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Joined: 07 Jul 2004 Posts: 157
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:09 am Post subject: Sad |
This is truly sad, sad, sad...
I had a root-planing procedure done this morning on one quadrant of my lowers, and when making the appointment for having the other quadrant of lowers done was told that there were no openings for an appointment until September - but not to worry - there was sure to be a cancellation and I could be seen before that.
Well, this afternoon the receptionist called and said there had been a cancellation and I could come in at 0930 on the 6th of June.
I said, "Great", and made the idle comment, "that's D-Day"...
I was met with the response,"what's that?''
I said, "You know.... D-Day?...Normandy?"
She said, "Oh, I think I've heard of it... I'll ask the Doctor, he probably knows what it is." |
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DanVCC Ensign
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 55 Location: Lutherville, MD, USA
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:37 am Post subject: |
Our schools never taught the history of WW II the way it should have been taught.
The old saw goes something like:
"He who does not study history is doomed to repeat it." |
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AMOS Senior Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 30 Jul 2004 Posts: 558 Location: IOWA
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:18 pm Post subject: |
Parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles, etc., present or future: I found nothing wrong in the new book "How to Raise an American".
Good source for history books children should be learning from. Pardon that preposition at the end of the last sentence. LOL. |
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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:50 am Post subject: |
One of the young 'Lot Lizards' at the dealership I work at saw the Jane Fonda sticker on the back of my truck and asked who she was and what did she do.
Sad indeed how little many today know of our history. _________________ Clark County Conservative |
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AMOS Senior Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 30 Jul 2004 Posts: 558 Location: IOWA
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:54 pm Post subject: |
"Lot Lizards" How much do they charge? LOL. |
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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:23 pm Post subject: |
Amos, Lot Lizards are the young kids at an auto dealership that have no skills yet, there to wash cars, drive them around and act generally as "go-fers."
Some aren't the brightest kids around, or they wouldn't be working at that job. _________________ Clark County Conservative |
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AMOS Senior Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 30 Jul 2004 Posts: 558 Location: IOWA
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:59 pm Post subject: |
I learned sumpin new, Lew. Lot lizards are also found at truck stops/rest areas. They are females, independent contrators and paid quite well by the truckers. This what I've been told. Honest. |
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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:35 am Post subject: |
Amos, you just taught me something new too.  _________________ Clark County Conservative |
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Snipe Senior Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 03 Jun 2004 Posts: 574 Location: Peoria, Illinois
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:51 am Post subject: |
The kids don't learn if you don't tell them. I don't depend on schools.
The weekend before Memorial Day, I went up to Sterling to tend to the family graves. My #2 grand daughter (13) wanted to come along to see where I put her Grandmother. I buried her the month before with the kid's mother and younger sister along.
So up we went with a Beach Boys CD blaring away. Well, the Beach Boys were soon turned off and we spent the entire trip just yaking away. When we hit Sterling, I rambled around a bit showing her houses where various members of the family used to live. Who and where. We then hit the florist shop just outside the cemetary and got a fake floral display (I used to try real flowers, but there was no way to keep them up. Maybe
cactus) It's a real old cemetary for this part of the country and the florist shop owner wondered if I could find the graves that I wanted as it was somewhat of a maze. I allowed that I could figure it out.
So we drove in and I kept stopping the car and pointed out gravestones and told her that they lived in the house on such and such street the we were just at. So I parked in the wide spot just above our graves and got out the gardening tools and flags. #2 grandkid came with the floral display.
The first thing I did was remove an old flag from the grave of 2Lt Kilgore
from an Illinois Regiment in the Civil War. I replaced it with a new one and told the kid that I'd been parking here for 28 years now and no one saw fit to flag his grave on Memorial Day so as I always had a spare I've been puting one on his grave for at the last 20 years just because.
So we went down to the graves, trimmed the hedges pulled out the grape vines and raspberry canes, put the flowers in the cement vase in front of the family stone and flagged my uncle's (WW1 Army) and my wife's (Vietnam Era) and the kid put a fresh rose from her mom's garden on her
Grand mother's grave. A bronze marker hasn't been delivered yet, but it's due any time now.
So it's three generations in that family plot so far. We roamed around for another hour in the cemetary and the park (Sinnissippi) next door and I explained where the rest of the extended family was and the relation of the various family plots. In Sinnissippi, I showed her all kinds of stuff that wasn't related to much of anything at all. So we jabbered all the way back to Peoria.
There's this herd of long horn cattle in a pasture just south of Deer Creek, a High School in the middle of the corn fields with it's own wind generator, a bridge in the middle of nowhere, the corn just sprouting all around us. It was a nice trip.
When we got back, I gave her a copy of Terry Brooks "Running with the Demon" which is a fantasy fiction novel that largely takes place in Sinnissippi Park and the Cemetary. I saw her last night and she was all stoked up over being able to see the stuff that was in the book. So tell and reinforce.
Later this month, my youngest kid and her three kids will be up from Kansas City and want to visit the graves. Well, her kids are 8, 6, and 4 so there won't be much history for them, but I started going there since I could barely walk so if nothing else I'll get to yell at them "DON'T STEP ON POOR MR. BALDO!" Which is one of my earliest recollections of the place when my Dad used to yell it at me. Oh, and #3 kid is getting pretty good at knowing where things are there too.
So don't depend on schools to ecucate your kids and grandkids. That's what us old farts are for.
 _________________ Tin Can Sailor |
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1991932 Lance Corporal
Joined: 02 Oct 2004 Posts: 381 Location: Massachusetts
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:11 am Post subject: |
Thanks, Snipe.
Your post made my day, as I'm certain your actions will be long-remembered by the younger generations in your family.
Great job. _________________ Former "War Criminal" |
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