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There are those who understand....

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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 4:40 am    Post subject: There are those who understand.... Reply with quote

There are those who understand....

.... the magnitude of Ronald Reagan's inspiring leadership and his effect on our Armed Forces and on our country:

And there are those who did not....

Thanks to Ronald Reagan, these few brats mixed in with the group who were present to pay their last respects never had to live under the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction. They didn't have grow up doing air raid drills under their desks and or learn to duck and cover the backs of their necks.

This is the proud stance of the American Left. Evil or Very Mad
~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother
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95 bxl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:00 am    Post subject: Re: There are those who understand.... Reply with quote

[quote="Navy_Navy_Navy"]There are those who understand....

.... the magnitude of Ronald Reagan's inspiring leadership and his effect on our Armed Forces and on our country:


Uh rah, Marine.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anyone have an electro-shock machine for these kids? Maybe a set of twin 50's? Just a thought! A very angry thought! Mad

Oh well, I guess that's what we fought for.....the Ist Amendment. Patience will out...maybe!

Maybe they'll grow up eventually as my kids did.

Put the blame where it belongs... on the draft-dodging anti-American Ccollectivist professors that control higher education. I guess they teach our kids cause they can't contribute to our society in a meaningful way. They have to tear it down!

Take Back Our High Schools and Universities!
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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Joined: 04 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:34 pm    Post subject: Re: There are those who understand.... Reply with quote

No matter how much the lefties try to p¡ss on Reagans record, they can't change the fact that he was loved by America, and with good reason.

THIS isn't fake:

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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The love that all service men and women had for President Reagan went way beyond the liberal understanding...since it has been a long time since they have loved a candidate. Ronald Reagan was my first commander-in-chief. I remember when he bombed lybia...what a great triumph that was...even though the French would not allow us to use their airspace. The French have been a thorn in our backside since they never are upfront about it all for a very long time. It is sad that they have forgotten who is was that saved their &*( is WWII. Hatred, Hatred, Hatred it is all wee see these days. Some days hard to believe in the possible but we keep getting the word out and maybe others will listen and make the right decision and vote for George Bush!!!
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War Dog

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just remember:

Those who understand, understand!

Those who do not understand, will never understand!

"When people are in trouble, they call the cops.

When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit."
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would just be must easier if they just came to our side now rather than later. Republicians usually stay that way for life....democrats finally realize WHAT IN THE HECK WERE THEY THINKING???? LOL. So there is hope for all of those out there. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MOst every Conservative I know is content to let those on the left live as they see fit. Pay all the tax you wish, embrace any thought you wish, live life as you see it.

However, those on the left aren't content to allow us to live life as we see it. They try to force us to live life as they see it, their way.

Reagan will always be a hero to me, advocating all to take responsibility for themselves and let all live as they deem appropriate.
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yah, I know I was a rather slow-bloomer in that regard.

Serving during President Carter's and then President Reagan's tenure began my transformation, but I held on to my most liberal beliefs for a long time after that.

We literally could not talk politics in this house without devolving into a screaming match. Wink

But, 9-11 really woke me up about a lot of things.

And in learning what I could in order to speak up for this administration, I started to find out where funding is coming from for some of the "causes" that I previously believed in.

When I realized that so many of my liberal beliefs were tied up with socialism, communism and anarchism, I was blown away.

I was also dumbfounded at the enormity of the movement of literalist Islam and their "great jihad" against us, the "Great Satans."

This threat is real. I feel like John, crying in the wilderness, in some circles.

How can people read and be aware of what's going on in the world and NOT know that we have had a very real war declared upon us? And now we don't have a choice - we have to stay in the fight and we have to win.

I still have some liberal leanings, but they pale in importance compared to cause of defending the country - prosecuting this war on terror and killing the Islami-kazes before they can kill more of us.
~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother
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Joined: 02 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I remember the time before that Theresa Alwood
. Ronald Reagan was my first commander-in-chief. I remember when he bombed lybia...what a great triumph that was...even though the French would not allow us to use their airspace. The French have been a thorn in our backside since they never are upfront about it all for a very long time.

In August of 1981, we ( Nimitz and Forrestall ) were conducting a missle excersize in the gulf of Sidra ( Ghadiffi considered the entire gulf Libyan water ) Sort of like saying "the Gulf of Mexico,all of it is our territorial water.
His jets were comming out for a look see the whole time, every hour or so. They had east German and Cech pilots ( cuz thats the way it was done folks ) flying Libyan jets,"playing the game" as well as Libyan wanna be roger ramjets.
Our VF-41 Black aces ---> aircraft 102 and 107 <-- Wink shot down two SU-22 fitters at like 7am. ( those fitters didn't 'behave' in the proper role. They didn't observe the rules,they didn't play the game )
roger that?

One jet exploded,the other, a parachute popped from the flaming wreck.
we didn't pick him up.
We went looking though.
Ghadiffi was livid ! Threatened to attack all who harbor the pirate american fleet ship Nimitz ! Laughing
We slipped into a scheduled Naples port visit about 72hrs after that.
WHich people in Libya were shown WW II footage of aircraft crashing. ..."yet another American jet shot down! that makes 8!" as an Italian news reporter described to me what was comming out of "Bennie and his Benghazies" news network. Rolling Eyes
oh he was livid His "rath was to be felt in Italy,in Sicily,in Israel and in Egypt"!

Funny thing happened in Sicily.

Ronnie played brinksmanship with the Soviet Union. and planned to put missles ( ? Pershing II's ? ) down in Sicily. There was going to be a scheduled peace protest down there. peace signs "ban the bomb" ect ect.
The missles went in and we ( Nimitz ) went into Venice Italy for a port visit. ( great town...minor plumbing problems...but they adapted Wink )

...We pulled out of there faster than we pulled in! ( Some guys were on an Alpine bus tour and missed movement )

Sadat was assasinated.
...word was theywho organized the plot fled to Libya.
And the protest in Sicily turned into a pro ralley. People showed up and demaned a speedy deployment of the missles.

Within eight hours of pulling up that anchor in northern Italy, we launched an E2 Hawkeye and pointed it at Egypt.

Something was comming up out of Lybian airbases. They were organizing and pointing toward the east.
We told Egypt,they scrambled jets.....
....and thats why ..... somewhere over the African desert that night....
nothing happened.

I wouldn't be so quick to burn on the French.
Not in the early 80's from my perch.

But thats another story.

Don't tread on me
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will never respect the French. If Chirac had spent the same amount of time and energy he did thrawting the US maybe Iraq could have been avoided. But the French. German's and Russian's were to worried about their billions they were receiving from the Oil for Food program then actually about stopping terrorism or WMD's. (I know, I know no WMD's were not found....I am still not quite so sure as the liberal media is that they were not there - I still think they are somewhere in the Middle East and Iraq DID have them...ask the kurds). Still we hear nothing much in the liberal media about the UN and their kickbacks that included French, German's and Russian's. President Bush told the world they were either with us or against us and we see where the French were. The French are not our allies....never really has been. Look at the slap in our face Chirac did by not even extending his stay by one day to attend President Reagan's funeral. You can thump the French on their backs all you want to...just lookout for the yellow stripe that runs down their backs. I could sell you a French gun...never been used, only dropped once. (Couldn't resist). And then this is the very same people John Kerry wants to bring into the fold. I may not be the bightest bulb in the package, but I can see who is a true friend to this country and who is not. You may forgive the French all you want...as for me....it ain't gonna happen anytime soon. I remember how Chirac worked to keep other nations from joining us. We either have a choice to fignt terrorism and try to keep another 09-11 from happening or not. There is proof that Iraq had terrorist ties...remember the money Saddam was giving suicide bombers? Who chopped off Nicholas Berg's head? Terrorist are there and were there before we went into Iraq.
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Joined: 25 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wouldn't be so quick to burn on the French.
Not in the early 80's from my perch.

I always stayed out of the west coast during my 11 years in the Navy, so that meant I spent my time on westpac's, etc. I did know plenty of people that came from the west coast and made med cruises. They pretty much had the same story, they liked westpac's better because of european's dislike for us. I had more than one person tell me that during "open ship" in France the french civillians would come on board and spit on the flag on the quarterdeck. That was through most of the 70's, into the 80's. The French have hated us for long before Iraq. I could care less if their country fell into the ocean, I felt that way long ago and it does not look as if it's going to change anytime soon.
11 years US navy.

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Joined: 25 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Serving during President Carter's and then President Reagan's tenure began my transformation, but I held on to my most liberal beliefs for a long time after that.

We literally could not talk politics in this house without devolving into a screaming match.

I am with you on both of these 3N. We could not talk politics in our house, I have been kicked out for saying a bad thing about a Democrat.

I also started my transformation after Carters term, then going into Reagan's. There were sailors everywhere that had bumper stickers that said "Go Navy, Go Hungry" and "Go Navy, Go Broke" because Carter had demolished us and morale was abismal. The Iran Hostage situation had broken morale, because carter made us a laughinstock. Mr. Reagan gave us our prode back and took the troops off food stamps. I will never forget him for that. Heck, just keeping his caimpaign promises of giving us respectable pay raises is something to remember. Since when do they keep campaign promises?

I was watching one of the talk shows the other day (I forget which one, I just caught part of it) and Geraldine Ferraro was on there. She said she met with a bunch of auto union workers in detroit and asked them why 65% (I believe was the figure) were supporting Reagan (Which is very high for union workers) and the answer she got was "Because with him we can stand tall". That is exactly right, because he returned the pride to military and civillians alike that Carter had stripped from us during his 4 years.
11 years US navy.

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