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deserturtle Seaman
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 187 Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:02 am Post subject: |
Thank God! I am watching it now. thanks for the link. Will this make news?????? _________________ The door to the room of success swings on the hinges of the opposition. |
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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:29 am Post subject: |
Quote: | How can John Kerry look himself in the mirror each morning? |
Only a person who has no soul, no core values and is a total political opportunist can get up and not have a twinge of guilt over what he did to an entire generation of soldiers.
I too just saw the movie along with my wife. She was in her mid-teens at the time and had no real recollection of his actions. After watching this, she is filled with more hatred towards him than I have, I believe.
He shouldn't be placed before a firing squad, that would let him off too easy. He should have to spend 8 years or more being treated like the POWs who he caused so much pain too.
I don't think there is a word in our language to adequately describe the feelings I have against him.  _________________ Clark County Conservative |
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Zac's Mom Ensign
Joined: 14 May 2004 Posts: 53 Location: Texas
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:34 am Post subject: |
We (my husband & I) ordered a copy of "Stolen Honor" last week but have not received it yet, so this was our first actual viewing of this gripping film. I'm in tears as I write this ~ tears of rage!! Getting this entire film out on line so anyone and everyone can actually see it is the answer to a prayer! Now maybe some of those folks who really do need to see this, but who would never buy it, will actually experience an awakening! An awakening of soul and spirit from an awakening to the truth about the insidious character of john kerry!! _________________ "If you are going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill
http://www.goodolddogs.com |
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TEWSPilot Admiral
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 1235 Location: Kansas (Transplanted Texan)
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:34 am Post subject: |
Here is a little more info and some more links.
Permission has been given to post the video Stolen Honor at
There will be an "official" website to show it (also free) on Monday. But if you want to contact radio programs particularly in swing areas and pass this information around so people can see the video this weekend, you are welcome to do so and I think it would be useful if you can get to enough of the right people by which I mean those leaning to Kerry but open minded enough to see this video.
WEST VIRGINIA 1872, Preamble: Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God
Spread the word on the internet!
Post on internet boards AND e-mails!
Anti-Kerry documentary available for free
Washington, DC, Oct. 22 (UPI) -- The controversial documentary on Sen. John Kerry's anti-Vietnam War activities will be made available free to the public, it's producer said Friday.
Producer Carlton Sherwood said "Stolen Honor" would be available on the Internet Monday and would also be available for screening or broadcasting.
"I want to be sure that every American who wants to see this film is allowed to do so," he said in a news release. "Therefore, I am offering the film publicly to anyone who wants to see it.
"In addition, any media entity brave enough to air 'Stolen Honor' can contact us for a license to air the film, provided the entity will air the film in its entirety, and so too any individual who wants to show or broadcast it."
"Stolen Honor" looks at Kerry's activities as spokesman for Vietnam Veterans Against the War and its impact on Americans held prisoners by the North Vietnamese.
Sinclair Broadcasting was to have aired the documentary in its entirety on its 40 channels nationwide next week, but will now only show excerpts following threatened boycott and legal action by groups that claim Sinclair was giving the Bush campaign free advertising.
The FREE 3:52 Video Clip from Stolen Honor that nails Kerry and the VVAW and how they lied at Winter Soldier. And how Kerry lied to the US Senate in 1971 E-mail the FREE clip to everyone NOW!
It's THE most powerful 3:52 of video that I have ever seen.
And Kerry and the DNC cannot stop EVERYONE on the internet from seeing this!
Windows Media Player Broadband
Windows Media Player Dial Up
Click Here for The Final 2 Swift Boat Vets Ads!
And All of the rest! View for FREE!
Free online version of John Kerry and the VVAW
"The New Soldier" Banned by the DNC!
You can read it online right now.
Kerry still refuses to sign Form 180!
But he has time to watch baseball on TV?
So he has time BUT won't sign Form 180!
What SECRET does he hide in his military records?
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick |
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BenDeR Lt.Jg.
Joined: 01 Sep 2004 Posts: 103
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 9:04 am Post subject: |
After viewing this video my mind is filled with many expletives. I'm still stuned so forgive me any ramblings.
As many others have said I also thought I knew what sKerry was about and why the Swiftys were so angry. I thought I knew the difference between a mountain and a mole hill. I was wrong. And now I am more angry than ever.
Quote: | Producer Carlton Sherwood said "Stolen Honor" would be available on the Internet Monday and would also be available for screening or broadcasting. |
To Mr. Sherwood I can only say "THANK YOU" for putting truth before profit. I am certain that God will honor you. _________________ USMC res 3rd ANGLICO
1986 - 1988
"Retreat hell! We just got here!"
Capt. Lloyd Williams, USMC |
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Son of a VET Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 791 Location: TN
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:10 pm Post subject: |
Thank you so much for the links. I cried as I watched this. Thank you Vets for you love of country and freedom. I got the better quality version and am going to make vcd's and give them out. God bless you!
http://www.annointed.net/video/stolen_honor_final1.wmv _________________
Stolen Honor |
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Son of a VET Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 791 Location: TN
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:42 pm Post subject: |
Could someone with the authority send a note to Drudge, Hannity, Rush, Fox News and others about Stolen Honor being downloadable for free? That may help get it out. _________________
Stolen Honor |
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Chance Seaman Recruit
Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 39 Location: Iowa
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:18 pm Post subject: |
Is there any way that we can burn this? I have people that should watch it but don't have access to a computer. Thanks! _________________ Chance |
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Son of a VET Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 791 Location: TN
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:31 pm Post subject: |
Yes, right click on the link in my sig. It is the larger file version, better quality. When you right click choose "save target as" and save it on your desktop or someplace you can find it. You then can burn it as a wmv, which must be viewed on a computer or convert it to a VCD or SVCD that will play in most, but not all dvd players. Or you can convert it to an mpeg2 file and burn it on a dvd. I am at work so I don't have links to the software you may need, but someone here may. You may already have what you need if you have a dvd or cd burner. Nero or easy cd creator may work for you if you have the full version. If you have a "tv output" from your video card (most laptops do) you can connect it to a vcr and record it, just remember to connect the audio from your sound card (headphone jack out works, just make sure the vol. is not to high but hihg enough). If you do this just start the recorder a little before you start play back (pre roll) and remeber to make the video full screen. Hope that was clear, I was typing fast. _________________
Stolen Honor |
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directorblue Lt.Jg.
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 121
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Son of a VET Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 791 Location: TN
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:50 pm Post subject: |
I downloaded it. It is just a wmv file, no other files. I am at work and we have very good firewalls and antivirus. Nothing detected. Seems fine. It may be someone trying to keep people from watching it. Ran spybot, nothing. _________________
Stolen Honor |
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Curtis H. Lt.Jg.
Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 143
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:25 pm Post subject: |
File is clean. Just downloaded it through a firewall with antivirus and no alerts of any kind. Also ran a system scan and all good. Thanks for the link guys! |
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becca1223 PO3
Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 293 Location: Colonial Heights, VA
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 7:34 pm Post subject: |
At long last, the real Vietnam Vet war heroes get some respect and a chance to speak out. How ironic is it that the anti-war protester who portrayed all American soldiers fighting in Vietnam to be war criminals is the same man who, because he is now running for President, claims to be a war hero
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20
Goodness prevails in the end.
I've emailed the link to "Stolen Honor" to everybody I know encouraging them to please pass it on. I have seen it everywhere on the net...political website forums.
Let freedom ring  |
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TEWSPilot Admiral
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 1235 Location: Kansas (Transplanted Texan)
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:51 am Post subject: |
This is the email I am sending to everyone I know. Feel free to use all or part of it yourselves.
I know you see emails on the internet that say "this is from someone I know, so you can belive it." Well, you can now do that yourselves. Feel free to pass this on as far and wide and as quickly as you can. The country needs to know this information about one of the Presidential candidates -- John Kerry, the one who is "Unfit for Command".
BTW, have you read...but, no, you probably don't subscribe to the Sun Valley Online paper.
...maybe this will help you decide whether John Kerry is arrogant and aloof.
Kerry Leaves Local Dems Hanging in Sun Valley
From the Editor: Kerry Volunteers Deserved Better
On the lighter side...I graduated from USAF pilot training on a Friday the 13th of November, 1970, so to celebrate that fact, here is a link to a photo taken on one of my 100+ missions during the 366 days I participated in the Vietnam war (unlike John Kerry's 4 months 12 days -- but who's counting?). This event is "seared into my memory", just as John Kerry's Christmas Eve of 1968 in Cambodia is "seared" into his, although no one in our units was there in 1968. Besides missions over (can't confirm or deny flying over the North), South Vietnam and Laos, I actually flew a number of missions over Cambodia in 1973 after the Cambodian government had asked for our help. Anyway, during one of those missions, on our way from our base in Thailand to our target areas in Cambodia, we flew loose formation with a sister ship, and the other plane took a photo of my plane. The significance of the photo is in its title, "Moon Over Cambodia". You can't see me in the pilot's seat (too dark and too far away), but if you look closely, you will be able to see the "moon".
I also hope you will take the time to read how I spent my year in Southeast Asia. It is quite different from the way John Kerry and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War described it.
If you have any questions, I would be happy to hear from you.
Best Regards,
Bruce Obermeyer
former Captain, USAF
361st Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, EC-47s
Da Nang, Republic of Vietnam, and NKP and Ubon Royal Thai Air Force Bases, 1972-73
Now, for the main reason I sent this to you.
To put things in perspective, one of my closest friends from childhood, now flying for Northwest Airlines, got to bring some of the POWs out of Hanoi. During those "Operation Homecoming" airlifts, I talked on the radio to some of the C-141 crews who were also bringing them out while I was over Laos still flying combat missions in 1973. If John Kerry had had his way and the U.S. government had accepted the Communists' 7-point plan being pushed by John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and the "Vietnam Veterans Against the War", none of them would have been returned. How many more of them were left behind?
On the last day of January 1973, the day before the "cease-fire" in Vietnam was to take place, one of the OV-10 pilots I knew and worked with was shot down and "captured" briefly. He was brutally murdered and his body mutilated (not necessarily in that order) by the Communists as we were trying to assist with the Search and Rescue (SAR) for him. He was using his survival radio on Emergency ("Guard") frequency directing the SAR. His leg was broken, he had managed to get fairly far up a hill and was leaning against a tree. The last words we heard him say were, "Disregard the SAR, I can see them coming. No chance to get away. Well, looks like it's over, they're almost on me...." and I won't bother to tell the rest, but he was a brave man. His body was recovered three days later by a Navy Seal team. Five days later, 8 of my friends were shot down in one of our EC-47s, callsign "Baron 52", also over Laos, and all were lost. Three were killed during the shootdown and crash, their bodies were found in the wreckage. I went through C-47 flight school with one of the copilots. His wife was 6 months pregnant when he was killed. The Navigator and four radio operator/linguists from the backend of the plane were never found. During the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA affairs hearings in 1991-93 (that Senator John Kerry co-chaired), Kerry simply drew a line through their names while their families were trying to provide evidence that some of them may still be alive . He declared them "dead" and had the evidence shredded. The "cleaning up of a few loose ends" led to normalizing relations with Communist Vietnam and to a fat contract for Kerry's cousin.
This is a link so you can download and play the "Stolen Honor" video, made by American Vietnam POWs. Efforts by Kerry and his lawyers managed to suspend their free speech to broadcast their message uncut over the Sinclair Broadcasting television stations. They even sued Movie theater owners to prevent them from showing it to people willing to pay to see it. They are making the video available as many places as they can, so enjoy this copy.
Here are some download instructions:
It is the larger file version, better quality. When you right click, choose "save target as" and save it on your desktop or someplace you can find it. You then can burn it as a wmv, which must be viewed on a computer, or convert it to a VCD or SVCD that will play in most, but not all dvd players. Or you can convert it to an mpeg2 file and burn it on a dvd. I am at work so I don't have links to the software you may need, but someone here may. You may already have what you need if you have a dvd or cd burner. Nero or easy cd creator may work for you if you have the full version. If you have a "tv output" from your video card (most laptops do), you can connect it to a vcr and record it, just remember to connect the audio from your sound card (headphone jack out works, just make sure the vol. is not too high but high enough). If you do this, just start the recorder a little before you start play back (pre roll) and remeber to make the video full screen. Hope that was clear, I was typing fast.
Here are some other places to see or get it.
Permission has been given to post the video Stolen Honor at
There will be an "official" website to show it (also free) on Monday. But if you want to contact radio programs particularly in swing areas and pass this information around so people can see the video this weekend, you are welcome to do so and I think it would be useful if you can get to enough of the right people by which I mean those leaning to Kerry but open minded enough to see this video.
WEST VIRGINIA 1872, Preamble: Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God.
Spread the word on the internet!
Post on internet boards AND e-mails!
Anti-Kerry documentary available for free
Washington, DC, Oct. 22 (UPI) -- The controversial documentary on Sen. John Kerry's anti-Vietnam War activities will be made available free to the public, it's producer said Friday.
Producer Carlton Sherwood said "Stolen Honor" would be available on the Internet Monday and would also be available for screening or broadcasting.
"I want to be sure that every American who wants to see this film is allowed to do so," he said in a news release. "Therefore, I am offering the film publicly to anyone who wants to see it.
"In addition, any media entity brave enough to air 'Stolen Honor' can contact us for a license to air the film, provided the entity will air the film in its entirety, and so too any individual who wants to show or broadcast it."
"Stolen Honor" looks at Kerry's activities as spokesman for Vietnam Veterans Against the War and its impact on Americans held prisoners by the North Vietnamese.
Sinclair Broadcasting was to have aired the documentary in its entirety on its 40 channels nationwide next week, but will now only show excerpts following threatened boycott and legal action by groups that claim Sinclair was giving the Bush campaign free advertising.
The FREE 3:52 Video Clip from Stolen Honor that nails Kerry and the VVAW and how they lied at Winter Soldier. And how Kerry lied to the US Senate in 1971 E-mail the FREE clip to everyone NOW!
It's THE most powerful 3:52 of video that I have ever seen.
And Kerry and the DNC cannot stop EVERYONE on the internet from seeing this!
Windows Media Player Broadband
Windows Media Player Dial Up
Click Here for The Final 2 Swift Boat Vets Ads!
And All of the rest! View for FREE!
Free online version of John Kerry and the VVAW
"The New Soldier" Banned by the DNC!
You can read it online right now.
Kerry still refuses to sign Standard Form 180!
But he has time to watch baseball on TV?
So he has time BUT won't sign Form 180!
What SECRET does he hide in his military records?
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick |
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KnowsKnot Seaman Recruit
Joined: 23 Oct 2004 Posts: 5 Location: U.S.
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:19 am Post subject: Re: Stolen Honor now downloadable for free! |
84rules wrote: | You can download "Stolen Honor" for free...
It is important to note for Macintosh users or Linux users (most browsers for both platforms) that you likely will have to option-click to download.
If you simply click on the link that it will run in WMV format with the current WMP for both platforms, but you'll then not then be able to download it (as with a mpeg, mov, etc.). |
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