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Linda Ronstadt, booed at Aladin's.
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George F. Thompson
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:46 pm    Post subject: Linda Ronstadt, booed at Aladin's. Reply with quote

Linda Ronstadt was escorted off Aladin's casino property after dedicating as song to Michael Moore. After dedicating the song " Deseprado", about 25% of the 4500 person crowd started booing, turning over drinks and demanding their money back. The Aladins staff escorted Ronstadt off property, saying she was hired to entertain their guests not to espouse her political views. I would love to see more of this for the elitest, pseudo-intellectuals from Hollywood.

edited: Changed Roger Moore to Michael Moore.

George F. Thompson

Last edited by George F. Thompson on Tue Jul 20, 2004 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

She was praising Micheal Moore not Roger Moore. Semper Fi.
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George F. Thompson
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:31 pm    Post subject: Ronstadt, Reply with quote

You are absolutely correct, It's Micheal not Roger. Please accept my Mea Culpa. George F. Thompson
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great Post
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:45 am    Post subject: DUers Reply with quote

Although I do not post that much, I haunt this message board and other conservative boards. I also on occasion head over to the DU board to see what the ultra liberals are doing (although I feel like I need to wash my eye out with peroxide everytime I go there.)

Anyhoo Just read over there about how the First Admendment has been ignored with Alladin's escorting Linda out the door for her statement. Any one else find that alittle strange since Linda and Whoopie lost there contracts for bringing their politics and opening there mouths when they shouldn't?
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

well I think it is about time these liberal lefties in Hollywood started realizing that not every ( Shocked ) THINKS the way they do. Some of us are considered right....oh I mean on the right.....LOL Had to let is slide by. Maybe if more of us elected not to go to their movies; their shows, their anything it would start affecting their bankbook and then just maybe they might realize how wrong they are Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well. There is one thing we can all agree on. My wife has been getting sick of me talking to the TV when the "news" comes on. The nicest thing I had said about MM is what a worthless peice of crap he is. She always asks me if I have seen any of his "documentories" and I always reply that the guy wouldn't know a documentory if it reached out and bite him on his fat ass.

The dude is so far left that he makes John John look like they are conservative.

He will NEVER get a single penny for the filth he creates.

One last thought is I wonder what is going to happen between Fat Ass and Ray Bradbury over the copyright infringement.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:33 am    Post subject: Re: Linda Ronstadt, booed at Aladin's. Reply with quote

George F. Thompson wrote:
Linda Ronstadt was escorted off Aladin's casino property after dedicating as song to Michael Moore. After dedicating the song " Deseprado", about 25% of the 4500 person crowd started booing, turning over drinks and demanding their money back. The Aladins staff escorted Ronstadt off property, saying she was hired to entertain their guests not to espouse her political views. I would love to see more of this for the elitest, pseudo-intellectuals from Hollywood.

edited: Changed Roger Moore to Michael Moore.

George F. Thompson

A letter to the National Review Online, from someone who was there:

~~~Monday, July 19, 2004


From a reader:

Mr. Goldberg --

My wife & I were at the Linda Ronstadt performance in question, at the Aladdin in Las Vegas, and quite frankly, Aladdin President Bill Timmins' account of what happened is complete crap. There was mixed booing and cheering at Ronstadt's pro-Michael Moore comment, and that was about the extent of the "bedlam" that supposedly broke out. I saw no posters being torn down or cocktails being thrown in the air, and if people stomped out of the theatre unhappy, it was because 1) that was the last song Ronstadt performed; it was her encore; and 2) she mainly sang her standards repertoire, with the Nelson Riddle orchestrations, and a large part of the crowd wanted to hear more of her rock-'n'-roll stuff; she got the biggest round of applause for doing a lackadaisical run-through of her version of "Blue Bayou."

Frankly, my suspicion is that Timmins is way overdramatizing what happened, in order to justify giving Ronstadt the boot. It simply wasn't that big a deal. ~~~

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is absolutly hilarious how fast the left spins everything. It doesn't matter, he hired her to do a job and she used it for political gain. He doesn't have to make anything up or stretch the truth, she didn't abide by the contract. She is fired and he is totally justified to do so. Linda and Whoppi down, about 100 more to go. Now they are saying that her 1st amendment rights are being violated, yea right. I have news for her, if she comes on my property and spews filth like that getting fired is the least of her worries. Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it is just another case of them thinking that the First Admendment means that there are no repercussions for putting your foot in your mouth.

It is no different than alot of sports figures getting dropped from their endorsment contracts after getting indicted
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Entertainers Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

They continue to think people are interested in their political views. Confused

Razz Not hardly Razz
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sdonions wrote:
I think it is just another case of them thinking that the First Admendment means that there are no repercussions for putting your foot in your mouth.

It is no different than alot of sports figures getting dropped from their endorsment contracts after getting indicted

I think those in the entertainment industry have forgotten or more likely never learned a key element of the 1st Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Ah yes! The right of peacful assembly embodies the right NOT to assemble whether in entertainment venues, theaters, or by purchasing the product of news organizations and/or their advertisers.

I'm personally boycotting all the alphabet channels, the mainsewer press, and all entertainers who publically express extreme political views that are inconsist with my views. I urge you to do the same and to notify these individuals and organizations of your decisions.

That's my right. Don't believe it? Read again above the "complete" First Amendment.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's where I have a fundamental disagreement with quite a few.

The Ronstadt concert and the Goldberg dismissal have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the 1st ammendment.

In each case they were contracted to do a job and in each case they were fired simply because their actions were well outside their contractual agreement.

Ronstadt - denied non contractual perks and removed from the premisses for inciting conduct not condoned by the management.

Goldberg - fired as the spokeswoman for expressing views in a manner that could have adverse effects on sales of the product she was representing.

If you must insist that the 1st ammendment does apply then consider this. In both cases their right to speak their view was NEVER infringed. Having exercised their right, they were then held accountable. The 1st ammendment has never guarenteed that you can say whatever you want without consequences.

Why ask? Because it needs asking.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

if the 1st ammendment applied that way, think about all the professors, commentators, etc. that would HAVE to be kept around no matter how bad their work, because they were freely exercising their right to speech.
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Big Kahuna

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


By Jerry Fink

Aladdin President Bill Timmins ordered security guards to escort pop diva Linda Ronstadt off the property following a concert Saturday night during which she expressed support for controversial documentary filmmaker Michael Moore.

Timmins, who was among the almost 5,000 fans in the audience at the Aladdin Theatre for the Performing Arts, had Ronstadt escorted to her tour bus and her belongings from her hotel room sent to her. Timmins also sent word to Ronstadt that she was no longer welcome at the property for future performances, according Aladdin spokeswoman Tyri Squyres.

How much weight that carries is debatable, since the bankrupt Aladdin is in the process of being sold to a group headed by Planet Hollywood International Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Robert Earl.

Near the close of her performance, Ronstadt dedicated the Eagles hit "Desperado" to Moore, producer of "Fahrenheit 9/11," and the room erupted into equal parts boos and cheers.

She said Moore "is someone who cares about this country deeply and is trying to help."

Ronstadt has been making the dedication at each of her engagements since she began a national tour earlier this summer, but it has never sparked such a reaction.

Hundreds of angry fans streamed from the theater as Ronstadt sang. Some of them reportedly defaced posters of her in the lobby, writing comments and tossing drinks on her pictures.

Timmins told Las Vegas Sun gossip columnist Timothy McDarrah: "We live in a city where people come from all over the world to be entertained. We hired Ms. Ronstadt as an entertainer, not as a political activist.

"Whether you are politically on the left or on the right is not the point. She went up in front of the stage and just let it out. This was not the correct forum for that."

Timmins said she was wrong to bring her politics to the stage.

"Our first and only priority is the enjoyment of our customers," he said. "I made the decision to ask Miss Ronstadt to leave the hotel. A situation like that can easily turn ugly and I didn't want anything more to come out of it. There were a lot of angry people there after she started talking.

"If she wants to talk about her views to a newspaper or in a magazine article, she is free to do so. But in a stage in front of four and a half thousand people is not the place for it."

Squyres said half the audience walked out, an estimate that might have been high. But the number was substantial, nevertheless.

"The hotel's policy is that we hired her to entertain guests, not to express her political views," Squyres said.

According to Squyres, the 58-year-old singer did not create a scene as she was escorted out of the hotel and to her tour bus.

"She wasn't happy, but she was cooperative," Squyres said.

Attempts to reach Ronstadt and her manager were unsuccessful Sunday and this morning.

Squyres said a number of ticket holders had asked for their money back after an article appeared in a local newspaper last week quoting her making disparaging remarks about Las Vegas.

"She said Vegas isn't the best place to perform anyway," Squyres said.

Other fans asked for their money back shortly after the Saturday night show got underway, when Ronstadt informed the audience that ads publicizing the concert were incorrect. The advertisements called it her "Greatest Hits Tour."

Ronstadt started the evening with her 1983 hit "What's New?" and then set her fans straight about what they might expect during the concert.

"In case you are wondering what I'm going to do," she said, "Driving into town I saw this big billboard up there with my picture on it saying 'The Greatest Hits Tour.'

"That was news to us. We didn't know it was 'The Greatest Hits Tour.' "

Squyres said Ronstadt was wrong.

"Her management gave us the information and approved the ad," she said.

According to Squyres, Ronstadt lopped off about 20 minutes from the show, walking away from an encore portion of the concert, which I attended as the reviewer for the Sun.

The incident capped a generally lackluster, unenthusiastic performance by one of the top singers of the '70s and '80s.

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra opened the concert. The highlight of the 30-minute segment was a rendition of George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue," featuring pianist Terrance Wilson.

Ronstadt began with several songs from the 1920s, '30s and '40s she and arranger Nelson Riddle recorded, among them "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered," "Someone to Watch Over Me" and "Straighten Up and Fly Right."

She performed Cole Porter's "Get Out of Town," Frank Loesser's "Never Will I Marry" and jazz great Billy Strayhorn's "Lush Life."

And then she gave fans some of what they came for, several of her hits from the '70s and '80s, including "Just One Look" (1979), "Ooh Baby, Baby" (1978) and "Somewhere Out There" (1987).

Although she still has that powerful, distinctive voice, Ronstadt was merely going through the motions.

The only song she had trouble with was "Blue Bayou." She stumbled over the lyrics, seemed to gasp for breath at one point and ended the song in Spanish, screaming the words rather than singing them.

Her performance was uninspired and generally flat. She lacked stage presence, doing little more than sleepwalk from song to song.

The fiasco at the end was the most exciting part of the show.

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