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Does every vote count? Get an extra one.

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Joined: 04 Sep 2004
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Location: Richardson, TX

PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:33 pm    Post subject: Does every vote count? Get an extra one. Reply with quote

I'm assuming you believe that every vote should count and are going to do the right thing with your vote. But you have the opportunity to legally get another vote if you can change someone's mind about their vote.

In a thread in the main forum there is a discussion on the topic that not everyone who is a moderate among the Democrats knows that John Kerry has not released all his service records. If you get out and troll all the bulletin boards today, particularly in blogosphere, you will find a lot of discussion on last night's Scarborough Country show. The "Liar, Liar, Liar" theme provides a perfect opening for us, if we'll just quit yakking and get out and do something.

I've already found several boards discussing this. There are a few liberals on these boards trotting out the same old lines about Swiftees being discredited, etc. In all the discussion I've seen - from both liberals and conservatives - I've not seen one person inject the issue that Kerry has withheld quite a few of his service records from public scrutiny that would have major impact on the claims of the Swiftees.

I don't get into it with them. Instead I post a fairly simple message as a comment:

Any liberal or Democrat who wants to call John O’Neil, and the Swift Boat vets, a “liar” has a very simple exedient at their disposal: urge John Kerry to release the over 100 pages of his service records that have been withheld from public scrutiny. If those records were released it would either vindicate the Swiftboat vets, or blow them out of the water.

Why has John Kerry made public only selected records? Why hasn’t he made public all of them? Does he, indeed, have something to hide?

Bush has ordered all his records released (yes, some are still trickling out, but this is an artifact of the disorganization of the TANG records).

Please join me in using this opportunity to inject a forgotten message. It's simple. Just get on any blog or current-events discussion site, and look for a discussion of last night's Scarborough Country. Then, if you can, post your own message or comment. My message above seems to have been very effective in silencing the liberals; no rebuttal yet that I know of.
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 12 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a very good idea, and there should be more of this type of thing going on. Attack kerry in kerryland, or any other place you find him. Do it with dignity, as has been shown in the example here, but do it often. We have to carry the war to the place were we can find people looking for the info.

What would help is if the poster of this string had some url’s to places to post, that would help greatly to educate the people on how to find more. Like in searches what key words did or would you use?

Thanks for the good post.

The 4 G’s:
Get busy!
Get active!
Get into the fight!


If we need Kerry, I need a new pair of flip flops.
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Joined: 04 Sep 2004
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Location: Richardson, TX

PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can start with URLs like:




And branch off their links. I've found some sites by Goggle-ing for "O'Donnell, liar", "O'Donnell, O'Neil", etc.

It's slow going, and not every site will accept comments, but nevertheless they are out there.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 1:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did you realize that getting someone to change their mind is actually worth TWO votes?

Think of it this way. A Kerry vote offsets your Bush vote by making it 1 to 1. Getting that Kerry vote to switch to Bush makes it 2 to 0.
The war against terrorism is not that Americans might die rather that we would alter our way of living. If we get to a point where we choose not to go out because of fear, our economy will sink and in the end so will our nation. Vote Bush.
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