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Fight in the Mountains

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Joined: 03 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:31 pm    Post subject: Fight in the Mountains Reply with quote

I for the Kerry team says that we should be fighting this war in the Mountains of Afganistan and not in the deserts of Iraq. What did I miss here?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And then he followed that up with the powerful zinger that he can do more than one thing at one time.

And the crowd went wild. Rolling Eyes

WTF do those KookAde drinkers think the President and this administration are doing? One thing at a time? Puh-leeeeeeeze.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How many different ways are there to say that Kerry is an idiot, I wonder? Because I think I am running out.

Kerry is a bothersome, tiresome little twit. He is such a pompous pandering ponderous boor that even his prep school classmates recognized him for what he was, and would play "Hail to the Chief" on kazoos when he walked by.

If he thinks the White House, the Pentagon and CENTCOM are unable to do more than one thing at one time he can kiss my @$$.

Tommy Franks and Lt. Gen DeLong put together a brillaint 21st Century strategy for fighting terrorism, and Kerry should get down on his kness and kiss the ground those men walk on, instead of taking cheap political shots from the safety of his pedicure spa chair.

Kerry is a fool--and I mean RACA; as in; if you look up "FOOL" in the Bible, you will find Kerry's picture.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We are doing just fine in Afghanistan. One blessing about the overdose of focus on Iraq is that we don't have the press and the world looking over our shoulder all the time in Afghanistan. Kerry is clueless.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kerry wants us to fight in Afghanistan in the same manner the Soviets did. They lost, but we didn't.

The general in charge of Special Operations forces stated very clearly in an interview a few weeks ago that it would have been stupid to pour divisions into Afghanistan then and stupid to do it now..
US Army Security Agency
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kimmymac wrote:
How many different ways are there to say that Kerry is an idiot, I wonder? Because I think I am running out.

Kerry is a bothersome, tiresome little twit. He is such a pompous pandering ponderous boor that even his prep school classmates recognized him for what he was, and would play "Hail to the Chief" on kazoos when he walked by.

If he thinks the White House, the Pentagon and CENTCOM are unable to do more than one thing at one time he can kiss my @$$.

Tommy Franks and Lt. Gen DeLong put together a brillaint 21st Century strategy for fighting terrorism, and Kerry should get down on his kness and kiss the ground those men walk on, instead of taking cheap political shots from the safety of his pedicure spa chair.

Kerry is a fool--and I mean RACA; as in; if you look up "FOOL" in the Bible, you will find Kerry's picture.

Hey Kimmymac let me help out Very Happy

Here is your post in Chinese:
多少个不同的方式将那里说Kerry 是蠢货, 我想知道? 由于我认为我消失。
Kerry 是一麻烦, 讨厌的小的twit 。 他是这样的a 壮丽的作恶的极重的boor 他的prep 学校同学认出他为是什么他, 和会演奏"冰雹对院长" 在小笛当他走了。
如果他认为白宫, 五角大楼和CENTCOM 是无法做超过一件事他能一次亲吻我的@ $$ 。

托米直率和Lt 。 Gen DeLong 汇集brillaint 第21 世纪战略为战斗的恐怖主义, 和Kerry 应该得到下来在他的 kness 和亲吻那些人走的地面, 而不是采取便宜政治射击从他的pedicure 温泉椅子安全。

Kerry 是傻瓜-- 并且我意味RACA; 作为; 如果您看 "傻瓜" 在圣经, 您将发现Kerry 的图片

And in Korean:
Kerry은 이는 것과 몇 다른 방법이 거기서말하는것을 이는 까 백치, 나는 경이한다? 나는 밖으로 달리고 있다 것 을 나가 생각하기때문에.

Kerry은 귀찮고, 귀찮은 작은 문책 이다. 그는 그런a이다 호화로운 나쁜일을 알선하는 대단히 무거운b오오r 저 동등한 그의 예비학교 동급생 인식하는 그가 이던 것을 위해 그이라고,"장에게 우박"을에 하고 그가 곁에 걸을 경우의 카주피리.

그가 백악관을 생각하면, 펜타곤및CENTCOM은 이다 1 일 이상을 하게 한때는 그는 나의@$$을키스할 수 있는다.

Tommy무료 송달 우편물과Lt. GenDeLong은brillaint을 조립했다 제 21 싸우는 공포정치를 위해 세기 전략,그리고Kerry은 그의것에 아래로 얻어야 한다 그 남자가 위에 걷는 싸 정치를 가지고 가기의대신에 지상이kness에 의하여, 키스하고 그의pedicure온천장 의자의 안전에서 탄.

Kerry은 바보 이고 -- 나는 의미한다RACA;안으로로; 너가 보면 성경안에 "바보높은 쪽으로",너는Kerry's그림을 발견할 것이다

원래의 웹 페이지를 기계 번역한 것입니다. 이는 정보용으로 제공되며 완전하거나 정확하지 않습니다.

And in Greek:
Πόσοι διαφορετικοί τρόποι είναι εκεί να ειπωθεί ότι kerryείναι ηλίθιος, αναρωτιέμαι; Επειδή σκέφτομαι τρέχω έξω.

Kerry είναι ένα ενοχλητικό, ενοχλητικός λίγο twit. Είναι ένας τέτοιος πομπώδης pandering βαρύς αγροίκος που ακόμη και οι prepσχολικοί συμμαθητές του αναγνωρισμένος τον για αυτό που ήταν, και θα έπαιζε "το χαλάζιΠροϊστάμενος" επάνω kazoos όταν περπάτησε κοντά.

Εάν σκέφτεται το λευκό οίκο, το Πεντάγωνο και το CENTCOMείναι ανίκανος να κάνει περισσότερα από ένα πράγματα συγχρόνως πουμπορεί να φιλήσει @$$. μου

Θ*Τομμυ Franks και ο υπολοχαγός. Το GEN DeLong βάζει μαζί ένα brillaint η στρατηγική του 21$ου αιώνα για την τρομοκρατία, και kerryπρέπει να κατεβούν σε δικοί του kness και φιλήστε το έδαφος που εκείνα τα άτομα περπατούνεπάνω, αντί της λήψης φτηνού πολιτικού πυροβολισμοί από την ασφάλεια πεδηθuρε του σπα της καρέκλας.

Kerry είναι ανόητος -- και σημαίνω [ b]RACA[/b ] όπωςμέσα εάν κοιτάζετε επάνω "στον ΑΝΟΗΤΟ" στη Βίβλο, θα βρείτε kerry την εικόνα

Η παρούσα μετάφραση του πρωτότυπου κειμένου της ιστοσελίδας έχει γίνει από ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή. Παρέχεται μόνο για γενικές πληροφορίες και δεν θα πρέπει να θεωρηθεί ολοκληρωμένη ή ακριβής.

Very Happy Fun with translators Very Happy
You'll notice Kerry doesn't translate into anything Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Show off. Think you're as multilinguistic as Terrreeeezzzzzza?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nomorelies wrote:

Show off. Think you're as multilinguistic as Terrreeeezzzzzza?

Whoops forgot his native language [FRENCH[/b]

Combien de différentes manières sont là de dire que le kerry est idiot, je me demande ? Puisque je pense que je m'épuise.

Le kerry est petit un twit gênant et fatiguant. Il est un tel a rustre lourd flattant bassement pompeux ce même sescamarades de classe d'école de préparation reconnu lui pour ce qu'était il, et jouerait l'"grêle auchef" sur kazoos quand il a marché près.

S'il pense la Maison Blanche , le Pentagone et les CENTCOM sont incapable de faire plus d'une chose en même temps il peutembrasser mon @ $ $.

Contreseings et lieutenant de Tommy. La GEN DeLong a remonté un brillaint 21ème La stratégie de siècle pour le terrorisme de combat,et le kerry devraient obtenir vers le bas sur le sien le kness et embrassent la terre que ces hommes marchent dessus,au lieu de prendre politique bon marché projectiles de la sûreté de sa chaise de station thermale depedicure.

Le kerry est un imbécile -- et je veux dire [ b]RACA[/b ] ; en tantque dedans ; si vous regardez vers le haut du l'"IMBÉCILE" dans la bible, vous trouverezl'image du kerry's

Il s’agit d’une traduction assistée par ordinateur de la page Internet d’origine. Elle est fournie à titre indicatif et ne constitue en aucun cas une traduction complète et fidèle.

The closest I could come for Terizzzzzzaaaa is Portuguese
Língua de origem: English
Língua de destino: Portuguese (Brazil)
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Quantas maneiras diferentes estão lá dizer que o kerry é idiot, eu quero saber? Porque eu penso que eu estou funcionando para fora.

O kerry é um twit pequeno bothersome, tiresome. É tal a boor ponderous pandering pompous esse uniforme seus classmatesda escola da preparação reconhecido lhe para o que era, e jogaria a "saraiva ao chefe"em kazoos quando andou perto.

Se pensar da casa branca, o pentagon e os CENTCOM são incapaz de fazer mais de uma coisa em uma vez pode beijar meu @$ $.

Franquia e tenente de Tommy. O Gen DeLong uniu um brillaint 21o A estratégia do século para o terrorismo de combate, e okerry devem começar para baixo em his o kness e beija a terra que aqueles homens andam sobre, em vezde fazer exame de político barato tiros da segurança de sua cadeira do spa do pedicure.

O kerry é um tolo -- e eu significo [ b]RACA[/b ]; como dentro; sevocê olhar acima do "TOLO" no bible, você encontrará o retrato do kerry

Esta é uma tradução por computador da página original da Web. Ela é fornecida apenas como um informativo geral e não deve ser considerada completa ou exata.

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