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Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:53 pm Post subject: For My X-Leftie Friend |
What ever happened to the old spirit of win and loose? A candidate wins a candidate looses and we all move on until the next election? Why deliberate over a loss when it is over? Should I suspect you depend on the government to think for you so you do not have to?
Where were you when I was campaining for President Bush? Where were you when I supported the Swift Vets and POWS for Truth? Where were you when I began this blog to voice my point of view for others to read in my effort to educate the left from the misconceptions spewed by them? Where were you?
I know for a fact you did not campaign for Kerry. I know for a fact you did not support the Swift Vets and POWS for Truth. I know you did not begin a blog to put your views out here for others to read in an effort to educate the right from the misconceptions spewed against them. While you were knowhere I was here.
The most I know you did was complain about the war in Iraq, our President, even questioning his motives for going into Iraq. I listened while you insulted Donald Rumsfeld and listened to the media lies about our Vice-President Cheney. I know you spent money to go see Michael Moores's "Farenheit 9/11". I know you listened to the Michael Moore's and the main stream media, but you would not listen to sound reasoning.
While you were talking the talk, I walked the walk like so many other American's did. I suggest to you instead of whinning and feeling sorry for yourself that Kerry lost, the next time elections roll around you get out there and walk the walk.
The time has come when one must wake up and smell the coffee. I am tired of all your sick talking points that only make sense to a moron. I have lost my patience being quiet and diplomatic to be a friend to you that you never were to me, because you are too self-centered.
The war in Iraq is a war against Islamic radicals. There will be no draft or back door draft, that you fear, it is non-existant. To stand up for what is right and good is what America has always stood for. To say we should not have gone to Iraq, because it was not our business just proves how ignorant you really are. Why does your husband volunteer to go to Iraq if he, like you, believes this war was only for oil? Do you realize how stupid that sounds and looks?
Some how I know you just do not get it. You are to fear based and narrow minded to see any other point of view, other than the money you payed to see the most ignorant movie in history.
Why call yourself American? You do not believe in due process or have any confidence in our elections or government. You are a back seat complainer and want me to have pitty on you because you are just so upset that Kerry lost and America is going down the tubes.
I say do not waste your money on a pshyciatrist, I can diagnois you. You have Post Tramatic Kerry Stress Syndrome. My precription for you. Grow-up and get over it. If you cannot let it go, committ yourself to the pshyciatric ward at your local hospital. I know they will be more than happy to prescribe you Thorazene. It will shut you up and put you out. |
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MLB Ensign
Joined: 19 Oct 2004 Posts: 56 Location: Oregon
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:30 am Post subject: |
Have you sent it yet?  _________________ MLB |
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Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:59 am Post subject: |
Yes....I would like to....should I? I have had it....she has been making my life miserable and she doesn't even care.....  |
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JannDallas Seaman
Joined: 26 Sep 2004 Posts: 166 Location: Dallas, TX
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:29 am Post subject: |
I think it was said beautifully. Remember, by sending this you are definitely probably going to lose that friendship, if that is what you call it. The older I get, the less tolerant I am to having people around me that moans and groans all the time. It is up to you. I think you said it very well. |
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Barbie2004 Commander
Joined: 18 Sep 2004 Posts: 338
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:31 am Post subject: |
Hi doll:
I am lean towards not sending it directly to (ex) friend. Burning bridges is generally not something I would advise.
Remember: No matter what else happens, there will probably be lingering bad feelings that could affect other friendships or job/business prospects, through gossip, etc.
Another route you might consider is mailing it to your local newspaper, without naming her or him. Or even trying "Dear Abby" with a signed pseudonym.
Obviously for you to write this letter means that s/he has upset you, with what I perceive to be good reason. No one wants a "friend" that cannot be reasoned with and/or who brings stability issues to the relationship.
It is usually easier to change someone's mind with patience, calmness, and reason. If it someone is going to change their mind at all, the preceding would be my advice.
However, numerous people out there latch upon an ideal and they refuse to let go no matter what. A sledgehammer usually causes someone to immediately become "defensive" and "dig their heels in."
Only you can decide your tolerance level.
If you decide that the "friendship" has run its course, my recommendation would be to "distance" yourself without fan-fair, quietly.
Final thoughts: I have spent countless hours writing to newspapers, TV stations, congressmen, etc., with many letters being very "direct," some quite similar to your letter, but I don't have to live in the same town as them, with the attendant potential pitfalls.
My next door neighbor is/was a Kerry fan. We talked about it ONCE, I stated my postition and reasons ONE time, calmly, directly, firmly, and sweetly. He can be a kind of "in your face" type. I still put my "Bush-Cheney" sign up, and it was left alone. We have chatted a few times since that conversation, but no mention of any politics. I don't know if I changed is mind, I never saw a Kerry sign in front of his place. Regardless, I got my satisfaction.
Very best wishes, and let us know what you decide and how it turns out.
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Kimmymac Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 01 Sep 2004 Posts: 816 Location: Texas
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 2:01 am Post subject: |
doll, I don't think you should burn bridges. It is much more effective to blow them up.
And remember, she isn't your ex-leftie friend, she is your leftie ex-friend. Small, but important difference.
But really, she isn't a "leftie"--I am a "leftie" (left handed) she is a fascist doo-doo. _________________ The last refuge of scoundrels is not patriotism; it is finicky liberal humanitarianism.--Martin Paretz |
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Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:28 am Post subject: |
Thanks for all the great comments and advice. I do not have the nerve to send it to her, but I was so angry I needed to vent.
I did post it at my Blog, but she doesn't know the URL so I do not have to worry that she will see it, but if she does, well, guess that is a chance I will take and choose to.
But it is great that we all can come here to share even when it is not on politics and get some good advice and food for thought.
I think you all are super!
A big cyber huggles to all of you!!!!!  |
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blue9t3 Admiral
Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 1246 Location: oregon
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:31 am Post subject: |
Hi Doll,
I hope I dont get bleeped agian, but I would nuke her asap. She does have a couple good points! One is she did nothing? and two she may not have voted! Trust me---you'll never know she was gone?  _________________ MOPAR-BUYER |
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Digger Commander
Joined: 30 Aug 2004 Posts: 321 Location: Lakemont,Gerogia
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:15 am Post subject: |
I stated in a previous post that I have only two words for "friends" who talk to me like that: "GOOD BY!" _________________ Hey swifty, I'm with you, Just watch you don't get "Kerry'd away in the propwash
Sgt. Maj. Seamus D.D. MacNemi R.M.C. Ret. |
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Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:38 am Post subject: |
blue9t3 wrote: | Hi Doll,
I hope I dont get bleeped agian, but I would nuke her asap. She does have a couple good points! One is she did nothing? and two she may not have voted! Trust me---you'll never know she was gone?  |
Well, me got bleeped again.....but this time I nuked her asap......plz read. Excuse some of my typos.....plz
Dear Karen,
Unlike you, I will quote what you said as to not be accused of misrepresenting what you wrote. Next time we speak I will make sure to have a tape recorder going because I do not appreciate being lied about and you saying I said things I did not. It is ashame you would do that to me. I have NEVER lied about you Karen. May God forgive you.
1. At one of my visits to your house a few weeks ago (when I was undecided
about which candidate was best for our country) you said, and I quote
"Anyone who doesn't vote for Bush is stupid." This statement really upset
me but I didn't say anything because I value our friendship. As I said
before, THAT is why I didn't contact you because I was upset at the time and
didn't want to upset you. Unquote
This is a lie out of the pit of hell. I NEVER said, "anyone who doesn't vote for Bush is stupid." I did say, "that as Christians we are to look at our candidates and what they represent, because the Lord will judge for who we voted for and why. That Kerry is pro-abortion and Bush is pro-life. For this alone, anyone who knows what the Bible teaches, as a Christian must vote for Bush." John was witness to that, and is witness to the fact I never said what you say I did. If you think John would lie for me, fine. But God is my witness that I NEVER said that and I fear no man, I fear lying before God.
Do not take what I say and twist it and lie. This is an insult to me. And you know you are lying because if this were true, you would have said so in your first email, not wait til the what 4th one.....Please do not lie about me and repent to the Lord. I do not lie about anyone. Right or wrong, I have always been so honest with you. I regret that now.
2. Whether I always put it in writing or not I am ALWAYS thinking of you
and PRAYING for you and INCLUDING you and your family in any supernatural
blessings that come our way. I think of you guys as family.Unquote
I understand that and thank you. I think of you guys as family too.
3. I can tell by your many statements that you have totally misunderstood
what I was trying to say Unquote
I could also say the same to you that you totally misunderstood what I was trying to say to you.
4. It is really disappointing to start off an email by putting my heart on
the line, telling you I love you (like a sister), and thanking you for your
patience with me, only to get bashed around in your subsequent emails.Unquote
I am growing weary of your accusing me of "BASHING YOU AROUND" in subsequent emails. Where do you get this. It is fine for you to send me three emails about how you feel, I sent you two on how I feel. Now I am the one accused of bashing you around. Please do not insult my intelligence. I told you how I felt about what you said, just as you told me about how you felt about what I said.....I never accused you of bashing me around in YOUR emails....
If I had not been born, God would have sent someone else to you to share
their financial and other blessings with you. Unquote
Karen, why do you keep bring up what you have done for me? It is almost as if you are throwing what the Lord asked you to do in my face and saying I am ungrateful. I resent the implication. If by now you do not know how grateful I am then I do not know what I can say to you. God blesses through people and that is how he blesses you and how he blesses me. If you have a problem with having blessed me please know I do not depend on you, I depend on God. If know one blessed me, the Lord says, "I will bless you according to MY riches and glory."
6. Any way you slice it, the Christian leader of the free world does not run
around publicly calling everyone an ???Axis of Evil.??? That is just not a
smart thing to do. Any way you slice it, Bush ran his campaign on FEAR ??“
it was implied that if we didn??™t vote for him then ???the war on terror???
couldn??™t continue. That is not a Godly thing to do, right? Unquote
Bush does not run around calling EVERYONE the axis of evil. He called nations that harbor terrorists the axis of evil.
I will not deliberate a redundant Democrat sound bite, "Bush ran a campaign based on FEAR." So did Kerry. So what now? I say they were both wrong. It was not Bush that blundered with that the war on terror would continue if we did not vote on him, it was Cheney and his remark was stupid, but it was also taken out of context. Lets not judge Bush or Cheney if that was Godly....Kerrys pro-abortion stance is not Biblical or Godly...that is not conjecture like your question, but a Biblical and Spiritual fact.
7. I didn??™t say our FORM of government is no good, I said some of our
leaders are corrupt. Weren??™t You the one who said that tornadoes,
flooding and space shuttle accidents (over Texas) were happening every time
Bush was meeting to alter Israel??™s borders in some way (give land to the
Palestinians) in the name of peace? DOESN??™T BUSH KNOW WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS
No Bush does not understand Bible prophecy nor the Book of Revelation. But Bush loves the Lord, has professed Jesus as his Lord and Savior before men and is a praying man. He is not perfect. But the Bible is clear, "If you profess my Father before men, I will profess you before my Father." Bush did that. He will be professed before our Lord. The tornadoes, space shuttle etc., I shared with you from Hal Lindsay who made this correlation. It was also Hal Lindsay who said our President did not understand Israel in End Time Prophecy. Not all Christians do. I will not stop supporting him because he does not have it all together...only God is perfect. We all could be a little more understanding and forgiving.
8. You never answered this question. If Iraq was so bad, why didn't??™t we go
after Iraq after September 11, 2001. Why did we waste so much time in
planning an attack on Iraq the FIRST week he was in office (well before
September 11, 2001). Unquote
We went into Iraq because for fourteen years Saddam Hussien violated every sanction placed against it for the weapons of mass destruction program it had. Saddam Hussein continually lied to the UN inspectors. According to the UN inspector intelligence reports Saddam Hussien had weapons of mass destruction. Bush and our senate and congress relied on and believed this report...so did our CIA. Bush was not planning to go into Iraq the first week he was in office...where did you hear that? On that cheap anti-American, Hitler style propaganda of a so called documentary you spent you hard earned money on to see, to help make that moron rich, Fahrenheit 9/ll? That is not journalism, it is not reporting, it is not a movie, much less a documentary. Michael Moore should be sued for treason putting such filth out during a time of war. No responsible person would make such a documentary and as a Christian, I find it insulting you would even view such filth. He is a nobody. As for voting Kerry, that is one thing, I can live with that, that is your decision in the end, but Michael Moore is over the top. As a Christian you should repent that you allowed the devil to deceive you to give place to that garbage. Shame on you.
9. You are ignoring the fact that other countries have had similar
atrocities happen to them, yet the United States (nor the United Nations
stepped in to do ANYTHING. I personally know of people from the countries
of which I speak Unquote
There are atrocities in every nation, even here in the US. However, these nations are not being ignored, they are being helped by the US and not always by the UN. The US is the only benevolent Nation in the world. By the way....I lived in Egypt where atrocities also occur....I lived there to personally see them.....that is why they fascinated Anwar Saddat because he wanted to stop those atrocities and live in peace with Israel. The US helps them now and helped them then.
10. We (the United States) have never (to my knowledge) just gone into a
country and taken pre-emptive strikes against that country and gotten rid of
its leader. Do you see what kind of precedent this is setting? The
government in China is very harsh on its citizens there but we can??™t just
march into their country, take out their leader and say, we did that just in
case they cause trouble for the U.S. Now, we're going to introduce them to
democracy. Unquote
Karen this is right out of Fahrenheit 9/ll. I will not lower myself to dignify this remark with a response. Where have you been for the last fourteen years? I will not answer questions 11 - 14 because they do not even make any sense and I will not dignify Michael Moore rhetoric with an intelligent response.
15. Please don??™t label me to be something I??™m not. I love God with all
of my heart. He has blessed me with far more than I deserve. I love my
family. I love my Country and what it STANDS for. But I hate deception and
corruption. I??™m not going to bury my head in the sand and pretend that it
doesn??™t exist big time in our country because unfortunately it does. Unquote
There you go again ASSUMING I am labeling you. I never ever questioned your love for God. Praise God He has blessed you. I never questioned you loving your family. I know you love your family as I love mine. If you love your country and what it stands for it is right to question, just make sure you have ALL the facts and that your SOURCE isn't Michael Moore. As I Christian we know he was used of the devil. If you hate deception and corruption, then next time QUOTE ME CORRECTLY...I am not pleased you would blatantly lie about me this way. You do not love me if you lie about me this way. Judas told Jesus he loved him too. Know one is pretending all is okay. But I do detect you do not like the fact that I challenge you with another perspective that differs yours according to our faith and the facts. I sense you resent me because you always bring up what you did for me through God. I am beginning to think you do not like what you have done for me. I never asked you, you are the one who said the Lord told you too. Maybe the Lord now will tell you not to help me anymore because I am not worthy of you or "The K***n S**o Approval Test." Oh, and by the way....I know you were quoting and that some of this was not your words....d?™t and Weren??™t . (Sadly it was all over the place in your sentences) I on the other hand did not quote anyone to make a point, I spoke from my own knowledge that I retained because the Lord does tell us to "study to make yourselves approved", this does not only apply Biblically but also in the secular arena.
In unlike fashion.....I will not act as you when you closed your email without a signature. I will not stoop to that silly, demonic, un-Christian like behavior.
God bless you Karen and I will always pray for you and your family. Know I do ask the Lord to bless you 100 fold for all the help you have given me and my family. May you all always be blessed.
L**** |
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shooter Seaman
Joined: 02 Sep 2004 Posts: 180 Location: New Mexico
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:23 pm Post subject: |
This "friendship" appears to be based solely on the fact that "she" helped you folks out when you needed it. Therefore, in her mind, you are indebted to her for life. I get the sense that the only reason "she" helped was to increase "her" stature. She is the epitimy of the false Christian. It's NOT done for any other reason than self-promotion. Unless I miss my guess, "she" has been bragging to mutual friends about ALL "she" has done for you and now you are treating her without the respect that you OWE her.
I loved the respnse that you had at the beginning of this. You need to chalk this up to experience and sever any ties to this high maintenance "friendship".
I truly wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do. _________________ ADC USN Ret.
For those that fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know !!
Harley Davidson - If you have to ask, you don't understand !
Gun Control = Double tap - center mass |
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Digger Commander
Joined: 30 Aug 2004 Posts: 321 Location: Lakemont,Gerogia
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:09 pm Post subject: |
During my lifetime, I have often heard the "Devil" 'quoting scripture to the congregation'. When the "HOLY NAME" is spoken for an evil purpose it becomes a curse in the mouth of the speaker. Gods enemies will use every concievable means top achieve their victory. We must all remember just exactly WHO we are fighting against and why we are fighting. Evil has many faces but only "ONE NAME" It is a name of abomination and shows itself in the suffering of humanity. FASCISM in any form is contrary to the will of God and must not be tolerated in our worrld.  _________________ Hey swifty, I'm with you, Just watch you don't get "Kerry'd away in the propwash
Sgt. Maj. Seamus D.D. MacNemi R.M.C. Ret. |
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MSeeger Seaman
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 174 Location: Katy, TX
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:11 pm Post subject: |
I have been reading these letters with interest, and while I admire the fact that you keep trying to reach out to your friend, I have to say one thing: Give it up. Personally, I think you should send her first letter you posted on here, along with a addendum...so long, it was nice knowing you.
I realise that you were hoping against hope to steer her into a more rational line of thinking, but with a mindset like hers it's impossible to get through. Her mind is already made up, and all the facts you tell her are not going to change it. It is also counterproductive to argue over who is the better Christian. That only makes you sound judgemental.
One other thing: I did go see F 9/11 at the invitation of my daughter and son-in-law. But before I went, I read up on all the information on the anti-Michael Moore sites, so I would be better prepared. I happen to be one of those people who believes that if you don't go see for yourself, then you shouldn't criticise. Too many Christians fall into this trap regarding certain films and books. They freely criticise something they haven't seen or read, based on solely on the testimony of their favorite Christian artist/commentator/preacher. God gave us intelligence and I think he expects us to use it to inform ourselves. And if you don't "know your enemy" you can lay yourself open to be seduced by his or her lies.
These people cannot get past their hatred of one man. I know, I spent 3 hours yesterday "discussing" the after election results with my young German friend via ICQ. I told him it was a shame he couldn't get over his blind hatred of one man to even begin to try to discuss the issues of the war in Iraq, and other things in a calm rational and objective manner. No, all I got was a lecture on how Bush lied. These people do not hear, because they do not WANT to hear. So, once again I say...give it up and move on. Life is too short to try to hold on to that kind of friendship.
By the way, my sister hates GWB too. That's why we don't talk politics.
Maria _________________ Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal. 6:7 |
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Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 6:37 pm Post subject: |
shooter wrote: | Doll:
This "friendship" appears to be based solely on the fact that "she" helped you folks out when you needed it. Therefore, in her mind, you are indebted to her for life. I get the sense that the only reason "she" helped was to increase "her" stature. She is the epitimy of the false Christian. It's NOT done for any other reason than self-promotion. Unless I miss my guess, "she" has been bragging to mutual friends about ALL "she" has done for you and now you are treating her without the respect that you OWE her.
I loved the respnse that you had at the beginning of this. You need to chalk this up to experience and sever any ties to this high maintenance "friendship".
I truly wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do. |
My final response before I blocked her from my email. You all have been right. I am sorry it took me all these posts and kind support to finally get it through my thick skull that sometimes a friendship just is not worth saving. It is sad, but true. I want you all to know that because of all your support of me about this, it gave me the courage to continue to do what is right, and I have peace about that. God bless all of you. And again, I send you all a big cyber huggles!!!!!
Dear K****,
You DID say something to that effect because I was upset about it for days.
I AM NOT LYING. I remember being shocked when you said it. Unquote
You are sick. You really are. Please go and get yourself some Christian psychiatric help. You are a delusional and a pathological liar. You have lied about me in the past. You were caught lying about me. Your using my name feloniously in the past for a self-serving Mary Kay venture is identity theft. No I do not trust you, because you have continued to lie to me and violate that trust.
Out of the abundance of the heart the MOUTH speaks. What have you been speaking K****?
L**** |
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Inatizzy Former Member
Joined: 28 Sep 2004 Posts: 439
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:17 pm Post subject: |
A man can count on one hand the number of TRUE friends he will have in his life.
Doll, from what I can see, this gal ain't one of em'.
Some people just make friendship with them too hard. THey're called "irregular" people. With these types of people there are only 2 options:
1. Put up with the misery.
2. Cut them loose.
You've chosen wisely. |
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