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America's War Chick

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:28 pm    Post subject: America's War Chick Reply with quote


Sounding The War Cry
A Muslim’s warning to America
BY: Resa LaRu Kirkland

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. --John Adams

I’ve known this quote for some time now. In fact, after WWII, this quote seemed to have come to fruition.
We became the technological powerhouse of the entire world.

So what happened?

"[I have] a conviction that science is important to the preservation of our republican government, and that it is
also essential to its protection against foreign power." --Thomas Jefferson

I received a letter this week from a young Muslim man sending a dire warning to Americans. Yeah, I was as surprised
as you are! He sought me out as someone who would actually listen because of my writings. What he said rang true…
and terrifying

He wrote of being raised in Islamic ideology, and the subtle, sinister methods that go beyond bombings and murder. He states
it perfectly, and should be heeded by wise freedom-lovers. It bears repeating…a LOT of repeating. His own words are
best, so read for yourself:

“…I was part of the frightening "system" until I broke away.

The conspiracy is more subtle and pervasive than even the most paranoid among you can fathom…All this ben Laden, Taliban and al Qaeda story is the greatest
diversionary tactic in history. The real invasion is more insidious, serious and much further along then you can possibly imagine. And it is your own liberal halves that are playing such a vital role in that. I'm talking about the silent invasion of your universities by our people. Open any leading American university's website and look at the list of professors and graduate students, you will see a plethora of muslim names. These are people that are in America, taking advantage of American know-how, and waiting to go back to their own countries to strengthen them.

“For the past century, your strength has been your lead in technology, but can you maintain that in the face of the fact the MAJORITY of doctoral students in your universities' technological programs are foreigners?… And it's not just us muslims who are invading your universities. The greatest invasion is by Chinese and Indians, but there is a healthy percentage of Pakistanis, Egyptians, Turks, Indonesians and Arabs.

“I myself am a doctoral student…like the rest of the horde, I was a cog in the wheel. It is something that is not actively taught or talked about. It is like a subliminal message that is hammered into you.

“Can you imagine the damage that will be done if suddenly half of your university brainpower leaves?…But can you imagine the damage if half of that brain power
goes to Islamic countries?…Every year thousands of young (muslims) leave for the US and Europe where they get graduate degrees in engineering and the sciences. Your own people are studying dancing, music, theatre, and art; all the while the knowledge that has made you powerful is slipping through your fingers.
“Wake up!… You can't let (muslim) ideology become the dominant one in the world. Already the nordic races are disappearing...It's the same in the US. You are being invaded by illegal immigrants, diluting your country to the point of fracture. Muslims are multiplying like rabbits while you are busy in family planning and aborting the babies that CAN be born. Do you think any amount of technological superiority will be able to guarantee your supremacy in the face of 1-to-10 numerical inferiority? How will you maintain your identity as a nation when English is replaced by Spanish as the national language? Already there are school systems in the southern states that are teaching pupils in spanish. Do your people not see this as a loss of national identity?

“What are your people doing about this? I'll tell you what. After 9/11, background checks were instituted for foreign students coming into the US. Because of this foreign student applications dropped…This instigated a crisis among universities, regents started writing congress and the senate telling them that it is an unacceptable situation. You can't find suitable graduate researchers out of 300 million people? You people need to shape up and start taking things seriously. Your secretary of state Colin Powell announced in Pakistan last year that the US would do everything to facilitate Pakistani students in the US. Stop bending over backwards and being so apologetic just for trying to protect yourselves from crazed fanatics.”

Well well well. So now the rest of the world is recognizing us as a country apologizing for its own existence.

This young man isn’t someone who can be labeled by our Politically Castrated press as a “racist white American,” thereby disarming him and leaving him impotent. He has not been taught in America’s education system to fear such an accusation as we in America have been taught. He simply states the truth…an odd concept in the age of wretched liberal control. His caveat is one that wise patriots have been trumpeting for some time now, but irrational liberals have disarmed, disabled, and disavowed. Read on:

“Take a look at this. It lists famous mathematicians by country. France is the highest with 211, England is second with 204, both countries are 20% the size of the US by population. This is because the US entered the game late. But entered it well. You had a good educational base and capitalized on it.
“Now I will come to my point. If the US could pull off this coup in the latter half of the 20th (even with such an apparently glaring discrepancy compared to France and England), then what is to stop someone else from pulling off the same coup in the latter half of the

I couldn’t have said it better myself. This man’s name should be on this article for writing it, and it would be too…if he didn’t deeply fear Muslim reprisals. Even he is not safe from radical irrational rage.

Since when did defense become an evil?
Since when do righteous people have to justify themselves for rejecting the wicked?
We have had many wise, wonderful leaders…when exactly did we forget and lose our vigilance?

This is our land, and by God—yes, by Him!—it is up to us to defend her and keep the evil doer out.
Closing our borders is an act that isn’t political—it’s critical!

"Our duty to ourselves, to posterity, and to mankind, call on us by every motive which is sacred or honorable, to watch over the safety of our beloved country…”--Thomas Jefferson

Logic, reason, truth…why is it that we’re having to be taught that by foreigners?

Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.

Resa LaRu Kirkland--Columnist/Writer/Speaker/Military Historian/TheAnti-Feminist!
Agree with AMERICA'S WAR CHICK at: http://www.warchick.com/
Hippies, commies, and femmies opinions altered here!!
Kim Jong Il, you're going down! Arafat, I TOLD YOU SO!
POW/MIA: Bring them home or send us back!
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent article. It is sad that those that come out to tell the truth must keep their identities hidden out of fear of repricussions or even death.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent article. There are more good articles at the authors website: www.warchick.com Some issues to definitely think about.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Kirkland article is mostly correct, in my opinion, as a snap shot of today but there is more than what is happening today to account for where we, as a nation, are today. See many paragraphs below for my take on the current and past education issues.

Look back 50 years and take a snap shot:

We were the industrial and agricultural behemoth of the world. WW II and Korea were behind us and the Cold War was well underway. Unions and management had reached parity. With very few exceptions, the car, truck, farm machinery and industrial machinery purchased was American made by Americans and contained virtually no foreign parts. For the most part, our oil was from the US, Canada and Venezuela.

There was a down side due to the pollution we were creating but that could be ameliorated with some effort on the part of the companies producing the products and the industrial plants that created the pollution. (For those who may remember, it was almost unbearable traveling through the Lincoln or Holland tunnels of New York City and traveling the northern section of the NJ Turnpike near the oil refineries was an olfactory delight – NOT.)

Sounds like we were in the best position we could be in, right?

What we did not take into account, over the next 10 to 20 years, is that we had rebuilt Europe and Japan’s economy and industry with billions of our American dollars. And that would come back to haunt us.

Personal income rose and corporate earnings continued to rise. Life was good.

Where are US Steel and Bethlehem Steel today? You can blame the unions or you can blame management but both contributed to producing products that were overpriced and lacked the quality of what could be produced in Europe and Japan. Remember, we had poured billions of dollars into both economies and they built their steel industries using the latest manufacturing processes and the labor was much cheaper. The quality and price of the American products opened the door and the rest is history. By 1985 it was over.

The steel industry should have been a lesson to the automotive industry from the mid 1970s to the mid 1980s but it was not. Again, quality and price along with innovation proved to be the Achilles Heel of the US automotive industry. The influx of Japanese cars started slowly with very small cars that were built to high quality standards and delivered good fuel mileage. And they were somewhat ugly to boot but Americans started buying them.

A small example of the automotive industry’s attitude in the early 1970s was a conversation I had with a GM employee at the time. We were passing a GM manufacturing plant in northern NJ and he said that the manager of the plant just received one of the largest bonuses for getting the most vehicles out the door. He then stated that vehicles from that plant had the highest warranty service cost of any GM plant in the country. So much for quality!

Where are GM, Ford and Chrysler today? Declining sales, junk bonds and pension plans in trouble are the stories heard today. The Honda and Toyota plants in the US do not employ union workers. I believe I read a news article that stated one of the three major American car manufactures has to add approximately $1,500 to the price of each vehicle to cover pension payouts while the Japanese continue to cut into their sales. Hey, that sounds like Social Security in the not too distant future.

OSHA, the ACLU and tree huggers are currently constricting the growth of industry. We still have an abundance of natural recourses. We need to build additional gasoline manufacturing plants. Newer and safer nuclear power plants can and need to be built. All of the foregoing are nearly impossible due to the restrictions of OSHA and the litigation of the ACLU and tree huggers.

Today American industry continues its decline but all is not lost as long as industry focuses on quality and price. The union/management parity of the early 1950s gave way to union dominance (and its excesses) of management through the 1980s. That is being rectified.

Higher Education:

Our K-12 school system can be blamed for the lack of US students in university hard science degree programs but you also have to look at the student’s parents and the students themselves. The school district that I work in is a mixture of white, black, Asian and middle eastern. The Asians stand out both scholastically and in their personal behavior. The blacks and whites are the bulk of the disruptive students but this is where the whites are in the minority. You do not have to work in a school system to get a feel for what is going on inside. Just observe the students arriving and leaving the schools and observe who is carrying the most books, who is “smokin-and-jokin” and who is doing the most posturing and cursing. The white and black parents are more likely to call their lawyers than admit that their children are at fault and the school districts just cave in.

Personal responsibility is totally absent in many cases.

The Kirkland article is misleading due to the fact that foreign students, mostly from Asia and India, have, since the 1970s, been entering our universities and majoring in the hard science degree programs. The American universities were looked at as some of the best hard science educational facilities in the world and the foreign students started coming to them and American students started avoiding them. The disciplines of engineering (electrical, mechanical, chemical and the fledgling computer science) were tough. By the 1980s more American students wanted an “Animal House’ education than the rigors required to get a degree in engineering. Mathematics and the understanding of materials is the basis for just about every major applied research development in the last 50 years and American students just do not want to put in the effort to learn those disciplines.

Where the Kirkland article is totally misleading is in its assumption that Muslims are studying at our universities and will carry that knowledge back to their countries and cause us great harm. This is horse-pucky. The muslim terrorists need a bunch of dimwits looking to ascend to their reward of 79 virgins (now down to one ugly arse mule) when they blow themselves and others into oblivion. Education will not help terrorists.

Education will help countries that are looking to start new industries and herein lies the real problem and possibly a blessing should America wake-up in time. Japan and Korea ascended the industrial complex ladder to become international competitors to the US. India continues to grow its technological capabilities. China broke every international business rule to gain a foothold from which to compete with the US. China is now competing somewhat more legitimately with the US industry.

Notice that I have left out any reference to Europe. They think they are important but they are really impotent. Socialism (communism in disguise) has sealed their fate.

The blessing is that a country that competes successfully with the US is less likely to cause military problems since doing so would cause its economic, via our military intervention, demise.

Thankfully our county’s current course is to vigorously spread democracy. North Korea and Iran must be addressed in the near future.

The key to our near and distant future is today guarded by our military superiority.

We have been giving up our industrial superiority for the last 50 years. We still retain agricultural superiority. We have unused natural recourses. We remain the major exporter of computer processors, operating systems and computer production software.

Our students are abysmal and therein lies our Achilles heel. Animal House academic attitudes will sink us as a nation.

The above is overly simplistic but I did not want to present the entire picture as it would have taken too many words and that leads to mental stagnation – which is also a problem in our current instant gratification society.

Duty, Honor, Country.

Essayons - Let us try - the code of the Army Engineer. Sappers First, the code of the Combat Engineer.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is one more factor that may not have been mentioned.

The Tax Code.

I seem to remember being told by an economic professor some 30 years ago that we had rebuilt Europe and Japan with new and more efficient manufacturing equipment while retaining the older and less efficient equipment.

The companies were not being allowed to depreciate the older stuff fast enough to allow them to update with newer and more efficient equipment themselves at the same time that they were equiping Europe and Japan with the newer and better stuff.
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