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Kerry charged with heresy
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Big Kahuna

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:44 pm    Post subject: Kerry charged with heresy Reply with quote


Kerry cited in Catholic heresy case

By Julia Duin

A Catholic lawyer has filed heresy charges against Sen. John Kerry with the Archdiocese of Boston, accusing the Democratic presidential candidate of bringing "most serious scandal to the American public" by receiving Holy Communion as a pro-choice Catholic.
The 18-page document was sent to the archdiocese June 14, but released to the public only yesterday by Marc Balestrieri, a Los Angeles-based canon lawyer and an assistant judge with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles' tribunal, an ecclesiastical court.

"Heresy is a public, ecclesiastical crime," said Mr. Balestrieri, 33, whose complaint is posted at www.defide.com. "It affects entire communities. It is one of the greatest sins you can commit."
If the Boston Archdiocese, which is refusing comment on the case, decided to press heresy charges, the Massachusetts senator could be excommunicated.
"My goal is his repentance, not excommunication," Mr. Balestrieri said. The charges do not seek monetary damages.
The Rev. Arthur Espelage, executive coordinator for the Canon Law Society in Alexandria, said a Catholic layman can legitimately bring a case against another layman in a church court. The charges, known in church parlance as a "denunciation," are similar to a criminal complaint in secular law.
But "this is really unique," he said. "I have never heard of a case like this being processed before."
The charges must be filed in the diocese where Mr. Kerry lives. If the Archdiocese of Boston rejects the case, Mr. Balestrieri can appeal it to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in Rome.
Father Espelage said church officials, not politicians, are the ones usually accused of heresy. But this suit may change that.
"It's as if someone has launched the nuclear missile now," the priest said. "I'd suspect there will be communication between the [Boston] Archdiocese and the Holy See on this."
A spokeswoman for Mr. Kerry refused comment because the campaign had not seen the document.
Mr. Balestrieri said he filed the heresy charge — plus an additional complaint charging "harm" to himself as a result of Mr. Kerry's pronouncements on abortion and related issues — because canon law entitles Catholics to "possession of the faith unharmed."
"By spreading heresy, he is endangering not just mine by every Catholic's possession of the faith," he said.
"I am inviting all baptized Catholics who feel injured by Kerry to join the suit as third parties" by reading the document on the Web site and then sending a certified letter of agreement to the Boston Archdiocese.
"People are saying you can be pro-choice and be a good Christian, that it is not contrary to the faith to support aborted murder," Mr. Balestrieri said. "This is a life-threatening heresy."
"Bishops have had 31 years [since the Supreme Court made abortion an individual right] to do something on this matter, but they've done nothing," he said.
Charles M. Wilson, director of the St. Joseph Foundation in San Antonio, which has filed numerous complaints in church courts across the country on behalf of Catholic laity, doubts the Boston Archdiocese will respond to the case.
The weak point of a "denunciation" suit, he said, is that the bishop need not take action. Usually a bishop will first investigate the case and determine whether the charges have substance, Mr. Wilson said, but Archbishop Sean O'Malley of Boston is under no obligation to prosecute the accused.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great post, Kahuna!! As a catholic vet, I could not agree more. It's about time people of Kerry's ilk are held accountable for their deeds. Kerry is no
more catholic than Madelline Murray O'Hare is a born again christian. geez
It will be interesting to see the church politics as a result of this. As you probably know, there are many in the American catholic community that are of the cafeteria brand that Kerry is, including some of the clergy. This is going to be a fun election year, especially when dubya is re-elected. Very Happy Very Happy

Spectre Gunner and 141 FE
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As a Catholic, how can you support someone who was so prolific with the death penalty? The Catholic church was also against the war, so that is another disconnect for you as well. Do church rules apply to all, or is it just Democrats?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikest, you are obviously not a catholic. First, I do not believe in the death penalty. That is going to be a statement that I'm sure will come back to me. Second, there are situations where the church does justify war. I agree that the church did not condone this war, but, the Vatican was not attacked by terrorists. The church is universal by definition and while we all try to be good catholics, there are many practices of our religion around the world that are not in strict lockstep with church.
HOWEVER, it is, at best, a stretch to compare implementation of the death penalty for heinous and egregious crimes with wanton, deliberate, and intentional taking of innocent life via abortion. Again, I'm sure I'll get this one back in spades, as well. Nonetheless, the Kerry's support of abortion of the innocent does not compare with Bush's support of a maximum penalty of the guilty.

Spectre Gunner and 141 FE
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Contrary to popular belief on the right most of us on the left would prefer that no one ever felt a need for an abortion. Personally, I find the church's stand against both abortion and contraception wrongheaded. Abortion rates have gone down and if contraception wasn't taboo to so many people, it may go down further.

BTW Born and raised Catholic. However, just as I find Govt. should not try and dictate to religion, I don't think religion should try and dictate to government.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 5:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

....As a Catholic, how can you support someone who was so prolific with the death penalty? The Catholic church was also against the war, so that is another disconnect for you as well. Do church rules apply to all, or is it just Democrats?.......I find the church's stand against both abortion and contraception wrongheaded....

So another words, you Democrats feel that it is wrong to kill murderers and terrorists, but acceptable to kill innocent unborn children?

Talk about "wrong-headed"!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 5:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're falling into the trap of thinking the Dem party is monolithic. I am very torn on the DP. There are people who do not deserve to live, but at the same time there is too much room for error. As for terrorists, send in special ops guys and blow their asses away with a vengence.

Your comment is like people on the left saying that Republicans don't care about killing innocent civilians. While it is true in a small group, it does not describe the whole.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 6:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


your efforts here and your Top10weasels site are truly above and beyond the call of duty.....and the heresy charge could actually hit our French Friend in his pocketbook....what do you think? Given his philosophy, " from those according to their means, to those according to their need", I'm thinking tithe should be about 20%, what do you think?

Cam Ranh '70-7'1
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are people who do not deserve to live, but at the same time there is too much room for error.

OK, then let me word it differently.

YOU (like so many in the Democratic Party) find the churches stance on abortion "wong-headed."

How is it that YOU (and so many in the DP), can find "too much room for error," concerning capital punishment of murderers, but YOU can not seem to find ANY room for error, concerning the "death penalty" for innocent unborn children?

Is it that you believe unborn babies are less human, than full-grown killers?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 6:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let me try this again. I find the Church's stand on abortion AND contraception wrongheaded. Why is prevention of pregnancy wrong?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Call me old fashioned, but, in the church we are encouraged to pro-create, one of the basic tenents of marriage. As for birth control, there is something called natural family planning (every parish has contacts who can teach it) or good old fashioned abstinence. But that would be asking people to be responsible. They want 'choice'. They already have had 2 choices when they get pregnant, first to have sex then to have unprotected sex. While I personally don't believe in artificial contraception, it is an undisputable staple of our society, so, cause and effect works here. But, of course, if you make a dumb decision(s) Roe(now a born again christian and extremely sorrowful of her decision) v Wade says 'no problem, just kill the kid and you don't have to worry about it again, until you make another mistake. I pity our country sometimes and what we've become, by and large due to the media (TV, Movies, print) and their glorification of all types of hedonism. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox and just continue to support the guys and gals in uniform, our president, and pray for our countrys' 'soul'. Sad

Spectre Gunner and 141 FE
Dedicated to Rico. KIA March 14, 1971.
Love ya man.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let me try this again. I find the Church's stand on abortion AND contraception wrongheaded. Why is prevention of pregnancy wrong?

Well you (and other Dems) can dance around the reason why you find the killing of unborn children acceptable, but too much room for error in the execution of fairly tried murders, from now til the cows come home, only it won't change the fact, that it is this bankrupt morality that is really "wrong-headed."
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

At least MikeWynn answered my question.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikest wrote:
At least MikeWynn answered my question.

So! To confirm. You're in favor of murdering innocent human life as a matter of moral certainty?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeebus. No I am not in FAVOR of abortion. I WISH people didn't feel the need for them, AS I SAID PERFECTLY CLEARLY.

Since MikeWynn is the only one with the guts to answer my question rather than continue to push the same line, I guess you agree that contraception is wrong and never have used it yourself. I also assume that you feel that religion should have more power over our government. And finally, I can only assume that you could care less if mistakes are made and people are excecuted.
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