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Democrats desperate

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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:30 am    Post subject: Democrats desperate Reply with quote

I just got back from the Stater Brothers store in my neighborhood where a man sat at the entrance with a sign that said "Register to vote Democrat please" Noone was signing up. I took the liberty to ask a few questions about Kerry, he sat there with a deer in the headlights look and didn't say a word. That guy really says it all without uttering a single word, they are desperate and in trouble. Not one democrat that I have asked will respond to anything on Kerry, all I get is they hate Bush. That my friends does not win elections. I ask them what Kerry stands for and they say, to get Bush out of office. What a platform they have. I can't wait til the debates!! Kerry will be so confused he will utter something stupid like I created the internet. Or I invented Heinz catsup. The look I get when I ask about Kerry's treason, and being a traitor really makes me laugh. They act like they don't even know, or it's a tall tale. Kerry I must warn you it is recorded and you can't dodge the questions much longer. Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 5:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I recently came out of retirement and returned to my old office. Since a lot of my free time was spent on sites like this one, I was ready to jump in as soon as the conversation turned to the election. Two of us are Viet Nam vets and one older vet served in the late fifties. Everyone else in the office has come down with the "I hate Bush" disease. I bit my tongue and asked them if they knew anything at all about the other candidate and a couple of them were able to regurgitate what they had heard on "the news". Other than that, they were clueless and they didn't seem to care.
How do you educate utter stupidity?
A couple of them brought up Michael "Big Mac" Moore's piece of dog crap. And of course, they had deaf ears about that as well. They think this guy is a hero for having the guts to stand up and say what needs to be said.
Again, how do you educate utter stupidity?
The Dems may be getting a little desperate, but the middle of the roadies are mindless idiots following a carrot on a stick.
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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well those idiots will never be educated. Unless they are mugged, beaten, robbed, stabbed etc. Then they will be demanding that the CIC do something. If that CIC were Kerry, well lets just say he would tell them to go negociate with the thugs. They say every democrat is just one personal crime away from being a Republican!!!!! Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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War Dog

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's clear that most of the liberals and democrats that I've talked to don't have a clue as to what Kerry is up to. All I get from them is the 'hate Bush' agenda. The Democrats have no platform, no policies, no plans, and all we hear from them is the constant 'hate Bush' agenda. Not only here on this board, but on other sites I visit, it's the same. They refuse to debate and discuss the pros or cons of Kerry. And no matter what is posted, they always manage to turn the thread over to a 'hate Bush' agenda.

My feelings on the matter is that the Democratic Party is totally lost and clueless. All the things they've tried in the past three years have failed. They keep searching for things that will bring President Bush and the Republican Party down, and so far, none of it has worked. But they keep slinging that mud against that political wall in the vain hope that one of those mudballs will eventually stick.

And the media is just as bad. Look at almost any newspaper or media outlet that is liberal or leftist leaning. They put the negative articles on President Bush, the Bush Administration, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., on page 1, 2 and 3. Yet the positive articles are always buried way back in the paper. The language they use is biased, and specifically selected to change any good news into bad news.

I think that the Democratic Party is going to lose bigtime in the upcoming election. They will lose more seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate in Congress, as well as the Presidental Election. They are still holding on to the belief that everything they have done in the past that worked will still work now. The American Public is slowly coming around to the realization that the Democratic Party is clueless, and they are getting tired of all the negative output, dirty tricks, lies, false accusations, biased reporting, etc.

Even the groups that have always voted Democratic are slowly coming to the Republican Party. More and more black, asian and hispanic voters are coming over to the Republican Party, running for office as Republicans, and finally coming to the realization that the Democratic Party is not really the party of the people that they've always claimed.

Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton, Gore and others haven't helped the situation, and in fact are hurting the Democratic Party more and more each time they open their mouths. Their constant negative comments and hate filled retoric is beginning to take their toll on the Democratic Party and turning more and more voters against them.

I say, it's about time!

It's Way Past Time To Take The Gloves Off!

"When people are in trouble, they call the cops.

When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit."
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Joined: 12 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 1:38 pm    Post subject: hatred is a sickness Reply with quote

War Dog says: "My feelings on the matter is that the Democratic Party is totally lost and clueless."

Hatred is the movement from emotional powers. Hatred is a DISORDER of a person, an ailment that seeks to inflict hurt upon another. Liberalism is a mental sickness. Hatred regards evil more than any other passion does.

The aversion of hatred is the warp of the typical Democrat. Hatred is merciless, cruel, more lasting than anger, with intentions of hurting. Look way back to Republican President's Lincoln and Reagan. Democrat's hated both, not so much the persons, but the fact that somebody was in Washington that Democrats did not put there. Southern Democrats withdrew from the union before Lincoln was even sworn into office. Booth typifies the ultimate sickness of liberalism, the extreme hatreds of a Michael Moore.

Scripture warns the Godly that destroying the spirit of a person is as dangerous, if not more, than assassinating the body. Sloth and envy is opposed to the joy of charity. Antagonism and division is contrary to peace. Offense and scandal are contrary to benevolence.

To be, to live, to understand is the purpose of normality. Hatred lives outside of human virtues. It is natural to the Democrat to hate whatever is contrary to their views, and aim at its undoing. It is a spiritual darkness that disrespects justice.

The very definition of hatred is "prejudiced hostility or animosity". The happy, contented, peaceful, and civil Democrat is not highly visible in 2004, nor back in 1860

The Democrat Party has never been the party of tolerance, but the party of hatred. Southern Democrats voted against the civil rights amendments. King gave his "I have a Dream" speech in front of the Republican LIncoln tomb. Watch their talk, then watch their walk!
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garb1015 wrote:

How do you educate utter stupidity?

I once had patients, two drug addicts, whose only source of water one fine evening - to dissolve and inject their heroin fix - was toilet water. They did so, and got rip-roaring endocarditis (infections of the heart linings) that required hospitalization and months of expensive IV and oral antibiotics to treat. (I won't even mention the needle-sharing.)

Did they learn anything from this experience? Unlikely as they were admitted months later for drug abuse complications.

As in medicine, there are those who cannot be educated in politics, rational thought, or even basic self-preservation, and who are addicted to rampant hysteria, paranoia and primitive hatreds.

The wisest goal at this time of expanding fascism, terrorism and religious fanatacism is not to reform them, but to pity them, ridicule them, and most importantly marginalize them from power, thereby preventing them from causing catastrophic injury to people who care about life.

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War Dog

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really do not understand this level of hate that is within the ranks of the Democratic Party and the Liberals in our nation. Granted, I do not think that all Democrats and Liberals are filled with this hate, but it sure seems like that way in the media, on TV, and on the Internet. Why do they hate George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield, John Ashcroft and others within the Bush Administration and the Republican Party so much?

I don't hate anybody, even the terrorists. I didn't like nor did I approve of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Tom Daschle, and others in that Administration, and currently in Congress. But I didn't hate them. It's a big part of our political system to disagree with others in other parties, or even within your own party. But to have this level of hate, I just do not understand these people, and why they have to hate others that much.

It's like they cannot deal with the real world, they can't debate nor discuss the real issues in our nation. They have to turn every issue, topic, news story, etc., into an attack on those that they disagree with. That would be okay if they had valid arguments on these issues, but they don't. All they have is a level of hate that seems to me to override any common sense and logic that they might have had. Why?

Look at the retoric and emotion shown by prominent Democrats and Liberals like Kerry, Daschle, Gore, Moore, Polosi, Dean and others in politics and in the media. They are so filled with this hate that they are cruel, mean-spirited, and rude in their rantings and ravings. The retoric they spew are lies, and what's worse, they know they are lies, yet they keep repeating them, and making up more. They have nothing kind to say about anybody, except themselves of course.

Look at the news about Iraq's taking control of their own nation. None of the people mentioned above and the media have anything good to say about this. No congratulations, no good luck, no great job, no optimisim whatsoever. All we have heard out of them since yesterday morning is attack Iraq, attack George W. Bush, lies, lies, and more lies.

I'd feel sorry for them, but since they just don't understand or get it, why bother! Very Happy

It's Way Past Time For The Gloves To Come Off!

"When people are in trouble, they call the cops.

When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit."
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Joined: 12 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

War Dog says: "I really do not understand this level of hate that is within the ranks of the Democratic Party and the Liberals in our nation."

It is difficult for any person of good will to understand the nature and causes of hatred. Envy is one of many causes, but a main cause. Envy is a major cause of ill will. You can see envy in the smallest of children. They want the toy of another, not because they want it, but because they don't want the other to have it. I observe this petty envy in my grandchildren, daily.

Envy is the sorrow for another's good. Envy denotes a kind of zeal. Envy is the daughter of vainglory. Vices worm their way into the deceived mind under some kind of pretext provoking the soul to all kinds of outrage. Envy is grief. Vainglory is about power, striving to lower another's reputation. Envy finds a joy in another's misfortune, and has grief over another's prosperity. Liberals, by definition, grieve over the prosperity of the successful and happy self-determined.

This election is a conflict between the logic of hatred and envy, and the logic of goodwill, of brotherly love. Let us hope hatred does not win.
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War Dog

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


It's Way Past Time For The Gloves To Come Off!

"When people are in trouble, they call the cops.

When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit."
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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. First of all I am not a strict Republican, I voted for Ben Nelson from Nebraska last time and would in the future and also Stormy Dean for Governor, yes they are democrats.

2. You are not a Vet as I can see by your disrespect for the Marine Corps by inuendo that we are sheep and play follow the leader and obviously know nothing about us.

3. Kerry has no platform.

4. If you are going out in public campaigning for a candidate then I suggest that you prepare to answer a few questions.

5. Your post clearly shows your contempt for our Marines, which has made you an idiot with me.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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