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Answering Democrat ATTACKS
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Dwight Callaway

Joined: 15 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:06 am    Post subject: Answering Democrat ATTACKS Reply with quote

This is a beginning for a list of Democrat attacks and hostile questions heard recently from talk radio callers and media commentators. Often the Swift Vet defender did not give a good answer or had NO ANSWER. We can beat them but we have to prepare better. The lies and sophistries are finite. We can collect them all and prepare good answers that kick butt. The goal is to know their stuff better than they do; to tee off on every attack they make and to destroy them, on point at a time. When they are humiliated whenever they make a certain attack, you will stop hearing it. Soon they will have nothing to say.

The list below is a beginning and a rough draft. If you have other attacks you have heard, please add them - with your answer, if you have one. If you have a better or more complete answer, please add that too. I will post useful ideas into the original at some point.

(8-10 afternoon.) For now, those seeking to become more powerful at debating can just skim and study this thread. There is a lot of good stuff here already. Thanks to all. Keep it coming.

Also on the main website there is a FAQ section with some hostile questions with good answers to study.

Hostile Questions and Attacks ANSWERED

----This Swift Vet attack is a terrible distraction from an important discussion and election.

A) This is actually the most important issue of the election. The fundamental character and honesty of John Kerry must be known before election day – not later. This expose’ of the 35 year pattern of dishonesty, self-promotion, corrosive ambition, fraud, instability, etc. is the most important issue of this election.

Kerry is afraid of this discussion, because he is lying on so many points about his Vietnam service. That is why Kerry is afraid to debate the Swift Vets. That is why his “loyal defenders” are afraid to debate the Swift Vets. Instead of openly debating, Kerry hides behind lawyers who try to intimidate TV stations into not running the Swift Vet ad. This is a cowardly attack on Free Speech as he postures as some kind of savior of American liberty. This hypocrisy and fraud was his pattern all the way back to Vietnam. That is what the Swift Vet message proves.

----Why haven’t you brought all this up before. Why did you wait till now?

A) Different reasons for different people probably. In Vietnam, just glad to be rid of him. Let him have his phoney medals. We have a war to fight. Kerry is just one of many things that need attention. After Kerry was in politics in Mass, most guys would not care that much. Who cares who Mass elects to the Senate. Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne in a car wreck. Acted cowardly, dishonestly, disgracefully. Bribes and pays off the Kopechne family, etc. The “people” of Mass continue to re-elect Teddy. Mass. itself is disgraceful for this. Mass. deserves Kennedy and Kerry. But the rest of America deserves better.

It didn’t matter before; it does matter now.

----None of these Swift Vets were on Kerry’s boat. They don’t know what happened.

A)Gardner served on the same boat for __________ weeks. He witnessed _________. Van Odell witnessed________________Many other Swift Vets served on other boats that were sometimes within yards of Kerry’s boat during the fraudulent incidents. Swift boats always operated in pairs and often in large groups for mutual support and back-up.

And another answer from --From Raggok ----- Also, to counter the "didn't really serve with John Kerry" idiocy be sure to bring that photo of all of the officers together and emphasize that Kerry himself used this photo for campaign purposes as examples of people that he served with.

-----Kerry should SUE YOU for your lies.

A) Let him, but he doesn’t dare because he is lying. Kerry should DEBATE us if he were truthful, but he is not honest, so he won’t debate. And the same is true for the the “loyal crewmembers” of Kerry. They are afraid to debate. Kerry and the democratic campaign will not allow these men to publicly debate. They are afraid what these men will break down and say when put under pressure of the truth, out of the mouths of men they know well. If this is not so then let the debates begin. The Swift Vets are ready. It is Kerry, etc. that hide behind lawyers, handlers and sophists like you.

----Geo. Bush should ORDER the Swift Vets to stop this attack. If Geo. Bush wasn’t spineless he would stop these attacks now.

A) Bush can’t order the Swift Vets to do anything. They don’t don’t work for him and you know it. Geo. Bush understands Freedom and Freedom of Speech while the Kerry campaign doesn’t. Kerry is the person who is spineless; he won’t debate.

----You are hurting the Bush campaign. You better shut up! (Honest to God, I heard this one almost back-to-back with the one above on a talk show Sunday. A paid Demo_rat operative was the speaker.)
A)Okaaay, then why don’t you guys give the Swift Vets several million dollars so we can run more ads, and really guarantee that Kerry wins.

----Your TV ad has no proof, it is just a bunch of people’s opinions.

A) The TV ad is backed up by a __________ page packet of information, affidavits, ________, _________, The TV ad is also backed up by John O’neill’s book “Unfit for Command” and the website www.swiftvets.com . You can put only so much in a 60 sec. TV ad. You know that and so this attack is more sophistry from John Kerry.

From now on when you listen to talk radio, please write down the attack questions and comments you hear. Bring them here and post them. We will find good answers for them.

ALERT: Anyone who can listen to Air America (Al Franken, Garofalo, etc.)on the radio or the internet and is willing to help monitor them, please do. This could produce a mother lode of attack sophistry in a short period of time. Likewise Hannity and Colmes tonight will interview John O'neill and Corsi. Everything out of Alan Colmes mouth! Same with Chris Mathews show and any other pro Kerry shows on cable. If any pro Kerry cable show gets on the Swift Vet topic, it will be a bonanza of BS. Just write them down and send them in. Thanks (added 8-10)

Dwight Callaway
We have the Government and the Institutions that we deserve. If you want better government then YOU want to be a better citizen.

Last edited by Dwight Callaway on Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:29 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


GREAT start - this is most appreciated!

(And I'm not ignoring you, I promise - just glued here - I'm still working on that other thing. Wink )
~ Echo Juliet ~
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Joined: 06 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really feel that the only way the vets can stand their ground in the hostile "media" arena is to immediately clear up the misconceptions cleverly being used by their opponents. They have to peel each layer of untruth before they even are at equal footing with their detractors. The size of the vessels, the social environment of their headquarters/livingquarters, & the fact that boats were consolidated into close-knit fighting units, etc. must all be emphasized before the true "fire" is exchanged in a media forum. Perhaps the use of VISUAL AIDS could be a more compelling sell than strictly verbal explanation. For example, an overhead diagram of a typical swift boat unit in battle formation. Visuals are always more striking to the casual observer and subsequently "rock solid" in the face of baseless verbal attacks. Obviously, this site provides a wealth of information into the nature of the PCF boats so I won't bore you with details. Just look around. But it is imperative that the vets immediately "paint" a clear, indellible thumbnail sketch of the U.S. Naval environment & protocol in Vietnam, so their credible testimony can be better comprehended by the uninformed public. God Bless you all.

FYI for the lazy:


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Joined: 17 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:40 am    Post subject: Re: Answering Democrat ATTACKS Reply with quote

----This Swift Vet attack is a terrible distraction from an important discussion and election.

People don't vote for President based on policies and opinions that must only change with events anyway. They select a President based on who he is and what he's got inside. John Kerry knows that and that is all he's selling. The problem is, it is mostly fake, and the people who know that are now coming forward to prove it, and to save the American people from falling for the biggest con-artist in American political history.
----Why haven’t you brought all this up before. Why did you wait till now?

You might ask the Associated Press why they refused to run this story over three months ago when the Swift Vets For Truth held a Press Conference at the National Press Club and said much the same things that the ad says.

----None of these Swift Vets were on Kerry’s boat. They don’t know what happened.

Hardly anyone was on Kerry's boat - it only had a crew of five! Do you imagine he was on a solitary secret mission up the Mekong river for the whole four months, like Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now? These boats hunted in packs, and when they fought, they fought together. No one had to be a tatoo on Kerry's arm to be in on what he was up to. Beside which, they lived on land like you and me, not on the boats, more closely together than in any neighborhhod in the civilian world you could ever imagine.

-----Kerry should SUE YOU for your lies.

It would be most welcome if he did, because then he'd have to answer in an open forum before an impartial judge and jury. So he can't sue. It would ruin him. Anyway, the election will be over before they'd even have a prliminary hearing. What all Vietnam Veterans should look into after the election is a class action libel suit against Kerry on behalf of all of us for his post-war slanders that materially damaged tens of thousands, if not millions, of vets - not to mention the harm he casued the USA.

----Your TV ad has no proof, it is just a bunch of people’s opinions.

In the military it is called "recon by fire." This way we have all the screamers on TV yelling exactly what you just said, and having drawn them into that ambush, we release an entire book of meticulously documented evidence to validate the ad. Not only does this cream the opposition, it allows them to make fools of themselves in advance, while hyping the book onto the best seller list before it is even released.
For The Honor of the Fifty-Eight Thousand.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Well, overall, good stuff if a bit long. Shorten everything up so it can be used in a soundbite. Crisp, clear, concise and with dignity.

Also, when you start bringing Kennedy stuff in and maligning the state of Mass. that's too much. Look, you do not have to sling mud here to make a point -- tempting as it may be. When you sling mud, you lose ground.

Instead, you calmly state the facts as you know them in response to the completely idiotic question and then repeat same if needed. Keep hammering away at your point and stop the presses when you hear a falsehood. Clearly ask for time to rebut the wrong information and then do it. The more you look like a real pro -- not a newscaster but someone who is confident about their subject -- the better you will be perceived.

Stick to the facts and tone down the emotional content even though the horrors of war are hardly non-emotional.

Give sources for your answers if possible or say that they can visit the website for the sources. (Not a bad page to add by the way. Sources for all major statements/charges).


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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:45 am    Post subject: Simpify, simplify... Reply with quote


Let me see if I can condense even your cogent advice:

Fisk, don't discuss.

Spear precisely, don't bludgeon angrily.

State and, if necessary, repeat. Don't surrender.

Speak truth, don't shout feelings.

Stick to facts, don't slip on opinions.

How did I do?
Bye bye, Boston Straggler!

Last edited by Scott on Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Damn straight:-)

What a moto for the group!
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's a couple more:

"Swifties are funded by republicans"

MoveOn.org and all liberal 527's are funded by democrats. Does that mean everything they say is wrong?

"Bush should repudiate the swifties"

When Kerry repudiates Michael Moore

"Swifties are just mad at Kerry for dissing them to Congress"

And rightly so...but that doesn't refute their testimony.

Basically, it all boils down to the substance of the swifties' testimonies. And that's what is so frustrating about the liberal media's treatment of this issue. How many times have they had one swiftie and one critic actually sitting down and presenting and refuting the evidence? I haven't seen it yet on the networks. Frustrating, but predictable.

But we have to remember that we can't make decisions for the networks. That's their turf. We can complain like heck and get others to do the same, but that's about as far as that can go. Our real power is right here on these boards. Anybody that sees the commercial or hears about it in any media outlet can come here and hear the uncensored swiftie testimony. That should be the focus, including making sure that all resources here are as effective as possible.

Maybe even something on the front page like "What the media is saying and our response", very succinct, on the major points.

Let's keep the ideas flowing!
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Dwight Callaway

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Criticizing my style of dealing with Kerry and linking him to Kennedy or maligning Mass. misses the point and pulls this thread off purpose. Complimenting what is here so far isn't really what we need either.

The goal here is to build a comprehensive list of hostile questions with good answers to them. Even multiple good answers to them. So that each person, when they have the opportunity to speak and defend Swift Vets will have AMMUNITION that is lacking today. Our truth is getting beat by their lies. And that is happening because we are not trained and prepared.

I am also writing the ideas I have with a talk radio caller in mind or even a talk radio guest who will have a minute or two to make a point, if not longer. I like sound bites too. If you have good ideas for some, SEND THEM IN.

This is a rough draft; a work in progress. Some of the answers may get long or more precisely will provide multiple choices for people. Anyone who uses this stuff can choose to edit out anything he doesn't like or add anything he wants or to shorten a long answer into a soundbite. Personally, how aggressively I answer a question or attack depends on the venue and what my gut says to do. All I am suggesting is that any of you who have good ideas to share them with everyone else.

So again I ask, please write down and send in all the attack statements and questions you hear or have heard from talk radio or media pundits. There are LOTS more questions and accusations out there. We will write answers to them and share them with everyone.

Maybe when this thing starts to smooth up, admin will choose to make it part of a tutorial for all who would support and defend Swift Vets in the media and on talk radio.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

....on factcheck.org

tell them to type in 'moveon.org' in the search box : there are currently 4 results:

Would Bush Eliminate Overtime Pay for 8 Million?
Is Bush Abusing Seniors with Medicare Rx Benefit?
George Bush As Herbert Hoover? Oh Come On!
Economy Producing Mostly Bad Jobs? Not so fast.

Not exactly the bastion of free thought Rolling Eyes
Click 4 SEC Sports Talk
Kerry Fled While Brave Men Bled
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's another one. Seems like a common thread in all the liberal interviews is to suggest that Kerry's subordinates are the best judges of his character.

Question: If that's the case, then why don't they let the subordinates write an officer's performance reviews and determine who gets promoted? From records Kerry has released, it looks like they don't even ASK subordinates what their experiences are. Who reviews and promotes? THE SUPERIOR. And why? Because they have been trained to identify and assess character traits conducive to leadership.

And what did Kerry's superiors conclude? Because of behavioral problems, they ASKED him to leave. Based on their experience of who makes a good leader and why, Kerry was determined to be unacceptable.

Even his fellow officers, who had experience in assessing their subordinates, would be in a better position to determine Kerry's fitness than Kerry's subordinates. And the vast majority of Kerry's fellow officers are agreeing with his superiors that he was unfit.

Bottom line, the LEAST qualified people to make those assessments were Kerry's subordinates. Yet those are the only people the media are asking to make that assessment. Or, to put it in sound bite terms:

If Kerry's subordinates are so qualified to assess his leadership, why doesn't the military let them decide who gets promoted?

Needs some fine tuning, but the concept is there. Whadaya think?
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Joined: 01 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Democrats make for terrible historians. If we followed their weird logic of, “these vets did not serve on Kerry’s boat”, so therefore their accounts cannot be trusted, then history would not be written.

The vets that did not serve on Kerry’s boat, but are speaking out with the truth, served on boats that ran beside or behind Kerry’s, and fought in the same battles.

How many battles in history have you read that follow this Democratic logic? NONE!! Read any account from any battle and you will learn how history is told.

When Stephen Ambrose wrote about the European Theater in WWII, he accurately told the story of that entire campaign from storming the beaches of Normandy to Germany’s surrender. He weaved together his narrative from countless numbers of soldiers’ accounts that explained what they saw happen from “hundreds” of yards away. But, Ambrose did this by corroborative evidence from many soldiers who saw the same thing from “hundreds” of yards away.

SVBT have done the same thing – they have many accounts from many vets who corroborate the same story. That is history, and that would be strong evidence in a court of law.
Watch Kerry Implode Because Of Truth!!
Watch Rather Implode Because Of Lies!!
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You GottaBeKidding
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's not just in the military that subordinates don't have much (if any) influence on promotions, raises, etc. Just about anyone with a job knows that. Your coworkers (those at the same level) know whether you get the job done right and on time or not and so does your supervisor. It's possible (but not probable) that those who work for you will be asked their opinions.

So why do all these people who you'd think would have real jobs think that the situation is different with the Swift boats.


Two talking points (and one is "lifted" from someone else, maybe even in this thread):

* You do not have to be inside a car involved in the accident to witness the accident. In fact, those who are NOT in the car may have better views of and clearer memories of the accident than someone in the car.

* You do not have to work in the same cubicle, teach in the same classroom, or share an office with someone to know them. Promotions and raises for teachers are not based on recommendations from students, for factory workers are not based on input from their coworkers, etc.

(It's obvious that the people making the "wasn't on the boat" comments aren't aware that the boats have a crew of six, that the boats went out in groups, that the officers and crew comprised a relatively small group of people, etc. The photos linked to in one post here tell a lot.)
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Concerning the charge that you all are funded by a "rich republican."

point out that you are a independent 527 and it can't be expected for only Democrats to be donating to an anti-Kerry group.. although some of our members are democrats..

also some statistics are in the link below that might be useful in countering some of the whole "big money rich mysterious donar" canard


Like at least the top 4 or 5 527 groups are all Democrat and between them alone there's about 30 or 40 million dollars.

Just my humble 2 cents

Good luck & God Bless
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A couple more from http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1188609/posts

Edwards would confirm this one if he were honest (but don't hold your breath). Say he was litigating one of his ambulance-chasing cases and he had the doctor who treated the client testify. What would be his response if his opponent asked the doctor if he were at the scene of the accident? Edwards would say "that's irrelevant. His expertise is totally unrelated to whether he was at the scene of the accident or not". Same with Dr. Letson and others. Their expertise medically or in assessing an officer's fitness are unrelated to being present at a particular incident.

Another one is their harping on Swift's funding, suggesting the information is somehow less credible if the organization receives funding from a Republican. Well, check out:


Harvey Weinstein has made large donations to several Democratic organizations. Who's he? Only the chairman of Miramax, distributor of Michael Moore's spinfest "Farenheit 911". So I guess nothing Moore says is valid either.

To consolidate, another thread mentioned that Kerry's own "Funniest Home Videos" shows swifties who now oppose him. Any of those who could be verified would neutralize the opponents' claims the swifties weren't there...and with their own evidence yet...always fun.

Any others?
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