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Bob Chamberlain Lt.Jg.
Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 147 Location: Raleigh, NC
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:43 am Post subject: WE MUST HELP SINCLAIR |
The Kerry-ites are contacting companies that advertise on Sinclair stations and threatening to boycott them ifs they continue to advertise. I have heard from an employee at the local Sinclair affiliate that advertisers are responding and pulling their ads.
We have to get active and help out. We simply cannot allow this Kerry action to force Sinclair to pull "Stolen Honor".
The Kerry bunch has set up a Website at:
to organize their boycott. There is a link to the Sinclair advertisers that the Kerry-ites are threatening to boycott. This page has a pull down menu that lists advertisers by city. We MUST let these advertisers know that we support Sinclair and will vote with our dollars if they pull their advertising from the Sinclair stations. This is critical.
The Kerry bunch is also organizing protest demonstrations at the Sinclair stations. We need to get out there with counter demonstrations to let the Sinclair people know we support them.
An email from a local Sinclair station employee is included below:
As far as I can tell, people will be showing up between 11 - 2 to protest at the station, and will be peaceful and have signs and just want to be a nuisance to people coming and going into the building. It shouldn't be heated or angry or violent. Please don't have your wife do anything that she is uncomfortable with. I would hate for her to go it alone as you said. Best case scenario would be to have a nice sized group of vets out there as a show of force, so to speak, with the literature you spoke about on the radio today.
My husband works at the station, and told me that they have had sponsors pull out their advertising for the rest of this year an ALL of next year. This is having a HUGE financial impact on the salespeople as their pay is 100% commission. Sadly, this 'boycott' is effecting local Raleigh residents, and NOT the Sinclair Corporation.
There are 2 things that people can do to help:
1) Have a presence at the station on Monday so that both sides are represented
2) Call the sponsors and let them know that there are people out there SUPPORTING WLFL/WRDC. (the sponsors are listed on the website I gave you earlier)
OK Folks, lets pitch in and make sure the Sinclair people do not have to pay for being "fair and balanced". _________________ Bob
Useful anti-Kerry campaign material at: |
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ohanakat Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 80
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:59 am Post subject: |
Very interesting... there's an old saying (no longer true politically) that "as Maine goes, so goes the nation". Let's hope what happened here today is a precedent and the threat of an equally damaging boycott from the other point of view (i.e. free speech/free press vs. censorship) makes the advertisers think again. It's called a stalemate, I think I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it holds. (if you missed the thread, it's Ads Pulled from station airing Stolen Honor -- Reversed) I suspected this was bigger than just a few Maine businesses deciding on their own, and I'm not surprised, but very sad to find out my suspicions were on the money. These folks will stop at nothing.
I believe the most credible communications will be from those who actually are customers of the advertisers and live in the market being targetted. Other support won't hurt, of course, volume speaks. But the real customer who has bought your product in the past, won't in the future, and will tell all their friends and anyone else who might listen, is serious for any business.
Kat |
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mangdawg Lt.Jg.
Joined: 27 Aug 2004 Posts: 116
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:02 am Post subject: |
why not use THEIR resources by going to THEIR sites and using THEIR links to send Emails supporting Sinclair?  |
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Bob Chamberlain Lt.Jg.
Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 147 Location: Raleigh, NC
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:08 am Post subject: |
Precisely. That was the reason I posted the link to their site. They have a list of local advertisers for each city where Sinclair has an outlet. Please go to the list for the Sinclair affiliate in your area and contact the advertisers listed there. At least of they know both sides of this question are watching what they do, they might do nothing - except scream in frustration maybe. _________________ Bob
Useful anti-Kerry campaign material at: |
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Joined: 06 Aug 2004 Posts: 259
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:11 am Post subject: WE MUST HELP SINCLAIR |
Although I do not live in a Sinclair Broadcasting station area I will email my support to the sponsors. The pro Kerry link is well done, I have the impression one completes the letter and the web site sends it to the various sponsors thus making it very efficient especially for anyone wanting to use multiple email addresses. Of course we know that Kerry will do everything to oppose Sinclair broadcasting, one of his latest attempts is NOT to appear on the program but to Demand separate prime time for his program.
What will be helpful for enhanced visibility and more effeect is a separate link so that visitors can contact the Sinclair sponsors without having to read beyond the subject line.
JK |
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azpatriot Senior Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 593 Location: Arizona
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:12 am Post subject: |
Sun Tzu would love our tactics
I emailed them all with a very nice support the Sinclair Broadcasting Network email. _________________ Proud to be an American! and member of the PAJAMAHADEEN
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1AD Lt.Jg.
Joined: 27 Aug 2004 Posts: 138
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:38 am Post subject: This is no drill |
Sound general quarters!!! Use their site, spill their ink, use their letters and send out the letters in support of Sinclair.
Sample support letter.
Because you are an advertiser on affiliates owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group, I am sending you this email to ask that you DEFINITELY support or buy advertising time from any television station that sends news. "Stolen Honor," is an excellent documentary about John Kerry and his Vietnam War experience, and how he betrayed veterans and POW's. It has been announced that Sinclair Broadcast Group is asking its affiliate stations to preempt regularly scheduled programs to air the pro POW story just days before the election. In the eyes of millions of Americans who want their public airwaves used responsibly, this behavior is just absolutely marvelous and correct.
Most Americans who value balanced media would be upset to see a smear job like "Fahrenheit 9/11" being forced on station affiliates as a news item. Think what you will of John Kerry "Fahrenheit 9/11" is not news.
There is talk of boycotts by people who do not want the truth about John Kerry to be heard. Americans are organizing through the power of the internet to support you. You can protect your brand's image by not succumbing to people who want the truth about Kerry suppressed.
Thank you for your time. |
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Wing Wiper Rear Admiral
Joined: 09 Aug 2004 Posts: 664 Location: Oregon
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:40 am Post subject: |
I sent a letter using the enemie's fine distribution network for silencing of the media. |
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Darkhorse18 Lt.Jg.
Joined: 29 Sep 2004 Posts: 108 Location: Woodbridge, VA
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:17 am Post subject: |
I'm not sure their site is going to help. I went up there and deleted their test and added my own...Please support the showing of "Stolen Honor" and please encourage Senator Kerry to appear on the show to debate the issues raised by this documentary.
I couldn't change the heading so I picked the one about stations should not be biased. Once I hit the send button their text re-appeared. I'm a bit doubtful if this works. Anyone with webpage knowledge know if it does? I would hate to be adding to thier numbers! |
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Bob Chamberlain Lt.Jg.
Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 147 Location: Raleigh, NC
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:19 am Post subject: |
This was my contribution:
It is my understanding that your company, as a sponsor of the Sinclair chain of TV stations, has come under threats of a boycott by supporters of John Kerry. I am writing to let you know that there are as many, if not more, Americans who feel that Sinclair is taking a courageous stand by finally bringing the dark side of John Kerry's record to the public attention. We will view any company that continues to advertise on Sinclair affiliates with great favor and do our best to insure that you are rewarded for your support of free speech.
The mainstream media has done its best to silence the Swiftvet story and keep John Kerry's despicable record out of the public eye. The Swiftvets and the POW's have more than earned the right to have their personal stories heard by the American electorate. The experiences they can relate ARE relevant to this election. I salute Sinclair's decision to air the documentary "Stolen Honor". The claim that this film is not news is ridiculous. The men who testify in this film are not relating opinion or making undocumented charges. They are relating how they were impacted by the actions John Kerry took during the closing years of the Vietnam War. This film is quite negative for John Kerry, that is true. But it is only negative for John Kerry because he did commit the acts depicted and discussed. I am sure that John Kerry would prefer that we forget his past transgressions and consider only his promises for the future. But all of America has the right to know of his acts in the past and to consider these acts, if they deem them important, when making their choice for President this November.
I feel that Sinclair is performing an important public service by ensuring that the American people have an opportunity to evaluate John Kerry's record fully. I will support every sponsor who continues to support Sinclair during this attempt by the Kerry campaign to hide the truth.
Robert L. Chamberlain
A nasty thought occurred to me though. Does anyone know for certain that this automailing system actually sends out the text that we enter? _________________ Bob
Useful anti-Kerry campaign material at: |
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vet_supporter Lt.Jg.
Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 114
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:35 am Post subject: |
I read an editorial on GOPUSA that suggests that the DNC e-mail bots send out the exact same message. I image they have it rigged that only their message goes out as they would assume, being devious, that others would be devious and use it against them.
VS |
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azpatriot Senior Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 593 Location: Arizona
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:44 am Post subject: |
vet_supporter wrote: | I read an editorial on GOPUSA that suggests that the DNC e-mail bots send out the exact same message. I image they have it rigged that only their message goes out as they would assume, being devious, that others would be devious and use it against them.
VS |
Actually that is not the case with this one when you click the link it opens a new mail message using whatever your default email software is. The message body is blank and you are in total control of what is said. Go give it a try  _________________ Proud to be an American! and member of the PAJAMAHADEEN
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kate Admin
Joined: 14 May 2004 Posts: 1891 Location: Upstate, New York
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:54 am Post subject: |
Quote: | Once I hit the send button their text re-appeared. | Text did appear after I hit the send button , but it was a canned 'notify others' about this,, where you could put in the email addys of some contacts _________________ .
one of..... We The People |
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ohanakat Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 80
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:55 am Post subject: |
hmmm, back to the personal approach. Political staffs can recognize these one size fits all spammers in a heart beat. Most only care about their constituents, not people spurred by activist groups that don't even care enough about the issue to put it in their own words. I don't know, but would guess that the PR departments of businesses large enough to be doing TV advertising are also wise to it. This doesn't mean they pay no attention, but it likely only takes a few sincere letters or phone calls concisely pointing out the facts to offset hundreds of auto-generated impersonal trash. I really like your letter, Bob. It's exactly on point. Maybe I'm naive, but I still believe that people deal with people regardless of the medium. A clear and strong message will come through and stand out from the rest. We're consumers and these advertisers want to reach us through their ads. I hope they're smart enough to have figured out that the bomb throwers will move on to the next cause very soon, but folks like us who get p!ssed off at them will have long memories. The Dems have blatantly organized this harrassment campaign. Those who want to let the fresh air in on this issue have a lot more on their side, beginning with truth and moving along to freedom, justice, honor, loyalty, and all those other values we are taught to revere. The Dems just want to win at any cost.
Kat |
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azpatriot Senior Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 593 Location: Arizona
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:00 am Post subject: |
Maybe it's because I use MS Outlook I just checked my sent items and that mail has nothing but what I typed into it. _________________ Proud to be an American! and member of the PAJAMAHADEEN
FedEx Kinko's: When it absolutely, positively has to be forged overnight  |
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