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Is Compassionate Liberal an OXYMORON????

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Mary Ann Parker

Joined: 02 Sep 2004
Posts: 406

PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:38 am    Post subject: Is Compassionate Liberal an OXYMORON???? Reply with quote

This is sad.
We need to keep a focus on civility no matter how much we
may disagree with someone.
Why does it appear that the Kerry Camp seems to be getting
more and more criminal in their behavior?? I am not talking
about just this incident, but the damage to Bush-Cheney
campaign offices, violence and confrontation at the polls, etc.??
I can stand almost anything except dishonoring our soldiers!
Love and Prayers
Mary Ann Parker


COMPASSIONATE LIBERALS: UPDATE (AGAIN) (antiwar protestor spits on Iraq war vet)
Newsradio 620 WTMJ ^ | FRIDAY, Oct. 22, 2004, 2:51 p.m. | Charlie Sykes

Posted on 10/22/2004 3:16:00 PM PDT by FreedomPoster

Note: On Thursday night, an antiwar protestor in Milwaukee spit on a returned Iraqi war veteran, Marine Major Jerry Boyle. Boyle is a Republican candidate for Congress in Milwaukee. Boyle served in Operation Iraqi freedom and was posted to Baghdad shortly after the invasion. Although he is an underdog in the race, he has shown up for every campaign forum, where he's won high marks for his civility and willing to face hostile audiences...

On my show this morning, Boyle described himself as "livid" over the incident, but had restrained himself from responding in any way...

Here's the story as relayed to me by one of his campaign aides:


I would like to relay to you a disturbing and unsettling incident which happened tonight at the Alverno College debate between Gwen Moore and Jerry Boyle.

Boyle has attended every debate and forum he has been invited to, even ones where it has not been the friendliest of audiences receptive to his Republican message.

Last night's debate at Alverno College was one attended by mostly people which will not vote for him in next month's election, but was a well run and fair debate none the less.

The questions were pointed and thoughtful and the answers were equally to the point. The topics ranged from foreign policy to the economy. The stark contrast between Moore and Boyle was pretty clear to those in the audience. Boyle was to the point and made it evident that although his was not the most popular opinion in the room, this is what he believed in.

Many people approached him following the debate to discuss the topics and their views and several said although they did not agree with his stance, commended him on making great arguments and being forthright in his presentation.

One man, unfortunately took the opportunity to ruin the evening.

As Boyle was walking from the stage to the reception, a graduate student from UWM spit on Boyle as he passed by.

Boyle, restraining himself, went to the restroom to clean up let this incident go.

I, however, did not.

After seeing Jerry wipe the spit from his jacket, I asked him what was going on and asked the young man why he spit on him.

Although it was witnessed by several people (at least five) he denied it and approached me looking for a confrontation. He walked up to me and got right in my face.

I asked him why he spit on Jerry and he said he didn't but should have because Jerry didn't answer his question to his satisfaction.

He called me an imperialistic pig and said that I was a puppet for an imperialistic regime. I asked him if that was a new term he had just learned in school and that I was very proud of him for using it in a complete sentence.

To make a long story short, after a little more verbal back and forth, he was ushered away by his teacher and escorted from the building.

My point is this. Are we now at a time when, even at a debate with dissenting views have the right to spit on each other?

Will he go home and brag to his friends that he spit on an Iraqi War veteran?

Is that the culture we live in now? This is not Kerry vs. Bush, its a small debate at Alverno College on the south side of Milwaukee.

He liked that fact that Gwen Moore is against bunker busting bombs (which she repeated) but will spit in the face of someone who helped liberate a country of 25 million people from a homicidal madman and made the world a safer place in the process.

To their credit, the people at Alverno apologized, but the damage was done.

If there are any liberals listening to your show, please ask them to take a step back and think before they act like this. Political discourse is what our country was formed on, but actions like this are all too common and its time to rein it in.

This was indeed a sad day for Milwaukee and America as a whole.

Sincerely yours,

Matt Lambert
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Joined: 28 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, a compassionate liberal isn't an oxymoron.....

They're a NAZI MORON !!

(sorry, couldn't resist) Cool
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