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rbshirley Founder
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 394
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 4:53 am Post subject: Tell us how you REALLY feel Admiral! |
Dick Van Orden (Retired Navy Admiral) wrote: |
I am not normally a cheerful loser or a gracious winner. Whether its
tiddly-winks or war at sea, I want to win, win, win! In fact, I hate to lose
and when I win I sometimes want to rub the loser's nose in his defeat.
After a sleepless night I feel just rotten enough about the past six months
of lies and innuendoes from the Kerry camp that it all comes home to make
me more vindictive than usual. As a result, I want to gloat. Here's why:
I am happy that the sound common sense of a majority of America's
voters resulted in a solid victory for a true patriot - and in the humiliating
defeat of a lying traitor. There was no doubt in my mind that Bush's
truthfulness and forthrightness would prevail against the lies and
half-truths of Kerry and his supporters, and I am pleased that a majority
of good folks saw the light and pushed the Bush/Cheney button for justice
and for increasing support for the nation's bright future.
I am pleased that the left-leaning media-newspapers, radio, TV and
newsmagazines got their bell rung, but good. Now we are assured that
these self-appointed "opinion makers" cannot pull the wool over the eyes
of most of us, no matter how hard they twist the facts. Their early
reporting of the "leaked" fraudulent exit polls, and their sponsorship of
other badly skewed voter polls were designed to mislead voters, in which
they failed - miserably. And Dan Rather deserves a special place in hell.
I am delighted that the fat, disgusting a-hole, Michael Moore did not
achieve the success that he wished for and that he was repulsed by so
many intelligent Americans. May his soul burn in hell.
I hope the Hollywood friends of Michael Moore - especially Barbara
Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg, P-Diddler, and their friends-are roasting in
the hell of their own making. It seems to me that they all offered to
depart the U.S. if Bush won the first time, which they did not do. The time
is now doubly ripe for their exit.
I am blissful that all the treasure and invective George Soros devoted to
defeating George Bush went for naught. I only wish for a financial future
of similar poor decisions by Soros; I want to see him as bankrupt in bank
account as he is in patriotism.
I find it particularly satisfying that the high ranking military suck-ups
whose lack of integrity led them to desert their commander-in-chief and
follow a lying cheat, even though they knew, or should have known, that
his actions while in the Navy were "less than honorable," as detailed in the
military record that he refused to release. It is sad that such Navy types
as Bill Crowe, Stan Turner, and even Jimmy Carter would be in that
group. It is obvious that their motivation was the hope of a cushy job
when their new-found knight in shining armor moved into the White
House. Even their strategy was flawed, for Kerry is, and always has
been, anti-military; he only used his military service-and those military
"advisors" for personal political gain. He would never have offered that
cushy job, once he had used them, just as he never voted for the needed
armament that they and their shipmates and their Marine Corps, Army,
and Air Force brothers-in-arms needed so badly.
I am thrilled that the whiners who have complained bitterly about the
"stolen" 2000 Presidential election must leave that fallacy in the past and
now try to find something else to whine about - maybe they can even
develop a fantasy that the four million vote plurality was a miscount, and
continue their whining as they slink away into their caves.
It pleases me that Kofi Annan and the other United Nations sycophants
failed miserably when they tried so hard to influence this election to
ensure that a more pliable President Kerry would be elected. I hope they
will now realize that either they clean up the bureaucratic, corrupt,
do-nothing UN, or they will be short of funds when the Bush-led US
decreases - or ends - its support.
I am overjoyed at the failure of Osama bin Laden's carefully timed video
of invective against the US and its President in hopes of using Islamic
scare tactics on the American people. Bin Laden's aim was to entice our
voters to elect a new President who will not be as robust in his pursuit of
terrorists and more willing to "negotiate" with Islamic Fundamentalists. He
did not understand that Americans are not so panicky as the French,
fearful as the Spanish, or unthinking as the English. (As for the Germans,
they should know better; we have defeated them in battle often enough to
convince them of the rightness of our ways.) I hope Osama dies in a
blast from a bunker-buster before he gets a chance to make another
video or launch another attack on our nation.
The blatant attempts of European nations and the EU to cause our
President discomfort in his efforts to bring peace to the world make me
glad that they are so disappointed with the election results. My joy is
unbounded at the chagrin of the French and Germans and other anti-Bush,
anti-American nations (including the people of the UK - but not their loyal
and faithful government led by Prime Minister, Tony Blair). Now let those
U.S.-sheltered Europeans worry about the end of American financial and
military assistance when they have problems. Let them beg for the
American military aid and other handouts that have helped to sustain their
economies. And let them perish in their own sweat when we remove out
troops from Germany, the Balkans, and other trouble spots where we
have pulled their chestnuts out of the fire.
I relish the hope that Islamic fundamentalists will now understand the
election result as a blow from which they cannot recover. It fills me with
joy that their dreams of world domination will be shattered by Bush's and
the American nation's resolve to see them defeated and sent to join their
Allah - without the 72 virgins waiting for them.
It pleases me more than I can say that Senate Minority Leader Thomas
Daschle lost his seat. As the leading obstructionist for the Democrat
party, he was primarily responsible for withholding approval of many Bush
appointments to Federal judgeships, high-level positions, and other
necessary personnel. Good riddance.
The demise of the junk-yard dog, loudmouth James Carville, also brings
me great happiness. That happiness is further enhanced by the victory of
the first Republican to win a Senate seat in Louisiana, Carville's home
I am delighted with the success of John O'Neil and his Swift Boat Vets -
and with those thousands of non-Swifties who joined with them - on their
forthright revelation of the truth of Kerry's service in Vietnam. They took
a truthful but difficult position and made an impact - good and honorable
Navy men all. Bush gets gentlemanly credit for not using them and their
data in his campaign to demean Kerry, but the word was out that they
spoke the truth. I maintain that they were the MVPs of this election; their
testimony turned the tide against Kerry, and he never recovered.
And, finally, I must express my unbounded gratification at the defeat of
Senator Kerry, a worthless Senator, anti-military extremist, lying
self-promoter, and former Naval officer who disgraced us all. His
traitorous collusion with the enemy is second only to that of Jane Fonda.
He should have been court-martialed for giving aid and comfort to the
enemy in time of war. His dishonorable quest for medals and a quick
return to the US, where he turned against his shipmates and lied about
their actions, perhaps resulted in a less than honorable separation from
the Navy. He should have received a court martial.
While my thoughts may seem to be mean-spirited, do not be confused -
they really are mean-spirited, as I mean them to be. I have suffered the
tortures of the damned over the past year as I heard and read the lies
and nasty remarks from politicians, citizens, and media "experts" about
our President. I have barely tolerated the feeble but divisive attempts of
foreign and domestic peaceniks to build a case against our war on the
Islamic fundamentalists, who use terrorism as a weapon against us in
order to intimidate our citizens and drive some of our gutless politicians to
seek "negotiations" to avoid "confrontations" with those who seek to kill
our citizens.
Most of all, I have seethed with anger at those who shamefully derided
out military, blissfully reporting on their failures and neglecting their
successes. They triumphantly celebrated our difficulties by running daily
body counts of our own heroic men killed in battle with the enemy, even
publishing their pictures in papers and on TV as if to mock the President
who sent them to defend our nation. I have only disgust for such tactics.
And those are the very same people who now plead for "united actions" in
the House and Senate, now that they are in a steadily declining minority.
I would advise our President to "watch your six" because these are really
enemies and they are not to be trusted.
Four more years! How sweet it is!
. |
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Me#1You#10 Site Admin
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 6503
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:39 am Post subject: |
Yikes! Thanks for that one Bob!
Here's a little background on the Admiral and his times that you might find of interest. Me? I LIKE this guy's style
Quote: | Inside the Ring
Notes from the Pentagon
by Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough
August 10, 2001
Revolt of the generals
A senior Bush administration official tells us the carping from generals and admirals about the ongoing defense review is the result of "eight years of no discipline" during the Clinton-run Pentagon.
"If you think of a generation of officers as coming along every three years then we are in our third-generation of officers who experienced no discipline," said the official who is involved in defense policy. Three years is the typical assignment tour.
The official said the top brass were used to getting their way, especially in the last Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) in 1997, when Mr. Clinton's national security team approved a status-quo military.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is overseeing this year's QDR with a theme of restoring civilian control at the Pentagon and challenging long-held assumptions.
"The last administration exercised no leadership at all," this Bush-ite said. "You've got three generations of officer who have grown up under a no-leadership regime and as a result it's everybody for himself. It's an unconstrained kind of atmosphere."
"Secretary Rumsfeld has the hardest job in town, and he's taking a beating like this from all these characters. They're resisting him hammer and tong because they are being parochial about it."
The generals point of view is that Mr. Rumsfeld's staff began the strategy review determined to cut the size of the 1.36-million active force to create savings to modernize and fund an aggressive missile-defense program.
They said Mr. Rumsfeld's point man on the QDR, Deputy Undersecretary of Policy Stephen Cambone, isn't listening to their arguments that a cut in the force raises all sorts of risks in carrying out military commitments worldwide.
Revolt of the alumni
About 50 Annapolis graduates have formed a loose-knit group to challenge the thinking of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association (USNAAA) and what the group sees as slackening standards at the school for Navy officers. The group is called the "U.S. Naval Academy Concerned Alumni." It has its own Web site, posting a statement of purpose and a lively exchange of letters.
The correspondence was initiated by retired Rear Adm. M. Dick Van Orden, class of 1945, and directed at retired Adm. Leighton W. "Snuffy" Smith Jr., chairman of the USNAAA board of trustees.
"Surely it is no secret that there are a number of alumni who view with alarm some of the trends being fostered by the USNA," Adm. Van Orden writes. "These alumni believe in traditional values for training and education of naval officers and oppose the lowering of standards in admissions, in physical standards and in discipline -- all of which have stood the Navy and Marines so well in years past."
Adm. Smith is clearly irritated with Adm. Van Orden's volley of letters. At one point, the retired four-star tells the former two-star to follow his chain of command by writing to his alumni chapter president.
"Our board is not, as you suggest, 'a good old boys club,'" Adm. Smith writes. "Our trustees are vibrant and enthusiastic representation of our alumni, properly elected, who are as concerned as you are for the welfare of our academy."
Adm. Van Orden told us he and Adm. Smith spoke by phone last week. "I think we cleared the air a lot," he said.
The Gertz Files |
Last edited by Me#1You#10 on Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:41 am; edited 1 time in total |
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SandiM Lt.Jg.
Joined: 07 Sep 2004 Posts: 108 Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:41 am Post subject: |
I just changed my mind on cloning. _________________ Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. (Winston Churchill) |
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BuffaloJack Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 1637 Location: Buffalo, New York
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 12:57 pm Post subject: |
Wow, Admiral Van Orden is a man after my own heart. I am especially heartened that someone recognizes that the enemy in the present war is Islamic Fundamentalism and not terrorism; and is not afraid to voice his opinion in the face of the PC Police. Terrorism is a tactic and nothing more; the enemy is Islamic Fundamentalism. I too am pleased that that traitorous snake Kerry did not succeed in his efforts. _________________ Swift Boats - Qui Nhon (12/69-4/70), Cat Lo (4/70-5/70), Vung Tau (5/70-12/71) |
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Anker-Klanker Admiral
Joined: 04 Sep 2004 Posts: 1033 Location: Richardson, TX
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:58 pm Post subject: |
And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a NAVAL OFFICER!! (as opposed to those Pentagon Officers that have been all the rage the past twenty or so years). |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 8:06 pm Post subject: |
LOL! There ya go, anker-clanker!
This one will be making the email rounds, big time!  _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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Keys Seaman Recruit
Joined: 10 Nov 2004 Posts: 6
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:52 pm Post subject: |
Good for you Admiral. Good people can just stand getting pushed so long til they start pushing back.  |
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DavidS Seaman Recruit
Joined: 28 Jul 2004 Posts: 43 Location: New Mexico
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:56 pm Post subject: Admiral Van Orden |
And thanks for bringing up the sorry behavior of some senior officers. I've wondered about these guys, I won't call them men, whenever they have appeared on TV or writing in the press condemning our leadership.
I would have been proud to serve under you. _________________ Keep A Zero Bubble! |
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minnie presley Commander
Joined: 13 Jul 2004 Posts: 307
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:48 pm Post subject: admiral |
you go admiral, well said, I also want to gloat about that sorry excuse for a govenor we have in new mexico, it was great to see him proved wrong, my next wish is he is defeated when he runs for govenor again |
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Beatrice1000 Resource Specialist
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 1179 Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:51 am Post subject: |
Woo-oh! Yeah - I don't think he left anything out -- way to go and THANK YOU ADMIRAL (good title for the subj, rbshirley!) |
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Joined: 29 Aug 2004 Posts: 257 Location: Southern California
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 4:09 am Post subject: |
Thank you Admiral.
I have a suggestion. I think you and Zel Miller should be dispatched to every Blue State to do missionary duty on the clueless.
I somehow have the feeling you guys would find a way to make them listen. |
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cpowkj Ensign
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 67 Location: Texas
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:48 am Post subject: |
Yoo aah! Sir, "Dam the torpedoes (spinless appeazers), full speed ahead"
Standing ready for battle, Sir.
Chief Johnson _________________ Chief Johnson
Young Vietnam Era Vet, was at Yankee Station on USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) during fall of Siagon, April 1975. Also, participated in rescue of the Merchant Ship Migues from Cambodia, May 1975. Currently, drilling reservist supporting CENTCOM. |
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GTA Seaman Recruit
Joined: 12 Nov 2004 Posts: 10
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:20 pm Post subject: |
yikes indeed.. |
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