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Slednfool Seaman
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 198 Location: New Brighton, MN
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:24 am Post subject: The Monday Morning Story Will Break on Redstate.org |
More on the John Kerry Story By: krempasky · Section: Breaking News
I'm pleased to introduce Red State readers to our newest and most welcome contributor, Joel Mowbray. Joel is the author of the Washington Times piece we referred to on Saturday - which will run page 1, above-the-fold tomorrow.. Joel is a long-time columnist, investigative journalist, and author of Dangerous Diplomacy: How The State Department Threatens American Security . He's a dogged reporter -- see, for example, his epic series of confrontations with the State Department's Richard Boucher, one of which led to his being "detained" -- and he's the first person that Red State approached once it became clear that there might be a story here.
He'll be blogging here at Red State to cover developments in the story and respond to any critiques and comments raised. We're lucky to have him, and happy to be able to provide a place for him to cover the story in a way that doesn't depend on print deadlines or studio time.
Update [2004-10-24 18:19:47 by krempasky]: Mea culpa. I sent an email out a few minutes ago, and while I correctly identified the newspaper as the Washington Times in the subject line, I had a seizure and mixed it up with the WaPo in the body. So - for the record, we're talking about the Washington Times. Sorry for the confusion. |
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JimRobson Lieutenant
Joined: 06 Aug 2004 Posts: 242 Location: Jacksonville FL
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:32 am Post subject: |
It must be a hot one, your webserver is hosed as of 10:30 EST _________________ ETN2 PTF2 (Littlecreek Underwater Demolition Unit 2 1963)

http://www.thewebplace.com/ |
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Son of a VET Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 791 Location: TN
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PowerPro Ensign
Joined: 13 Oct 2004 Posts: 67 Location: Northeast Tennessee
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:51 am Post subject: |
I'm not sure how hot this story is compared to the NYT piece about missing explosives - but apparently the story is that Kerry did not meet with the security council regarding Iraq as he had previously claimed.
I don't really think this will enflame the passions of the masses, so hopefully this is not THE October Surprise.
I understand NavyChief has something up his sleeve. Okay - Chief, it's up to you... _________________ ANNOUNCING: DOUBLE W. Which means, KERRY LOST! Now don't that feel GOOD????
Thank you SBVs & POWs FT! Your service to this country is incalculable!!! |
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Slednfool Seaman
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 198 Location: New Brighton, MN
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:54 am Post subject: |
Quote: | Done broke. Drudge broke it. We had it this morn and did not know. lol
I thought that was an old story. Oh well, at least I can go to bed now. |
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Son of a VET Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 791 Location: TN
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:54 am Post subject: |
Here it is:
Quote: | Kerry Says He Met With UN Security Council
In the same speech to a Unity Conference of minority journalists where John Kerry criticized President Bush for his immediate reaction to the 9-11 attacks, he again raised the assertion that he had met with foreign leaders prior to the vote on the war in Iraq on March 11. His latest comments shed some light on exactly who those foreign leaders were.
ATLANTA, GA (PRWEB) August 11, 2004 -- (GoodNewsAmerica.us)- In the same speech to a Unity Conference of minority journalists where John Kerry criticized President Bush for his immediate reaction to the 9-11 attacks, he again raised the assertion that he had met with foreign leaders prior to the vote on the war in Iraq on March 11. His latest comments shed some light on exactly who those foreign leaders were.
" I believe in my heart of hearts and in my gut that this president fails that test in Iraq. And I know this because I, personally, and others were deeply involved in the effort with other countries to bring them to the table. I met with the Security Council of the United Nations in the week preceding the vote in the Senate."
It still remains to be known with whom he met on the Security Council, unless it was the entire Security Council. If so, there is no official record of Kerry formally meeting with the full Security Council.
Further, if he did, nothing has been found documenting permission given by the State Department to do so.
The History
At a Hollywood, FL fundraising event on March 8, Senator John Kerry announced he had received word from unnamed foreign leaders who wanted to see him defeat President Bush in the November elections.
"I've met foreign leaders who can't go out and say this publicly, but boy they look at you and say, 'You've got to win this, you've got to beat this guy, we need a new policy,' things like that," he said.
Although Boston Globe reporter Patrick Healy revised the original quote from a pool report to "more leaders", Mr. Kerry did not back down from his assertions. Again on March 14 Mr. Kerry made his claim, but continued to resist naming names while under pressure after remarks by Secretary of State Colin Powell.
"I'm not going to betray a private conversation with anybody," he said. "I have heard from people, foreign leaders elsewhere in the world who don't appreciate the Bush administration and would love to see a change in the leadership of the United States."
The Washington Times conducted interviews with embassies of countries opposing the war in Iraq and concluded that there had been no meetings between Mr. Kerry and foreign heads of state since the beginning of 2003. After a review of Mr. Kerry's schedule, it was shown he had no opportunities for personal meetings with foreign heads of state, save one on September 24 when the New Zealand Foreign Minister was in Washington. Several foreign leaders including Germany's Schroeder and the Australian Foreign Minister deny any contact with Kerry.
http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/8/prweb148423.htm _________________
Stolen Honor |
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GeorgiaBoy Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 13 Sep 2004 Posts: 97
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:08 am Post subject: |
Quote: | The Washington Times conducted interviews with embassies of countries opposing the war in Iraq and concluded that there had been no meetings between Mr. Kerry and foreign heads of state since the beginning of 2003. After a review of Mr. Kerry's schedule, it was shown he had no opportunities for personal meetings with foreign heads of state, save one on September 24 when the New Zealand Foreign Minister was in Washington. Several foreign leaders including Germany's Schroeder and the Australian Foreign Minister deny any contact with Kerry. |
I believe the real story lies in this paragraph... |
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wonhyo Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 10 Sep 2004 Posts: 85
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:31 am Post subject: Keep your fingers crossed...Sunday night news.. |
this morning I watched a re-broadcast of B.G.Burkett on cspan, and he made the comment, that within the next few days we might hear something about Kerry's discharge papers. this was originally broadcast on thurs. 10/21. is this what the report is about ? |
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8dayweek Ensign
Joined: 12 Sep 2004 Posts: 68 Location: Upstate New York
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:39 am Post subject: Here is tomorrow's Washington Times Story |
Security Council members deny meeting Kerry
By Joel Mowbray
U.N. ambassadors from several nations are disputing assertions by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry that he met for hours with all members of the U.N. Security Council just a week before voting in October 2002 to authorize the use of force in Iraq.
An investigation by The Washington Times reveals that while the candidate did talk for an unspecified period to at least a few members of the panel, no such meeting, as described by Mr. Kerry on a number of occasions over the past year, ever occurred.
At the second presidential debate earlier this month, Mr. Kerry said he was more attuned to international concerns on Iraq than President Bush, citing his meeting with the entire Security Council.
"This president hasn't listened. I went to meet with the members of the Security Council in the week before we voted. I went to New York. I talked to all of them, to find out how serious they were about really holding Saddam Hussein accountable," Mr. Kerry said of the Iraqi dictator.
Speaking before the Council on Foreign Relations in New York in December 2003, Mr. Kerry explained that he understood the "real readiness" of the United Nations to "take this seriously" because he met "with the entire Security Council, and we spent a couple of hours talking about what they saw as the path to a united front in order to be able to deal with Saddam Hussein."
But of the five ambassadors on the Security Council in 2002 who were reached directly for comment, four said they had never met Mr. Kerry. The four also said that no one who worked for their countries' U.N. missions had met with Mr. Kerry either.
The former ambassadors who said on the record they had never met Mr. Kerry included the representatives of Mexico, Colombia and Bulgaria. The ambassador of a fourth country gave a similar account on the condition that his country not be identified.
Ambassador Andres Franco, the permanent deputy representative from Colombia during its Security Council membership from 2001 to 2002, said, "I never heard of anything."
Although Mr. Franco was quick to note that Mr. Kerry could have met some members of the panel, he also said that "everything can be heard in the corridors."
Adolfo Aguilar Zinser, Mexico's then-ambassador to the United Nations, said: "There was no meeting with John Kerry before Resolution 1441, or at least not in my memory."
All had vivid recollections of the time frame when Mr. Kerry traveled to New York, as it was shortly before the Nov. 7, 2002, enactment of Resolution 1441, which said Iraq was in "material breach" of earlier disarmament resolutions and warned Baghdad of "serious consequences as a result of its continued violations."
Stefan Tafrov, Bulgaria's ambassador at the time, said he remembers the period well because it "was a very contentious time."
After conversations with ambassadors from five members of the Security Council in 2002 and calls to all the missions of the countries then on the panel, The Times was only able to confirm directly that Mr. Kerry had met with representatives of France, Singapore and Cameroon.
In addition, second-hand accounts have Mr. Kerry meeting with representatives of Britain.
When reached for comment last week, an official with the Kerry campaign stood by the candidate's previous claims that he had met with the entire Security Council.
But after being told late yesterday of the results of The Times investigation, the Kerry campaign issued a statement that read in part, "It was a closed meeting and a private discussion."
A Kerry aide refused to identify who participated in the meeting.
The statement did not repeat Mr. Kerry's claims of a lengthy meeting with the entire 15-member Security Council, instead saying the candidate "met with a group of representatives of countries sitting on the Security Council."
Asked whether the international body had any records of Mr. Kerry sitting down with the whole council, a U.N. spokesman said that "our office does not have any record of this meeting."
A U.S. official with intimate knowledge of the Security Council's actions in fall of 2002 said that he was not aware of any meeting Mr. Kerry had with members of the panel.
An official at the U.S. mission to the United Nations remarked: "We were as surprised as anyone when Kerry started talking about a meeting with the Security Council."
Jean-David Levitte, then France's chief U.N. representative and now his country's ambassador to the United States, said through a spokeswoman that Mr. Kerry did not have a single group meeting as the senator has described, but rather several one-on-one or small-group encounters.
He added that Mr. Kerry did not meet with every member of the Security Council, only "some" of them. Mr. Levitte could only name himself and Ambassador Jeremy Greenstock of Britain as the Security Council members with whom Mr. Kerry had met.
One diplomat who met with Mr. Kerry in 2002 said on the condition of anonymity that the candidate talked to "a few" ambassadors on the Security Council.
The revelation that Mr. Kerry never met with the entire U.N. Security Council could be problematic for the Massachusetts senator, as it clashes with one of his central foreign-policy campaign themes — honesty.
At a New Mexico rally last month, Mr. Kerry said Mr. Bush will "do anything he can to cover up the truth." At what campaign aides billed as a major foreign-policy address, Mr. Kerry said at New York University last month that "the first and most fundamental mistake was the president's failure to tell the truth to the American people."
In recent months, Mr. Kerry has faced numerous charges of dishonesty from Vietnam veterans over his war record, and his campaign has backtracked before from previous statements about Mr. Kerry's foreign diplomacy.
For example, in March, Mr. Kerry told reporters in Florida that he'd met with foreign leaders who privately endorsed him.
"I've met with foreign leaders who can't go out and say this publicly," he said. "But, boy, they look at you and say: 'You've got to win this. You've got to beat this guy. We need a new policy.' "
But the senator refused to document his claim and a review by The Times showed that Mr. Kerry had made no official foreign trips since the start of 2002, according to Senate records and his own published schedules. An extensive review of Mr. Kerry's domestic travel schedule revealed only one opportunity for him to have met foreign leaders here.
After a week of bad press, Kerry foreign-policy adviser Rand Beers said the candidate "does not seek, and will not accept, any such endorsements."
The Democrat has also made his own veracity a centerpiece of his campaign, calling truthfulness "the fundamental test of leadership."
Mr. Kerry closed the final debate by recounting what his mother told him from her hospital bed, "Remember: integrity, integrity, integrity."
In an interview published in the new issue of Rolling Stone magazine, Mr. Kerry was asked what he would want people to remember about his presidency. He responded, "That it always told the truth to the American people."
Here is what kerry said in the second debate:
Transcript from second debate:
I went to meet with the members of the Security Council in the week before we voted. I went to New York. I talked to all of them to find out how serious they were about really holding Saddam Hussein accountable.
I came away convinced that, if we worked at it, if we were ready to work and letting Hans Blix do his job and thoroughly go through the inspections, that if push came to shove, they'd be there with us.
But the president just arbitrarily brought the hammer down and said, "Nope. Sorry, time for diplomacy is over. We're going."
He rushed to war without a plan to win the peace.
Ladies and gentleman, he gave you a speech and told you he'd plan carefully, take every precaution, take our allies with us. He didn't. He broke his word.
And he's invoked this statement numerous times. This, if true, proves him a pathelogical liar whoc can not be trusted. I guess some things never change with John Kerry. |
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