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"GI Special" harmful to our troops (VVAW-AI)
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Beatrice 1000 wrote:
How do these laws correlate with the “Rights” indicated at Traveling-Soldier.org? They are basically telling the soldiers "hey, this stuff designed to poison your heart and soul is okay, as long as you don't distribute it." Are their actions in this regard -- "freedom of speech," I suppose, somehow above the law indicated above??
** Traveling-Soldier.org: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS **

There must be something we are missing here -- some loophole for these activities -- as to why the military or the Justice Dept. or someone isn't going after these groups.... After reading the law above, I can't imagine what it is... ?

The key here is that the UCMJ governs the soldiers; while the U.S. Code cited above covers those outside the military who are peddling this stuff.

The soldiers can "possess" but not "distribute." That is, their 1st Amendment right to read whatever is protected, but IF they attempt to undermine morale, etc., they are breaking the UCMJ.

Those who DO distribute it - mostly electronically - are indeed subject to these definitions and penalties. It is up to the Justice Department to enforce the U.S. Code against them. So, it is the Justice Department which needs a bit of a heads-up and a push.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

d19thdoc wrote:
The key here is that the UCMJ governs the soldiers; while the U.S. Code cited above covers those outside the military who are peddling this stuff. The soldiers can "possess" but not "distribute." ... Those who DO distribute it - mostly electronically - are indeed subject to these definitions and penalties. It is up to the Justice Department to enforce the U.S. Code against them. So, it is the Justice Department which needs a bit of a heads-up and a push.

Thanks - that is very helpful. So, a few emails of query to certain parties might be a start? Cool

Still I wonder why these nefarious activities are so widespread and openly available for anyone to see and yet, they continue. Such a bold, disregard of the law. I read a lot of the FBI reports on the VVAW from back in the 70s -- and they worked with the police & the military, and they had so many threads covered & knew so much about so many individuals & organizations. It appeared to me that they were not allowed to act unless an act of violence was committed -- that all the propaganda of any and all kinds was considered “free speech” -- people could travel to Paris & Hanoi & consort with the enemy at will, and all we did was record the info and watch them. It seemed that no one was willing to come forward and perhaps say, you’ve gone over the line with your freedoms when you conspire against this country and put its security at risk. I assume that by now we have even better coverage by the FBI or whomever, and that all of these groups are charted with names and activities all sorted out... and that they are being monitored continually. That is my assumption, and if it is so, what are they waiting for? Unless they are overwhelmed and overworked dealing with possible terrorist threats and haven’t the resources to deal with domestic anarchists....

Do you think the Justice Dept. is cowed by the media-driven, anti-war atmosphere in this country? By the unwarranted, yet loud, outrage at the Patriot Act and the mass marches organized at the drop of a hat by the neo-comms -- and then there’s the dem machine -- the Left might want to defend anyone “against the war” to work their political agenda -- they might even try to make these people look like heros (a la kerry) for “trying to stop the war.” They did it before. We gave kerry & his pals a get out of jail free card in this similar situation so long ago -- and that history doesn’t bode well for our 2nd round against these people.

Well, regardless of the past, I’m optimistic for some reason -- I think it is absolutely worthwhile to push this matter, to inform the troops about it, and to send emails requesting action be taken.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know if the powers-that-be are totally aware of everything.
Would it help to alert them?
It seemed to help me on a couple of different occasions.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This supposed Iraq site (looks like it is) calls for armed resistance and links to GI Special on its main page. (warning, it's really sick). I think we could maybe get GI Special on this one. What do you guys think.



http://www.albasrah.net/selected_sites.htm (this one links to GI Fight Back which links to Vietnam Veterans Against the War)
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

msindependent wrote:
This supposed Iraq site (looks like it is) calls for armed resistance and links to GI Special on its main page. (warning, it's really sick). I think we could maybe get GI Special on this one. What do you guys think. http://www.albasrah.net/index1.html
http://www.albasrah.net/selected_sites.htm (this one links to GI Fight Back which links to Vietnam Veterans Against the War)

Good hunting msind.! Yes, the "albasrah" appears to be a middle east website. They are linking to all sorts of active rad-Left folk over here -- including the GI Special. Helps them with their cause! -- these Americans, and I say that lightly, are: disspicable.

I looked up "GI Fight Back" and here's some info on them:

"This site aims to be a resource for military people and their families who want to Fightback! NO WAR!"

"Actions initiated in order refusal"

November 17, 2004: ...Members of the Rock Hill, S.C.-based 343rd Quartermaster Company who refused a convoy order Oct. 13 could learn this week what their punishments will be, some relatives said. ...

Their Disclaimer:
(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. GI Fightback has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of these articles nor is GI Fightback endorsed or sponsored by the originator.)

Site has Links to: IVAW, Citizen Soldier, Military Families Speak Out, GI Special Newsletter, Traveling Soldier, United For Peace and Justice, and etc.

Link to "Attend Demonstrations":
Attending Social Activist Demonstrations”: During the Vietnam War, when Vietnam vets and active duty people started attending demonstrations it boosted the morale of anti-war activists and helped legitimize the anti-war movement to regular americans. ....

Does the image above look FAMILIAR? And again, as I see so often, references to the Vietnam anti-war movement as a model... Kerry did well--his legacy endures.

So, this website is for "educational purposes" --- yes, indeed, that appears to be so, and we all know what sort of "education" they are talking about. This is dangerous stuff... beyond mere words of "dissent."

I am hopeful that as many people as possible will use info they find here and anything else they can find elsewhere to put together emails and get this information out to whoever they think would want to know and/or can help to press for some sort of action -- some kind of stand against this growing & strengthening domestic movement against our military, against our country.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:37 am    Post subject: Alright Beatrice! Reply with quote

Ya done good girl!
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