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Cold War Recognition Certificate ?

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Joined: 02 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:22 am    Post subject: Cold War Recognition Certificate ? Reply with quote

This is from a Navy wbsite;

Cold War Medals

The Department of Defense will not be creating a Cold War Service medal, and commemorative medals being sold by private vendors are not authorized for wear on military uniforms. Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen approved a Cold War Recognition Certificate in 1999, and the Army, as executive agent, has been responsible for issuing them to any eligible applicant.

The certificate recognizes all service members and federal employees who faithfully served in the U.S. military during the Cold War era. For certificate purposes, that era is the end of World War II, Sept. 2, 1945, to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Dec. 26, 1991.

An e-mail distributed beginning in 2001 saying that a Cold War medal had been approved was inaccurate.

The only official site to apply for a Cold War Recognition Certificate is the Army's Web site at http://coldwar.army.mil. Any other sites offering certificates, replicas or other commemoratives for sale are neither official nor endorsed by Department of Defense or any of the individual services.

Effective date: 1 February 2002


I couldn't get to the Army link for info.
I was wondering what the certificate looked like?
( Blue Nose,Shell Back,Golden Shell back ? )

Or is it just a formal milspec / pencil whip govt form?

I was wondering,not for myself but for my father ( Korea era )
My father in law ( Marine who was on Iwo Jima ) wouldn't give a ratz azz.
I think my dad would very much like it on his wall ( 30 yrs service and had his 70th birthday early May )

His health this week has my mother calling me about the fathers day plans.
All hands ( his children ) will be in town this weekend .

It could be the Ronald Reagan send off of last Friday may have him feeling tired.

maybe not, wtf am I ?
a shrink ?

Just wondering if anybody knows wazzup wid it.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Forgot to ad,

He goes in for a battery of Alzheimers (sp) tests this week.

So I've been sitting here for the past hourlistening to this;


kinda late for me now.
taps taps,
light out.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


You might want to check with Albert Moore who is Pres of the Mobile Riverine Force Association. He's usually up to speed on this stuff or knows people that are.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I don't know anything about the Cold War Certificate.

Just wanted to say that I hope your Dad is just suffering from malnutrition or a biochemical imbalance and not Alzheimer's. Will be praying for him and for your family. Try to stay cool - there are a lot of possible causes for Alzheimer's type behaviors and symptoms that aren't Alzheimer's. Hang in there!
~ Echo Juliet ~
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Joined: 02 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanx for the help. A letter is on its way.

Thank you for the thoughts,prayers and words of incouragement.

Diet a possibility ?
malnutrition a possibility? His diet may be on the bland side. I will forward the info.

Pizza and beer have been over for awhile.
maybe its time to get some delivered and tap that keg ! Very Happy
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Joined: 25 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I applied for one of those several years ago and have never seen anything. I actually have not seen anywhere that anyonehas actually received this, but the links look official. This is from the Navy website.


Cold War Medals
The Department of Defense will not be creating a Cold War Service medal, and commemorative medals being sold by private vendors are not authorized for wear on military uniforms. Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen approved a Cold War Recognition Certificate in 1999, and the Army, as executive agent, has been responsible for issuing them to any eligible applicant.

The certificate recognizes all service members and federal employees who faithfully served in the U.S. military during the Cold War era. For certificate purposes, that era is the end of World War II, Sept. 2, 1945, to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Dec. 26, 1991.

An e-mail distributed beginning in 2001 saying that a Cold War medal had been approved was inaccurate.

The only official site to apply for a Cold War Recognition Certificate is the Army's Web site at http://coldwar.army.mil. Any other sites offering certificates, replicas or other commemoratives for sale are neither official nor endorsed by Department of Defense or any of the individual services.

Effective date: 1 February 2002

This is what it's supposed to look like.


This page has the application that you can print out. It's a redirect from the navy page I have above.

11 years US navy.

Last edited by xsquid on Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:41 pm    Post subject: Re: Cold War Certificate Reply with quote

I applied for one just to see what it is all about. I sent the e-mail but also backed it up with a Fax & my DD214.
60 days later it arrived. Looks real cool. Wifey had it framed.

CDR Perscom
Cold War Recognition, Hoffman II
Att. TAPC-CWRS, 3N 45
200 Stovall St.
Alexandria, VA 22332-0473
Fax # 1-800-723-9262

I referenced the CWC, my DD214, & put my return address in the fax. You could probably do it for anyone as long as you submit the 214.
BTW..it's signed by Rummy himself, Sec. of Def. It's something for your kids if you don't want it for yourself. It comes from the ARMY. Egads! Very Happy
USMC Nam Vet,
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looks like I need to apply again. Must have gotten lost or something.

Here's a link to the form in pdf form. Easier to save and print.

11 years US navy.

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Joined: 03 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:55 pm    Post subject: Re: Cold War Recognition Certificate ? Reply with quote

Airedale wrote:
This is from a Navy wbsite;

Cold War Medals

The Department of Defense will not be creating a Cold War Service medal, and commemorative medals being sold by private vendors are not authorized for wear on military uniforms. Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen approved a Cold War Recognition Certificate in 1999, and the Army, as executive agent, has been responsible for issuing them to any eligible applicant.

The certificate recognizes all service members and federal employees who faithfully served in the U.S. military during the Cold War era. For certificate purposes, that era is the end of World War II, Sept. 2, 1945, to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Dec. 26, 1991.

An e-mail distributed beginning in 2001 saying that a Cold War medal had been approved was inaccurate.

The only official site to apply for a Cold War Recognition Certificate is the Army's Web site at http://coldwar.army.mil. Any other sites offering certificates, replicas or other commemoratives for sale are neither official nor endorsed by Department of Defense or any of the individual services.

Effective date: 1 February 2002


I couldn't get to the Army link for info.
I was wondering what the certificate looked like?
( Blue Nose,Shell Back,Golden Shell back ? )

Or is it just a formal milspec / pencil whip govt form?

I was wondering,not for myself but for my father ( Korea era )
My father in law ( Marine who was on Iwo Jima ) wouldn't give a ratz azz.
I think my dad would very much like it on his wall ( 30 yrs service and had his 70th birthday early May )

His health this week has my mother calling me about the fathers day plans.
All hands ( his children ) will be in town this weekend .

It could be the Ronald Reagan send off of last Friday may have him feeling tired.

maybe not, wtf am I ?
a shrink ?

Just wondering if anybody knows wazzup wid it.



I served from 1975 thru 1979 and never saw any action as I provided security for nuclear missiles. I do not feel as though I deserve a medal for my service. However if they come out with one I would advocate that it should be labeled the Reagan award. I served under Carter and we were all hung over from Vietnam. It was quit a feat Reagan achieved when he got the troops believing in themselves again and pulled off the great victory of ending the Cold War
Defender of the honor of those in harms way keeping us out of harms way.

"Peace is our Profession"
Strategic Air Command - Motto

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:57 pm    Post subject: Coldwarvet Reply with quote

I agree with the naming medal award something for Reagan. My hero too. The Certificate is from September 1945 to Dec 1991. You qualify & have earned it. Go get it. We no longer have to have our kids hide under desks because of vets like you. Pride my brother! You earned it. Very Happy
USMC Nam Vet,
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:54 pm    Post subject: CWC application Reply with quote


Thwere are 5 vets working in this office. I had each of them print out the application. Now all they have to do is find their DD214s! Very Happy
USMC Nam Vet,
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Joined: 03 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Coldwarvet Reply with quote

Keeperrtc2 wrote:
I agree with the naming medal award something for Reagan. My hero too. The Certificate is from September 1945 to Dec 1991. You qualify & have earned it. Go get it. We no longer have to have our kids hide under desks because of vets like you. Pride my brother! You earned it. Very Happy

Thanks Keeperrtc,

I will frame it and proudly display in my office.

11/75 I entered with pride.
01/76 I was made to feel guilty with the icy glares and snide comments from strangers I met in airports.
01/76 further demoralized by Jimmy carter with his first act as commander and chief was to give amnesty to the dodgers.
7/79 honorably discharged with a feeling of a loss of 4 years of my life.

From this day forward the only regret I have about my service is that I wasn’t there to serve under Reagan.

I have one son who was inducted into the Navy 3/04 (6 year enlistment advanced electronics) and his brother is planning on graduating early from H.S. And will be going in after Christmas and plans on becoming a Navy diver or maybe a seal if he fights like he plays hockey he will make a hell of a warrior. It takes both brains an brawn to plan and implement effective operations and I am very proud of my two sons.
Defender of the honor of those in harms way keeping us out of harms way.

"Peace is our Profession"
Strategic Air Command - Motto

USAF 75-79 Security Police
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