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asdjnl Seaman Recruit
Joined: 29 Aug 2004 Posts: 5 Location: arizona
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:06 am Post subject: Sinclair - Stolen Honor Documentary |
Unfortunately the timing of the documentary is just too late for it to tricke down to the average viewer.To late for him to factor it all in to who he sees John Kerry as.There are so many out there who don't really know much about the person of John Kerry and it is too late in the election already to have them digest the information about his treasonous deeds.
I for example didnt even know about the swiftvets for truth untill it was mentioned on the mainstream media.The controversy had been boiling for weeks on cable news outlets(dont have) and on the internet bloggs)I didnt read them)
Didnt have a clue what was going on till it was finally boiling over.The MSM had been keeping a lid on it till the silence was so loud they couldnt ignore it anymore.
The documentary would have clubbed john and arrested his recent gain in polls if it were released about 2 weeks ago or even 1 week ago.
The late airing of the doc will only give the DNC space to try to label it a hoax or whatever and call it last minute tricks yada yada yada.This documentary needs time and space (at least a month) for it to tricke down to the masses and for Kerry to get involved and participate by debating and railing against it (to his own downfall and ruin).
Airing it so late just gives the DNC guys an easy way to dismiss it without having to face it or make any effort to refute it.
Kerrys anti american and anti vet activities after he returned are really astonishing when one understands the depth of his involvement.Even more astonishing is that this person could even be elected president of the united states.If Kerry wins any two of these three PA FL OH he will win the election.There are cenarios where Kerry could lose 2 of these three and still win but they are highly unpropable.This country is in a very precarious position as polls now show these three states could fall either way.Colorado will be basically split since its a bush state bush is up in and a certain person from the republik of cali-fornya is financing a proposition to spit the electorial vote in this key bush state to help kerry.The initiative has popular support and will pass.A recent visit to clear politics site shows that kerrys gains may be slipping a little when you look at the list of poll averages.We can only hope this trend continues as "John Kerry President" is a very disturbing thought.
As far as the latest two swiftvet ads I make the folowing observations: "why" is very effective every bit as effective as their first two "sellout" and "any questions" the first part is easily relevant to someone who understands the significance of his lying about a secret mission and getting medals he wasnt supposed to but will fall on deaf ears with the general population.The second part is what will get everyones attention.His betraying his country,accusing americans of war crimes,meeting with the enemy and promoting their position.These treasonous deeds are what will change voter perseptions as to Kerrys being fit for command to "unfit for command."They served" is effective as long as you see and hear the ad in its entirety from beginning to finnish.If you are disconnected from everyting and you only see part of it its not obvious that te ad condemns Kerry.
If to speak of the vice presidential debate it could be drecribed as this: Edwards vs Chenney? Little brat in the principles office. Chenney took Edwards out behind the barn and ragged on his a$$ like you do a redheaded stepchild! Lets hope Sinclair broadcasting can somehow fastrack the documentary.Oct 21 is too late.Kerry needs time and space to get tangled up in his treasonous misdeeds.America needs to know the real John Kerry before they make him president UGGGG!. |
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ranch hand Lt.Jg.
Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 108 Location: Florida
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:11 am Post subject: |
I would guess the the major networks are planning on broadcasting popular, recent or major movies opposite the showing of Stolen Honor.
Or other programming that would be attractive to viewers.
Anything to steal viewers from the Sinclair stations.
Last edited by ranch hand on Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:28 am; edited 1 time in total |
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fr11 Seaman
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 154
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:24 am Post subject: |
I disagree. I think the timing is perfect. Swing voters are looking for a reason NOT to vote for one of the candidates. In 2000, Bush was winning by 5 points or so until the press broke the story about Bush's DUI right before the election. This gave swing voters a reason NOT to vote for Bush, and Gore ended up winning the popular vote.
Stolon Honor will give swing voters a reason to NOT vote for Kerry. It's much more damaging than Bush's DUI charge. I don't see how anyone who's truly a swing voter could watch this film and still vote for Kerry. There's a reason the Dems did everything they could to keep Stolon Honor from being broadcast. They failed, and Kerry will suffer greatly for it. |
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NortonPete PO2
Joined: 13 Aug 2004 Posts: 385
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:25 am Post subject: |
I have my copy of "Stolen Honor"
I didn't sleep after watching it.
Keep the faith. An earthquake has an immediate effect. |
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Chuck Z Ombie AC2000 LCDR
Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 426 Location: Northern New Jersey
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:35 am Post subject: |
60 million people watched the debates which ended at 10 30pm , hannity and colmes which is highest rated cable show on tv ends 10pm. the big cable shows always start late, plus different time zones it will be earlier.
This will be a highly watched show becuase of all the free publicity the DNC gavre it. thanks guys. _________________ John Kerry, R.I.P. (Rot In Paris) |
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deserturtle Seaman
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 187 Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:45 am Post subject: |
I disagree. We have discussions at our respective work places with people who plan to vote for Kerry. We always start the conversation with something in the news and segue into reasons not to vote for Kerry and this forum has given us a persuasive argument. This is a swing state and as long as we can create doubts about his credibility we can prevail. This documentary will create an excellent segue for future discussions. _________________ The door to the room of success swings on the hinges of the opposition. |
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asdjnl Seaman Recruit
Joined: 29 Aug 2004 Posts: 5 Location: arizona
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:23 am Post subject: |
I didnt know about the bush getting clubbed at the end with the dui relevation close to the end.I still have a gilmmer of hope today as Ive seen the most recent polls indicate a hicup in the vote kerry trend.Bush is regaining a bit of lost lead but this situatio is dead precarious.The next president will appoint judges we will be stuck with forever loooong after he leaves office.I find it disturbing that after the swiftvets laid kerrys anti american activities all out on the table in august half this nation still sees Kerry as a viable candidate.Yeah! he sure took a hit then the convention gave him another blow and he was down till Bush stumbled on the first debate.
Its hard to say if the documentary will enlighten a great number about the character of this man or if all that is already discounted into their decisions and its just giong to be plain close.Bush appears to be ahead in FL as much as Kerry is ahead in PA If bush loses OH Kerry wins becouse he is more likely to pull in OH than PA.OH is dead close.
After the first debate I could'nt sleep.Kerry won the debate though his win was admittedly won with hot air and memorizing attack lines.The guys that served with Kerry all seemed to agree on at least one Kerry trait: he needed constant supervision. Kerry president? Gee I can hardly wait! GAG! Kerry and his Ted Kennedy lapdog are a recipe for a real disaster. |
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mcknz Lt.Jg.
Joined: 15 Aug 2004 Posts: 132 Location: Washington State
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:24 am Post subject: |
I agree about it getting too late, and I tried to raise this issue before.
One thing that needs to be considered is the media bias. The story about Bush's DUI was the top story in the MSM the last few days before the election because they were against Bush and didn't want him to win (the strategy worked very well - Bush had it in the bag until this story came out). BUT it is different for a Democrat who the MSM wants to win. They are not going to give coverage concerning something that could hurt Kerry unless they absolutely have to. A last minute attack on a Democrat simply will not work because the MSM will not give it any coverage and very few people will know about it.
The Swiftees were ignored by the MSM until they had to cover it. This same thing happend with the forged document story at CBS.
Stolen Valor will impact some people, but it won't have maximum impact unless it is being discussed on talk radio & the cable news shows, etc (not just the conservative ones. )
There are two things that would sink Kerry if every American knew about them:
1-Kerry's being honored by the Communist in Vietnam for helping them to win the war.
2-Kerry's book "The New Soldier" with the US flag upside down in a mockery of Iwo Jima. (Sean Hannity forgot to bring his copy of this book on Friday when interviewing Van Odell. It was a huge missed opportunity.)
But the American people for the most part don't know about them and mostly likely won't. These things will not be exposed by the MSM unless something drastic happens.
Stolen Valor could put the discussion of Kerry's anti-war activities back on the table, but the MSM will try to make it sound like Kerry was doing good thing.
Also, according to Dick Morris (who wants Bush to win) undecideds at the last minute break more for the Democrats than the Republicans. (In my opinions the Democrats also get a bump from voter fraud, registering dead people, etc.) So a tied election in the polls right before an election is usually a victory for the Democrat.
If anybody has anything on Kerry they need to bring it forth now, and get it on the biggest venue possible.
If not, then it looks like we are in for another nailbitter, and we will be up late again waiting for the results in Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
I don't mean to be negative or discourage anybody. We need to pray.
I hope Karl Rove has something up his sleeve.
It sure would be a good time to catch Bin Laden. |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:46 am Post subject: |
I don't think it's too late until the polls close on November 2nd.
We have INSTANT communication - if just a couple of hundred of us emailed a few friends about this documentary being aired and asked that they pass it on, it could increase the viewership, tremendously.
Find out when it's airing and on what channel. Make up a short email about this moving documentary of the experiences of our POW's in North Vietnam's prison camps. Include a link to the site where they can see the cliips from it and the evidence that these are real men who have a real and powerful story to tell.
Ask your friends to pass it on to any other friends in the viewing area.
After the documentary airs, send out another short email telling how this movie affected you. Tell why the fact that Kerry betrayed his own brothers and sisters in arms back in 1971 is being replayed today, in the efforts to demoralize the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan - by the same folks who brought us the VVAW propaganda back in the day.
This could well be perfect timing - and if we could just spend an hour attempting to improve the viewership and to reinforce the message and bring it into today, it will mean as much as any ad campaign. People listen to their friends and family members. _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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Chuck54 PO1
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 466
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:00 am Post subject: |
fr11 wrote: | I disagree. I think the timing is perfect. Swing voters are looking for a reason NOT to vote for one of the candidates. In 2000, Bush was winning by 5 points or so until the press broke the story about Bush's DUI right before the election. This gave swing voters a reason NOT to vote for Bush, and Gore ended up winning the popular vote.
Stolon Honor will give swing voters a reason to NOT vote for Kerry. It's much more damaging than Bush's DUI charge. I don't see how anyone who's truly a swing voter could watch this film and still vote for Kerry. There's a reason the Dems did everything they could to keep Stolon Honor from being broadcast. They failed, and Kerry will suffer greatly for it. |
You hit the nail on the head. There is no reason for doom and gloom at all, Bush will win handily provided that his supporters get off their arses and vote. The Polls are all over the place, and don't mean much except to try and encourage or discourage, whatever is the goal of the pollster.
Wherever Bush goes, huge crowds gather to wildly cheer him. Wherever Kerry goes, the crowds are very small and anemic in comparison. Bush will grab a much larger minority vote this time, and of course the military is at least 4-1 for him.
The dream of the left to oust Bush will fail and turn into a nightmare for them as their enablers in the MSM tumble into oblivion with their mendacity and lack of ethics so well exposed this election. _________________ "And no pair has been more wrong, more loudly, more often, than the two Senators from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry"
Zell Miller |
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joeshero Commander
Joined: 30 Aug 2004 Posts: 321 Location: Midwest
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:21 am Post subject: |
mcknz wrote: |
I don't mean to be negative or discourage anybody. We need to pray.
I hope Karl Rove has something up his sleeve.
It sure would be a good time to catch Bin Laden. |
Right!! We need to pray. It's a scary election. From frauds to the scary campaign "rock the vote". All are designed to bring Kerry to White House at any cost and by any means. I suspect that we ain't seen nothin' yet. The polls do not reflect the potential frauds. _________________ All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. |
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Stevie Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Posts: 1451 Location: Queen Creek, Arizona
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:36 am Post subject: |
deserturtle wrote: | I disagree. We have discussions at our respective work places with people who plan to vote for Kerry. We always start the conversation with something in the news and segue into reasons not to vote for Kerry and this forum has given us a persuasive argument. This is a swing state and as long as we can create doubts about his credibility we can prevail. This documentary will create an excellent segue for future discussions. |
Do you remember when Kerry was there in NV on 8/10 or 8/11 ? He gave a speech to the senior citizens and told them he would NOT repeal the Bush drug/medicare bill EVEN tho the republicans said he would - HE was going to FIX it, not REPEAL it. ???? They ran that on the news here in AZ and then they ran a clip from a speech Kerry gave in NH (earlier that week?) and he said 'The FIRST thing I will do when I am president is REPEAL the prescription drug bill' ! He flip- flopped from th E coast to the W.... I havent' been able to find a copy of that speech in NH, but maybe you could write a letter to the editor for a local paper? He clearly lied (one way or the other) to the senior citizens in NV. or if you prefer not to, send me the email for a good local paper (by PM) and I'll send them a letter regarding it
If we all do that on 1 or 2 short subjects, we should hit a lot of people.... we have members on this forum from all across the country....
I think more will break this week.... I saw that Bush was up 4 points in the polls.... Kerry was backing out of some of his plans...
and we should expect at least 2 surprises this next week or so..... I'm sure the RNC has something up their sleeves....
News Watch says Sinclair reaches a 1/4 of our population - many in the swing states!  _________________ Stevie
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage
morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should
be arrested, exiled or hanged. |
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ThanksVets Lt.Jg.
Joined: 14 Oct 2004 Posts: 136 Location: Sacramento,Ca
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:03 am Post subject: |
Doom and Gloom is what brought us all together. Swifty's, P.O.W.'s and thousands upon thousands of everyday citizens who love this country. We're here to fight doom and gloom til we can fight no more. Someone needs to consolidate the most powerfull issues here so that we can focus on getting this message out. Once this message is consolidated we can all work together and barrage the most likely media outlets from all directions. Once they see that the Swifty's are not alone on this they will be forced to at least acknowledge the issues. All these issues need is the light of day to have a tremendous effect. What has to be realized here is that the time is up for research. All efforts should be to provide enough direction to your thousands of supporters to get the word out NOW!
If only one of the T.V. ads had mentioned the real activities of the VVAW this thing would be over by now. The cast of caracters from Kerry's past that he has so boldly kept by his side are enough to scare anyone. If these guys are brought out in the open there would be no way for them to hide. How about just focussing on getting Hannity to invite Mr. Camil on to the show? All he would have to do is explain why he finds him so interesting and this thing is over.
Do you really think Ted Koppel can come up with enough B.S. to cover all of the additional issues that have yet to be raised between now and the end of next week?
Mr. Kerry, did you really not attend the meeting in Kansas City about murdering the Senators or did you just "Mis-speak" about not being at the meeting? |
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integritycounts Rear Admiral
Joined: 11 Aug 2004 Posts: 667
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:30 am Post subject: |
The simplest way for Stolen Honor to get out to the widest audience is to have the full documentary available for free on the Internet. It can be converted into formats that work with dial-up better.
I called up the only contact number at Stolen Honor and the person that picked up also did not understand why they were charging to see it.
I can understand the cost of a DVD but for a web download it makes little sense.
This is the last time in our national history that the activities of those that attacked the Veterans of Vietnam honor will ever be examined by the Masses.
Frankly it is Penny wise Dollar Foolish to be charging for the download. Yes I realize that some of the cost of holding a website exist...and bandwidth...but those can be overcome easily in many ways.
I hate to think that because Stolen Honor is asking 5 dollars to view a shaky blurry rendition over the Internet would cause even 1 single person who was curious to, Not view the film.
Let me say again....this is the last time that Nation as group will look at this....THE LAST TIME.....if not now...its most likely going to be never
strike when the iron is hot. |
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asdjnl Seaman Recruit
Joined: 29 Aug 2004 Posts: 5 Location: arizona
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 10:19 am Post subject: |
I agree.The cost of buying the video helps them with paying for travel to interviews and other expences related to getting the word out.But now we are right up against the election day.Disaster: it is at our very doorstep and the Kerry beast is not yet slain.It lives its scary.We are looking at the grim prospect of a Kerry presidency becouse of a bush slip up in debate 1. |
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