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Why I Cannot Support John Kerry

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Bill Levinson

Joined: 25 Jul 2004
Posts: 184

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:57 pm    Post subject: Why I Cannot Support John Kerry Reply with quote


(1) Kerry is a phony
(2) Tolerance of and association with racists and anti-Semites
(3) Michael Moore
(4) George Soros
(5) The Kyoto Global Warming Treaty
(6) John Kerry as America's Kurt Waldheim, betrayed fellow Vietnam servicemen
(7) Iraq hypocrisy
http://www.stentorian.com/politics/kerry Growing dossier on John Kerry's lack of character, ethics, and integrity. Free leaflets, Election 2004
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Uisguex Jack
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(4) George Soros

This is much bigger then most people realize. The Soros fortune is built on the misfortune of nations as a whole. This the nature of arbitrage, currency trading.

There is a strong link to Soros and the collapse of the Argentine currency a few years back. Soros intentionally triggered this collapse by selling short for long enough to cause a spiraling deflation in Argentine money value

There are those who feel Soros current involvement in this election are geared towards triggering a similar collapse of the U. S. Dollar enabling Soro's to profit at our expense by buying Euros now.
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Joined: 02 Jun 2004
Posts: 364

PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:04 am    Post subject: Re: Why I Cannot Support John Kerry Reply with quote

Bill Levinson wrote:

(1) Kerry is a phony
(2) Tolerance of and association with racists and anti-Semites
(3) Michael Moore
(4) George Soros
(5) The Kyoto Global Warming Treaty
(6) John Kerry as America's Kurt Waldheim, betrayed fellow Vietnam servicemen
(7) Iraq hypocrisy

( 8 ) Voted against NUMEROUS defense bills over the years, then complained that President Bush didn't provide the necessary materials to our troops; (HYPOCRITE)
(9) Voted to gut the intelligence services - even AFTER the numerous attacks on the United States by Al Qaeda;
(10) Wants to raise taxes.
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kerry said he would:

1. In the first 100 days rescind tax cuts.
2. Raise taxes for those over 200,000.00 (which we know will really not be those above 200,000.00)
3. Remove forces from Iraq.
4. Refuses to stay what he will ACTUALLY do with Iraq or Terrorist.
5. Only act if he gets approval from the UN and countries like France and Germany.

I could go on and on and on about why John Kerry is NOT what we need for this country.

What is even makes it scarier is adding John Edwards to the ticket. Like we need ANOTHER lawyer in DC who made his money off from the misfortune of others. While Edwards got rich, people suffered for their losses and physician's suffered because they can not predict what babies will be healthy and those who would not. While c-sections rates went up by 30%; birth defects did not go down. Sad....Sad....Sad.

A John/John ticket might sound like a comedy act...but it is no laughing matter. We MUST make sure that John Kerry is NOT elected and that President Bush is!
Born to raise a little hell!
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