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A Divided Country !
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:39 pm    Post subject: A Divided Country ! Reply with quote

I hope you all will humor me and let me rant a moment.

I am so concerned for our country at this time. Here's why

We, on this forum, are all dyed in the wool Repub conservatives and we BELIEVE that our views are correct and that GWB should be the next president. We know it in our gut. We know it with every fiber of our being that if Kerry gets elected it means real trouble for the USA. We fear what the liberals will do to this county. We're passionate...driven.....motivated. Our cause is just. We are standing on the truth of the situation.


THat is exactly what the liberal Democrats feel too. They too know in their gut that they are right. They too BELEIVE that their views are correct. THey too are fearful of what the conservatives will do to the country. They too believe deep down in their gut that Kerry should be the next president.

In other words, they aren't just supporting Kerry to piss us off. They genuinely hate GWB and believe he's trouble for America. Ok, grant it, I don't see how they can believe that, but THEY DO. THEY BELIEVE IT.

That's why we can't get through to them any more than they can get through to us. Could a liberal change YOUR mind about voting for GWB?? Nope.....me neither. Same with them.

So here's my fear. America is truly a divided nation. One half FEARS and loathes the other half. One half believes the other half are trying to tear down our country. So what happens after this election?

We are in a global war against an enemy that WILL NOT STOP until the "infidel" is dead. A house divided against itself CANNOT stand. We are a house divided. Can we stand? Sad
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First of all, not everyone on these boards is a dyed-in-the-wool Bush supporter or conservative or Republican. We try to keep things as non-partisan and impartial as we can - except that, if we are successful in defeating Kerry, the President is naturally going to be re-elected.

The Swifts have asked that we not turn this into a partisan, Bush-cheerleading forum because many of them are Democrats and would not support the President if the DNC had chosen someone less odious than John Kerry for their candidate.

This site would not even exist, had that been the case.

Secondly, you speak of "half." But, I believe that nowhere near HALF the people of this country hate the President. It's true that there's a pretty good chunk of our society that has bought into the Michael Moore-on Mentality - maybe about a fifth? A sixth? The die-hard KookAde drinkers. No, you'll never persuade them.

But, there are a lot of Democrats with good sense - if they know the truth about their party's candidate, they can indeed be convinced that John Kerry is a danger to our country.

Give them the facts, this candidate's history - let them choose.

Wringing our hands and buying into the DNC propaganda that half the country hates this President doesn't do anything to help the cause. When you get upset or worried, action is usually a good antidote.

Write a letter to the editor. Write an email to all of your friends. Make a sign for your car or the front of your house. Volunteer at the local GOP headquarters so that you can be around other positive, upbeat people who share your politics.

And the most important thing - make voting an absolutely inviolable rule - determine that you WILL vote, no matter what the polls look like, no matter how crummy you feel that day, no matter whether you car is operative or not.

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~ Echo Juliet ~
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wouldn't be so sure that everyone on this forum is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican conservative. There are independents in here as well as Democrats who are concerned for their country. While the country may be divided politically, I believe we are still all Americans, and when push comes to shove, we will band together in the common defense. Look at what happened after 9/11 - and that was after the 2000 election and all the commotion about that. The established purpose of this forum is to keep JK from being elected, not to support President Bush. (OK, I know the end result is the same.) I believe that the active members on this forum passionately believe that JK trashed the Vietnam Vets and all vets; that he has a non-record in the Senate; that he would be the worst commander-in-chief possible, and we can't let that happen to the wonderful men and women currently serving in our military. And, as I said above, members of this forum run the entire gamut from left to right and independent. As Americans, we can and do squabble among ourselves, but the rest of the world better keep out of it. Democracy is a messy business; but, somehow, it works. Very Happy Very Happy
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Joined: 08 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not sure what your point is, people will continue to support the candidate of their choice whether others liberal, moderate or conservative like it or not. I support President Bush and I could care less what Michael Moore, Yassar Arafat or Ted Kennedy thinks.
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Joined: 26 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's gloomier than what I see. First, we are far from all being conservative or Republicans in these forums. We are all offended by John Kerry, that's all. Some of us are not Republicans, not Christians, not conservative, not military families, not pro-life, not anti-gay marriage. What we have in common is respect for the America we grew up in and learned to love--the democratic republic of America, and its constitution, history, and ideals. Some of us think George Bush is not nearly conservative enough. Others are at least a little repulsed by his conservatism, but prepared to live with it rather than put our nation and our military in the fumbling French hands of the Democratic nominee.

I see a wonderful unity of people who appreciate what we've had and are willing to join ranks to uphold it, even though it means they won't have it all "their way". What we will have is a chance to keep this country on course to remain free, strong and prosperous.

I really don't believe half of this country can be classified as "liberal" at all. Nearly half may have voted with the extreme liberals in the past, because they may be social liberals or fiscal liberals as a rule, and thought that the Democratic party was more likely to do what was important to them. This time, a lot of former Democrat voters are not going to vote for their candidate, because they are not all as stupid as their leadership assumes.
This time, the committed liberals know they have to scour the undergrowth and scare up every possible ignorant teen-ager, every self-interested and lied-to senior and minority voter, every felon, immigrant, and even dead people in hopes of somehow pulling out this election. Even that won't do it, so they make plans to cheat, suppress, and accuse their way to victory. With this kind of desperation, they may even manage to turn out a big vote, but it will be because their people are deluded and whipped into a frenzy of fear and hate. So if you want to be depressed, be depressed because so many are undereducated, over-emotional and gullible. But not because the true liberals are so numerous. It's just their herd of sheep that looks big.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't believe in the 50/50 split, I think it is more like 60/40. I think that we will be united again the next time we are hit (that's a sad thought). The demos are especially mad this time because they think the republicans stole the election, so perhaps the 2008 election will be different (I can only hope). A lot of this is a media problem. Since we do have this media problem, it might serve both parties in the future to have more moderates on the ballot. Every time one party goes over to the extreme right or left they fail. The fact that W is compassionate is what saves him, the guy is very real and honest. I don't know what to say to make you feel better about the divide we have right now. Does it make you feel better that I'm a female independent who is voting for Bush? I am a moderate to liberal on the social issues. However, my safety and my support for the very people fighting for my freedom, plus my love of country, are far more important than any other issue. There are people like me out there, you just don't hear about them.

Last edited by msindependent on Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do not see the nation divided by President Bush haters v. Kerry haters, Democrats v. Republicans, or liberals v. conservatives ...

I see the nation divided by those that believe that morality is relative and those that believe in a set standard of moral v. immoral behavior.

When John Kerry slandered the Vietnam Vets and justified this action by claiming it was his way to speak out against an immoral war --- that is moral relativism. When John Kerry will take every opportunist action to further his own personal desires and goals --- that is moral relativism.

When people say that President Bush is too Christian or too religious for them --- what they are saying is that they do not want any standard of acceptability for their own behavior other than what feels good to them at the moment.

We must be a nation of standards. A nation that values freedom and liberty but also accepts responsibility in the exercise of freedom.

We are divided in this nation with those who accept that living in this wonderful country is a blessing from God and are thankful for this blessing from those who Hate America first therefore denying that living in the United States is a blessing and therefore can rationalize their thanklessness.

We are a nation divided by those who set the standard high and struggle to reach it from those who want no standard.

We are a nation who is divided by those who see a bright and shining light as the beacon of freedom --- and those who don't want to be bothered.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good replies. Thank you all for responding.

I see some very valid points. Sorry if I mischaracterized this forum as Repub.....it just seems that way. Rather I should have said rabid anti Kerry people and mostly conservative.

I'm glad to see that this forum can unite people of different mind sets in the effort to defeat Kerry.

But most of you still agree that this nation is divided in some way or another. Some say 60/40 instead of 50/50, some say it's morality against the moral relativists. Some say it's anti Kerry against Pro Kerry. etc

And someone said that it sure did unite us when 9/11 happened. YES, it did. Is that what it's going to take again?

That's my fear. That because we are so divided the Islamofascists will see that as a weakness and be emboldened. That we will continue the infighting and division UNTIL they hit us again.

I'm not saying there's really anything that can be done about this. It's just the nature of people I suppose. I just wish we could be the America that we were after 9/11. United against a common enemy and patriotically standing shoulder to shoulder.

But we know there are a group of people in this country, maybe it's only 25% but it's there, who are rabid anti American. They will try to destroy us from within. There's NO WAY we can unite with them. They will always be the friend to our enemies.

Sorry if I seem defeatist. I'm not. I believe GWB will win in a landslide and that the traitor Kerry will be humilated and sent back to his Massachusetts hole. But we know that the leftists are going to claim this election was bogus. I just don't want to go through 4 more years of the crap like "He's illegitimate"..."stolen election" "disenfranchised" blah blah blah.

Maybe I'm just waxing nostalgic. Mom, apple pie, American flags, patriotism, pride in America, respect for the President. love for country.

God bless America.....
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FYI -- 35% of this country's population was against the Revolutionary war.

If the majority 65% waited until agreement could be reached with the reached with the 35% minority --- we would be singing God Save the Queen unstead of the Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America....

My ancestors lived in Loudon County, Virginia during the Revolutionary War --- when the war was over about half of the family moved to Canada (this is why I can't join the DAR).

Unfortunately, being on the wrong side of things is still genetic (I have two barking moonbat, liberal sisters).
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rush had a long bit on this exact subject today in response to a caller. I expect a transcript will be on his web site tonight. It contained many of thepoints made here but had some other, I think, balanced points. Might read them there.
Kerry...Hanoi Jane...Murtha: same-same

1/101st ABN Song Be 3/82d ABN Phu Bai.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lily wrote:
I'm not sure what your point is, people will continue to support the candidate of their choice whether others liberal, moderate or conservative like it or not. I support President Bush and I could care less what Michael Moore, Yassar Arafat or Ted Kennedy thinks.

People will vote for who they choose, not who they are told to vote for or who the "who who's" tells them they should vote for.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe I'm just waxing nostalgic. Mom, apple pie, American flags, patriotism, pride in America, respect for the President. love for country

My friend, that is nothing to be waxing about..it is not nostalgic. My parents tell me that during WWII, if you can believe it, the same stuff went on during elections..it was close, but in the end..FDR won. WHY? Because the American voter in their soul KNOWS what is right and what is wrong. WE are at war. If Bush did anything wrong, it was this "rush" to get the American people back to normal behavior after 9-11. "go about your business as normal"..true enough..but the sense of war well, faded and now I believe has faded..he never asked us to sacrifice..of course, our men and women are sacrificing..but I mean the public in general. WE do not feel involved..no drives, no war bond rallies, no "loose lips sink ships"..no rosie the riveter..it is hard for most Americans to keep focused..and although I do support and love W, it is, IMHO his misstep with the American People.

Do I think we are a divided nation..NO. I want you to look at the county by county map..just look it up on google. USA TODAY 2000 election county by county map..it will astound you. This nation divided over social mores..always has, always will. Cities vs the rest of us..major population centers vote for the Dems..everyone else, votes Republican..when I first saw that county by county map, I was floored..I said to myself, "how can this election come down to 517 votes in Florida?"..not after 2/3 of all counties in this country voted overwhelmingly for Bush?..then the population thing hit me. It is the same reason NY always goes Dem..NYC, or we fight here..and we will again..but NYC alone, make my state Blue..this year, Bush is behind by 12..usually by now he is behind by at least 25.

FAITH..abortion, church going..apple pie, mom, the flag..matter..and it is not nostalgic..it is what needs to happen again. My dad said that a picture of the President always hung in his house..then Clinton came..oopss..but now again Bush is there, and will be again.

You will NEVER convince the pessimistic libs, the bra burning Femi-Nazi's (Rush Term)..anything other than Republicans are evil. I, when 41 lost the first election in 1992 did give Clinton a chance, I did..but then when he started in on the military..I knew, times up..I respect all Presidents..but they must earn it from me.

KERRY will not win. Bush will win in a landslide..and the libs will scream foul play and all that jazz..but in the end, they will know that this country in its red white and blue being, believes in itself more than they believe we are always wrong..We are Americans first..political parties second..I have faith that this time around, in this election..a divided country will come together once more to defeat what could very well make her more divided..IF KERRY wins..division would not be the word..more like SEVERED land..

Keep the faith my friend..The USA is OK..and your hopes of nostalgia are wonderful..because they never went away and never will..

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Joined: 12 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't believe in this "divided" nation bs. I think that has been the liberal talking points to make people believe that. We are a nation with many different viewpoints and that is called democracy. The far left liberals in this country keep saying "divided" because they want everyone to agree with them. That will never happen anywhere at any time. People disagree in their own families, with their neighbors, their friends, their co-workers.
We all have our own perspective.
I was a young adult in the late 60's and the same thing was said, how divided the country was and how were we ever going to survive this kind of division, blah, blah. Well, guess what, here we are in the year 2004 and our country is still here. And, we even had riots back then. Somehow we managed to get through it all.
It kind of makes me laugh when I hear how Iraq is in such a mess when they are trying to form a democracy and wonder if anyone knows the history of our own democracy. It wasn't so pretty for us either.
Sister to a Marine vet who served in Vietnam and proud of it.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The normally conservative Tampa Tribune announced that because Bush didn't meet most of their expectations they would not support either candidate this year. I wrote them a letter which, unfortunately, had to be chopped to pieces to fit my concept in their 150 word limit. This thread has come close to the same concept that I wanted to write the paper about, so I'd like to post the long version.

I'm really sorry to see a fine conservative paper fail to support President Bush. You gave your reasons, and I see how difficult it might have been to support someone who failed to meet so many of your expectations. I too have had some expectations unmet, and I had to make the same decision.

I was laid off over a year ago, and I have yet to find replacement work so our finances are stretched quite thin. However, my wife still has her job, which makes us better off than many other people, which I'm grateful for. But, we were planning on getting a new car this year and maybe an HDTV to replace our 20 year-old set, and our plans to buy a house have been put on indefinite hold. I've often thought about the money spent in Iraq and what kind of difference it might have made if it had been spent here instead. It's possible that we could have had a good economic recovery giving people like me our jobs back. Our national deficit might have been much smaller. Perhaps additional tax cuts would have been possible, or we might have added more social or educational programs. There are so many ways we could have used that money at home to improve our society. Nevertheless, I'm quite happy that the money went instead for the operations in Iraq.

Some have said that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. I wonder if the Iraqi people agree with that. I wonder if they miss loosing relatives and friends to Saddam's madness. I wonder if they miss the force of Saddam's hand on what they thought and how they acted. I wonder if they miss the corruption that kept them from getting the food and medicine they were supposed to get through the oil-for-food program. Can it be a mistake if the result is freedom, a new freedom for people who were virtual slaves to a maniacal regime that spewed hatred, and killed thousands every year?

President Bush might have made some mistakes in sending and commanding the troupes in Iraq, but we all make mistakes, even when we know we're doing the right thing. For me it really doesn't matter that we didn't find the expected weapons of mass destruction. Saddam was himself a weapon of mass destruction, and I take pride in the fact that we somehow, perhaps even by mistake, managed to stop his slaughter. And I take pride in the soldiers who are helping to bring about the changes in Iraq. I'll gladly give up a new car, an HDTV, and even the house we wanted, because I know those are small comforts that mean little compared to the freedom we enjoy and the freedom the Iraqi people finally have hope to acquire. I know I would be very ungrateful if I cherished material things or government programs more than I cherish freedom. How can I not support a fight for freedom even if it's slow and tedious?

In a Wall Street Journal article on August 3, 1995, Bui Tin, a North Vietnamese colonel said, "America lost [South Viet Nam] because of its democracy; through dissent and protest it lost the ability to mobilize a will to win." Do we now have a will to win or do we clamor for peace without progress? I believe President Bush has the will to win. I believe that with his guidance we as a country will have the will to win. That's why I support our President: He has the will to win.
-I'm Jim, and I approve what I write, unless it's wrong.
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Joined: 12 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jim, I was just heading off to bed, but I had to tell you first what a beautiful letter you wrote. You are the kind of person that makes this country so great. You have given up material things so that someone else can be free. What greater good can anyone give. God bless you and our country.
Sister to a Marine vet who served in Vietnam and proud of it.

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