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Spy Valerie and the rogue CIA
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:28 am    Post subject: Spy Valerie and the rogue CIA Reply with quote

I posted this article a few months ago but I think it bears re-reading now that the end game is near.

The press is all twittering that Rove is about to be indicted, but I hope that what Prosecutor Fitzgerald has been investigating is this plot to bring down the president.

Spy Valerie and the rogue CIA
July 18th, 2005
Hold on to your hat. The plot is about to thicken.

Behind the scenes, the single most important reason for the Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson farce is that CIA Director Porter Goss has finally started to clean house at Langley. Goss's long-overdue shake-up is clearly backed by the White House, the top levels of the Pentagon and State Department, and the new National Director of Intelligence, John Negroponte.

Judging by Director Goss's remarks at his Senate confirmation hearings, those whose jobs are most in danger include the CIA "experts" in WMD proliferation – Valerie Plame's outfit – who completely failed to anticipate the Indian and Pakistani nukes, and just couldn't figure out what was going on with Iraqi WMDs. Valerie Plame's bosses are facing the axe for decades of failures.

And it's about time, because Iran is within sight of its first nukes. You don't suppose that has anything to do with the Plame/Wilson publicity stunt, do you?

Clearly the CIA managers who failed the United States so terribly on 9/11 should have been fired four years ago. Others now worried about their careers include officials who have long resisted the onerous task of building a topnotch human intelligence capability in the most dangerous parts of the world.

Porter Goss's new broom should also sweep away:

1) personnel who utterly failed to thwart critical technology theft by China during the Clinton years;

2) those who constantly undermine the war on terror;

3) the ones who make a regular habit of dropping media stinkbombs against the White House.

4) Finally, there is the faction that supported Saddam Hussein's hold on power, as Joe Wilson did.

It could be a bloodbath, and the Permanent Establishment knows it.

The farcical Plame/Wilson assault on Karl Rove is a shot across the bow of the White House. The spook bureaucracy is fighting for its perks, hand-in-hand with the Democrats and the media. This is exactly the same iron triangle that destroyed Richard Nixon.

The charge against Rove is based on a blatantly forged document, purporting to show that Saddam tried to buy Niger yellowcake uranium. We now know that the document was forged by the French government to embarrass Secretary Colin Powell, and undermine the American case against Saddam at the UN. It was classic disinformation bait. Powell flourished the Niger forgery at the Security Council, and the very next day "European intelligence agencies" leaked word that it was a laughable fraud.

Months later, the London Telegraph published the fact that it was all a French disinformation ploy.

The CIA has to know all about the French forgery, just as it knows that Joseph Wilson's famous trip to Niger was pure bilgewater. Nobody sends a has-been diplomat to Africa to drink mint tea with corrupt old President Tandja Mamadou, expecting to discover whether Mamadou has secretly been selling nuke materials to Saddam.

That's pure Inspector Clousseau.

Valerie Plame's CIA bosses took care not to ask Mr. Wilson to sign a confidentiality agreement, routine in such cases, almost as if they wanted him to make a public fuss. They were not surprised, one might think, when Mr.Wilson promptly took his story to New York Times Op-Ed Editor Gail Collins, one of the great Bush-haters of all time. As Joseph DiGenova, former US Attorney for DC, recently said, "The CIA isn’t stupid. They wanted this story out."

It was a publicity stunt from the get-go. Wilson's "confidential trip" to Niger gave him the superficial credentials to publish his "expose" in the Times. He'd gone there, talked to the top officials face to face, and by gum, they told him it was all a lie! Not even Gail Collins could possibly believe this banana sauce, but Wilson's charges provided a useful stick with which to beat the White House.

What Karl Rove apparently did was to hint to reporters about the fraudulence of the whole Wilson stunt, and for that the media mob wants him drawn and quartered. No good deed goes unpunished.

Everything else Wilson has been saying on his two-year speaking tour around the country has been shown to be lies, but well-designed lies --- lies that fit right into the mad-dog world of the Democrat Left.

Telling lies to confirm somebody's paranoid beliefs is a classic disinformation gambit, right out of Spy School 101. But such gambits would be far more usefully employed against al Qaeda, our opponent in war. If the United States is attacked again by terrorists, one reason will be that our CIA has wasted time fighting the White House rather than the enemy.

Given Wilson's Niger trip, set up by wife Valerie for Joe Wilson to publicly show that a blatant forgery was, well, a forgery, the current media attack on the White House was completely predictable.

The Permanent Establishment had a perfect dress rehearsal last year with the uproar about Richard Clarke, who also worked in the Clinton White House, possibly next door to Joe Wilson. The barely-disguised message to George W. Bush was: if you try to get rid of us, we may pull a Deep Throat on you. J. Edgar Hoover would have seen through it instantly.

When the Twin Towers exploded in 2001, President Bush did not touch the FBI or the CIA. By comparison, after the Japanese decimated the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor in 1941, FDR and George Marshall churned the commanding ranks of the Army and Navy, elevating talented officers like Eisenhower, Bradley and Patton. They created Wild Bill Donovan's OSS, the seed of the CIA. Donovan in his turn brought street spooks to the top, political correctness (of the day) be damned.

A lot of careers were broken, and the new talent skyrocketed. It worked like a charm. The infusion of new blood into a stale bureaucracy was the key to victory in World War II. The old crew had allowed a deplorable situation to develop, and were obviously incapable of recognizing what needed to be done.

So why didn't Mr. Bush clean out the dead wood at CIA?

A reasonable guess is that his father warned against it. George Bush, Sr. is a former CIA Director, after all, and is intimately familiar with its ways. He was a GOP Congressman during Watergate, when Mark Felt destroyed Richard Nixon for thwarting his lifelong ambition to succeed J. Edgar Hoover.

Paraphrasing LBJ's immortal words, it was smarter to keep the CIA inside the tent pissing out rather than the other way around. So George Tenet wasn’t fired, and as far as we can tell, neither was anybody else. Instead, the President met with Tenet every day for five years to get the latest about al Qaeda, and surely gained a deeper understanding of the intelligence maze at the same time.

The White House has played a very careful poker game since then, picking its cards one by one until it was ready to make the big move. Today, George Tenet is out, State and Defense are in the hands of Bush loyalists, the House and Senate have GOP majorities, and the new CIA Director is not an insider. The CIA itself is now subordinate to the new National Director of Intelligence, John Negroponte, a no-nonsense diplomat in the Kissinger mold. When Goss became Director, Agency bureaucrats complained bitterly to the press. Mr. Bush now holds all the cards, and it is time to play them.

All this isn't just fun and games. It casts a deadly light on internecine warfare in Washington at a time of great national danger.

We know that Hoover blackmailed four successive Presidents by threatening to reveal confidential FBI secrets. We know that Hoover's fair-haired boy, Mark Felt, destroyed the Nixon Presidency – a virtual coup d'etat that the media tell us was a victory of Democracy over the Secret Government. With the media as destiny’s servant.

We know that Nixon taped visitors to the Oval Office without their permission, but that FDR, LBJ, and Kennedy did the same, without facing media exposure. And during the unbelievable Clinton years we know that Bill and Hillary abused presidential power in a dozen egregious ways, and may still control copies of raw FBI files to use against their domestic enemies.

But it was Richard Nixon alone who got caught by a rogue FBI bureaucrat. Deep Throat showed how a president can be destroyed by a bureaucrat.

The farcical "outing" of Valerie Plame therefore raises a genuinely frightening monster from the swamp: A subversive alliance between the intelligence bureaucracy, the Democratic Party and the media. The common thread among all the characters in this low-brow comedy is hatred of President Bush and American power. Joe Wilson's eyebrows go ballistic when he talks about the White House. Just watch him sometime.

The sneering media mob is on display on C-SPAN whenever the White House holds a press briefing. The Left is apoplectic: "Karl Rove + traitor" brought up 97,000 entries on google three days ago, and 124,000 this morning.

But Karl Rove is merely today's target for a permanent state of rage so deep and hot that it is always seeking new witches to burn. As for the failed CIA spooks who are now living in fear of losing their perks, one can only imagine the steam blowing from their ears, as the day of reckoning draws closer.

I'm cheering for the good guys.


Remember I posted the decision by a Judge sending Judith Miller to jail.
The brief presented to the judge by Prosecutor Fitzgerald stated 'grave crimes' were committed and 'national security" risk and eight [b]classified pages redacted in the middle of the brief. Heavy stuff!!
That brief from Fitzgerald sounded much more ominous to me than just divulging the name of a CIA employee who has been sitting at a desk in Washington for over five years.
We haven't heard much lately from journalists Matt Cooper (his wife Maggie Grunwald is big DNC operative) or Walter Pincus (google his name to see where his bias lies- all the way back to Vietnam and Watergate)who first gave publicity to Joe Wilson. Pincus' wife Ann, a friend of the Clintons and was appointed a position in Clinton Admin.

Mac Ranger at: http://www.macsmind.blogspot.com/ has been revealing the plot involving rogue CIA and reporters. It will make your hair stand on end.

As I've said all along, I have actual contacts within the Agency, believe me or not, that's your choice, but I'm telling you there are people bouncing off the walls at Langly about this. So trust me, this goes a LOT deeper than a leak.


Again, I believe, and am told that Fitzgerald believes Cooper called specifically to bait Rove. Speculation is that Cooper already knew the Wilson/Plame game, maybe from Miller or more likely Corn or Pincus. In any case he was apparently the point man to "set up" Rove, start with a general question, then "Oh, by the way" about Wilson. Rove caught on, was tipped, I don't know, but he didn't take the bait.

UPDATE: III A question: Plame and 'George'? What does the George Soros fundedThe Center for American Progress and Matt Cooper have in common in relation to Plame Gate? The Devil is in the details

And what does Rogue CIA op, Ray McGovern, Larry C. Johnson, VIPS, all have to do with the plot to the Plame Game?

Memo to VIPS,...the jig is up.

“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” (Thomas Paine, 1776)
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mac is updating some more info today.
It's looking very interesting if he's right.
Yet to the question. When did the Administration know about the Wilson/Plame Game?

The answer, which I'm not fully fleshed out - as it is only a theory, yet supported by a family member still in the business (but reliable and talkative) is an apparent "tip" from inside the Agency itself funneled through a certain journalist - or if you will - a designed leak.

A somebody "in the bowels of the agency" that didn't like what was going on, didn't agree with the Plame Game, and did their patriotic duty - they whistled.

As it has been said before, here for instance, "The CIA wanted this story to break". Again, the story - the real story, going far beyond the simple outlines thus far presented.

I'm on Wilson like it's 1999

As I said in comments yesterday, I have some new documents to go over, as well as the status of others I had asked for.

Joe had a little trip to Niger in 1999. "For what"? is the question. Yet it is key to the Plame Game.

Rest assured yours truly will find out, and as I know, so shall you.

Macsmind-"Hey Joe What Do You Know"

AJ STRATA "Plame Strange?"
“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” (Thomas Paine, 1776)
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

conspiracy here?


My Four Hours Testifying in the Federal Grand Jury Room

Published: October 16, 2005

Mr. Fitzgerald asked me about another entry in my notebook, where I had written the words "Valerie Flame," clearly a reference to Ms. Plame. Mr. Fitzgerald wanted to know whether the entry was based on my conversations with Mr. Libby. I said I didn't think so. I said I believed the information came from another source, whom I could not recall.

Mr. Fitzgerald asked if I could recall discussing the Wilson-Plame connection with other sources. I said I had, though I could not recall any by name or when those conversations occurred.

So who is she protecting, and, who was Bob Novack's source?
He has said it wasn not someone in the administration.

Miller certainly didn't spend all that time in jail to protect Libby

She now admits she had another source, which explains her deal to testify -- would be limited to conversations with Libby, and not any other sources

Valerie Plame Wilson probably outed herself in some grand scheme with her hubby....
one of..... We The People
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GM Strong
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miller is doing a Hillary Clinton imitation. " I don't remember." She refers in her notes to Valerie Flame. Well, flame on babe. She did not go to lockup for memory loss.
8th Army Korea 68-69
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All they need is a BS charge against Rove and he is out., just like Delay..
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GM Strong
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

rparrott21 wrote:
All they need is a BS charge against Rove and he is out., just like Delay..

DeLay is not out, Ronnie Earle will be though. Tom Delay is taking that hack on, full charge and no quarter. A BS indictment is not a conviction and there is nothing to suggest Rove is under suspicion of anything else. Miller has memory loss and the statutes do not apply to Valerie Flame/Plame/ Wilson anyway, they were meant for the likes of traitors like Aldrich Ames. Neither Tom DeLay nor Karl Rove is guilty of anything,l except nuking Liberals.
8th Army Korea 68-69
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Uisguex Jack
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kate said:
conspiracy here?


My Four Hours Testifying in the Federal Grand Jury Room

Published: October 16, 2005

Mr. Fitzgerald asked me about another entry in my notebook, where I had written the words "Valerie Flame," clearly a reference to Ms. Plame. Mr. Fitzgerald wanted to know whether the entry was based on my conversations with Mr. Libby. I said I didn't think so. I said I believed the information came from another source, whom I could not recall.

Mr. Fitzgerald asked if I could recall discussing the Wilson-Plame connection with other sources. I said I had, though I could not recall any by name or when those conversations occurred

You know, me.... I'm just a bimbo who mows grass, milks cows and shears sheep for less money than I am taxed for.

However.. Ms miller here seems to be doing her best impersination of 'john Poindexter' that she can. However the factors of the delta in IQ's is around 3... Poindexter possably having the higher IQ.

I do know a thing or two about betting on horse races, as I breed those beasts.

My money remains on the fact, possable fact..... (speculation) that the fair ms. miller has as a source on her parochial Pal, the one she calls 'vallerie flame'.

Ms Flame outed her self to ms miller, ages ago, one way and maybe another. Ms miller took the fairer route available to her and printed her leaking data before she could account for the fact that no one in the current presidential administration had actually confirmed what she had allready known for some time, whilst reporting on the masses of WMd, senior hussein had on stock.

in laymans terms.... judith miller learned from vallerie plaine that she, ms plaine/\flame\wislon
was a comprimised 'spook' willing to sell her soul for some fairer cause.

Ms miller spilled the preverbial beans before she could cover her perverbial derrier.. maybe I mean perrier... who knows?
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Uisguex Jack
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just gleaned some fascinating historical perspective on who Juddith Miller is.

I did not know her father was the 'carl rove' (architect) of creating the Las Vegas entertainment scene. He brought everyone from Mae West, to Elvis to Tom Jones in to do lounge acts.

Not really pertinant to anything but a fascinating read:
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

News stories all over the country today re VP Cheney's office is the target
of Prosecutor Fitzgerald. Even rumors that Cheney will step down!!

Speculation seems to all be based on Miller's testimony that Libby discussed classified information with her during their meeting. WHAAAT???

Official's Unaware of Reporter's Special Status
NY Times' Miller wrote she had 'security clearance' for Iraq WMD reporting
By Jim Miklaszewski
NBC News
Updated: 8:15 p.m. ET Oct. 17, 2005

WASHINGTON — Officials from the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon say they have no idea what New York Times reporter Judith Miller was talking about when she claimed to have been given a "security clearance" while she was embedded with a U.S. Army unit in Iraq in 2003.

In a first-person account of her recent testimony before a federal grand jury, published in the newspaper on Sunday, Miller wrote the Pentagon had given her "clearance to see secret information as part of my assignment 'embedded' with a special military unit hunting for unconventional weapons."

According to the officials, they know of no instance or circumstance when a reporter has been, or would be, granted a security clearance and believed she would not have been given one when she was embedded with the unit that was tasked with finding Iraqi WMDs immediately after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

Meanwhile, Pentagon officials say they are continuing to check whether Miller had been granted a security clearance of any kind.

Normally it takes at least three months of background checks before anyone is granted a "secret” clearance.

There are cases where someone is granted a temporary short-term clearance — for a day, for example — but that is usually extended only to military, Department of Defense or civilian contractors who need to be cleared for specific information on a specific project.

The officials spoke to NBC on condition of anonymity.

Discussion of "classified" information
In her article, Miller indicated that she thought her "security clearance" may still have been in effect during a meeting with Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, after she had returned to Washington, and that this status would not allow her to share all the information she had with her editors.

Miller wrote about how Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald questioned her during her grand jury appearance regarding conversations with Libby in which they discussed classified information.

Fitzgerald is investigating whether crimes were committed when Bush administration officials reportedly leaked the identity of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame to reporters.

Plame’s covert status was exposed at a time when her husband, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson, was criticizing the Bush administration, accusing it of manipulating prewar intelligence to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.

In her account, Miller wrote, “I told Mr. Fitzgerald that Mr. Libby might have thought I still had security clearance, given my special embedded status in Iraq.”

While embedded reporters are often granted access to classified briefings with the proviso that the information can only be used as background and cannot be reported, Pentagon officials say no military commander or officer has the individual authority to grant a security clearance.

Grand Jury wrapping up soon
Fitzgerald is wrapping up his investigation and is expected to decide soon whether to seek indictments. The grand jury that has been hunting down the leakers inside the Bush administration over the past two years expires Oct. 28.

President Bush’s top political adviser, Karl Rove, testified to the panel Friday, his fourth appearance. Prosecutors warned Rove before he appeared that there was no guarantee he won’t be indicted.

Rove spoke to columnist Robert Novak and Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper about Plame’s identity, while Libby spoke to Miller and Cooper about Plame.

Jim Miklaszewski is NBC News Chief Pentagon Correspondent. The Associated Press contributed to this story.

“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” (Thomas Paine, 1776)
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:36 pm    Post subject: I'm tired. Reply with quote

This stuff and the Senate confirmation crap makes me tired. Have they nothing better to do? G.D.!
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GM Strong
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The MSM loves gossemer issues that disintegrate with a trace. UGH!!
8th Army Korea 68-69
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have wondered about Colin Powell. He was not a happy camper in the administration. Is he talking to Special Prosecutor?

From Andrew Sullivan.com
CHENEY: The new wrinkle that the source for Rove's Plame information was originally Libby is another piece of information that arguably points toward Cheney. If Rove learned of it through Libby, then Cheney looks pretty isolated to me as the original source of the leak. Wouldn't Bush or Hadley tell Rove themselves if they were the orginal sources? Today, we find out the following:

The new information about Hannah signals how broadly the prosecutor has probed for answers. As Cheney's deputy national security adviser, he was intimately involved in Iraq policy.

Hannah is one of at least five people in the Cheney operation who have been interviewed by federal investigators.

Fitzgerald's interest in the vice president's office became clearer as the case continued: Cheney was central to building the case that then-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein sought nuclear weapons-grade material in Niger and Libby helped discredit Wilson in part by talking about his wife, according to lawyers in the case.

Fitzgerald talked to Cheney personally near the beginning of the investigation, though according to a person familiar with the case, he has not questioned him since. Fitzgerald and his investigative team interviewed Mary Matalin, a former top Cheney adviser; Catherine Martin, his former communications adviser; and Jennifer Millerwise, his former spokeswoman.

If the prosecutor asks to interview Cheney again in the next few days, we're into earthquake territory. Then there's the question of the July 7 Airforce One flight:
According to people involved in the case, prosecutors believe a printout of that memo [citing Plame's CIA cover] was in the front of Air Force One during the July 7-12 trip Bush took to Africa, but investigators are unsure who saw it. The prosecutor has also examined the role of Stephen J. Hadley, Bush's national security adviser. In an e-mail that surfaced earlier this year, Rove told Hadley, then deputy national security adviser, about his conversation with Cooper, saying he waved the reporter off Wilson's allegations. The e-mail was not turned over until long after the probe began... Fitzgerald has questioned Powell about his knowledge of the document, according to people familiar with the case.

My italics. Who has access to the front of Airforce One? Here's a plausible scenario. Very few people saw the memo. Cheney was one of them. Did Libby inform Miller and Cooper on his own initiative? Or was he part of a coordinated effort?

Or to put it more succinctly: Condi for Veep?

- 10:38:00 AM

I think this is WISHFUL THINKING on the part of Andy Sullivan who would love to see Cheney go down. Apparently, Powell's people would like to see
Cheney gone also!
This article from Financial Times quoting the top Aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell:


Sheesh!! They're all coming out of the woodwork! Rogues in both the CIA and the State Department who think they should dictate our foreign policy.
Goss is cleaning out CIA. Hope Condi can clean out State!!
“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” (Thomas Paine, 1776)
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i guess i'm missing something here. how can there be a conspiracy of coverup charge (apparently being considered), when it's not proved there was anything to coverup? we don't know that plame was ever named, or if she was named, that it was even a crime at that time. apparently a lot of people in washington knew who she was. i never understand why the republicans don't band together and raise hell like the democrats do. anyway, could they just go back to work and not raise my taxes. what a bunch of mickey mouse stuff.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:07 am    Post subject: ...and the rogue CIA Reply with quote

The National Ledger

Was the Joe Wilson Valerie Plame Affair a CIA Plot?
By Cliff Kincaid Oct 21, 2005

The media version of the CIA leak case is that the White House illegally revealed a CIA employee’s identity because her husband, Joseph Wilson, was an administration critic.

But former prosecutor Joseph E. diGenova says the real story is that the CIA “launched a covert operation” against the President when it sent Wilson on the mission to Africa to investigate the Iraq-uranium link. DiGenova, a former Independent Counsel who prosecuted several high-profile cases and has extensive experience on Capitol Hill, including as counsel to several Senate committees, is optimistic that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will figure it all out.

DiGenova tells this columnist, “It seems to me somewhat strange, in terms of CIA tradecraft, that if you were really attempting to protect the identity of a covert officer, why would you send her husband overseas on a mission, without a confidentiality agreement, and then allow him when he came back to the United States to write an op-ed piece in the New York Times about it.”

That mission, he explained, leads naturally to the questions: Who is this guy? And how did he get this assignment? “That’s not the way you protect the identity of a covert officer,” he said. “If it is, then [CIA director] Porter Goss is doing the right thing in cleaning house” at the agency.


DiGenova told me he believes there has been a “war between the White House and the CIA over intelligence” and that the agency, in the Wilson affair, “was using the sort of tactics it uses in covert actions overseas.” One has to consider the implications of this statement. It means that the CIA was using Wilson for the purpose of undermining the Bush Administration’s Iraq policy.

If this is the case, then one has to conclude that the CIA’s covert operation against the President was successful to a point. It generated an investigation of the White House after officials began trying to set the record straight to the press about the Wilson mission. At this point, it’s still not clear what if anything Fitzgerald has on these officials.


DiGenova’s comments might be dismissed as just the view of an administration defender. But his comments reflect the facts about the case that emerged when the Senate Intelligence Committee conducted an independent investigation. Wilson, who became an adviser to the Kerry for President campaign, had claimed his CIA wife had no role in recommending him for the trip, but the committee determined that was not true. Why would Wilson misrepresent the truth about her if the purpose were not to conceal the curious nature of the CIA role and its hidden agenda in his controversial mission? And who in the CIA besides his wife was behind it?

full article at the link

Interesting take from this former prosecutor.
Conspiracy theories abound. Have seen some that suggest the whole thing was a set up from the get-go, beginning with the fake Niger documents.

wonder if we'll ever know the real story
one of..... We The People
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does anyone else find it very strange that the CIA has yet to come out and admit that, "Whoops, we screwed up in not taking her name off the designated covert list years ago like we were supposed to do"?
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