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sdpatriot Ensign
Joined: 16 Jun 2004 Posts: 50 Location: SD
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 1:53 pm Post subject: question for Me#1You#10 |
Hello Sir,
i was wondering what more you could tell me about this:
"Where is PFC Keith Matthew Maupin?"
i've read at wintersoldier and here and haven't seen any
reference to this man before. am posting the question
instead of a pm just in case other new readers would also
be informed by what you can tell me.
thank you in advance,
sdpatriot _________________ "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."
George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796 |
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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
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sdpatriot Ensign
Joined: 16 Jun 2004 Posts: 50 Location: SD
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 5:15 pm Post subject: |
thank you sir,
i thought the name was familier, but was assuming he was from
the Vietnam era. God bless him and keep him safe, i pray he
is ok. i wrote my letters to the President and to my Senators,
but one of them is Daschle, so i don't expect much there. Sen
Tim Johnson is a little better as he has a son in the military,
although he did call Republicans the "Taliban" recently.
thanks again,
sdpatriot _________________ "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."
George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796 |
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ASPB Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 1680
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 7:01 pm Post subject: |
sdpatriot wrote: | thank you sir,
i thought the name was familier, but was assuming he was from
the Vietnam era. God bless him and keep him safe, i pray he
is ok. i wrote my letters to the President and to my Senators,
but one of them is Daschle, so i don't expect much there. Sen
Tim Johnson is a little better as he has a son in the military,
although he did call Republicans the "Taliban" recently.
thanks again,
sdpatriot |
Send copies of your letters to all the TV and Radio stations, and Newspapers in South Dakota. _________________ On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB |
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sdpatriot Ensign
Joined: 16 Jun 2004 Posts: 50 Location: SD
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:09 pm Post subject: would you fellows edit for me? |
I have been working on a letter to the editor for the two major newspapers in SD. the problem is it is too long, and I have more I'd like to add. Like the recent speech of Gen Giap and what you guys have posted here about the NV museum. I specifically stayed away from Kerry's in country conduct as I think that should be scrutinized by fellow vets, not me. Besides, there is more then enough filth after he returned to the USA to fill a library. The more research I do, the more I discover.
I also would have liked adding his voting record in senate, especially the sorry record towards vets and military. I'm starting to think I'm going to have to chop it up and send a part every week. Anyway, I was hoping you fellows would be kind enough to read it and offer any suggestions. Anything. If you catch anything in this I should leave out, or something that should be added, or mistakes of any kind. Even suggestions on just drastically shortening it and still making it work.... I would really appreciate it.
I see the indenting didn't come through; so some quoting may seem confusing. In reality, the long quotes or excerpts are indented from the rest. Hope it's not too confusing without that.
Thank you,
Repeating the Past
Dear Patriots,
In the last few months - a period coinciding with the end of the Democrat presidential primary, and when John Kerry's dissenting views on our mission in Iraq became the central focus of his political campaign and was broadcast around the world, our enemy became emboldened. While our American soldiers are in harms way, here at home the Democrat nominee and his supporters have endangered and perhaps even cost U.S. Soldiers' lives for political gain. I believe this is no accident, nor done because Kerry doesn't understand the consequences his words could have. The reason I know this is because it was done once before to great affect.
Recently, Senator Edward Kennedy called Iraq "President Bush's Vietnam." Former Vice-President Gore claimed that President Bush "betrayed" America’s trust by going to war with Iraq. And Kerry declares that the President lied about "WMDs", while failing to mention that he, too, believed the intelligence briefs and expressed the need to remove Saddam Hussein.
Meanwhile, in the Arab press, where Christians, our country and our soldiers are regularly demonized, those recruiting the terrorists to kill us quote these dissenters.
In early March, Al-Jazeera, picked up Kerry’s words, they have said, "[Kerry] has suggested Bush's handling of the campaign is "f****ed up." They’ve repeated Kerry’s charge that the Bush Justice Department has stigmatized "innocent Muslims and Arabs who pose no danger." and directly quoted him as saying, "Bush misled Americans on the degree Iraq posed a threat." Shiite terrorist leader Muqtada al-Sadr uses these words in his speeches when calling for the killing of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq: "Iraq will be another Vietnam for America and the occupiers... I call upon the American people to stand beside their brethren, the Iraqi people, who are suffering an injustice by your rulers and the occupying army, to help them in the transfer of power to honest Iraqis."
al-Sadr is an Iranian agent. His authority comes from Iran, a well-established fact, as described by Joseph Farah in "Iran declares war on U.S." April 5, 2004, World Net Daily. And speaking of Iran, according to an article in Insight Magazine by Kenneth R. Timmernan, "The hard-line, anti-American Tehran Times published the entire text of the seven-paragraph (anti-Bush) e-mail under a triumphant headline announcing that Kerry pledged to "repair damage if he wins election." By claiming that the Kerry campaign had sent the message directly to an Iranian news agency in Tehran, the paper indicated that the e-mail was a demonstration of Kerry's support for a murderous regime that even today tops the State Department's list of supporters of international terrorism." For more on Kerry's ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran see: March 01, 2004 "John Kerry's Iranian-American Fund-Raisers" and "Kerry Will Abandon War on Terrorism" Insight Magazine, Kenneth R. Timmerman.
Mr. Timmerman goes on to say:
Pirouznia's (Aryo Pirouznia chairs the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran) Texas-based support group, which worked closely with protesting students during the July 1999 uprising in Tehran, sent an open letter to Kerry on Feb. 19 noting that "millions of dollars" had been raised for the Democratic Party by Iranian-American political-action committees and fund-raisers with ties to the Tehran regime. "By sending such a message directly to the organs and the megaphones of the dictatorial Islamic regime, you have given them credibility, comfort and embraced this odious theocracy," Pirouznia says. "You have encouraged and emboldened a tyrannical regime to use this as propaganda and declare 'open season' on the freedom fighters in Iran."
On March 28, the U.S.-led coalition authorities closed al-Sadr's newspaper, al-Hawza, for 60 days. L. Paul Bremer, the chief U.S. administrator in Iraq, charged that the newspaper had published false stories blaming the coalition forces for local acts of terrorism and urged violence against U.S. troops.
Criticizing Bremer and our Military's decisions in dealing with enemy insurgents, Kerry had this to say on National Public Radio about al-Sadr's newspaper: "They shut a newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq.... Well, let me ... change the term 'legitimate.' It belongs to a voice — because he has clearly taken on a far more radical tone in recent days and aligned himself with both Hamas and Hezbollah, which is a sort of terrorist alignment."
Kerry's bleeding heart doctrine for enemy terrorists doesn't extend to our U.S. Soldiers fighting for people’s rights to have a real legitimate voice in a free nation. And calling on one group of people to rise up and murder another group does not qualify under "legitimate", especially in a war zone.
The amazing thing is that this has all been done before. And by the same man. Are you familiar with Kerry's first acts of treason as defined in our Constitution? Article III, Section 3 states: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, added after the Civil War, elaborates further: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
John F. Kerry committed treason against the United States 33 years ago as did Jane Fonda, and he is now doing so once again. Are you patriots going to let it happen again? Because my point is, none if this is new, it is only the beginning of something that will be all too familiar and sickening to many, especially to those who have loved ones on the front lines. I call to your remembrance John Kerry's infamous Winter Soldier testimony on April 22, 1971 as a leader of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. He claimed that American soldiers had "personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan..." and that these acts were "not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command." Kerry also accused the U.S. military of "rampant" racism and of being "more guilty than any other body" of violating the Geneva Conventions, supports "Madame Binh's points" when asked to recommend a peace proposal, and states that any reprisals against the South Vietnamese after an American withdrawal would be "far, far less than the 200,000 a year who are murdered by the United States of America." (See wintersoldier.com for full transcript of Kerry's testimony of which is public record.)
And what was the result of all these false accusations of genocide and torture against our Combat Soldiers? Let me submit to you an excerpt from Giving Aid and Comfort by Daniel Ingham: After the Vietnam war, General Vo Nguyen Giap (Supreme Commander of the Forces of [North] Vietnam), wrote his memoirs. In them, he stated that if it weren't for organizations like Kerry's Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Hanoi would have surrendered to the U.S..
Interviewed in the Time/Life documentary "The Ten Thousand Day War," Giap reiterated this point and gave credit for the Communist victory to the U.S. media and protestors like Jane Fonda and John Kerry. According to Giap, the North Vietnamese government played to our media and helped feed them the propaganda that was splashed across the news in the U.S. and around the world. Propaganda that not only broke down the morale of U.S. soldiers but boosted the morale of the NVA.
According to wintersoldier.com: on November 22, 1970 During a fund-raising tour for GI deserters, Vietnam Veterans Against the War and the Black Panthers, Jane Fonda is quoted in the Detroit Free Press as telling a University of Michigan audience, "I would think that if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would someday become communist," and "The peace proposal of the Viet Cong is the only honorable, just, possible way to achieve peace in Vietnam." Years later in February and March of 1973 when some American prisoners of war were finally released by North Vietnam; they report having been starved, beaten and tortured by their captors, in an effort to make them sign documents in which they admitted to committing war crimes.
And what did Hanoi Jane have to say about them? Jane Fonda called the freed American prisoners "hypocrites and pawns," insisting that "Tortured men do not march smartly off planes, salute the flag, and kiss their wives. They are liars. I also want to say that these men are not heroes." (See Giving Aid and Comfort by Daniel Ingham who spent part of his 11 years in the United States Army in a Psychological Operations unit. He explains propaganda and it's methods and it's effects.)
"The Viet Cong didn't think they had to win the war on the battlefield, because thanks to these protestors they were going to win it on the streets of San Francisco and Washington."
Paul Galanti, P.O.W. from 1966-1973
Under Kerry's leadership, according to Gunter Lewy in America in Vietnam, "VVAW members mocked the uniform of United States soldiers by wearing tattered fatigues marked with pro-communist graffiti. They dishonored America by marching in demonstrations under the flag of the Viet Cong enemy." They lied about the actions of our servicemen fighting in Vietnam. The Naval Investigative Service was unable to confirm the charges made in the Winter Soldier testimony and in fact discovered that a number of the witnesses were never in Vietnam, never in combat, or were imposters who had assumed the identity of real veterans.
B.G Burkett, author of "Stolen Valor" did 10 years of research on the Vietnam war and the "soldiers" who's testimony was used by John Kerry before the senate committee on Foriegn Affairs on April 22 1971 and said this: "Kerry's rag-tag bunch of bums (claiming to be) standard honorably discharged Vietnam Veterans could not be further from the truth". Burkett also said: "As its dominant tactic in their battle against the war, the antiwar movement successfully demonized Vietnam veterans by calling a series of "tribunals" or hearings into war crimes. But they were packed with pretenders and liars."
I further submit to you from Crosby Noyes, Washington Evening Star: VVAW Executive secretary Al Hubbard claimed to have been an Air Force captain wounded piloting a transport over Da Nang in 1966. Hubbard was actually a staff sergeant who had never been assigned to Vietnam. The Winter Soldier Investigation was financed by pro-Hanoi radicals such as Jane Fonda and Mark Lane, who hoped to undermine American support for the war by framing American soldiers as mass murderers. At the same time, the North Vietnamese military was torturing American prisoners of war to make them confess to identical crimes. At least one former POW has stated that Kerry's testimony was used by North Vietnam to demoralize American prisoners during interrogations.
The VVAW was at the heart of the propaganda effort that so effectively smeared American servicemen in Vietnam as murderous, drug-addled psychotics that returning veterans were cursed and spat upon in the streets. In fact, as shown in B.G. Burkett's book "Stolen Valor,"
Vietnam veterans are more psychologically stable and successful than their civilian counterparts.
My question to you dear patriot, especially to those who have worn the uniform in defense of this Nation, is, do you want history to be repeated? Do you want to see our young men and women return home to have pig’s blood thrown on them when they step off the airplanes? Do you want to see their lives in even more jeopardy in Iraq and Afghanistan because the political agenda of Senator Kerry or the thoughtless and flippant words from the likes of Andy Rooney and Senator Kennedy who care more about causing a stir than they do about the safety of our soldiers? Do you want to see our returning soldiers being spit on by those who would rather see Saddam Hussein still raping and torturing and thumbing his nose at the U.S., and jihad terrorists still at large who's only goal in life is to annihilate you or make you submit to their god?
My plea to you is that we mustn’t sit quietly by and let this happen again. I encourage all Patriots regardless of your political affiliation to contact Senator Kerry and urge him to put a sock in it while we have soldiers out there on the front lines. Giving fodder to the enemies' propaganda machine is something he should regret, even apologize for, and above all, not do so again. Giving aid and comfort and encouragement to the enemy is not a right of free speech, even though many have been told otherwise. It is at the best - treason, and at the worse - propaganda used by the enemy to cause even greater harm. Our current President understands this, at a recent press conference President Bush was asked about the Vietnam and Iraqi comparison and he had this to say: " I think the analogy is false. I also happen to think that analogy sends the wrong message to our troops, and sends the wrong message to the enemy."
But then who needs a military or intelligence when we are just another non-sovereign territory under the control of the United Nations? John Kerry's plan of internationalism is nothing new, nor the steps he will take to accomplish those means. In February 13, 1970 John Kerry tells the Harvard Crimson, "I'm an internationalist. I'd like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations," and that he wants "to almost eliminate CIA activity." It's 34 years later and John Kerry has kept that promise by voting against virtually every Defense bill that has come through Senate since he has been in office. For 18 years John F. Kerry has consistently voted against every major weapons system, proposed military pay raise, and bills to upgrade and improve our intelligence services. (See Library of Congress website www.thomas.loc.gov) Mr. Kerry just doesn't seem to think much of this Nation of ours, nor the sacrifice of the thousands of brave men and women who have fought for her freedom and liberties. In a 1971 speech at West Virginia's Bethany College, John Kerry said "Our democracy is a farce; it is not the best in the world. Communism was not a threat to our
country." I don't know what planet he was living on, but I have read enough of history to know that all three of those statements are utterly false, but maybe he was referring to he and Jane Fonda's "democracy"?
I find it more then interesting that William F. Buckley, Jr., at a commencement address at West Point, spoke of this very issue, and that it is still as timely today as it was on the 8th of June 1971 when he gave it: John Kerry's assault on this country did not rise full-blown in his mind, like Venus from the Cypriot Sea. It is the crystallization of an assault upon America, which has been fostered over the years by an intellectual class given over to self-doubt and self-hatred, driven by a cultural disgust with the uses to which so many people put their freedom. The assault on the military, the many and subtle vibrations of which you feel as keenly as James Baldwin knows the inflections of racism, is an assault on the proposition that what we have, in America, is truly worth defending.
Also please consider this quote by - Norman Podhoretz, author of "Why We Were in Vietnam" Normally to side with the enemy in wartime is considered an act of treason. But if was one of the many bizarre features of the Vietnam War that Americans were able to side with the enemy with complete impunity. Demonstrators marched under Vietcong flags, organizations urged soldiers to throw down their arms and desert, and Americans even visited North Vietnam and made broadcasts from there endorsing enemy propaganda - all without being subjected to any legal penalty or even much public censure. On the contrary, in the intellectual community the people who did these things were often treated as heroes and even patriots, while those who criticized them were excoriated and ridiculed.
While our men and women in uniform have their duties, we here on the home front have some also: to protect their reputation and to prosecute those committing treason in a time of war when our troops are in danger from enemy propaganda. Re-enlistment is at an all time high amongst our service men and women, and their gallantry and bravery never ceases. Their honor and loyalty is something other nations wish they could instill in their own soldiers. Please keep sending them letters of encouragement, tell them how proud those waiting back home are, because we are, and remember to keep them in prayer daily. When they come home, go out to meet them, shake their hand and tell them welcome home to a Nation who will ever be indebted for their sacrifice.
And if you happen to see a Vietnam Veteran, say the same to him, it's never to late to try and mend the wrongs of the past; and those soldiers earned the same respect and debt of gratitude as this younger generation does now. Our First Commander in Chief George Washington once said: "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were Treated and Appreciated by their nation."
"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."
George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796 _________________ "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."
George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796
Last edited by sdpatriot on Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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ASPB Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 1680
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:14 pm Post subject: |
Thanks for all the hard work and for sharing it. I'll take a look at it over the next 24 hours and come back with suggestions if I have any. _________________ On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB |
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War Dog Captain
Joined: 10 May 2004 Posts: 517 Location: Below Birmingham Alabama
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:50 pm Post subject: |
sdpatriot, I cleaned up your post for you to make it more readable and presentable. I hope you didn't mind.
It's Way Past Time For The Gloves To Come Off!
FRIGGIN WAR WOOF! _________________ "When people are in trouble, they call the cops.
When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit." |
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sparky Former Member
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 546
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:32 pm Post subject: |
Giap's memoirs stating the above are an urban myth. It's not true. Ask Greenhat. |
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ASPB Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 1680
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:35 pm Post subject: |
sparky wrote: | Giap's memoirs stating the above are an urban myth. It's not true. Ask Greenhat. |
Possibly true, Possibly false. He, however, has been quouted on several occasions conveying essentially the same message.
Bin Tui is not an urban legend. _________________ On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB |
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sparky Former Member
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 546
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:57 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Possibly true, Possibly false. He, however, has been quouted on several occasions conveying essentially the same message. |
That he didn't write the memoirs that Greenhat claimed to have owned isn't "possibly true, possibly false." It's patently true that he didn't write it. Nobody has yet provided evidence that Giap credited Fonda or VVAW for helping the Vietnamese win the war. |
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ASPB Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 1680
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 9:10 pm Post subject: |
sparky wrote: | Quote: | Possibly true, Possibly false. He, however, has been quouted on several occasions conveying essentially the same message. |
That he didn't write the memoirs that Greenhat claimed to have owned isn't "possibly true, possibly false." It's patently true that he didn't write it. Nobody has yet provided evidence that Giap credited Fonda or VVAW for helping the Vietnamese win the war. |
Don't pretend you're the NY Slimes... the absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. You're right, the evidence hasn't come forward yet but that sure as hell doesn't make Greenhat's assertion "patently untrue"
You're sounding to much like the "Bush Lied - People Died" extremists. The world is not going to hinge on what Giap said or didn't say in 1985.
We have Bin Tui's statements and those of several POW's who heard the same things while still in capivity. To me, that's more than sufficient evidence. Especially as their statements all predate Kerry's candidacy by years thus clearly don't have a partisan motivation. _________________ On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB |
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