, people have been cringing in the corner like mice, afraid to speak out because of political correctness. I think a lot of Americans feel they have been muzzled, and I have tapped into that."

Gilchrist said he'd been overwhelmed by the response to his project in Arizona but wanted to be sure those taking part were not troublemakers.

"We are worried about being framed down there, so we want to vet everyone who is coming," he said. "If anyone causes trouble, they will be asked to leave."

Federal agents and local officials also have expressed concern.

"We worry about any person or private group that takes the immigration laws into their own hands," said Andy Adame, a spokesman for the Border Patrol's Tucson sector. "This is a violent area. We deal with drug smugglers every day. We don't want to say we don't want the public's help; we just don't want it in this format."

Adame said it was fine for civilians to report illegal immigrants, but detaining them would raise legal problems.

"These people need to be aware that we will forward any violations of the law to local prosecutors," he said.

Douglas Mayor Ray Borane has called the citizens' border effort racist. "You are going to get every misfit, everyone with a warrant out for their arrest, everyone who needs new scenery or climate out here," he said. "If they come into this community, it could lead to an international incident."

Douglas, an 86% Latino town of about 14,000, sits across from the Mexican city of Agua Prieta. Mexicans routinely shop in Douglas, and the lives of the two communities often intersect. Americans have family on the Mexican side, and vice versa. Douglas officials deal with their Mexican counterparts on a variety of issues, including business, schools and law enforcement.

But Borane believes the illegal migration is out of control and that the presence of vigilante groups demonstrates how bad things have become.

"As long as the government doesn't address it, it will lend itself to these sorts of things," he said.

"The solution is political and diplomatic. I don't know what it is, but they can't just let it fester down here."
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." -- Thomas Jefferson

"Proclaim Liberty throughout All the land unto All the Inhabitants Thereof." -Inscription on the Liberty Bell

Last edited by NYCnative on Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had trouble posting.. Page cannot be displayed showed, but it actually did go through.. double post.. edited
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." -- Thomas Jefferson

"Proclaim Liberty throughout All the land unto All the Inhabitants Thereof." -Inscription on the Liberty Bell

Last edited by NYCnative on Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is an op-ed I found, very interesting:

Politicians blind, deaf, and dumb Open Borders orthdoxy above national security.

Which brings me to the WSJ's lead editorial today, "Borderline Republicans." The editorial recycles old claims that conservative opponents of illegal immigration are part of some cabal with radical environmentalists and pro-abortionists. Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies effectively refuted those specious claims here. The smear tactic is positively Clintonesque. Are there fringe characters among those who believe in strictly and uniformly enforcing immigration laws? Sure. Is it a Vast Malthusian Conspiracy? No.

The editorial then attacks GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo for criticizing other Republicans (doing so makes him a "borderline Republican," get it?) and ends with a full-throated endorsement of Rep. Chris Cannon, who faces a strong challenge from conservative Matt Throckmorton, an unapologetic supporter of strict immigration enforcement who, unlike Cannon, will not take campaign donations from illegal aliens or give them discounted college tuition rates.

The editorial ends by sympathetically quoting Rep. Cannon, who whines that conservative opponents of illegal immigration are applying a "litmus test" to Republicans on this issue.

Given my own experience with the Journal editorial page, there was only one natural response to this hand-wringing over mean-spirited conservatives applying litmus tests on immigration:


9/21/02 -- At the center of the Tancredo buzz is the Mexican government that is working through their consuls in the United States to discredit any person that speaks out against legal Immigration. Their strategy is to use their racist minions such as LA RAZA, LULAC, MECHA ,etc to attack and label any criticism or opposition as racist. The Mexican Government encourages Illegal Immigration as it results in billions of dollars flowing into Mexico via the families of Illegal Aliens working in the United States. Vicente Fox has established a cabinet position to manipulate Illegal Aliens in the United States and assure they illegally obtain taxpayer supported welfare benefits. Mexican agents such as Candido Morales are working to assure Illegal Aliens receive welfare subsidies to assure maximum flow of Illegal Alien wages to Mexico. They are complicit in many areas of Illegal Alien life including drivers licenses, free medical benefits, free schooling, free welfare benefits,free college education, subsidized housing, etc,etc,etc. The Mexican minions such as LA RAZA (the race) also like to contact the media, Latino Caucus, etc and regale them with half truths such as the testimony of the Tancredo drywallers who signed forms declaring they were not Illegal and then switched their stories. Mexico is a corrupt country that constantly ignores American sovereignty, cheats American taxpayers and newspapers such as yours continually champion them and their spawn. What about the rule of law ? Mr. Tancredo is doing what he was elected to do. Protect the country from invasion and uphold the law.

Bernard C. -- Anaheim, CA


"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." -- Thomas Jefferson

"Proclaim Liberty throughout All the land unto All the Inhabitants Thereof." -Inscription on the Liberty Bell
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:56 pm    Post subject: Scares me. Reply with quote

"International Tribunal"...................wow, if that doesn't scare you, nothing will. What are we gonna do? HELP us France, help us. United Nations? League of Nations? Kuwait? We're doomed, fo sho. Wait! What about Canada? Nevada, Harry-ut Reid? I bet John Skerry has a "plan".
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 4:22 pm    Post subject: Re: Scares me. Reply with quote

AMOS wrote:
"International Tribunal"...................wow, if that doesn't scare you, nothing will. What are we gonna do? HELP us France, help us. United Nations? League of Nations? Kuwait? We're doomed, fo sho. Wait! What about Canada? Nevada, Harry-ut Reid? I bet John Skerry has a "plan".

I bet John Skerry has a "plan"

SKERRY---The world must be protected from the US military/policy they have an evil agenda. Bring in UN troops to Norfolk,San Diego and Pensacola to protect the world from US tyranny abroad.
I will rationalize away the UN/Euro oil for food program per Senator Kennedy dictates within the next few weeks america.
Tin Can Gunline Vietnam
2nd generation Navy
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, we need to take Mexico down a peg.. I wouldn't have such an open trade agreement with them.. I'd say adios unless:

One, they can prove in a transparent way that they are serious about fixing the corruption within the police and govt agencies


Two, they begin to abide by the same rules our companies here do regarding the environment and employment rules..

The Mexican govt has got some cajones... Fix Mexico, that's what's broken. We have allowed them to treat us like a dumping ground way to long. Then the Mexicans send their money back to Mexico. It does nothing for us here in America..

I am actually married to a Mexican... Surprised? Well, he agrees with us.. He would love nothing more than Mexico to become more like the US and be held accountable for what goes on there.. He says in the small town he is from the people go and hide from the police when they come down the street.. They are more afraid of the cops than the criminals...

He says he wishes Bush would invade Mexico, the way we did Iraq and force real democracy and transparency of the govt to take place. HA! Laughing

Also, the LEGAL immigrants don't want the illegals to be given a free ride either, the politicians should wake up and smell the coffee..

Monday, Nov. 15, 2004 10:42 p.m. EST

Arizona Hispanics Backed Crackdown on Illegal Aliens

In a stunning election development that the national media have yet to report, a near-majority of Latino voters in Arizona backed a statewide initiative to deny benefits to illegal aliens.

Politicians and their advisers have widely assumed that any crackdown on the invasion would be wildly unpopular with America's burgeoning Hispanic population.

Some even call those who want stricter immigration enforcement "racist."
But with Arizona's Proposition 200, which would deny some government benefits to illegal aliens and require proof of citizenship to vote, none of those assumptions proved true.

Rather than alienating the state's Hispanic population, a full 47 percent of Arizona Latinos backed the measure, according to California's San Bernardino Sun, a number suggesting that almost as many border-state Hispanics want strict enforcement of the immigration laws as those who don't.

Proposition 200 passed with the overall population, 56 to 44 percent, over the opposition of Arizona's political establishment, including business groups, churches and Republican and Democrat lawmakers.

President Bush's re-election campaign strategy, based in part on Hispanic voter outreach that stressed support for a guest worker program and gradual amnesty for Mexican illegal aliens, is being credited with a 9-point jump in his Hispanic support.

But with tougher enforcement garnering support from even immigrant populations, it might be time for politicians who assumed border control was a political loser to head back to the drawing board.
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." -- Thomas Jefferson

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Britain to Announce Tough New Immigration Measures
Feb 5, 2005

Major Curb on Immigration and Asylum Announced

The Government’s five-year blueprint for immigration and asylum will include a major curbing of immigrants’ rights to settle permanently in Britain, it was reported tonight.

The plan, to be unveiled by Home Secretary Charles Clarke on Monday, could involve blocking permanent entry for all but skilled professionals.

According to The Observer, Mr Clarke is set to announce that only ‘desirable’ employees, such as doctors and teachers, would be granted the right to settle permanently – and even then only if they passed English tests.

Others would be obliged to leave when their work permits expired.

IIRC, isnt Australia doing some similair things, ie with tightening immigration?
one of..... We The People
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Tom Poole
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What y'all said. Close the border with force of arms and free Mexico if necessary. To help, I have an idea prompted by FreeFall's post.

FreeFall wrote:

I am all for the free market system, but this seems kind of strange. Outsource McDonalds

My idea is this. If McDonalds can outsource $7 Oregon work to North Dakota for $5, they can just as easily outsource it to Mexico for $4. Just think how many illegal aliens could go home. I'm sure we can come up with any number of other industries that could be outsourced. When the mission is accomplished, we can do what the Arabs do. Simply lower the wage or insource the work.
'58 Airedale HMR(L)-261 VMO-2
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The last time I was at Mickey "D's" it took so long to get service I thought my Burger came from a different state.

Has anyone noticed how they seem to put the employee with the least command of the english language on the other side of the speaker? At first I thought it was a poor quality intercom system until I roll up to the window and they still don't understand me.

I once rolled thru the BK drivethru and asked the non-english speaking clerk for an Angus Burger meal with heavy pickle and heavy onions only. Got back to the office and found I got exactly what I ordered; Roll with heavy onion and pickles only (no meat). Hey you get what you ask for at BK.

Cool Cool Cool
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Dr. Jack Wheeler
Friday, April 2, 2004

The Moslem terrorists who bombed the Madrid trains last month are members of an Islamic movement called Takfir wal Hijra (Repentance and Migration). Originally formed in Egypt in the 1970s as part of Iqwan Muslimi (The Moslem Brotherhood), it was responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981, and scores of savage atrocities in Algeria. The organizer of the Madrid terrorism, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is a Takfir. (See Michael Ledeen’s column on Zarqawi in this week’s TTP report.)

The Takfiris are now leading a “reorganized” Al Qaeda as the main Islamic threat to the West. For not only do they advocate the most purposefully vicious terrorist acts they can conceive, but also using immigration as a Trojan horse to conduct Jihad inside Western countries.

As a recent Wall Street Journal article (3/29/04, pA16) puts it: Takfiris see immigration as “a key way to extend the radical ideas into Western Europe. One Takfiri scholar, Abu Basir, wrote in 2001 that ‘jihad and immigration go together...the one cannot be achieved without the other.’”

Which brings me to Mexico.

The greatest security threat Europeans face today is from Islamic Takfiris. The greatest security threat Americans face today is from Mexican Takfiris.

It often startles people when I tell them in a lecture or speech that the single greatest national security threat to America is not Al Qaeda or China, as lethally grave as those may be, but Mexico. I have discussed this in previous TTP essays, America’s Curse and Traitors to Themselves (July 10 & July 24, 2003, and currently posted in the Classics section).

Every single day now, three to four thousand illegal immigrants from Mexico flood across our border. It is an invasion. It is an invasion purposefully conducted by the government of Mexico as an act of war upon the United States.

You may be familiar with a Harvard Professor named Samuel Huntington. He is famous for writing The Clash of Civilizations. Most of his readers focused on the fault line he analyzed between the civilizations of Islam and the West. To rectify this narrow focus, he has written an extraordinary essay in the current (March-April 2004) issue of Foreign Policy: The Hispanic Challenge . I encourage you to read it in full.

I must warn you it is a depressing read. Here are the highlights:

· The persistent inflow of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two peoples, two cultures, and two languages. Unlike past immigrant groups, Mexicans and other Latinos have not assimilated into mainstream U.S. culture, forming instead their own political and linguistic enclaves—from Los Angeles to Miami—and rejecting the Anglo-Protestant values that built the American dream. The United States ignores this challenge at its peril.

· The single most immediate and most serious challenge to America's traditional identity comes from the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from Mexico, and the fertility rates of these immigrants compared to black and white American natives.

· The United States is now confronted by a massive influx of people from a poor, contiguous country with more than one third the population of the United States. They come across a 2,000-mile border historically marked simply by a line in the ground and a shallow river. This situation is unique for the United States and the world. No other First World country has such an extensive land frontier with a Third World country. The significance of the long Mexican-U.S. border is enhanced by the economic differences between the two countries. “The income gap between the United States and Mexico,” Stanford University historian David Kennedy has pointed out, “is the largest between any two contiguous countries in the world.” Contiguity enables Mexican immigrants to remain in intimate contact with their families, friends, and home localities in Mexico as no other immigrants have been able to do.

· Mexican immigrants constituted 27.6 percent of the total foreign-born U.S. population in 2000. The next largest contingents, Chinese and Filipinos, amounted to only 4.9 percent and 4.3 percent of the foreign-born population.

· Illegal entry into the United States is overwhelmingly a post-1965 and Mexican phenomenon. Apprehensions by the US Border Patrol now approaches 1 million a year. Over 1,000 Mexicans successfully enter the US illegally every single day.

· The schools of Los Angeles are becoming Mexican. By 2002, more than 70 percent of the students in the Los Angeles Unified School District were Hispanic, predominantly Mexican, with the proportion increasing steadily; 10 percent of schoolchildren were non-Hispanic whites. In 2003, for the first time since the 1850s, a majority of newborn children in California were Hispanic.

· Hispanic leaders are actively seeking to transform the United States into a bilingual society. “English is not enough,” argues Osvaldo Soto, president of the Spanish American League Against Discrimination. “We don't want a monolingual society.”

· Rejections of the United States and assertions of Mexican identity are not limited to an extremist minority in the Mexican-American community. Many Mexican immigrants and their offspring simply do not appear to identify primarily with the United States. A study of children of immigrants in Southern California posed the following question: “How do you identify, that is, what do you call yourself?” None of the children born in Mexico answered “American.” Among Mexican-American children born in the United States, less than 4 percent responded “American,” compared to 28.5 percent to 50 percent of those born in the United States with parents from elsewhere in Latin America. Whether born in Mexico or in the United States, Mexican children overwhelmingly did not choose “American” as their primary identification.

· No other immigrant group in U.S. history has asserted or could assert a historical claim to U.S. territory. Mexicans and Mexican Americans can and do make that claim. Almost all of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah was part of Mexico until Mexico lost them as a result of the Texan War of Independence in 1835-1836 and the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848. Mexico is the only country that the United States has invaded, occupied its capital—placing the Marines in the “halls of Montezuma”—and then annexed half its territory. Mexicans do not forget these events. Quite understandably, they feel that they have special rights in these territories. “Unlike other immigrants,” Boston College political scientist Peter Skerry notes, “Mexicans arrive here from a neighboring nation that has suffered military defeat at the hands of the United States; and they settle predominantly in a region that was once part of their homeland…. Mexican Americans enjoy a sense of being on their own turf that is not shared by other immigrants.”

· Demographically, socially, and culturally, the reconquista (re-conquest) of the Southwest United States by Mexican immigrants is well underway. This is being actively pursued by the Mexican government. Since the 1980s, the Mexican government has sought to expand the numbers, wealth, and political power of the Mexican community in the U.S. Southwest and to integrate that population with Mexico. “The Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders,” Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo said in the 1990s. His successor, Vicente Fox, called Mexican emigrants “heroes” and describes himself as president of 123 million Mexicans, 100 million in Mexico and 23 million in the United States.

· The cultural division between Hispanics and Anglos could replace the racial division between blacks and whites as the most serious cleavage in U.S. society.

Depressed enough yet? The crux of the problem is that while President Bush has recognized that America is at war with Moslem Terrorism and is fighting to defend America against it, he seems unable to recognize that Mexico is at war with America and thus does not adequately defend America against it.

What would such recognition look like? Two acts.

First, President Bush demanding Mexican President Vicente Fox place Mexican Army troops along their side of the border to stop and apprehend any Mexican attempting to illegally enter the US.

Second, President Bush placing American troops along our side of the border in sufficient numbers to bring a full halt to illegal Mexican immigration.

Until and unless President Bush takes these two actions, we know he is not serious about defending America from Mexico.

Mexico has become Takfiristan. So far, the strategy of Mexican Takfirs has been confined to the Immigration Trojan Horse. If this strategy remains unchecked, there will come a day when the strategy will be accelerated with violence and terrorism.

All Americans need to clearly understand: The Mexican Government and Power Elite intend to physically break apart the United States, and they are well on their way to achieving their goal.

The Islamic Takfirs intend to conquer Europe through immigration. The Mexican Takfirs intend the same for America.

Fallujah Delenda Est.

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