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Kerry's pro terrorism stance
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ASPB wrote:
Doug wrote:

I don't expect to be back there until October, and then it will probably just be Hanoi. But not to worry, if I get back to Saigon I'll be taking a look-see!

Just curious. Do the locals still call the city Saigon or have they been forced by their northern cousins to use the new name?

I guess that means you haven't been reading each and every post of mine Smile I mentioned this in a thread, somewhere, on this board the last day or so.

First of all, the days of the north forcing anything (if such a thing was ever true) is over. People pretty much do whatever they please. Except for those living in the Central Highlands, that is.

As I said earlier, the biggest tourist company in Saigon, and the country, for that matter, is called "Saigontourist". It is the tourist company backed by the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.

The zoo is still the Saigon Zoo, and the central district of the city is officially called Saigon -- in certain respects, if someone refers to "Saigon" they can be talking about "downtown". . . . . the airport designation is still "SGN". One of the many English language magazines is the "Saigon Times". The list of "things named Saigon" is endless, from hotels and apartments to beer.

By the way, for you beer drinkers, 33 beer is no more. Now it's 333. If you want 33, check your local Vietnamese store/restaurant, as it is exported as "33".

As for the people, they use both Saigon and Ho Chi Minh City. Maybe it depends on the individual (frequently age), or maybe the context of their conversation. I usually use "Saigon" if speaking. When writing, often "HCMC".

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 6:07 pm    Post subject: liberal movements in the USA Reply with quote

Liberals value equality, not liberty. They promote moral equivalence. Russian Communism was morally equivalent to American Capitalism. How dare Reagan call the Soviet dictatorship evil. How dare Bush call the Iraq dictatorship evil. There is no right or wrong morality. Al-queda killing children is morally equivalent to American solders putting panties over their heads. Actually, political history shows they are strongly anti capitalist. There is no god, thus no Satan, thus no good or evil. Rights come from a central national government, not God. Equal outcome, not equal opportunity, so they redistribute wealth. They see not civilized (obedience to law) vs uncivilized.

There is no moral equivalence between modern Democrat and Republican, in truth nor in their eyes. Moral equivalence ceases when it comes to their morality. They view their equality, cultural diversity, and moral equivalent values as the morally superior. As in the Animal Farm, 2 legs baaaaaad, 4 legs good. They only see the ambitious prosperous self determined as the bad, and the sloth as the unfortunate victim. Their emotions side with the sloth.

We are (were) a Constitutional Republic of 50 soverign States obedient to one central constitution. Like the founders, conservatives believe government at State and Local levels is government of the people, by the people, and for the people, having the greatest liberty and equal opportunity. LIberals believe that only Washington DC can control, regulate, and dispense equal outcome. Only Washington should dictate how many States should hire, for what, and how much to pay them. They see not the concept of States Rights, or fixed State boundries.

Remember all, the Democrat party is the DFL. Hubert Humphrey, then mayor of Minneapolis, merged the Democrat party with the Farm Labor party back in the 50's. This put him in the Senate. Prior to that, Communist Party influence in USA gained deep roots when they took control of the FL party in Minnesota, during the 30' and 40's. They propogandizied the Scandinavian dirt farmers and iron range unions. Be assured, after McCarthy, the communists and socialists did not go underground in the Republican Party. Such words as socialist and communist, used in all other countries, are politically incorrect in this country. Worse than the N word. Be assured, the Democrat party of Roosevelt and Truman, pre FL party merge, is not that of Clinton. Most union members forget that Hoffa backed Republican Nixon. Probably why he was killed and disposed of by other leaders. The fact is that communist roots still live in America, still a suffocating crabgrass.

You don't believe me, go here for the history of the FL and social movement thru 30's, 40's, 50's, etc.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:28 pm    Post subject: Liberals, the only dependable defender of individual rights Reply with quote

Yes, that is true. Liberals find their meaning and purpose in life in defending equal outcome. They focus on the individual and cannot see the majority. They are a discontent unhappy lot. Did you ever notice that those loudest voices demanding TEAM (tribe) playing and loyalty, are those who want to be the leaders, those making the rules on RIGHTS and wrongs? Stalin was for equal outcome as long as he made the rules, and could execute those in HIS tribe who opposed him, and he could live higher on the hog. He, Stalin, will make the rules of right and wrong, not a GOD, not the conscience of the citizens. Majority does not rule in liberalism, only the minority loyalties. Liberals see the people, strike that, individuals serving government, not vice versa.

Defender of RIGHTS fully defines the liberal, the socialist, the secularist, the humanist, the victimologist. It defines that predictable 33% seeking equality, cookie cutter equal outcome, not liberty. Who will tell me how much of my monthly Social Security check I have RIGHTS to, and how much I must pay back each quarter to the IRS? Who will tell this individual what size and power of car I have the RIGHTS to drive, or not have the RIGHTS to drive? Who will tell me where and when I have the RIGHTS to pray, or not pray, or RIGHTS to smoke, and not smoke? Who will tell this individual what kind of shingle I have the RIGHTs to use on my house, or the material I have the RIGHTS to use in finishing my driveway? Who will determine which of my RIGHTS can be taken, re-distributed, and to whom? The liberals, of course. A half dozen Washington DC federal Supreme Court liberals? A half dozen San Franciso federal liberal judges? Fifty liberal Senators? One liberal President?

It started with the redistribution of wealth, that moved into the redistribution of rights, to the redistribution of liberty. Someone needs to read history. It was the Republicans that passed the Civil Rights legislation. Southern Democrats, including Gore's father, voted againsit it.

Tp the liberal, rights and equal outcome trumps justice and truth. Rights of criminals and evil enemy terrorists trump justice and national security. Liberals will decide what animals and foul RIGHTS trump the rights of humans. Liberal elites spend their entire life in the redistribution of RIGHTS.

Yes, I see liberals defend rights of abortion, rights of gay marrage, rights of Christianity being removed from schools and in public, while Muslims are given rights in schools, and in public, and on, and on. Sad to say, but liberals are the defenders of all those "Rights", their view of rights, not spelled out in the Constitution or the BIll of Rights. Only the liberals have the rights to tell the States how many Police and Teachers they must have, and what they must be paid. Only the liberals have the right to tell the States how to clean their forests to prevent forest fires. Only federal liberals can tell where houses can or cannot be built, or oil wells dug, or power plants built, or electricity can be generated, or garbage disposed of.

Typical LIberal, Ends justify the Means! When it comes to equal outcome, all means must be employed, legal or not. Scorn the RIGHTS of States the Cities, the citizen.

Last edited by ROWELG on Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:54 am; edited 4 times in total
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can quote all you want to about John Kerry, he is still a disgrace and the majority of the Vietnam vets who served this country will not get forget. Maybe if the majority of us vets pull together we can show that the military vote does count. I know all I need to know about John Kerry. He is against Defense (look at his record). He is for higher taxes (he says the first thing he will do when he gets in office is rescind the tax cuts). He flips just about on every issue depending on who he giving a speech to. If you wait around long enough he will get to your side of the issue. He says he wants to get the UN (united nitwits) involved in Iraq...they refused the first time because of the money they were getting from the Oil for Food Progran and they will refuse again. Nothing John Kerry says or does is going to get the UN into Iraq. The UN is useless and we need to quit funding it. I may not be a rocket science but I am have a bit of common sense and know that John Kerry is not what this country needs. It is sad that what was once called the liberal left is now the mainstream of the democratic party and with the help of the liberal media people just either are not paying attention or are too busy with their lives to really care. Well it IS important to me! I just am amazed that people are just voting against George Bush without looking at the issues and what will happen to this country if John Kerry is actually elected.

Why I am voting for President Bush. Because he is a man of honor, man of his word, (and I am sure we will hear about his AWOL with this comment) and he does not sway by public opinion. He reminds me a lot of President Reagan. We can just keep up the work and get the word out about John Kerry.
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