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Kerry Arriving in Boston on a Swift Boat
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Marine's Wife

Joined: 10 May 2004
Posts: 267

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:11 pm    Post subject: subject Reply with quote

You hit the nail on the head about the Left of Sanity Media! If they told the truth,Kerry wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of winning ANYTHING. He is and always has been the Military's worst enemy!

He was talking what he was going to do for the Military last night. In a gnat's eye! .....Under Clinton, our Military had to get by on food stamps!That moron didn't know a Col. from a Major!
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Joined: 12 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Indianbaboon says: "Politics was supposed to be a duty. which, like all duties should be annoying and done out of loyalty and goodwill, not because of personal gain."

I answer that politics is the public debate over the values and principles that we desire to pass forward to the civilization of our children and grandchildren. Having personal congruous values, beliefs, and principles is not a duty to those of integrity. It is life itself. It is core values that dictate how we react to daily events, not vice versa.

Idealogy is about ENVISIONED THEORIES. Values and principles are not theories, but time tested observations of the human nature. The 10 commandments are not theories. The sermon on the mount is not about theories. As for this person, my values now are much different than they were 40 years ago. They call that personal growth. They call that "becoming a man!" The Navy and Korea made me a man at an early age, and my entire life has been the better for it.

The real question is looking deep within yourself as to your own base of values, where they arrived from, and see if there is a logical interconnection. The collectivist (socialist) looks to the gang, the mob, the political party, the government for their beliefs. FEAR and HATE bonds people together, as we see in Boston and in the middle east. Some find values in God and biblical case histories. Humans are either vertical earthworms, or they are a creation having soul and spirit. Tell me, what values radiate HATE?

All said and done, I saw nothing this past week in Boston that communicated anything directly about any old fashioned basic American values or principles that we should sustain as sacred in their civilization, for those grandchilden not aborted, and now on their way. "Hope is on the way" is just another way of saying that personal hope and life in the barnyard comes from the central farmer (govnt), not any god, and all creatures large and small are ENTITLED to EQUAL portions, regardless of species.
Politics: public debate over ideas/values to decide the heart of a civilization.
Debate: To provoke thought in open minded readers and listeners.
Partisan: BLIND, prejudiced, unreasoned devotion to a party, faction, envisioned theory, or person.
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Joined: 04 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the way I see it is it's all about right and privilege. There are the rights, which our forefathers (with a few exceptions, like slavery) did a masterful job of protecting. and there are privileges, which the liberal indoctrination machine is now trying to convince us are rights.

By calling a luxury or a privilege a right, and then telling someone who doesn't have it that they should, they become hate and jealousy mongers.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2004
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Location: Minnesota

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:24 pm    Post subject: re: rights of government Reply with quote

I also see it as founders limiting the rights of the federal government. As we are (were) a Republic, the 13 colonies realiized they each could not afford an army, or that foreign nations could not establish embassy's in each Republic. They knew they needed to be a confederation with one central government primarily for national defense. They also feared the nature of central government to be hungry for tax and spend. It started out to limit the rights of government, but allow complete liberty for the civilization to develop with the will of the people. It was about States RIghts (the people) over Federal.

The liberals have reversed that because they feel Washington DC has unlimited rights, and the States have no State Rights. The liberals think they in Washington know whats best for Lodgepole, South Dakota.

Democrats hated Lincoln, Reagan, and the Bush's, not the men, but the fact they did not decide who sat on the throne. The Southern Democrats succeeded from the Union before Lincoln took office. It is not Bush they hate, but that they are not running the Federal show, selecting the Judges, and spending to buy their votes.
Politics: public debate over ideas/values to decide the heart of a civilization.
Debate: To provoke thought in open minded readers and listeners.
Partisan: BLIND, prejudiced, unreasoned devotion to a party, faction, envisioned theory, or person.
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