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Another prime example of just who defamed the Vietnam vets..

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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:05 pm    Post subject: Another prime example of just who defamed the Vietnam vets.. Reply with quote

Here is the type of politician mentality, as in the John Kerry mold, who caused such misery for the returning Vietnam vets:

From http://powerlineblog.com/archives/014411.php

... But that isn't what the Democrats are debating. Instead, they are reciting the whole litany of moonbat nonsense that we've seen on the lefty blogs for the last two years. Take, for example, [Rep.] Jane Harman, as quoted by Hugh Hewitt. What Harman says is so foolish and so obviously contrary to fact that it demands a sentence-by-sentence refutation:

Overriding the advice of intelligence professionals, Adminsitration officials put stock in bogus sources like "Curveball" and self-promoters like Ahmed Chalabi.

It was the CIA that put stock in Curveball et al. The suggestion that the administration "overrode" the "advice of intelligence professionals" is ridiculous. In October 2002, the intelligence agencies provided the administration with their Consensus Intelligence Estimate with regard to Iraq. The agencies told the administration with "High Confidence" that "Iraq possesses proscribed chemical and biological weapons and missiles." If the administration erred, it was by relying on the intelligence agencies, not "overriding" them.

The Adminsitration cherry-picked intelligence, and hyped the threat.

The administration didn't "cherry-pick," it went with the consensus of all of the nation's intelligence agencies. And, far from hyping the threat posed by Saddam, President Bush's characterizations were actually more cautious than the warnings that came from Democrats like John Kerry.

They talked in ominous tones about mushroom clouds even though many questioned evidence suggesting Saddam had nuclear weapons capability.

To my knowledge, no one ever said that Saddam had "nuclear weapons capability." What the Consensus Intelligence Estimate did say, with "High Confidence" was:

Iraq is continuing, and in some areas expanding its chemical, biological, nuclear and missile programs contrary to UN resolutions....Iraq could make a nuclear weapon in months to a year once it acquires sufficient weapons grade fissile material.

And, with "Moderate Confidence":

Iraq does not yet have a nuclear weapon or sufficient material to make one but is likely to have a weapon by 2007 to 2009.

Ms. Harman continues:

They made a mantra of the claim that 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi agents in Prague, a claim that has been thoroughly discredited.

This is ridiculous. The administration never asserted that Atta met with Iraqi agents, let alone made it a "mantra." In fact, here is what Vice President Dick Cheney said about the Atta report:

With respect to 9/11, of course you've had the story that's been publicly out there: The Czechs alleged that Mohammed Atta, the lead attacker, met in Prague with a senior Iraqi intelligence official five months before the attack. But we've never been able to develop any more of that yet, either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it. We just don't know.

And, of course, the story has not been discredited. The Czechs stand by it, and there is circumstantial evidence that supports it. The supposedly definitive refutation--that a cell phone registered to Atta was used inside the United States during the time he reportedly was in Prague--is risible.

The Democrats are so patently dishonest every time they talk about foreign affairs that there is simply no way any thinking, informed American could entrust leadership of our country to them.
"Millions For Defense, Not One Cent For Tribute" - Thomas Jefferson on paying ransom to Muslim corsairs (pirates).
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:58 pm    Post subject: Re: Another prime example of just who defamed the Vietnam ve Reply with quote

fortdixlover wrote:
The Democrats are so patently dishonest every time they talk about foreign affairs that there is simply no way any thinking, informed American could entrust leadership of our country to them.

David Limbaugh comments on a related theme...and (this settles it) I'm buying Coulter's book...

A religion or a cult?
Jun 16, 2006
by David Limbaugh


Should we nod with feigned approval at the irresponsible statements of Congressman John Murtha or Senator John Kerry because they were in combat? Conversely, should those with no military background be foreclosed from the public debate on the war, as "chicken hawks"? Preposterously, liberals answer yes to both questions.

But the more important point is: Liberals don't really believe that the opinions of veterans or family members of war victims are entitled to deference or "absolute moral authority."

As usual, the liberals' outrage is highly selective. It is not the people or their circumstances that are sacrosanct, but their liberal positions. Liberals accorded none of their precious war-hero deference to John O'Neill and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Indeed, they called them liars -- when they weren't -- and much worse. They have savaged combat-decorated Marine Ollie North. They have no use for retired generals supporting Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Not on their lives would they defend 9/11 widows or mothers of war victims in support of President Bush's war effort.

Nor is it harshness, offensiveness or insulting tones that bother them; otherwise, they'd have to denounce 90 percent of the Democratic Party's leadership for the vicious slander they've hurled at George W. Bush for six years or at Justice Clarence Thomas. They would excommunicate from their movement cartoonists for their racist depictions of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. They would condemn Michael Moore and the entire lineup at Air America. And they would be outraged at the defamatory drumbeat against Ann Coulter herself and portray her as a victim. One major newspaper called her book "pornography," a magazine called for her to kill herself, a major news anchor said she had trampled on something "sacred," and New York Daily News featured her on the cover as "Coulter the Cruel."

Coulter's comments pale in comparison to the nastiness that routinely comes out of liberals' mouths about conservatives, as when Sen. Harry Reid called President Bush a liar and Alan Greenspan a hack. So please, spare us the indignation.

What really bothers most liberals is not Ann Coulter's tone, but the substance of her criticisms. You dare not challenge liberal orthodoxy; otherwise, you are fair game for the very kind of mistreatment, abuse and intolerance they profess to decry in others. All of which further proves the thesis of Ann's book: Liberalism is a religion whose sacred tenets may not be challenged; for some, it might even be a cult.

David Limbaugh is a syndicated columnist who blogs at DavidLimbaugh.com. He is also the author of Persecution and Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department.

Townhall.com - cont'd
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The liberals bank on their audience not remembering the news details. Many people I meet can’t tell you what the lead news story is today, let alone two or three years ago. The only news details they remember involves their favorite entertainment star of the moment.

Liberals operate on three socialist (communist) truths:

1. They need more money (taxes) to help their favorite victims.

2. People dieing in war is bad (bring the troops home and all of the dieing will end)(if a socialist government kills and tortures, the ends justify the means)(if a conservative government kills in self defense, there is no greater evil - see the ultimate third truth).

3. There is no evil in the world except for big business (conservative work ethics, conservative government, and Christianity) treating victims badly causing them to hate us and justifying them killing us.

Repeat mantra as necessary.
I was going to become an anarchist, but they had too many rules.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LimaCharlie wrote:
The liberals bank on their audience not remembering the news details.

Too bad for them the Internet and search engine technology and databases are making it more and more impossible to get away with flip flopping and historical revisionism. We are approaching a "world library computer" a.k.a. Star Trek along with global dissemination, and the young are getting more and more savvy about this.

This technologic revolution was a major reason the Swiftvets were effective, needless to say. It is my hope that rhetoric (i.e., unsubstantiated or false speech or drivel that attempts to pursuade by language alone, without references) will lose effectiveness and lead to political defeat for b.s. artists.


Many people I meet can’t tell you what the lead news story is today, let alone two or three years ago. The only news details they remember involves their favorite entertainment star of the moment.

Liberals operate on three socialist (communist) truths:

1. They need more money (taxes) to help their favorite victims.

2. People dieing in war is bad (bring the troops home and all of the dieing will end)(if a socialist government kills and tortures, the ends justify the means)(if a conservative government kills in self defense, there is no greater evil - see the ultimate third truth).

3. There is no evil in the world except for big business (conservative work ethics, conservative government, and Christianity) treating victims badly causing them to hate us and justifying them killing us.

Repeat mantra as necessary.

With few exceptions, the liberals are all dead or have become conservatives. All we have now are leftists.

Leftist 'politics' = social Marxism, a cousin of economic Marxism. Don't forget it.

See "Political Correctness — The Revenge of Marxism" at http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2006/06/political-correctness-revenge-of.html . An excellent essay on this.

Also see "Political correctness: a short history of an ideology" at http://www.freecongress.org/PC_Essays/ .

The democratic party has revealed itself as Marxist, albeit Marxism with a nose job.

-- FDL
"Millions For Defense, Not One Cent For Tribute" - Thomas Jefferson on paying ransom to Muslim corsairs (pirates).
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fortdixlover wrote:
Too bad for them the Internet and search engine technology and databases are making it more and more impossible to get away with flip flopping and historical revisionism. We are approaching a "world library computer" a.k.a. Star Trek along with global dissemination, and the young are getting more and more savvy about this.

This technologic revolution was a major reason the Swiftvets were effective, needless to say. It is my hope that rhetoric (i.e., unsubstantiated or false speech or drivel that attempts to pursuade by language alone, without references) will lose effectiveness and lead to political defeat for b.s. artists.

It is many of those young very computer literate people that I worry about the most. They know all about computers but they can’t locate the United States on a world map. They can’t add two numbers together without a calculator. They get all of their information from the internet, but only the information they care about such as what Paris Hilton is up to now. Their concept of politics is what they learn in school - Bush an evil liar. Their concept of Viet Nam is that it was an ancient war waged by that evil conservative Richard Nixon that we lost way before they were born. They don’t care enough to look up the opposing viewpoints and make a logical conclusion on their own. They are the ones that can’t tell you what today’s lead hard news story concerns. They can tell you all about their favorite movie star or pop singer. Their entire world revolves around web sites like MySpace.com.
I was going to become an anarchist, but they had too many rules.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

LimaCharlie wrote:
fortdixlover wrote:
Too bad for them the Internet and search engine technology and databases are making it more and more impossible to get away with flip flopping and historical revisionism. We are approaching a "world library computer" a.k.a. Star Trek along with global dissemination, and the young are getting more and more savvy about this.

This technologic revolution was a major reason the Swiftvets were effective, needless to say. It is my hope that rhetoric (i.e., unsubstantiated or false speech or drivel that attempts to pursuade by language alone, without references) will lose effectiveness and lead to political defeat for b.s. artists.

It is many of those young very computer literate people that I worry about the most. They know all about computers but they can’t locate the United States on a world map. They can’t add two numbers together without a calculator. They get all of their information from the internet, but only the information they care about such as what Paris Hilton is up to now. Their concept of politics is what they learn in school - Bush an evil liar. Their concept of Viet Nam is that it was an ancient war waged by that evil conservative Richard Nixon that we lost way before they were born. They don’t care enough to look up the opposing viewpoints and make a logical conclusion on their own. They are the ones that can’t tell you what today’s lead hard news story concerns. They can tell you all about their favorite movie star or pop singer. Their entire world revolves around web sites like MySpace.com.

I teach students in computers. Just as in any generation, there are the leaders and the fools. I think there are enough leaders in the next generation who will be harder to fool than were, say, the kids of the 60's.

The big problem is not the kids - it's the leftist indoctrination in schools and colleges, and that's coming from people in our generation.

-- FDL
"Millions For Defense, Not One Cent For Tribute" - Thomas Jefferson on paying ransom to Muslim corsairs (pirates).
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fortdixlover wrote:
I teach students in computers. Just as in any generation, there are the leaders and the fools. I think there are enough leaders in the next generation who will be harder to fool than were, say, the kids of the 60's.

The big problem is not the kids - it's the leftist indoctrination in schools and colleges, and that's coming from people in our generation.

-- FDL

Until recently I hired entry level people for a company. Once in the company, they were provided training and union jobs that lead to virtual lifetime employment at much higher than average pay. The requirements for hiring were a high school diploma, simple reading and math skills, a clean arrest record, and a clean driving record. I averaged about two hires per hundred applicants. Many lie about their arrest and driving records. Many could not do very simple math without a calculator. Some with a high school diploma couldn’t read well enough to complete the written test. I have had applicants with some college and a few with college degrees that didn’t have entry level skills. I have hired people only to have them not show up for their first day at work. When I called the phone number they provided, I got a mother, sibling, or roommate who said he or she decided to accept a job at a carwash or fast food restaurant because their friend works there or some other lame excuse. You probably meet above average people in your teaching position. I meet the average young person with a high school diploma and the average ones scare me with their lack of simple skills and their extremely short attention spans. I don’t blame them, I blame their parents and their public school teachers.
I was going to become an anarchist, but they had too many rules.
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