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The evil of Saddam's mass graves

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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

Joined: 12 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 2:38 am    Post subject: The evil of Saddam's mass graves Reply with quote

Toast, Craig, Mikest & other leftward-leaing posters: I challenge you to support the following statement, unequivocally, in writing. If you can, it will show common graound. I think if you cannot, the military people on this website should take note of that:

Statement: "Saddam was a monster, whose government was guilty of crimes against humanity on a mass scale, and Bush did humanity a favor by removing him from power."

Saddam's mass graves

As coalition forces approach Baghdad, BBC Correspondent's John Sweeney reveals even more gruesome evidence of Saddam's tyrannical regime.

You could not get two more different witnesses to the true nature of Saddam's regime.

A former Iraqi colonel and a tomb-raider.

Both men have revealed details of two separate mass graves.

They insist these graves conceal bodies of defenceless civilians murdered by Saddam's forces.

The colonel - anonymous for security reasons - defected from Iraq in early 2003. His body is scarred by horrific torture.

He says he saw army bulldozers bury people - dead and alive - in a pit dug in a long traffic island in Al Hayaniya, a suburb of Basra.

This mass burial took place in 1991, when the mainly Shia people of Basra staged an uprising against Saddam's regime in the wake of the American "100 hours to free Kuwait".

The colonel said: "Basra was assigned to Ali Hassan Al-Majid" - Saddam's cousin, known as "Chemical Ali".

"He didn't try to interrogate people. He would round up 20 or 30 people and murder them on the spot. He enjoyed killing people.

He recalled what happened in a poison gas attack against a Kurdish village: "They removed the corpses and dug a big hole and buried them in it.

"Then they brought some people alive and pushed them into the hole and buried them alive using army bulldozers.

"If they thought someone was in the uprising, they would bring the mother over and kill her and bury her here."

The colonel drew a precise map of the mass grave location.

He indicated it was on the traffic island in Al Hayaniya, on the road towards Sa'ad square in Basra.

Criticism is treason

The tomb-raider and his friends would make a bit of money from robbing Sumerian archaeological sites near the city of Ur, digging for gold bracelets and ancient artefacts.

They found a modern grave, the corpses still with skin, hair and shreds of Arabic dress.

He said: "The skulls had holes in the back of the head, as if they had been shot."

He too drew the precise area of a mass grave.

He estimated between 150 and 250 bodies had been buried there.

He believed the dead were kinsmen Marsh Arabs who had been killed after the failed uprising in 1991.

He mourned Saddam's destruction of his home, saying: "The process of draining the marshes started in 1994, until they disappeared completely by the end of the 90s.

"No-one can say a word against the regime in Iraq. Any criticism is interpreted as treason by the regime and therefore no-one can say a word."

Cried till she died

But why don't people tell foreign journalists inside Iraq about mass graves, torture or talk to the UN weapons inspectors?

The colonel said Saddam's secret police used the threat of torture of family members to keep mouths shut.

He said he was tortured after his parents-in-law fled the country, his flesh scarred for life and his toenails ripped out.

Marsh Arabs' lives were devastated by the end of the 90s.
But, far worse for him to bear, was his pregnant wife being so badly beaten up that she lost her unborn baby.

The colonel was interrogated at the Al-Hakimiya underground prison in Baghdad.

He described the evil place: "Everything is dark red. It's very intimidating and affects you both psychologically and physically.

"All I could hear was people crying for help and begging for mercy but no-one did anything to help them.

"The crying was disturbing at first but you soon get used to it.

"What was very disturbing was the cries of a woman, even though it was a male prison. She cried until she died.

"The screaming was deafening. Are you surprised that people are frightened to talk to the inspectors?"


Mass Graves Testify to Saddam's Evil


By John M. Powers

Allied forces driving toward Berlin at the end of World War II discovered the Nazi death camps that contained the corpses and barely living remains of Jews and other enemies of national socialism. When the scale of brutality and murder carefully was laid bare, filmed and documented, a deeply shocked world promised, "Never again!"

But within only a few years the Chinese communists were murdering millions of "small landlords." In the 1970s, Pol Pot succeeded in killing two-thirds of the Cambodian population. Countless dead filled the countryside of the former Yugoslavia, and in 1994 militant Hutus murdered as many as a million Tutsis and Hutu moderates within only three months, supposedly protected by the French government - which, in fact, withdrew its troops - and ignored by the United States and the United Nations.

Now another pandemic of mass murder is being documented, recorded and widely ignored. This time the perpetrator is Saddam Hussein, whose Ba'athist Party was based on that of the Nazis, and accounts of its killing efficiency continue to flow to the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) reports that since Saddam was ousted 270 sites of mass graves have been reported. These contain an unknown number of Iraqis, Iranian prisoners of war, Iraqi Kurds and Kuwaiti prisoners among the long list of those Saddam tortured and killed. British Prime Minister Tony Blair puts the remains in mass graves at 400,000 so far.

When representatives from USAID, the U.S. Army and a host of human-rights organizations are able fully to begin investigations in force, the nature of the crimes against the Iraqi people will be seen in full. It is a massive undertaking.

Melissa Connor, an archaeological consultant to Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), which lends its support and expertise to investigations of crimes against humanity, has worked as a forensic archaeologist in the mass-graves investigations in Bosnia and Rwanda. Connor gives Insight an idea of what investigators must do to uncover the bodies of Saddam's victims. She explains that such graves are found by analyzing satellite and aerial photos that show disturbed ground or by interviewing witnesses to the killings. USAID indicated in its report on mass graves in Iraq that in some cases executioners have come forward to help find the killing grounds. Sometimes, Connor adds, the bodies are not fully buried and so quite easily found.

Once a mass grave is identified, Connor stresses, there is prework that must be accomplished before shovel is put to ground. A decision must be made as to the goal of the exhumation. Will it be uncovered to return the remains of loved ones to families? Or for advocacy reasons or to help prosecute the guilty? According to USAID, all of these are goals in Iraq [see sidebar, p. 38].

Once such questions are answered, Connor says, the size of the grave must be determined. She says investigators do this by using imaging technologies or by digging a trench to determine the depth and configuration of the burial. According to the USAID report, "Some graves hold a few dozen bodies - their arms lashed together and the bullet holes in the backs of skulls testimony to their execution. Other graves go on for hundreds of meters, densely packed with thousands of bodies."

Connor points out that everything must be documented in detail for the purposes of evidence, especially if a war-crimes indictment is anticipated. If the remains are skeletal, Connor says, the examination will be anthropological in nature, but if they are "fleshed" there might be an autopsy. During this stage of investigation the cause of death is found. Connor comments that when the victim has been murdered with a high-caliber machine gun it is quite obvious because bones are completely shattered. Spraying civilians with machine-gun fire was a method used by Saddam's henchmen - but more on that later.

Once all the evidence is collected, families can begin to identify remains and take their loved ones home for proper burial, according to their custom, says Connor. Identification occurs much the same way as the finding of the graves. Eyewitness accounts of who was where and when are helpful, says Connor. Clothing, artifacts such as watches or cigarettes, and sometimes even identification cards also help to connect the disappeared with their families. Connor comments that in these situations families of the dead are "sharing with you one of the defining moments in their lives." And the job is enormous. According to Connor, "In Iraq it's going to be an overwhelming process" because the remains in these mass graves are not only those of Iraqis but also of Iranians and Kuwaitis.

William Haglund, a forensic anthropologist and director of the international forensic program for PHR, is not optimistic about families finding their loved ones. He has toured Iraq to assess the capacity for handling investigation of the mass graves. He says many of the bodies are so decomposed that there are no fingerprints and warns that there are few dental records in Iraq. This makes DNA analysis the best way to identify the bodies, but Iraq has no capacity to do such work, according to Haglund. He sees a long road to finding closure.

"The scope of the problem is immense. ... [There are] an estimated 300,000 missing people," says Haglund. "Easily, this is a 50-year job."

In addition to the challenges of the investigation, USAID says in its report, many of Saddam's supporters and those who carried out the murders have threatened the organizations attempting to investigate. But despite the threats and dangers, USAID insists, whenever a mass grave is discovered a team of 20 to 30 experts will be housed on-site for up to six weeks for a thorough inquiry.

The investigators will expose the true nature of what these disappeared Iraqis experienced in their last days. For instance, many of those murdered in the north of Iraq in 1988 were subjected to nerve and mustard gas. Haglund investigated the aftermath of the gassings and explains the way the Iraqi Kurds died. Once the gas is ingested there is "difficulty breathing, burns on the skin ... an agonizing way to die," he says.

Margaret Samuels, a social worker by training and clinical coordinator at the Yale University School of Medicine Child Study Center, helped as a psychosocial worker in Bosnia, Kosovo and now, Iraq, counseling families of the victims of mass murder. To help families who still hold out hope that their loved ones are alive, Samuels attempts to prepare them for the horror when they visit the graves or when identifying a loved one. She tries to convey that they will be looking at bones with remnants of clothing. If fleshed, the bodies will have the stench of death and sometimes be bloated or mutilated. She says she also attempts to keep the children of these families occupied so they are not exposed to the gruesome display.

In her line of work Samuels hears the firsthand accounts of families still caught in the pain of not knowing what happened to their loved ones. She describes seeing a list of prisoners posted on the walls of one of Saddam's prisons, in front of which throngs of Iraqis looked for the names of the missing. She also met with former prisoners who told her of their time in Saddam's prisons. One man in particular broke down in tears as he described the emotional and physical torture he survived. Samuels says many of the reports of torture she heard involved beatings, electrocutions and such mutilation as cutting off hands or surgically removing the ears of army deserters.

There was no end to the gruesome creativity of Saddam's henchmen. As reported by Insight's Timothy W. Meier, Saddam's methods included using hammers to break bones, ripping out fingernails, amputating limbs with a chain saw, crucifixion, throwing live victims in acid baths and ovens, cutting loose wild dogs to attack victims, raping women in the presence of their children and husbands, cutting off a ***** or a breast, and stripping children naked and forcing their parents to watch as they were stung by hornets and scorpions [see "Horror Stories," May 13-26, 2003]. The graves contain evidence of these and other sadistic crimes.

Some of Saddam's victims escaped to tell their tales on the day his statue was torn down in Baghdad. The USAID report contains three survivor accounts from mass executions outside Mahawil in the south of Iraq. The survivors all describe being taken into custody without a reason being given. They describe seeing women and children also in custody, all of them haphazardly blindfolded. Once they were herded into holding areas they could see a pile of tires set on fire and were ordered to run past these. Some of the women, children and elderly men were tripped or fell near the fire and were unceremoniously beaten to death with pipes or thrown into the blazing tires to burn alive. All of the survivors who escaped their would-be executioners had been shot and partially buried, crawling away to their homes under cover of dark and living thereafter in hiding.

The experience can be overwhelming for both families of victims and investigators of these crimes, Samuels says. It is "almost impossible to move on until some of these things are processed," she says, and almost the whole of Iraq is being affected by the ongoing uncovering of Saddam's atrocities.

Jim Prince is president of the Democracy Council, which promotes democratic institutions in the developing world, and has worked in Iraq. He tells Insight about his experiences at the mass graves of Iraq, describing the scenes of chaos and pain as families uncovered the dead. "It was horrible," Prince says. "Right after the uprising in northern Iraq a lot of relatives who heard about the mass graves ... would go [to the sites] and start digging with their hands and become a mess. You'd have bones and clothing everywhere and people screaming." Prince continued, "The first time I went it was very windy and we were getting people's hair in our mouths and eyes. In the open fields they were just pawing at the earth to try and match up bones and pictures. ... It's not something that leaves you quickly."

Prince also visited the torture chambers with victims, and remembers: "To me it became intensely personal. I was looking at somebody that experienced this." He says it changed his mind about the war in Iraq. Prior to seeing Saddam's legacy of brutality firsthand, he thought a peaceful resolution to the Iraq crisis had been possible, but after seeing the evidence he had a change of heart. He describes why:

"You come away from these fields and torture chambers - the senselessness of it - having seen pure evil and knowing that to do nothing in the face of such evil is to perpetuate it. It's not a question of weapons of mass destruction, it's a question of evil, and if you let it continue, you have to take responsibility for what's happening. You can't just turn a blind eye."

John M. Powers is a writer for Insight.
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Joined: 11 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 3:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Answer my questions you coward. I don't need to justify anything to a wimp like you.
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PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 5:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Isn't it hilarious how conservatives become such Human Rights activists when they have to defend a pointless and fraudulent war?

Foxdicklover, why not answer Mike?
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sparky wrote:
Isn't it hilarious how conservatives become such Human Rights activists when they have to defend a pointless and fraudulent war?

Foxdicklover, why not answer Mike?

Note, my military friends, the total and nauseating, abject moral terpitude and nihilism of the above two posters.

Remember this attitude well. It's what made your return from Vietnam a living hell, and had you branded as Rambo-style lunatics after your attempts to prevent the type of mass murder seen in Iraq (and in Vietnam after the Fonda/Kerry/leftist-induced U.S. capitulation).
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

To Sparky:

Can you express your opinion without calling people names? Or is it that you have a consistent typing "physical challenge?"
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

To Sparky:

Can you express your opinion without calling people names? Or is it that you have a consistent typing "physical challenge?"
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Joined: 11 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

fortdixlover wrote:
sparky wrote:
Isn't it hilarious how conservatives become such Human Rights activists when they have to defend a pointless and fraudulent war?

Foxdicklover, why not answer Mike?

Note, my military friends, the total and nauseating, abject moral terpitude and nihilism of the above two posters.

Remember this attitude well. It's what made your return from Vietnam a living hell, and had you branded as Rambo-style lunatics after your attempts to prevent the type of mass murder seen in Iraq (and in Vietnam after the Fonda/Kerry/leftist-induced U.S. capitulation).

Ahh, The coward from the 101st fighting keyboard brigade has gotten home from high school. Notice the pathetic and constant attempt to avoid ever answering questions. So typical of the cowards in his branch of the non military. Such a pathetic little boy.
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