ASPB Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 1680
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:31 am Post subject: Mudville Gazette - A Great Blog - Visit |
Mudville Gazette - A Great Blog - Visit
This is an email I just received from the Mudville Gazette. A great military blog that everyone here should visit. I've chosen to answer Greyhawk's questions openly so that others can share a little of the worldview of an "early" boomer.
Quote: | Tom
You can bet I'll link - and thanks for your service to our country then and perhaps more importantly now. Here's a question for you - Why did you serve in Vietnam? Why are you doing what you're doing now regarding Kerry?
My guess is the reasons are the same.
And I'll bet the same people are opposed to you then as now.
An interesting turn of events, wouldn't you say? What's changed, you, Kerry, or the protestors? My thinking is Kerry - he's switched sides and that's the angle I'd like to approach this from on my site.
Your thoughts?
(As a 20-year military veteran I'm on your side, by the way) |
Honest answers to Greyhawk's questions:
Why did you serve in Vietnam?
3 reasons:
1. As a child of the fifties and a believer in the "Camelot" dream of the real JFK, I believed, as I do today, that totaliarian regimes represented by the Stalinist Soviet vision were, and are, a pox on humanity. I believe there is no equality by "right", but only liberty, opportunity, and justice for individual humans. I believed, and still do, the domino theory of totalitarianism, whether based on political, social, or religious theology is a pox on humanity and probably always will be.
2. I believed, as I do today, that our system of government, i.e democratic republicanism (federalism) for large nation-states is the ony viable system of government for large groups of humans. Personal liberty was, and is, pre-eminent in my thinking.
3. On a personal level I'd spent 3 years in the Navy. 2 of them driving Aviation Rescue Boats, Yard Tugs, and Mike Boats in Kodiak, Alaska. I had just been notified that I would be promoted to BM2 (E-5). I'd never been to sea on a line ship. Given 1 and 2 above I thought I could serve my country better by extending my enlistment and going to Nam to lead younger men in combat. This was based upon my age and experience in commanding smallcraft.
Why are you doing what you're doing now regarding Kerry?
Other than voting a convervative and hawkish vision since Johnson and the Dimocrats departed American foreign and domestic values in the late '60s, I've been apolitical for the last 34 years. No partisan or activist contributions or activities.
Kerry and the move to the extreme left of the Democratic Party activate me today. Really though, it's all about the war for our very survival in the face of another totalitarian ideology.
As to fighting the leftists; I might have demurred to traditional conservative federalists. Kerry's candidacy and possible victory has activated me.
Kerry is, and always has been, a financially secure, ideologically international marxist elitist and supremacist. He has no clue what liberty is. He's an appeaser. I suppose, first and foremost, he's an opportunist that betrayed his "Band of Brothers" (including me and most Viet vets) in a quest for personal power as do most megalomaniacs.
He was a contributor to the loss 3 million lives to totalitarianism in SE Asia. and can tell the story better than I can in a single email note. Nuff said!
My thinking is Kerry - he's switched sides and that's the angle I'd like to approach this from on my site.
He's never switched sides! I think you're right that he's been blowing in the wind as a back-bencher since '72. To me it's more important to expose his true ideology compounded by his opportunism. The side-switching is just a trait---but it doesn't go to the heart of the man.
Wars, domestic political ones included, are about ideology. Not about the tactics of propaganda of deception. Propaganda and deception are the definition of John Kerry.
Best and thanks for the listing,
Tom _________________
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB |