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Republicans, This Is Why You MUST Vote!

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Fort Campbell
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:32 am    Post subject: Republicans, This Is Why You MUST Vote! Reply with quote

Republicans, This Is Why You MUST Vote!
Written by Doc Farmer
Monday, November 6 2006

Tomorrow is Election Day. The miracle provided to you by the Founding Fathers in 1776, and protected and preserved for you by the blood of our best. A miracle that most Americans, sadly, take for granted.

Don't be one of those who take it for granted.

Especially if you're a rep/con/tair -- my more accurate term for the so-called "right". An amalgam of the core political constructs of Republicans, conservatives and libertarians.

For many, many months, you've been told that the lib/dem/soc/commies (my more accurate term for the so-called "left" -- an amalgam of the core political constructs of liberals, Democrats, socialists and communists, with some fascism and Nazism thrown in for good measure) will win this election. That they're for change, that they're more correct, more moral, more caring. Of course, it is the Mainstream Media telling you this. A media that is provably lib/dem/soc/commie in its voting, its attitude, and its unvarnished bias in reporting.

A lot of you probably don't want to vote tomorrow because you're ticked off about Bush, or the war, or immigration, or a whole host of other things. A lot of you probably don't want to vote tomorrow because the MSM is already declaring victory. All the polls (which they commission, word, and often misrepresent) show their side will win. All the "conventional wisdom" (which is neither) says the lib/dem/soc/commies will landslide. All the pundits, who were OH SO CORRECT in 2000, 2002 and 2004, have declared that the election tomorrow is a done deal. All the lib/dem/soc/commie candidates have already started measuring for drapes.

So why should you even bother to get out of your chair, drive to a polling station, wait in line, and do your duty as a Citizen of this Constitutional Republic?

What follows are the reasons you MUST vote tomorrow.

Idea Nancy Pelosi: You've not heard anything from this banshee from San Francisco in the past few weeks. For good reason. The lib/dem/soc/commies KNOW that if you see her for what she truly is, you'll run screaming to the polls begging to vote against her philosophy. A philosophy that will further assist the terrorists -- and yes, she has actively helped terrorists and terrorism over the past few years. Why? Because (wait for it, folks) she doesn't like Dubya. If the lib/dem/soc/commies get into power, she will be THIRD IN LINE for the presidency. She wants power. She doesn't care how many bodies she has to crawl over to get it. Those bodies, by the way, could quite easily include yours.

Idea Harry Reid: He's been a bit low-key, too, but for different reasons. The MSM have been actively suppressing his real estate fraud for several weeks now, because they want to focus on the "culture of corruption" in rep/con/tair-land. Are there crooks on the right? A few, yes. What happens to them? They get fired, they get tried, they get convicted and they get JAILED. What happens to lib/dem/soc/commies that are crooks? They get promoted into senior positions, or protected by their buddies, or they blame [insert addiction / character flaw / unfortunate childhood experience here] and go into rehab.

Idea William Jefferson: See above (but don't ask too many questions about why he keeps his bribe money in the freezer).

Idea Teddy Kennedy: He's a murderer. He's a liar. He's a fool. He's a danger to our nation. And he's one of their 'elder statesmen'? 'Nuff said.

Idea John Kerry, aka Hanoi John, aka Jean François Kerrée: He's a traitor. He has taken every opportunity to diss our troops, to bad mouth them, to accuse them of unspeakable crimes, while protecting the enemy. And then, when he makes a "joke" that openly infers that our soldiers in Iraq are stupid, he makes a faux apology that basically says, "I'm sorry that you're too stupid to understand my nuanced sense of humor". His own website even has an op/ed from the Seattle Post/Intelligencer which clumsily reaffirms Kerry’s own belief that he is correct, thereby nullifying that bogus act of contrition. He even tries to make the excuse that he was talking about Bush being dumb. Considering the fact that Bush got better grades than he, his excuse sounds like most of what he's spreading. A hot, steamin' load of male bovine excrement.

Idea John Murtha: A former Marine (I know, there's supposedly no such thing as a former jarhead, but in this case I think they should make an exception) who doesn't even know where Okinawa is in relation to the Middle East, and he's their spokesman on military matters? A man who decides, before any evidence is presented to the proper authorities, that our military is guilty, and MUST be guilty, thereby avoiding all that annoying "innocent until proven" stuff. This from a guy who was implicated in ABSCAM (look it up) but wasn't arrested because he didn't want to accept a bribe "at this point" -- his words, on video (go here).

Idea Hillary Clinton: Because she's Hillary Clinton. No other explanation is necessary.

Idea Immigration: Look, I'm honked off about Dubya's terrible handling of illegal aliens (they're not guest workers, dammit!). However, rep/con/tairs in the House were the ONLY thing that kept his "all-inclusive" bill about immigration "reform" being put into play. Instead, they forced the creation of a security first bill. Granted, it's only 700 miles, but that's a start compared to what the opposition would provide. Lib/dem/soc/commies actively encourage illegal aliens and will provide them with amnesty followed by citizenship, because 1) they figure they'll get their vote and 2) they further the creation of an underclass, which provides lib/dem/soc/commies with a powerbase. Allow them to come into power, and you can kiss the borders, your job, the English language and America's culture goodbye.

Idea World War IV: It's not about Iraq. That is one front in an overall war against terrorism. Moreover, WE ARE WINNING IT with rep/con/tairs at the helm. Lib/dem/soc/commies, if allowed into power in the House or Senate, will pull another Vietnam. Remember that? LBJ micromanaged the war, which screwed things up badly. Nixon got in, and actually started winning the war by letting the Generals run the show. The mainstream media (and Jean François Kerrée) LIED about our actions and involvement there. Nevertheless, winning was something the lib/dem/soc/commies in Congress couldn't abide. As a result, they PULLED THE FUNDING. More of our troops died because of that. Millions of Cambodians died because of that. An entire region ended up under the thrall of communism. More millions died or were imprisoned and tortured. Lib/dem/soc/commies have done this to us before. They will do it again. Instead of having a war fought far away from us, terrorists will again come to our shores. Am I fear mongering? Yes. Why? Because sometimes, you need to be reminded of things that you SHOULD fear.

Idea Terrorists: They'll get more Constitutional rights from the lib/dem/soc/commies. As yours are taken away. Before the terrorists kill more Americans, that is.

Idea Intelligence: Lib/dem/soc/commies don't have any. Okay, okay, cheap shot (funny, but cheap). Seriously, though, the intell community will see their abilities to detect and prevent terrorist or battlefield attacks curtailed or eliminated if the lib/dem/soc/commies take power again. Don't believe me? Look back to when Harry Reid proclaimed with pride "We've killed the Patriot Act". Thankfully, he was wrong. If he and his cohorts get into power, he'll be right. The Gorelick Wall will return. Terrorist communications from/to other countries will no longer be monitored. The result? More Americans, on and off the battlefields, will die.

Idea North Korea: Lib/dem/soc/commies will capitulate. Clinton/Carter did it before, and look what it got us. A pot-bellied pig, starving his people so that he could build and blow up nukes. Nukes that he would happily fire at us directly if he could, and nukes that he will happily sell to terrorists so THEY can blow us up.

Idea Iran: Lib/dem/soc/commies will negotiate. With terrorists. Oh, and we all know how well that went the LAST time they had to deal with Tehran. Of course, I'm sure they'll get their global expert, Jimmy Carter, to do just as good a job this time as he did the last. Iran will still have their nukes. Before they start launching them.

Idea Israel: It won't be there anymore. See previous point.

Idea United Nations: Lib/dem/soc/commies will defer ALL of your rights to the UN. The Constitution will be totally superseded by the UN Charter.

Idea Taxes: Your money won't be yours anymore. To lib/dem/soc/commies, it never was yours. In their eyes, your success was and is only for them to redistribute, because you're not smart enough to spend it right, and because others who have done nothing to earn it need it more than you do. Because of that, you'll find that the economy will falter. The government will then take in LESS money (the more they tax, the less you have, but the less THEY take in, too). So they'll tax you more. And more.

Idea Judges: There's a good chance that at least one, and perhaps two slots will open up in the Supreme Court between now and January 20th 2009. Do you really want more Ruth Bader Ginzburgs or John Paul Stevens or David Souters, who will rewrite the Constitution or follow the laws of other countries for precedent? Or would you rather have more John Roberts and Anthony Scalias, who will FOLLOW the Constitution and, interpret law instead of invent it?

Idea Abortion: Over 47 million innocent lives have been sacrificed at the alter of Roe v. Wade. Want to see that become 50 million? 75 million? 100 million? Lib/dem/soc/commies make Hitler, Stalin, and the most bloodthirsty Aztecs look like a bunch of pikers by comparison. Vote them in, and more innocents will be slaughtered in the name of "convenience" and "choice".

Idea Eminent Domain: Your land, your property, is at risk if lib/dem/soc/commies get into power. David Souter (see above) basically threw out the concept of private land ownership, if a local municipality can get more TAX revenue from a private concern from your property. Which was NEVER the purpose of eminent domain. Until lib/dem/soc/commies got a hold of it.

Idea Marriage: In the lib/dem/soc/commie "if it feels good, do it" world, you'll see homosexual marriage given Congressional (if not Constitutional) approval. Over six thousand years of history and tradition (not to mention a few billion years of biology) just chucked away to create a "right" that never was. Marriage and families have already been fornicated up enough by lib/dem/soc/commies over the past half-century. The Founding Fathers never dreamed they'd even have to say that marriage is only between one adult human male and one adult human female. Do you want same-sex "marriage" to become acceptable under law? How about polygamy and polyandry? Want to see children married to adults (and given a "Webb Kiss")? Have you been hankering to tie the knot with Enriqué the Love Goat? Because once one limit falls, the others will topple soon afterward.

Idea Religion: Christianity has suffered significant erosion in the public domain thanks to lib/dem/soc/commie legislation and activists over the past few decades. Fortunately, there has been a backlash due to strong rep/con/tair action to fight this assault on the First Amendment (you know, the one that guarantees free expression of religion as well as speech?). All of those gains will be lost, as will more and more of your rights to your faith -- unless that faith is atheism, witchcraft or Islamofascism. Moreover, if that last one takes hold thanks to the (dis)loyal opposition of the lib/dem/soc/commies, forget about the right to hold ANY other beliefs.

If you withhold your vote on Tuesday, you might send a signal to Bush. However, you will most certainly send a message to our enemies. The wrong message. Oh, you'll make the Republican Party "pay" for not toeing the conservative line. The problem is that ALL of America, indeed all of the free world, will pay as well.

It won't be your nose that you're cutting off to spite your face.

It'll be your head.

Is your revenge toward the Republican Party worth your freedom?

Your future?

Your life?


About the Writer: Doc Farmer is a writer and humorist who is also a moderator on ChronWatch's Forum. He formerly lived in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but now resides in the Midwest. Doc receives e-mail at docfarmer9999@yahoo.co.uk.

This Article Was First Published In ChronWatch At: http://www.chronwatch.com/content/contentDisplay.asp?aid=24834
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Vice Admiral

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:14 pm    Post subject: Re: Republicans, This Is Why You MUST Vote! Reply with quote

Fort Campbell wrote:

A magnificent piece, Doc.

Here in northern Alabama, it's going to be a lackluster election day from a national point of view. Our Congressman, a "blue dog" Democrat, is running unopposed. He is totally an under-the-radar legislator, never making speeches before cameras nor initiating significant law, but quietly supporting our large NASA and Army interests. In a perverse way, I suppose he would be considered an ideal congressman. Quiet, unassuming, and performing adequately.

But, there's no way I will vote for him since to do so would be another vote for Pelosi. Write-ins are futile so he will be a vote for Pelosi - but not with my help.

Our senators, both Republicans, are not up for election this cycle. Our Governor, a Republican, is safe for reelection.

However, down the ballot are found the candidates for state offices. When you think about it, state legislators affect our lives day-to-day even more than the national ones. Both houses of the Alabama legislature are, and have been for ages, controlled by Democrats. The most powerful man in Alabama politics is the unelected head of the teachers' union. He has unrestricted access to the chambers of both houses and uses it lavishly. If we can somehow get a Republican majority in the legislature, that practice will end. So, we need to vote.

Our entire Supreme Court is Republican and 'judicial activism' is essentially non-existent. But, serious challenges from the Left are present this year. So, we need to vote.

I strongly second Doc's admonition to get out there and vote. You can affect nothing by not voting.

Capt, 8th U.S. Army, Korea '53 - '54
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good, good, good Doc. Hopefully the Republican base will get energized big time tomorrow. If they don't, we can kiss the country goodby.

Left and Wrong are the opposite of Right!
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

doc...is your article repostable? to another board?

I'd love to post it on my 'female liberal' board...
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage
morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should
be arrested, exiled or hanged.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll just link them to chronwatch..
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage
morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should
be arrested, exiled or hanged.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

good article!
"An activist is the person who cleans up the water, not the one claiming its dirty."
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing." Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Founder of Conservative Philosophy
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well at least Joe Lieberman got elected after being ostracized by the libs in the dem party.
Way to go Joe!
Joe might have demo leanings, but he is an honorable man and friendly to our people in uniform.
Swift Boats - Qui Nhon (12/69-4/70), Cat Lo (4/70-5/70), Vung Tau (5/70-12/71)
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