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Blog reveals rumor that N. Korea Torpedoed the Oil Rig.

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Ohio Voter

Joined: 09 Aug 2004
Posts: 360

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 7:12 pm    Post subject: Blog reveals rumor that N. Korea Torpedoed the Oil Rig. Reply with quote

Have any of you heard this rumor? Makes more sense to me than that an oil rig just suddenly blew up for now reason.


Just a portion here. Click the link to read it all.

Did North Korea sabotage Gulf oil rig, and did Obama cover it up?

For the past few days bloggers have been speculating on whether or not North Korea engaged in sabotage to torpedo the Gulf oil rig, resulting in a massive explosion that sent the rig sinking into the Gulf and spilling thousands of barrels of oil that are now headed to the Gulf Coast.

This blog is an example of the story being reported, which is based upon a Kremlin report in the 'EU Times' which accuses North Korea of blowing up the rig in an attempt to sink a South Korean vessel in the Gulf.

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Joined: 26 Aug 2004
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Location: Kansas (Transplanted Texan)

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The conventional explanation of a gas bubble and a failure of the pressure relief and fail-safe systems is plausible enough to explain the explosion and sinking of the platform. It would be very difficult to penetrate the security --- without going into details -- to even attempt such an attack as the blogger atributes to the Russian report.

Considering the proposed solution of using a nuclear device to close the leak, there are at least three leaks, so would they need to detonate three devices? What if the explosions opened more leaks? More important, there is no reason to contaminate the entire scene with radiation, and how big do you suppose the tsunami would be by the time it hit the shore?
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Ohio Voter

Joined: 09 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 3:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know all that stuff. But I do know that link at the bottom of TexasFreds blog leading to the EU times article is bring up a virus attack. Thankfully my computer caught it.

TEWSPilot wrote:
The conventional explanation of a gas bubble and a failure of the pressure relief and fail-safe systems is plausible enough to explain the explosion and sinking of the platform. It would be very difficult to penetrate the security --- without going into details -- to even attempt such an attack as the blogger atributes to the Russian report.

Considering the proposed solution of using a nuclear device to close the leak, there are at least three leaks, so would they need to detonate three devices? What if the explosions opened more leaks? More important, there is no reason to contaminate the entire scene with radiation, and how big do you suppose the tsunami would be by the time it hit the shore?
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Joined: 26 Aug 2004
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Location: Kansas (Transplanted Texan)

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ohio Voter,

The theory I summarized was offered by experts and corroborated by one of the survivors of the explosion based on what he saw and heard during the sequence leading up to the blowout. Hitting a huge gas pocket can create a situation similar to pumping hand soap through a dispenser and suddenly a hidden high pressure port opens inside the container and releases pressure into the closed container. The pressure quickly over pressurizes the volume inside the container and blows the incompressible liquid up the discharge tube too fast for you to react. The check valves try to contain the pressure but fail if the pressure is too high. If they hold, the overpressure can blow the entire container apart before you can stop it or relieve the pressure by unscrewing the lid. In the well drilling system, there are valves to redirect the overpressure, but either the pressure built too quickly for them to relieve the pressure, or they failed, and the pressure continued to build until "something else gave". ....simple but sufficient analogy.

Such occurrences are rare, and there are systems in place to detect the onset of gas leaking into the oil stream and then to relieve the pressure before it builds up to the level where it can cause a blowout, but apparently the system failed.

Posting juicy stories that lead to a site where virus attacks are awaiting an unsuspecting visitor are common practice for both porn sites and cyber attackers and are being used more and more by the Chinese and other enemies of the West. You might want to report that site to the hosting company, but if it is a "trap", they may all be working together. Glad your anti-virus software protected you.
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