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Please lock CBS and boycott thier sponsors and pass it on.
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CBS Boycott
Im on board and will ask my contacts to join in.
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No I think CBS is a responsible media outlet.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Theresa Alwood wrote:
We can either defeat terrorism in the middle east...or we can wait and fight it here. Because if we do stand up and defeat this now...it will come here. That much I do believe.

I agree. But as of yet I remain unconvinced that the war in Iraq was a plus in the war on terror. My feelings about Kerry are murky, and until he makes some serious campaign speeches and outlines his positions I won't make a snap judgement. I learned a long time ago not to vote based on negative attacks that come from political ads that I see as manipulative and shallow. As far as the Vietnam issue is concerned I'd feel disrespectful talking about my feelings about that on a site run by Vets. That said, I really like President Bush on a personal level and I'd want him running a company I had shares in. But I believe his foreign policy team is excessively ideological and has made questionable decisions. Anyway, thats all big topic stuff, but hopefully it answers your question.

I just can't deal with the Redskins. Whether it's Dan Snyder's smug ass making bad personnel decisions or Patrick Ramesey crying about being benched for Mark Brunell, I think that team is wrapped in a culture of arrogance and the "me-ism" that makes sports so irritating these days. Anyway, I'm a Patriots fan, and I live in Washington, and this year I couldn't take it. The day after the Pats beat Indy, I turned on 980 hoping to hear some commentary and all I heard about was Joe Gibbs Joe Gibbs Joe Gibbs..I'm like come on? Your team didnt even break .500... Anyway, with Eli in NY and Parcells in Dallas I think the 'skins are looking at another 10 years of heartbreak.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:12 pm    Post subject: In 1984 we did not have the internet. Reply with quote

sillyrabbit wrote:
You're about 20-40 years late on a strategy like this. In '84 Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Falwell tried to buy enough shares in CBS to engage in a hostile takeover and failed miserably, and in the late 60s there was a widespread CBS boycott. But good luck.

FYI- I'm one of those dying breed moderate Republicans and although I have been offended by CBS' selective coverage in the past, I think that there are ample alternatives for conservatives. If you don't like CBS stop watching, get cable, watch FOXNEWS and listen to AM radio.

sillyrabit before you vote for Kerry do some research and study the VVAW dogma that Kerry spear headed in the 70s. Read the Dick Cavett Kerry - O'neil debate. For you 1971 was a long time ago but for us veterans who lived it, it is still like yesterday. And the democratic nomination of Kerry demonstrates to many of the veterans how callus the democratic party is towards veterans.

The CBS boycott is an attempt to punish CBS and to put other media outlets on notice that we will not tollerate your attempt to poison American opinion towards the men in women who are currently serving.
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well Sillyrabbit

My biggest question is - if the war on terror hits us at home before an election - which I think is possible, really more highly likely...how would you then vote? Give into the terrorist because they really want John Kerry elected...or stand up and give them the man they know will not give into their demands. And if you answer George W. Bush....then how could you vote for John Kerry any other time. I know you are looking at all the views...take your time, be informed. Because I truly believe when November comes around you will make you mind up and go with George W. Bush. He may not be your first choice...but with John Kerry and George Bush...he can only be the right choice.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 4:13 pm    Post subject: Fax CBS to stop the BiaS! Post I found on the New Republic Reply with quote

Fax CBS to stop the BiaS!
May 4, 2004 | bigpete_53

Posted on 05/04/2004 4:21:35 PM PDT by bigpete_53

Well, CBS has gone and finally made me angry enough to actually post something on here. We've all heard about the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth and their mission to stop John Kerry. CBS has evidently taken it upon themselves to start a smear campaign on this group, and I feel we need to let them know we won't stand for it! I email and faxed the following message to the CBS Evening News newsroom, and you can, too! Feel free to copy and paste, edit, and add your own notes as you see fit.

My fax to CBS:


Your story, "Vets Attack Kerry On Vietnam," as posted online was simply a story to discredit those who criticize John Kerry, showing one very limited viewpoint and ignoring hundreds of others who have spoken out against Kerry in this anti-Kerry. By choosing to purposefully discredit this group because of the history of one or two members and ignoring the many Democrats in the group, I feel that CBS has purposefully slanted its coverage to be more favorable of Kerry and for this reason I will no longer be supporting CBS or its sponsors. I regret no longer being able to watch my college football in the fall, but I feel that journalistic integrity in America is far more important than a few football games.

Perhaps you should look at the long list of "related articles" next to this story and notice the horrific pro-Kerry, anti-Bush slant. New Kerry Ads Tout Biography

Gaps Remain In Bush Guard Service

The Bush 'Smear' Machine

The Gall Of The Chickenhawks

Dem Calls Cheney A 'Chickenhawk'

Vietnam: Did GOP Pick Wrong Fight?

Kerry Pins Medals Flap On GOP

Kerry Releases Navy Records

CBS wonders why most voters think the news is slanted. The bias in your news reporting is atrocious. There is not one single pro-Bush article listed, even though the President stepped forward to publicly condemn the soldiers who committed atrocious acts in Iraq. There is not one pro-Bush link, though there are plenty of slanderous headlines (Chickenhawk, 'Smear' machine, Gall of the Chickenhawks). I would hope that a professional organization such as yours would actually be fair, but I guess that is too much to ask, isn't it?


Email: evening@cbsnews.com Fax: Use this link to fax for free:


Use this # for CBS News: +1-212-975-1893

Enter the number EXACTLY how it reads above (+1-212-975-1893).
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Joined: 03 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 4:26 pm    Post subject: CBS you have stepped into a hornets nest. Reply with quote

CBS you have stepped into a hornets nest.
The veteran community of 26 million is gaining momentum everyday and is taking aim on you. 1971 is a long time ago for you; however it is as yesterday when we came home to a hostile public created by the VVAW dogma authored by Kerry & associates and perpetuated by CBS. We have 30 years of pent up rage and CBS is our target and a lot of us are pretty good shots (just a figure of speech). We will be dammed if we let you get away with doing the same thing to our current troops as you did to the Vietnam veterans.

Stephen R. Jelinek
Defender of the honor of those in harms way keeping us out of harms way.

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Last edited by coldwarvet on Fri Jul 02, 2004 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:44 pm    Post subject: CBS sucks Reply with quote

I haven't watched CBS for years. I recently read Bias by Bernie Goldberg - it was quite an eye-opener. In the last couple weeks, I've been conducting a little test to see if Dan Rather gives his viewers something negative about the President in the first 5 minutes. So far, it's 3 for 3. For the most part, the alphabet networks have decided that the Iraq war was A BAD THING, and - despite their innocent protestations to the contrary - are acting accordingly.

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Joined: 03 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 2:31 pm    Post subject: Exactly Reply with quote

They need a great big spanking
So big that all their brothers & sisters will feel their pain. I would love for it to go down in the history that on behalf of the troops during the war on terror 26 million veterans were able to enlist support from the public and shut down a major network. Perhaps a bit lofty however the more pain the better.
Defender of the honor of those in harms way keeping us out of harms way.

"Peace is our Profession"
Strategic Air Command - Motto

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Last edited by coldwarvet on Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 5:30 pm    Post subject: Pat Boone's letter to CBS Reply with quote

Subject: Message from Pat Boone

Well, three cheers for Mr. Boone! This ought to be circulated.

NewsMax Monday, May 24, 2004

Recently, entertainer Pat Boone wrote NewsMax editor Christopher Ruddy a letter regarding his feelings on Abu Ghraib and Iraq, the contents of which are published here with permission:

Mr. Christopher Ruddy Editor, NewsMax

Dear Chris,

Hasn't anybody got the guts to accuse the worst perpetrator in this whole Abu Ghraib prison debacle - CBS and 60 Minutes II? What do you call it when, in time of war, someone takes military intelligence and turns it over to the enemy, who in turn uses it to kill Americans? Isn't that the definition of treason? Did Benedict Arnold do worse? Did Julias and Ethel Rosenberg pay with their lives for something like this?

It has already been well established, and CBS certainly knew, that the military announced to the press back in January that allegations had been made concerning treatment of prisoners and were being investigated.

In March there was another announcement that the allegations were still being investigated and certain service personnel at Abu Ghraib were relieved of their duties and might be court marshaled. In other words, while America was fighting a war, the military had already taken the allegations seriously, were investigating them and were taking steps to correct the situation. In other words, it was being handled, and handled well.

These things happen in war on all sides, and though they are not excusable, they are kindergarten exercises compared to car bombs, ambushes, rocket launchings and dangling burning bodies over bridges - and this is what the interrogators at Abu Ghraib were trying to find ways to stop.

Freedom of the press is precious to us, but you can abuse any liberty and stretch it out of shape until it becomes license, and concerned citizens will call for limitations.

In this case, if CBS had really cared about the country, about our military, about doing the right thing, they would have taken these pictures, (which they had illegally) and asked the military and the Pentagon what was being done about the abuses (Although they most likely knew it, they would have been told that the matter was in hand and being taken care of). Indeed, a general implored them not to publish the pictures because of what he knew would happen as a result.

CBS could have cared less. In their mad competition for rating points, dollars, and seeing a great way to blast the President and the war effort in Iraq which they have continually denigrated and opposed, they broadcast the abhorrent pictures - and not just to the United States, BUT TO THE WORLD! Knowing full well that we were walking a tight rope, trying to fight a war, quell disturbances and build a republic for Iraq in the midst of all the terrorist resistance, CBS published these abhorrent pictures knowing they would destroy completely our image and standing in the Muslim world.

And what about Osama bin Laden? What about the terrorists? What about America's image with all our allies around the world? And what about America's own self image and confidence in their leaders?

And what did the beheaders of Nick Berg say, just before they callously sawed his head off while he screamed, "This is in retaliation for what you Americans did to our people at Abu Ghraib!" And how did they know about these interrogation abuses?

Though poor Mr. Berg blames George Bush and Donald Rumsefld, it is incontrovertible that his son would be home with him right now had it not been for the publication of those pictures. Mr. Berg is pointing his finger in the wrong direction.

And as a direct result of CBS callous and patently unpatriotic action, America is suffering great loss of prestige around the world, and will for decades. America has lost credibility with Muslims and the Arab world internationally, perhaps forever; and every American life is in far greater danger from terrorist reprisal, no matter who and where we are!

Freedom of the press is a cherished commodity, guaranteed by our Constitution. But freedoms, if they are to be maintained and to have the original meaning, must be treated with grave responsibility and restraint.

For me, CBS has become "the enemy within", and I hope never to watch the network again. I think most Americans ought to reflect on the results of their irresponsible and unpatriotic behavior and perhaps narrow their viewing options by one network. The next time America or Americans suffer at the hands of terrorists, thank CBS.

Pat Boone PB: jsp

P. S. As of today, May 21St, you can add Brokaw, NBC and The Washington Post to the list. Have these media pariahs gone mad?! Who'll be next to fire at our own troops?

Didn't know if anyone had this yet.

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