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James Webb on Bush and Kerry
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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eight years active duty USMC, My tour included CH-46's CH-53's and Cobra's. More so in the Cobra as that was my last six years. My MOS was 6055, then changed to 6154 when the Marine Corp centralized our MOS to specific A/C. I discharged Honorably as a Sergeant E-5. My awards include The National Defense service ribbon, Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal, Humanitarian service Medal, Sea service Deployment ribbon with stars, Good Conduct Medal with stars, Expert Rifle Badge 8th award.
If you were as informed as you pretend to be you would know that the Marine Corps usually deploys as a composite squadron, 4 CH-53's, 4-6 CH-46's, 4 Huey's, 4 Cobra's. Now they deploy AV-8E Harrier's with them as well.

Now Mr. Nolan, your attempt to diss me has failed. Lets see your credentials since you claim to be the expert on military issues. To be perfectly clear, you don't have a clue. For someone that is supposed to be as educated as you to take anything written as gospell is just ignorant. Do you really think that Mr. Webb could not be bought? I am not saying that he is, just could he be? If your answer is no in this day and age then I suggest that you get with the mainstream. Any further personal information about my service is none of your buisness. I will gladly supply my DD-214 to the administration of this board to prove my Veteran status, will you? Semper Fi, even to you Mr. I didn't serve.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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War Dog

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mr. Nolan will clean up his act, and stop with the insults and degrading comments, or he will be history here.

"When people are in trouble, they call the cops.

When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit."
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, if my original remarks don't pass muster, then I'll just say that if Marine4Life thought I was dissin' on him, I am sincerely sorry. As I said, I'm not a veteran. I don't mock veterans.

Did Marine4Life get my goat for implying that James Webb would sell his integrity for a few dollars from the DNC? Yes.

And if you don't mind me repeating one line from my original post: believe me, MSG Thompson, my life is dark enough without having to live vicariously through veterans.

Sorry for the misunderstanding,
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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Roger that Dog, I tried to be respectfull in my response and you know that is hard for me. He knows that challenging our service is a personal attack and raises the short hairs. Out of all the things I have accomplished in my life, my service carries the most pride. Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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George F. Thompson
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:04 am    Post subject: James Webb on Bush and Kerry Reply with quote

Mr. Nolan, I don't take issue with Kerry's Viet Nam service or awards. What I do take issue with is his traitorous behavior after returning to the states. Some decorations were issued to non deserving individuals. It's a fact of life. I know of one cook who recieved a purple heart for cooking eggs. On one of the rare occasions when we had real eggs, he got an egg shell fragment in his eye, a medic removed it and the medical report simply read, "removed shell fragment from eye", voila, in the guard mail he gets his purple heart. Do you think he set the record straight, probably not. One of the criteria for a disability rating for PTSD is to have a purple heart. He's probably drawing a 100% for a non existing wound. What Kerry stole from veterans was our honor. Burkett wrote the book, Stolen Valor, as an author interested in the truth, Why don't you write a book about Kerry's exploits while in the VVAW, you could call it "Stolen Honor".

edited for spelling and typo
George F. Thompson, Msgt, USAF, Ret.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mr. Nolan
As far as non-combatant vets on this site, that would be me. I was in I Corps for fourteen months and was a truck driver. Other than being sniped at several times driving the back roads from Camp Eagle to FB Birmingham and running through mortar and rocket attacks in my OD green boxer shorts, I did not see combat. But I had a friend whose name is on the wall in Washington. He was a non-combatant who was killed in a mortar attack.
Three weeks after I returned home in one piece I watched John Kerry's address on TV. I don't care what he did in the war because what he did here cancells out his war record ten fold.
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War Dog

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Mr. Nolan for apologizing. I am not putting you down when I say this, but someone who is not a Veteran of a war does not and will never understand how Veterans feel about their military service. Vietnam was a very horrible war, and it took it's toll on over 58 thousand American soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen, as well as over 4,000 loyal Military Working Dogs (K9's). Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Americans Veterans that were wounded, maimed and injured physically. And the number of Veterans that were wounded mentally, emotionally and psychologically cannot be counted.

As one who served in SouthEast Asia during Vietnam, and again over in the MidEast during Desert Shield/Storm (The Persian Gulf War), I have a whole closet of baggage from those two wars, and my twenty years in the military. Veterans understand each other in a way that you or anybody else that has never served in uniform, or spend one day in a combat or war zone will ever be able to understand.

I may agree or disagree with my brothers in arms about life, politics, religion, economics, etc., but I will defend each on of them to the death if that is what I am asked to do. I will also defend them against anyone that attacks them, demeans their military service, insults their military service, or etc...

If you want to fit in here, try doing a little more reading and listening to those veterans here, and less trying to preach and cram your own views down our throats. We do not like John Kerry, we do not support him, we will never support him. We have had to live through over 30 years of bull****, humiliation, name calling, insults, attitudes towards us, lies about us, untrue rumors directed at us, false accusations leveled at us, propaganda spread about us.

People like Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, and many other anti-war activitists hurt this nation, and this nation's veterans very deeply. I and others who fought and served honorably in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand did not deserve these over 30 years of the crap we have had to take and live through from the anti-war people, our government, the American People, and those who still have agendas against us. And John F Kerry hurt us the deepest. You can defend him all you want. Your defense of Kerry falls on deaf ears here. We have and will never forgive him for what he did to this nation's Vietnam Veterans.

You may disagree with the people here on this site, and the Swift Veterans for Truth, but they do tell the truth concerning what went on over in Vietnam, with John Kerry's short four months of military service in Vietnam, his character, and the damage he caused. You have the right to disagree with us, but you will never, ever change our minds concerning John F. Kerry. You haven't and never will walk even one foot in our shoes, much less a mile, so you will not understand why we feel like we do, and why we have dedicated ourselves to the defeat of John Kerry.

Friggin War Woof!
"When people are in trouble, they call the cops.

When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit."
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the reasonable note, WarDog. And my apologies again to Marine4Life. I didn't mean to sound like I was dissin' on him. I was (and remain) interested in the Vietnam experience on which he is basing his view of John Kerry and the VVAW. To me, it's a reasonable question, though I phrased it in such a way as to make MSG Thompson think I was calling the man a 'pogue.' I wasn't. I don't talk that way. Like I said, I'm not a vet and I don't go around mocking vets.

Mr. Boyle, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Fagan have said on this website that their disgust with Kerry and the VVAW is rooted in their own personal experiences in Vietnam and the fact that they saw absolutely no U.S. atrocities while serving in the field with combat units. I was trying to figure out where Marine4Life was coming from.

Do I get a little prickly sometimes? Yeah. I've gotten called too many names and gotten too much hate mail to remain calm at all times. Like I said, it got my goat when the implication was made that James Webb was in the pay of the DNC.

One problem remains, however: I don't want to fit in around here. I remain stunned by how much mockery is made at this website of Kerry's awards and wounds, and how blithely all those combat veterans who joined the VVAW are dismissed as misfits, frauds, liars, traitors, and dupes of the KGB.

I post here because I know and respect a lot of Vietnam veterans who were either in the VVAW, or who have a more gray-shaded view of the war than the veterans here. I know I'm not going to change your mind about John Kerry or the VVAW. But lots of folks who don't know much about the subject drop in here to find information. I post so they can read an alternative point of view than the one that prevails at SBVFT.

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War Dog

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

One problem remains, however: I don't want to fit in around here. I remain stunned by how much mockery is made at this website of Kerry's awards and wounds, and how blithely all those combat veterans who joined the VVAW are dismissed as misfits, frauds, liars, traitors, and dupes of the KGB.

If you do not want to fit in here, you won't. No worry about that.

John F. Kerry earned more medals in four months that hundreds of thousands of Vietnam Veterans were awarded in their whole year of service in Vietnam, and in combat 100 times more than John F. Kerry was ever in. There are many questions about the medals awarded to John F. Kerry that are unanswered. Hundreds of thousands of Vietnam Veterans were wounded by shrapnel, and didn't go seek medical treatment for them, or if they did, they didn't want purple hearts for them. They either pulled out the shrapnel themselves, or sought medical treatment, and returned to their units.

Many Vietnam Veterans, including many in the Navy were wounded many more times that John F. Kerry, and never asked for or accepted purple hearts, and did not demand after three times or more of being wounded to leave their buddies before their tours were up, and return home.

All Americans should be asking the questions that Vietnam Veterans are asking about John F. Kerry, but the ones that truly understand and have the right to question the military service of any Vietnam Veteran is the very Vietnam Veterans that were over there. We have the right to question anything about any other Vietnam Veteran, that opens his mouth and makes claims that are lies, false accusations, propaganda, etc... We do not tolerate wannabees, or those that claim to be Vietnam Veterans.

Were there good, honest Vietnam Veterans in the VVAW? Yes there were, but they did not run the organization. Those that ran the organization had agendas that ran far beyond just being unsatisified with the Vietnam War and the Government here in the US. And many stories, books and documents have been published and revealed in the last couple of decades that document that communist and socialist organizations not only financed organizations like the VVAW, but were heavily involved in their organization, plans, agenda, marches, protests, press conferences, etc... And even today, many anti-war, and other protest type organizations like PETA, ANSWER, and others are financed by communist and socialists organizations.

As far as the Winter Soldier Investigation, you have had the proof given to you over and over and over again. Many of those that testified have been proven to be liars. Many that were in the military never served in Vietnam, and some were never in the military. Many of the names that were used by those that testified, were false names. Okay, were there some that were truthful? I'm sure that there were, but the number of those that lied and gave false testimony taint the testimony of those that told the truth. Plus it's been revealed that many of these that testified used made up testimony, and knew that they were lying.

Again, you will not win your arguments here. You will never understand why the Vietnam Veterans here feel like they do about John F. Kerry. You are not a veteran, you have never had to deal with the crap that we have had to deal with for over 30 years. You have not had to be called the names we've been called. You have not had to deal with the discrimination that we have had to put up with for over 30 years, and still experience even to this day by those that support John F. Kerry.

I have a saying, and it remains true.

"Those Who Understand, Understand!
Those Who Do Not Understand, Will Never Understand!"

Friggin War Woof!
"When people are in trouble, they call the cops.

When cops need help, they call the K-9 unit."
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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mr. Nolan, your appology is filed with the infamous "I was an angry 27 year old". The alternative that you want others to see is just supporting a traitor and bogus to say the least. It doesn't matter where and when I or anyone served, his words speak for themselves, his actions after his return speaks for itself, his voting record speaks for itself. Did you notice that I haven't even gotten to his bogus service and awards. So now you know exactly where I am coming from, you rate no further responses from me!!!!!
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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